CKEditor dialog select box dynamic population - javascript

I have two select boxes in a dialog..I was wondering if i can set the contents of the second select box based on the selection of the first box..i.e if select box1 has x selected, then select box2 contents are a, b, c..if select box1 has y selected, then select box2 contents are d, e, f.. Is this possible to implement?

I'm guessing that the dialog with two select boxes you mentioned is part of a custom plugin you are creating. So my answer shows code you could use in the dialog file that's being created as part of the plugin.
The onChange function of Selector One creates a reference to Selector Two using:
dialog.getContentElement( 'general', 'selectorTwo' )
'general' is the id of the dialog panel containing the selectors.
'selectorTwo' is the id of the second selector.
I modified the source code from the SimpleLink tutorial hosted at
Creating a CKEditor Plugin with a Custom Dialog Window
Download the SimpleLink source code here:
Unzip and add the simpleLink folder to your ckeditor/plugins directory.
Update your config file by adding the simpleLink plugin to your extraplugins list:
config.extraPlugins = 'onchange,insertsnippet,resconfinearea,resiframe,simpleLink',
Or when you do CKEDITOR.replace use:
extraPlugins : 'onchange,insertsnippet,resconfinearea,resiframe,simpleLink',
Also add the button to your toolbar - 'SimpleLink'
You're going to insert the code snippet from the bottom of this message into the ckeditor/plugins/simpleLink/plugin.js file.
To make the insertion point easy to locate, the first twelve lines of the snippet overlap with lines ( 111 - 122 ) of the simpleLink/plugin.js file.
After you insert the snippet, open ckeditor/_source/plugins/forms/dialogs/select.js.
Copy the following three functions from the top of the select.js file and add them at the top of the simpleLink/plugin.js file:
Open a page that's using CKEditor and click on the SimpleLink button you added, you'll see selectors one and two at the bottom of the dialog window. When you change selector one, selector two will be updated. You should be able to modify the code to suit your application.
These pages have some useful information you can refer to when reviewing the code I posted:
Creating a CKEditor Plugin with a Custom Dialog Window
Class CKEDITOR.dialog
Class CKEDITOR.dialog.definition
Here's the code snippet to insert into the ckeditor/plugins/simpleLink/plugin.js file.
Just select lines ( 111 - 122 ) and paste this in:
type : 'checkbox',
id : 'newPage',
label : 'Opens in a new page',
// Default value.
'default' : true,
commit : function( data )
data.newPage = this.getValue();
type : 'select',
id : 'selectorOne',
label : 'Selector One',
items :
[ '<none>', '' ],
[ 'Set 1', 1],
[ 'Set 2', 2 ],
[ 'Set 3', 3 ]
onChange : function()
var dialog = this.getDialog(),
values = dialog.getContentElement( 'general', 'selectorTwo' ), // 'general' is the id of the dialog panel.
selectedSet = parseInt(this.getValue());
case 1:
optionsNames = new Array("Set One <none>","Set One A","Set One B","Set One C"),
optionsValues = new Array("","setOneA","setOneB","setOneC");
case 2:
optionsNames = new Array("Set Two <none>","Set Two A","Set Two B","Set Two C"),
optionsValues = new Array("","setTwoA","setTwoB","setTwoC");
case 3:
optionsNames = new Array("Set Three <none>","Set Three A","Set Three B","Set Three C"),
optionsValues = new Array("","setThreeA","setThreeB","setThreeC");
optionsNames = new Array("<none>"),
optionsValues = new Array("");
removeAllOptions( values );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < optionsNames.length ; i++ )
var oOption = addOption( values, optionsNames[ i ],
optionsValues[ i ], dialog.getParentEditor().document );
if ( i == 0 )
oOption.setAttribute( 'selected', 'selected' );
oOption.selected = true;
commit : function( data )
data.selectorOne = this.getValue();
type : 'select',
id : 'selectorTwo',
label : 'Selector Two',
items :
[ '<none>', '' ]
commit : function( data )
data.selectorTwo = this.getValue();
Hope this does the trick, let me know if something isn't clear,
Hi oggiemc,
Good to know that you've had a chance to experiment with the code and it's great that it's been helpful.
Answers to the additional questions about the functions copied from the plugins/forms/dialogs/select.js file.
1) The three functions shouldn't be called when the dialog is opened. That's not occurring in the sample I created as outlined in my initial answer. You might want to search your code for the three function names to see if they are being called someplace other than the ( onChange : function() ) contained in the selectorOne definition.
2) I broke down the ( removeAllOptions() function ) and included it below. It has a similar line of code. For the line you asked about:
if (combo && oOption && oOption.getName() == 'option'),
It says If ( combo exists ) AND ( oOption exists ) AND ( oOption.getName() == 'option' ) the If statement is true.
By "exists", I mean it's not null and not something that evaluates to false (either 0 or a binary Not true).
3) Yes, in this particular usage of the addOption() function, the index variable isn't used. You can remove the two if statements and just leave the code statement from each else clause.
4) obj.getInputElement() returns the DOM element object, but obj.getInputElement().$ only returns the HTML tag for the DOM object. Try adding some console.log calls to the getSelect() function and you'll see the difference:
if ( obj && obj.domId && obj.getInputElement().$ ) { // Dialog element.
console.log(obj.getInputElement().$); // ADDED CONSOLE.LOG
console.log(obj.getInputElement()); // ADDED CONSOLE.LOG
return obj.getInputElement();
Here is the flow for the removeAllOptions() function:
In the onChange() function for selectorOne we create a variable "values" which represents selectorTwo.
values = dialog.getContentElement( 'general', 'selectorTwo' )
Before populating selectorTwo with new option values based on the option selected in selectorOne, we remove any existing options from selectorTwo:
removeAllOptions( values ); // values represents selectorTwo
Within the removeAllOptions() function the variable "combo" is assigned the value that was passed in the function call, so:
combo = values = selectorTwo.
The removeAllOptions() function calls the getSelect() function and sends it the "combo" variable as a parameter.
The "combo" variable will be assigned the value that is returned by the getSelect() function.
Within the getSelect() function the variable "obj" is assigned the value that was passed in the function call, so:
obj = combo = values = selectorTwo.
The getSelect() function can return one of three values:
A) if ( obj && obj.domId && obj.getInputElement().$ )
If obj is true AND if obj.domId is true AND if obj.getInputElement().$ returns anything other than false or null, it will return the value of obj.getInputElement().
So, if the obj variable exists and the domId property of obj is set, it will run the getInputElement() function on obj and check that the DOM property ($) is set.
getInputElement() uses the domId to return the DOM element that corresponds to the selectorTwo element.
B) If not all three parts of A were true, the getSelect() function tries:
if ( obj && obj.$ )
So, if the obj variable exists and it already is the DOM element ($), it will just send back obj.
C) If step B fails, then getSelect() returns false and selectorTwo doesn't have any option elements to remove.
Now back to the removeAllOptions() function to see what happens if step A or B of getSelect() returns something.
In both cases the "combo" variable will be the selectorTwo object with the DOM element (combo.$) set.
It runs a while loop over the array of option elements inside selectorTwo and removes them.
It gets the first option element "getChild( 0 )" and removes it, the option element that was at position Child( 1 ) moves to position Child( 0 ) and the loop continues until there are no option elements left.
The getInputElement() function is located at line ( 1085 ) of ckeditor_source\plugins\dialogui\plugin.js
The getInputElement() function calls the getElement() function.
The getElement() function is located at line ( 2560 ) of ckeditor_source\plugins\dialog\plugin.js
function removeAllOptions( combo )
combo = getSelect( combo );
while ( combo.getChild( 0 ) && combo.getChild( 0 ).remove() )
{ /*jsl:pass*/ }
function getSelect( obj )
if ( obj && obj.domId && obj.getInputElement().$ ) // Dialog element.
return obj.getInputElement();
else if ( obj && obj.$ )
return obj;
return false;
Be Well,

Yes, its totally possible to implement.. In the code, put 2 select boxes.
Then in the js code of that plugin, bind a clickhandler to the select box which puts the value u want in the second select box.


JQuery index() - Which way around?

In the following piece of code:
$('body').on('click', onClickSelector, function(e) {
Both logs seem to give the correct index value. That is, the index of this, within the onClickSelector collection.
But which is technically the correct way to get that value? Or are the two interchangeable? Also, are there any issues that could arise from using one over the other?
But which is technically the correct way to get that value?
They're interchangeable in that instance (since you don't already have the set of matches handy). If you look at the jQuery code under the covers, which looks like this:
index: function( elem ) {
// No argument, return index in parent
if ( !elem ) {
return ( this[ 0 ] && this[ 0 ].parentNode ) ? this.first().prevAll().length : -1;
// Index in selector
if ( typeof elem === "string" ) {
return jQuery( elem ), this[ 0 ] );
// Locate the position of the desired element
return this,
// If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used
elem.jquery ? elem[ 0 ] : elem
...they end up being the same thing: A call to the internal indexOf passing in a set and an element to find.

Display div, if keyword is present AND exclusion keyword is not present

I have a successful keyword argument working in jQuery using
var text = $("#pbtitle").text();
options.forEach( function( element ) {
if ( text.indexOf( element ) != -1 ) { // if its NOT -1 (-1 = not found)
$('.install_option').css('display','block'); // then we found it .. do your magic
However, I know wish to incorporate some negative/exclusion keywords. But struggling to get it working fully:
<h1 id="pbtitle"><?php echo $heading_title; ?></h1>
<div class="install_option" style="display:none; margin-bottom: 25px; overflow:hidden; box-sizing:border-box;">
<p>Take upgrade option</p>
var options = ['Adult Membership','Jnr Membership','Family Ticket'];
var exclusions = ['2016','Expired,'Void'];
var text = $("#pbtitle").text();
options.forEach( function( element ) {
if ( text.indexOf( element ) != -1 ) // if its NOT -1 (-1 = not found)
exclusions.forEach( function( elements ) {
if ( text.indexOf( elements ) == 1 ) { // if its NOT -1 (-1 = not found)
$('.install_option').css('display','block'); // then we found it .. do your magic
"So, if an option keyword is matched AND an exclusion keyword is not present. Display the 'install option' div. If not, keep the div hidden"
Example Outcomes
Adult Membership - Displays "Install Option" DIV
Jnr Membership 2017 - Displays "Install Option" DIV
Jnr Membership 2016 - DOES NOT DISPLAY "Install Option" DIV
Family Ticket Expired - DOES NOT DISPLAY "Install Option" DIV
Family Pass - DOES NOT DISPLAY "Install Option" DIV
You're trying to use && in a strange way. It should work as follows:
expression1 && expression2 && ... && expreesionN
Each expression is evaluated to true or false becuase all the values in JS are either boolean or boolean-like (that is, while convertion they become either true or false).
In your case what takes place is:
if ( text.indexOf( element ) != -1 ) // if its NOT -1 (-1 = not found)
exclusions.forEach( function( elements ) {
But what does exclusions.forEach return?
Instead of this I'd recommend to declare two variables indicating if any keword is found in the text and any exlucsion word is in the text, and then check whatever you want:
var hasKeywords = false,
hasExclusions = false;
// if at least (!) one option is found in the text you can definitely state the text contains keyword
if (text.indexOf(singleOption) >= 0) { hasKeywords = true}
// if at least on exclusion is found in the text you can say for sure that forbidden words are present
if (text.indexOf(element) >= 0) { hasExclusions = true}
if (hasKeywords && !hasExclusions) {
// do whatever you want
in this way you check for both conditions and explicitly check for them rather than turn everything into makaronee code. The variable names are pretty clear and easy to be used in boolean expressions
check out the other functions that Arrays provide. In this case forEach ain't what you are looking for:
And especially you don't want to change the display value inside the loop, because it has an awful performance and the final result depends on the last iteration only.
var options = ['Adult Membership','Jnr Membership','Family Ticket'];
var exclusions = ['2016','Expired','Void'];
var text = $("#pbtitle").text();
var inText = word => text.includes(word);
$('.install_option').css('display', options.some(inText) && !exclusions.some(inText)? 'block': 'none');

adding properties to an object

I wrote this code and it`s simple , i have an empty object which will contain some other objects as properties , but the object stays empty and don`t add the needed properties ..
let buildProfileClientValidator = function(form , rules){
let elements = {};
function init(){
//Some code that works fine
addElement(elementName , elementType);
addElement(elementName , elementType);
//the elements object should now have some other objects as properties
//but it`s empty !!!!
function addElement(elementName , elementType){
//this condition works fine
if( !elementExist(elementName) ){
//console.log(elementName , elementType); also works fine -> the values of elementName , elementType are present
elements[elementName] = {
type : elementType,
value : '',
rules : (rules[elementName] == undefined) ? '' : rules[elementName].split('|')
so what i`m missing ?!
After examining your code, but not knowing how buildProfileClientValidator gets called (and specifically what the rules parameter is), I can trace the problem to this line:
(rules[elementName] === undefined) ? '' : rules[elementName].split('|')
I have modified your code (to make it testable) in the following fiddle ( and when I replace that line with a static value, the code works.

How to call a javascript function using a javascript object from a different javascript file?

I am currently using a predefined javascript Select2.js.
Now my issue is that I have some set of values that are to be removed from the list which are again dynamic values as in say when I am editing a page and I need the already saved values again fetched from backend during page load to not appear when I am searching for the data.
For the above I need a way to access the select2 object being created on the page load and set add these values in some attribute but from a different js file.
Can anyone please help me with the same? I hope whatever I am making sense...
Thanks in advance.
Sample code --
var val = this.getVal(),
choices = this.results.find(".select2-result"),
compound = this.results.find(".select2-result-with-children"),
self = this;
choices.each2(function (i, choice) {
var id ="select2-data"));
if (indexOf(id, val) >= 0) {
// mark all children of the selected parent as selected
compound.each2(function(i, choice) {
// hide an optgroup if it doesnt have any selectable children
if (!'.select2-result-selectable')
&& choice.find(".select2-result-selectable:not(.select2-selected)").length === 0) {
The above is a snippet from the select2.js..
Here this refers to the select2 object being created using the below code :
closeOnSelect: false,
width: '450px',
minimumInputLength: 3,
ajax: {},
allowClear: true,
tags: true
When alerted, val returns the comma separated ids of the elements already selected so I need to make sure that this.getVal() has the predefined data...
There is a function named setVal as below -
setVal: function (val) {
var unique;
if ( {;
} else {
unique = [];
// filter out duplicates
$(val).each(function () {
if (indexOf(this, unique) < 0) unique.push(this);
this.opts.element.val(unique.length === 0 ? "" : unique.join(this.opts.separator));

Extjs Grid - Click event listener

I did successfully add a row double click event listener to my grid by:
listeners : {
itemdblclick: function(dv, record, item, index, e) {
Now, I need to get the exact value in third column at the selected row, how can I do that ?
Okay found it:
listeners: {
itemclick: function(dv, record, item, index, e) {
but seems like the result of record.get('name') is not a text! its an object but I cannot handle it as if it a text. any body has any idea ?
For example, if I pass the name to search function: Search(record.get('name')); this won't work. but if I pass it this way: Search('Mike'); it works !
Ensure that
Your property name is really lowercase 'name' and not 'Name'
Print the value of the field into the console with console.log(record.get('name')) or use the direct access by typing console.log( or console.log(['name']). Basically all should return the same.
To cast a value to string apply '' on the fly like var myVar = 2; myVar = myVar + ''; // now print 20 as string
Try with,
listeners: {
itemclick: function(dv, record, item, index, e) {
var selectedRec = dv.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
alert(selectedRec.get('name')); //Will display text of name column of selected record

