How to store a div ID value globally - javascript

I am creating an application that uses the same number pad to fill out two separate text style form values using javascript.
I found out how to gather a div ID for use inside of a function (for say toggling the hide value), but I need to save this value somehow so that I can know which field to put the numbers into when they come in.
I tried using a global variable for this, but it does not seem to work as the ID does not seem to be recorded as a String value.
The code that I am using does toggle the show/hide attribute, but if I use an alert box to pop what the variable I am using as storage is it reads [object HTMLDivElement]
My script looks like this (bear in mind that I am a noob to javascript).
<script type="text/javascript">
//Classes for the numberpad on the text fields.
var padName = ""; //Storage for the name of the current pad.
function numPad(field) {
var pad = document.getElementById("keypad"); //manipulating pad.
var ref = document.getElementById(field);//gather the field info.
if ( == "block") { //Open or close? = "none"; //Blank out.
padName = "";
else { = "block";//Set to refer to correct field.
padname = ref;
alert (ref);
function click(id) {
var key = document.getElementById(id);
var total = padName.value();
if (key == "Backspace") total.slice(0, -1);
else if (key == "Enter") numPad("blanck");
else total += key;
padName.value = total;

// to get the ID by direct property access of the DOM element
var ref = document.getElementById(field).id;
and then ref stores the ID value.
I would suggest:
// create an object to store app-wide settings
// access properties like this: appSettings.propertyName
var appSettings = { padName: "" };
var ref = document.getElementById(field).id;
appSettings.padName = ref;
to avoid polluting the global namespace.
To get/set the value of the pad, you'll need to do this:
// to get
var total = document.getElementById(appSettings.padName).value;
// to set
document.getElementById(appSettings.padName).value = "something";
You should read up on DOM objects and properties.

For starters, ref is assigned a reference to a DOM element. You are then assigning this reference to padName, hence the [object HTMLDivElement] alert.
If you just want the ID stored in padName, use
padName = field;
Also, you're mixing cases of padName. You have both padName and padname.
Further, as mentioned in the comments, use the console for debugging. It's much more comprehensive than an alert.
I can't tell what's happening in your click function. You seem to be expecting padName to be an object of some kind however where the value() method and value property comes from is anyone's guess (FYI only form elements have value properties).


How to generate one object key with an array of stored values from multiple on click events using localstorage and Jquery

I'm new to coding, and I need to display past search values from an input field using localstorage. The only way I can think of is by using one object key with an array of stored values from an on click event. Problem is, I can only get one position to appear as a value, with each value generated replacing the last. I've tried for loops and can't seem to get it to work. This is the code I have so far:
$('.search-city').on('click', function(e){
var textArr = [];
var text = $(".form-control").val();
localStorage.setItem("value1", textArr);
$('.search-city').on('click', function(e){
var search = localStorage.getItem("value1")
This would work:
$('.search-city').on('click', function(e){
// get the value from local storage
var localValue = localStorage.getItem('value1');
// if we had a value, parse it back to an array, if we dont, create an empty array
var textArr = localValue ? JSON.parse(localValue) : [];
// get the text from the search input, dont use "form-control"
// you're likely to have several of those on the page
// give the element a custom class like "search-input" and use that (id would be even better)
var text = $('.search-input').val();
// add the text to the array
text = trim(text);
if (text) {
// enforce a size limit here by removing the 0 index item if the count has grown too large
var maxAllowed = 10;
while (textArr.length > maxAllowed) {
// localstorage can only hold simple strings so we'll JSON stringify our object and store that
localValue = JSON.stringify(textArr);
localStorage.setItem("value1", localValue);

Fill javascript object with form data

I have an object declared, and I have an html form with some matching fields.
All fields in the form are in the object, but the object also has a couple of additional variables and functions.
I'd like to fill the object with the data entered in the form, what I'm trying right now overwrites the declared object, and so doesn't have the functions nor the other variables.
The object :
var Container = {
nodes: [],
Contains: function (Node) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {
if (this.nodes[i].nodeID === Node.nodeID)
return (i);
return (-1);
How I fill it from the form :
const handleContainerForm = event => {
var i = JSONData.Contains(Container);
if (i === -1)
JSONData.container[i] = Container;
output = JSON.stringify(JSONData, null, " ");
The form has ID, Title, Folder, Image and Description as fields, so this last Container object doesn't have the Contains() function nor the nodes[] array.
How do I end up with a complete, filled version of the object I have declared ?
In ContainerFormToJSON function, before the statement
return Container
//container.nodes and container.contains
You are right, JavaScript is very different from C#, especially in regards to OOP. But that doesn't make it better or worse.
In JavaScript, you don't need to declare an object's properties, like you have to when you use classes. I think that you only want to serialize the form's input values to JSON. I recommend not to use an object that additionally has a nodes property and a Contains method.
If you need to keep a copy of the unserialized object, create two objects:
class Container {
constructor () {
this.nodes = [];
indexOf (node) {
return this.nodes.findIndex(n => n.nodeID === node.nodeID);
Container.nodeID = 0; // think of it as a static property
function extractValues (elements) {
// 'elements' is an array of <input> elements
// the 'container' will be filled and serialized
var container = new Container();
for (var index in elements) {
var element = elements[index];
container[] = element.value;
container.nodeID = Container.nodeID++; // give the container a unique ID
return container;
var inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input');
var jsonData = new Container();
document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', function () {
var newContainer = extractValues(inputs);
var index = jsonData.indexOf(newContainer);
if (index === -1) {
} else {
jsonData.nodes[index] = newContainer;
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonData, null, ' ');
<input name="containerID">
<input name="containerTitle">
<!-- ... -->
Please note: only setting an object's properties doesn't make it to JSON. It's only JSON if it's serialized to a string. I recommend this article. To serialize a JavaScript object, use JSON.stringify.
Looking at the edit of your question, I think it might be preferable to create a Container class. Both jsonData and the containers of the form data will be instances of that class. It can contain other containers (nodes), and can get the index of such a nested container using the indexOf method. I implemented this in the above code snippet. Whenever you hit the "Serialize" button, a new container with the current <input>s' contents will be added to jsonData. The JSON form of jsonData will be logged to the console.
I hope this is what you are looking for. To better understand JavaScript OOP,
take a look at some of the articles at MDN.

Capturing variable names from a select

In the back end I have written some code that reads through a file and outputs to a list of JavaScript arrays for example, the page will see:
var peanuts = ["1","s","g","3","n"];
var cashewNuts = ["d","a","f","d","n"];
var PecanNuts = ["6","m","3","x","m"];
var BrazilNuts = ["j","n","7","v","s"];
var goingNuts = ["a","e","7","m","y"];
I then want to use an array based on the value of a somewhere else in that page.
So for example:
My issue is that the variable names are decided on what is contained in the read file, I can't know this information. Is there a way to say for example
//collect the value from the select and assign it to a var
var varN = $('select').val();
//then collect another variable that has the variable name that
//equals the value of the 'varN'
I know this seems horrendous but unfortunately based on what I need to do, it is what I need to do :(
Yes. If for example your vars are in the global scope, you can do
var val = window[varN][0]; to get peanuts:1
If you do
var nuts = {
peanuts : ["1","s","g","3","n"],
cashewNuts : ["d","a","f","d","n"],
PecanNuts : ["6","m","3","x","m"],
BrazilNuts : ["j","n","7","v","s"],
goingNuts : ["a","e","7","m","y"]
then you can use
var val = nuts[varN][0];
If the variables are declared directly in <script>, you can use window[varN].

Trouble with getting access to an object's property

I'm having a trouble with getting access to an object's property.
Isn't it possible to get access to an object's property like this?
key in the code above is a variable.
This code below is the code I'm working on right now.
alertHeading.on('blur', function(){
var inputtedVal = $(this).val();
var key = alertMode.val();
chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage(function(backgroundPage) {
var background = backgroundPage.background;
//(1)This works fine.
background.setStorage(key, {heading:inputtedVal});
console.log(background.getStorage(key));// Object {heading: "aaa"}
//(2)This doesn't work.
var alertObject = background.getStorage(key["heading"]);
console.log(alertObject);// null. I'm expecting to get "aaa".
I think I'm making a very simple mistake which comes from my lack of javascript knowledge.
Please help me out to solve this problem.
Your key isn't an object, it's a string. It is the return from background.getStorage(key) that is an object, so you can do this:
var alertObject = background.getStorage(key)["heading"]; // note () and [] placement
// OR, in two steps:
var alertObject = background.getStorage(key);
var heading = alertObject["heading"];
"I haven't understood why it's not an object but a string yet"
Your key variable is set to the return from jQuery's .val() method:
var key = alertMode.val();
...which returns a string that is the value of the form element that it is called on. Add in a console.log(key) and you'll see.

Javascript Form: Only Changed Fields

I have a php-site with a form on which i output preselected values via php. On form submit I want to check which values have changed and just submit these via javascript.
These are the preselected values I passed over from php. It's important that I keep the associative array structure.
var pbData = jQuery.parseJSON("{
"Current Map":"VEGAS JUNKYARD",
"RoundDuration":"3 minutes"}");
I marked the error in the code.
function displayVars(){
var form = document.getElementById('settings');
var elems = form.elements;
var txt = "";
for (var index = 0; index < elems.length; index++){
var selIndex = elems[index].selectedIndex;
if (typeof selIndex !== "undefined"){
//the Index Name in the json-object and the name of the form-field are the same
var idxName = elems[index].name;
//HERE is the problem. I want to access the subobject via a variablename, so i can iterate through it, but that doesnt work.
console.log ("pbData default = "+pbData.idxName); //always undefined
if (elems[index].value !== pbData.idx_name){
//building a POST-Url
txt = txt + elems[index].name + "=" + elems[index].options[selIndex].value+"&";
console.log (txt);
return false;
I know that I could do this differently, also with jQuery. In my case as I have the preselected values as a php-variable in any case, i think it's easier like this.
I would really like to know how I can iterate through the subobjects via a variable that contains the object names.
This is due to how you'e trying to access the property of the (JSON) object. Consider
var o1 = {idxName: true},
o2 = {foo : 'bar'},
idxName = 'foo';
o1.idxName; // true
o2.idxName; // undefined
o2[idxName]; // 'bar'
You need to access the property via pbData[idxName].
Additionally, you're not escaping quotes in your JSON string, and line breaks need to be escaped as follows
var pbData = jQuery.parseJSON("{\
\"Current Map\":\"VEGAS JUNKYARD\",\
\"RoundDuration\":\"3 minutes\"}");
In Javascript you could keep an object or array with initial values and only post those values that are changed.
But in fact, I would do something similar, but in PHP. You can keep the original values in the session and compare the posted values to those initial values to see what has changed. That way, you won't depend on Javascript. Not only may Javascript be disabled, but also, a fast user may theoretically post the form before the Javascript has run. To move this check to PHP eliminates that risk.

