using js functions within js functions in html.erb - javascript

ok should be an easy one for everyone,...
i am calling a javascript function in the tag of a button using inclick. Im trying to get that function to have three different parameters. The function then submits three different times, which should end up being three different records in a ruby table.
But i cant see why this doesnt work...
function submiteffort( elem )
// Elem 1
$("#effort_hours").val( $( elem ).val() );
$("#task_id").val( );
return true;
function medium( leave, toil, sick)
var dave = submiteffort(document.getElementsByName(leave));
if(dave == true){
var dave2 = submiteffort(document.getElementsByName(toil));
if(dave2 == true){
<div class="startleft">
<td><input class="dayinput" type="text" name="Leave" placeholder="0" ></td>
<td><input class="dayinput" type="text" name="TOIL" placeholder="0"></td>
<td><input class="dayinput" type="text" name="Sick" placeholder="0"></td>
<td><input id="total" class="total_low" type="text" value="0" disabled="" name="Dave">
<td><button onclick="medium('Leave','TOIL','Sick')">Commit</button></td>
For some reason this only submits 1 record into the table and i cant figure out why.

Well if you submit the form, the page refreshes, and the other 2 function calls don't execute. You'd have to use AJAX to send data to the backend in 3 separate function calls.


Multiple row form - how to update specific row when input field names are same in column

I have a report that, when it goes into input mode, creates a form where you have multiple rows of data, and on each row, there is a button and an input field. The input field name is the same for each row (it's easier for the CGI program to process the input that way). What I would also like, but having trouble doing, is if the user clicks on the button of that row, it should automatically update the input field in that same row. How can javascript find the input field for the same row where the button is?
I was stuck coming out of the gates, so don't even know where to start.
Here's a simplified version of the HTML:
<td><input type="text" name="overtime" value="1000"></td>
<td><input type="button" name="averageIN" value="Average In" onclick="return avgIN('1000,'2000');">
<td><input type="text" name="overtime" value="500"></td>
<td><input type="button" name="averageIN" value="Average In" onclick="return avgIN('500,'2000');">
Here's the incomplete javascript:
function avgIN(orig, avg) {
let text = "Request to Average In Overtime:\n\n"+
"Current OT Total: "+orig+"\n"+
"Averaged In Total: "+avg+"\n\n"+
"Click OK to accept";
if (confirm(text) == true) {
// do something here to set the overtime input field on the same row to the value of "avg"
else {
alert("Average In function canceled");
use event delegation...
and do something like that:
const myTable = document.querySelector('#my-table')
myTable.onclick = e =>
if (!'button[data-avg-in]')) return // exit
[orig, avg] =',').map(Number)
, txt =
`Request to Average In Overtime:
Current OT Total: ${orig}
Averaged In Total: ${avg}
Click OK to accept`
if (confirm(txt))
{'tr').querySelector('input[name="overtime[]"]').value = 'avg'
alert('Average In function canceled');
<table id="my-table">
<td><input type="text" name="overtime[]" value="1000"></td>
<td><button data-avg-in="1000,2000" >Average In</button></td>
<td><input type="text" name="overtime[]" value="500"></td>
<td><button data-avg-in="500,2000" >Average In</button></td>

Checkbox click event

I have a group of checkboxes inside a table where I want to change the value of a different column in the row when the checkbox is checked. I have researched for a solution but nothing I have found seems to solve my problem. I realize that my stumbling block is my unfamiliarity with jquery so any suggestions would help. Ultimately I wish to total the columns where the change has occurred to get a total. So if an answer included ideas about that as well I would not complain. Thanks as always, you are a great group.
<td><input name="amputeeGolfer" type="checkbox" id="amputeeGolfer" value="amputee" onchange="changeFee"/>
<label for="amputeeGolfer">Amputee Golfer</label></td>
<td align="left"><label for="amputeeFee">$50.00</label></td>
<td><input name="amputeeFee" type="number" id="amputeeFee" class="tblRight" size="10" value="0.00"/></td>
function changeFee(val) {
$('#amputeeFee').val(), "$50.00";
Fully functioning snippet. No jQuery required!
When the onchange event fires, it checks whether the checkbox was just checked or unchecked, and toggles the price accordingly. It can even be combined with all sorts of other checkboxes.
function togglePrice(element,price){
document.getElementById("amputeeFee").value = parseInt(document.getElementById("amputeeFee").value) + price;
document.getElementById("amputeeFee").value = parseInt(document.getElementById("amputeeFee").value) - price;
<td><input name="amputeeGolfer" type="checkbox" id="amputeeGolfer" value="amputee" onchange="togglePrice(this,50);"/>
<label for="amputeeGolfer">Amputee Golfer</label></td>
<td align="left"><label for="amputeeFee">$50.00</label></td>
<td><input name="amputeeFee" type="number" id="amputeeFee" class="tblRight" size="10" value="0"/></td>
It works perfectly and you can even set how much the checkbox adds to the cost!
You can get closest tr closest('tr') to assure input in same row with check box and find input with name find("input[name='amputeeFee']") and change value for it.
function changeFee(val) {
var amputeeFee = $(val).closest('tr').find("input[name='amputeeFee']");
function changeFee(val) {
var amputeeFee = $(val).closest('tr').find("input[name='amputeeFee']");
<script src=""></script>
<td><input name="amputeeGolfer" type="checkbox" id="amputeeGolfer" value="amputee" onchange="changeFee(this)"/>
<label for="amputeeGolfer">Amputee Golfer</label></td>
<td align="left"><label for="amputeeFee">$50.00</label></td>
<td><input name="amputeeFee" type="number" id="amputeeFee" class="tblRight" size="10" value="0.00"/></td>
To call a JavaScript function like changeFee(val) in an HTML's element event, the funciton has to be called as the same in the script. As all functions in an HTML' event: <element onclick="myFunction()">, and not <element onclick="myFunction"> beacuse it doesn't reconize it's a function in JavaScript.
Then the code will be:
<td><input name="amputeeGolfer" type="checkbox" id="amputeeGolfer" value="amputee" onchange="changeFee(this.value)"/>
<label for="amputeeGolfer">Amputee Golfer</label></td>
<td align="left"><label for="amputeeFee">$50.00</label></td>
<td><input name="amputeeFee" type="number" id="amputeeFee" class="tblRight" size="10" value="0.00"/></td>

Value not displaying in correct input

I have a 2 row table with input fields that does a calculation when I focusout on the first input. The problem I am experiencing is when I focusout on the second row, my new value is displayed in the first row corresponding input. I'm not sure why this is happening. I would greatly appreciate your help.
My expectation is when I enter a value in a row input (Cost) and focusout the new value should be set in the same row but in the input (New Cost).
function Calculate(element) {
var dollar = 216.98;
var id =;
var oldcost = $(element).val();
var newcost = oldcost * dollar;
$("#" + id).closest("tr").find("td #new").val(newcost);
<script src=""></script>
<th>New Cost</th>
<td><input type="number" id="old" onfocusout="Caluculate(this)" /></td>
<td><input type="number" new="new" /></td>
<td><input type="number" id="old" onfocusout="Caluculate(this)" /></td>
<td><input type="number" new="new" /></td>
There's several issues here. Firstly you're repeating the same id attribute which is invalid; they must be unique. I'd suggest using a class instead. Secondly, there's is no new attribute. I presume that's a typo and should be an id, but again see my first point.
Next, the function you defined is named Calculate() yet the call is to Caluculate().
Then you should also be using unobtrusive event handlers as on* event attributes are very outdated and should be avoided where possible. As you've already included jQuery in the page you can use the on() method. The input event would seem to be more applicable to your usage as well, especially given it also catches the up/down arrow usage on the number control, although you can change this to blur if preferred.
Finally, it's a simply a matter of amending your DOM traversal logic to work with the new classes, like this:
var dollar = 216.98;
$('.old').on('input', function() {
var oldcost = $(this).val();
var newcost = oldcost * dollar;
<script src=""></script>
<th>New Cost</th>
<td><input type="number" class="old" /></td>
<td><input type="number" class="new" /></td>
<td><input type="number" class="old" /></td>
<td><input type="number" class="new" /></td>
Your use of id's is kind of messed up. First of all be sure to use an id once in the entire HTML file.
For your usecase better use classes.
Also be sure to type your function names correct ;)
function Calculate(element) {
var dollar = 216.98;
var parent = $(element).closest('tr');
var oldcost = $(element).val();
var newcost = oldcost * dollar;
<script src=""></script>
<th>New Cost</th>
<td><input type="number" class="old" onfocusout="Calculate(this)" /></td>
<td><input type="number" class="new" /></td>
<td><input type="number" class="old" onfocusout="Calculate(this)" /></td>
<td><input type="number" class="new" /></td>
They have the same ID. You need to make the ID different
Firstly, there is a a typo.Change caluculate to calculate
There must not be the same id two elemnts have the same id.You could change the id of the first to old-1 or something different

jQuery submit working after second click only

I wrote this code that should submit registration form (PHP) using jQuery and iframe.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).on('click', '#reg_form_sub', function(event) {
var error_message_lgn = $("#reg_frame").contents().text();
<iframe name="reg_frame" id="reg_frame" style="display:none;" src="register.php"></iframe>
<p id="reg_error"></p>
<td><input type="email" name="reg_email" id="reg_form_input" placeholder="Email"></td>
<td><input type="password" name="reg_pass" id="reg_form_input" placeholder="Password"></td>
<td><input type="password" name="reg_pass_confirm" id="reg_form_input" placeholder="Confirm password"></td>
<td><input type="submit" name="reg_submit" id="reg_form_sub" value="Send me a confirmation email"></td>
It is kind of working, but when I click the button the first time nothing happens.
When I click the second time I get echo from PHP (script submits the form, it creates the account etc, but I get echo only after clicking for the second time).
I just added onload and now its working
$(document).on('click', '#reg_form_sub', function(event) {
$('#reg_frame').on("load", function() {
var error_message_lgn = $("#reg_frame").contents().text();
First there is no form Tag. If you planning to save data's use button click function.

Why the alert message is not appearing?

I've a following HTML code:
<form name="question_issue_form" id="question_issue_form" action="question_issue.php">
<table class="trnsction_details" width="100%" cellpadding="5">
<input type="checkbox" name = "que_issue[]" value = "Question is wrong" id ="chkQueWrong">Question is wrong</input>
<td><input type="checkbox" name = "que_issue[]" value = "Answers are wrong" id ="chkAnsWrong">Answers are wrong</input></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name = "que_issue[]" value = "Question direction is incorrect" id ="chkDirIncorrect">Question direction is incorrecct</input></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name = "que_issue[]" value = "Other" id ="chkOther">Other</input></td>
<td class="set_message" style="display:none;"><textarea name="que_issue_comment" rows="4" cols="25" maxlength="100"></textarea></td>
<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" id="report_question_issue"></td>
Following is my JS code:
$(document).on('click', '#report_question_issue', function (e) {
alert("Jumbo man");
And upon clicking the submit button I'm calling the alert to appear but it's not appearing. I'm not getting why this is happening? For your refrence following is link to the js Fiddle;
You are not including JQuery Reference. And you are missing to close );
In your code bracket isn't closed properly at last. this is required ")" see this updated fiddle
$(document).on('click', '#report_question_issue', function (e) {
alert("Jumbo man");
$(document).on('click', '#report_question_issue', function (e) {
alert("Jumbo man");
$(XXX) this is a jquery syntax, but i saw you are in the Pure JS environment.
Should you use a js library?
The problem is with the submit action of the <form> that reload the page before the JS is called.
To avoid it, you can change it by one of following :
1st using JS into action attribute
<form name="question_issue_form" id="question_issue_form" action="javascript:alert('test')">
2nd using onsubmit attribute
<form name="question_issue_form" id="question_issue_form" onsubmit="alert('test');" action="question_issue.php">
3rd using jQuery on submit event
$('form#question_issue_form').submit(function() {
return false; //to avoid the reload
4th using jQuery on click event on the submit button
$('form#question_issue_form').click(function() {
return false; //to avoid the reload

