make 'each' cycles occur consecutively - javascript

I have two actions I need to apply to a set of DIV's, but I need one cycle to happen before the other is finished.
Here is my code:
//do stuff first
//do stuff next
but at present, do stuff next happens before do stuff first finishes. Anything I can do to stop this?
Full Script
if($(this).html() === "yes"){
if($(this).html() !== "yes"){

Knowing that you want to fadeIn and then set height, will this do what you require?
var divs = $('div');
divs.fadeIn(function () {
Using each to allow different settings for different divs:
$('div').each(function () {
var div = $(this), toggle = true;
div.fadeIn(function () {
if (toggle = !toggle) {
} else {
Seeing your code snippet I believe I got it now:
var yesDivs = $('div').filter(function () {
return $(this).html() === 'yes';
yesDivs.fadeOut(time, function () {
$('div').filter(function () {
return $(this).html() !== 'yes';


use if statement to check if an element is display: block jquery

I'm trying to check if an element is display block, and if it is then i want to execute some code. Below is my code, its a large function but where I'm trying to check if a div is display block is at the bottom, and if it is display block then i want to execute the blur method.
As you can see near the bottom, I started writing if ($suggestionsWrapper === and my intention was to write if suggestions wrapper is display none, then do this. I just can't figure out how to execute this, what I've written doesn't work. Also I am new to all of this so sorry if this is really messy or doesn't make sense, still very much learning.
//Header Search Handler
function headerSearchHandler(){
var $searchInput = $(".header-search input[type=text]"),
$searchSubmit = $(".header-search input[type=submit]"),
$mobSearchBtn = $(".mobile-search-btn"),
$myAccountText = $(".menu-utility-user .account-text"),
$miniCart = $("#header #mini-cart"),
$searchForm = $(".header-search form"),
$headerPromo = $(".header-promo-area");
$suggestionsWrapper = $('#suggestions-wrapper');
$mobSearchBtn.on("click touchend", function(e) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
$searchInput.on("click touchend", function(e) {
}).blur(function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
$(this).css('width', '145px');
if ($suggestionsWrapper.css('display') == 'none') {
$(this).css('width', '145px');
}//End Header Search Handler
You can create a helper method to check if display is block or not :
function checkDisplay(element) {
return $(element).css('display') == 'block';
Then you can check it like :
console.log("Display is Block")
else {
console.log("Display is NOT Block")
here is an example :
You can do something like this I think:
if ($suggestionsWrapper.css('display') == 'block')
// true
} else {
// false
Based off of your code I think you have the }) wrong, it should be:
if ($suggestionsWrapper.css('display') == 'none') {
$(this).css('width', '145px');
I hope this helps!

Call one event on a set of matches

I do what something like:
$('div > img').onAll('load', function() { alert('Loaded!') })
Which would alert "Loaded!" only once
I don't want this:
$('div > img').on('load', function() { alert('Loaded!'); });
because this would call the event after every single image has been loaded
Is there any ready function in jQuery that calls an event on a set of matches? Or do I have to write a custom function for it?
Create your own method
$.fn.onAll = function(ev, callback) {
var xhr = [];
this.each(function() {
var def = new $.Deferred();
var ele = document.createElement(this.tagName.toLowerCase());
ele['on'+ev] = function() {
ele.src = this.src;
$.when.apply($, xhr).then(callback);
return this;
to be used as
$('div > img').onAll('load', function() { alert('Loaded!'); });
Try this
var $images = $("div > img")
, imageCount = $images.length
, counter = 0;
// one instead of on, because it need only fire once per image
// increment counter everytime an image finishes loading
if (counter == imageCount) {
// do stuff when all have loaded
}).each(function () {
if (this.complete) {
// manually trigger load event in
// event of a cache pull
try something like this
$('body').on('load','div > img',function() { alert('Loaded!') });
Happy Coding :)

Wait until div is not visible to process next line

I need to write some code which is supposed to wait until a predefined div is no longer visible in order to process the next line. I plan on using jQuery( ":visible" ) for this, and was thinking I could have some type of while loop. Does anyone have a good suggestion on how to accomplish this task?
$( document ).ready(function() {
$(".scroller-right" ).mouseup(function( event ) {
function pollVisibility() {
if ($(".mstrWaitBox").attr("visibility")!== 'undefined') || $(".mstrWaitBox").attr("visibility") !== false) {
alert('inside else');
} else {
setTimeout(pollVisibility, 100);
$( document ).ready(function() {
$(".scroller-right" ).mouseup(function( event ) {
function pollVisibility() {
if (!$(".mstrWaitBox").is(":visible")) {
alert('inside if');
} else {
setTimeout(pollVisibility, 100);
div when not visible:
<div class=​"mstrWaitBox" id=​"divWaitBox" scriptclass=​"mstrDialogImpl" dg=​"1" ty=​"edt">​
div when visible:
<div class=​"mstrWaitBox" id=​"divWaitBox" scriptclass=​"mstrDialogImpl" dg=​"1" ty=​"edt" visibility="visible">​
You can use the setTimeout function to poll the display status of the div. This implementation checks to see if the div is invisible every 1/2 second, once the div is no longer visible, execute some code. In my example we show another div, but you could easily call a function or do whatever.
$(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
function pollVisibility() {
if (!$("#hideThis").is(":visible")) {
// call a function here, or do whatever now that the div is not visible
} else {
setTimeout(pollVisibility, 500);
<div id='hideThis' style="display:block">
The other thing happens when this is no longer visible in about 3s</div>
<div id='thenShowThis' style="display:none">Hi There</div>
If your code is running in a modern browser you could always use the MutationObserver object and fallback on polling with setInterval or setTimeout when it's not supported.
There seems to be a polyfill as well, however I have never tried it and it's the first time I have a look at the project.
var div = document.getElementById('test'),
divDisplay =,
observer = new MutationObserver(function () {
var currentDisplay =;
if (divDisplay !== currentDisplay) {
console.log('new display is ' + (divDisplay = currentDisplay));
//observe changes
observer.observe(div, { attributes: true }); = 'none';
setTimeout(function () { = 'block';
}, 500);
However an even better alternative in my opinion would be to add an interceptor to third-party function that's hiding the div, if possible.
var hideImportantElement = function () {
//hide logic
hideImportantElement = (function (fn) {
return function () {
fn.apply(this, arguments);
console.log('element was hidden');
I used this approach to wait for an element to disappear so I can execute the other functions after that.
Let's say doTheRestOfTheStuff(parameters) function should only be called after the element with ID the_Element_ID disappears, we can use,
var existCondition = setInterval(function() {
if ($('#the_Element_ID').length <= 0) {
}, 100); // check every 100ms

jquery show hide each div onclick

I have a dynamic number of divs which generated through I need to show each div contents by clicking on its header. I have tried this {
$(function () {
var myHead = $(".toggle-container").find(".toggle-header");
var myBody = $(myHead).parent().find(".toggle-content");
$(myHead).click(function () {
if ($(myBody).css('display') === 'none') {
} else if ($(myBody).css('display') === 'block') {
But it's working only for first header and rest of the headers doesn't collapse it's children content. Here is the JsFiddle Link what I have tried so far. Can anyone give a fix?
The problem was how you were finding the content to be displayed/hidden. You need to find the content related to the clicked header you the code var myBody = $(myHead).parent().find(".toggle-content"); should go inside the click handler as var myBody = $(this).next()
$(function () {
var myHead = $(".toggle-container .toggle-header");
$(myHead).click(function () {
var myBody = $(this).next()
if ($(myBody).css('display') === 'none') {
} else if ($(myBody).css('display') === 'block') {
Demo: Fiddle
Note: Still the up-down arrows are nor working because you need to use find() instead of children()
But it can be simplified as
jQuery(function ($) {
var $heads = $(".toggle-container .toggle-header");
$ () {
var $this = $(this);
$this.find('i').toggleClass('icon-chevron-sign-down icon-chevron-sign-up');
Demo: Fiddle
The below would work.
In your original code you had assigned the variable myBody a value at the time of load itself. Since there are many such elements, it used only the first one.
Now I have moved the value setting for the myBody variable to be inside the click event and used $(this). This will make sure that it always finds the element in relation to the current element that was clicked.
$(function () {
var myHead = $(".toggle-container").find(".toggle-header");
$(myHead).click(function () {
var myBody = $(this).parent().find(".toggle-content");
if ($(myBody).css('display') === 'none') {
} else if ($(myBody).css('display') === 'block') {
Fiddle Demo

Wait for all async functions to complete in jQuery

I'm filtering table using jQuery and all is well. This code works nicely:
function filterTable() {
var $equipmentDropDown = $("*[id$='EquipmentTypeDropDownList']");
var $stateDropDown = $("*[id$='StateDropDownList']");
var equipmentFilter = $equipmentDropDown.val();
var stateFilter = $stateDropDown.val();
$("tr.dataRow").each(function () {
var show = true;
var equimpent = $(this).find("").text();
var state = $(this).find("td.readyState").text();
if (equipmentFilter != "Any" && equipmentFilter != equimpent) show = false;
if (stateFilter != "Any" && stateFilter != state) show = false;
if (show) {
} else {
function colorGridRows() {
//for table row
$("tr:visible:even").css("background-color", "#DED7D1");
$("tr:visible:odd").css("background-color", "#EEEAE7");
colorGridRows function changes background color of even/odd rows for readability
Now, It would be nice if I can replace show/hide calls with fadeIn/fadeOut but I can't because coloring doesn't work (it runs before UI effect completed. If it was just one function parameter - I would just create function for completion and be done with it. But my table has many rows and loop runs through each. How do I wait for ALL to compelete?
EDITED: Code sample updated showing how I try to use promise() but it doesn't work. It fires but I don't get odd/even coloring.
Use the promise object for animations.
$("*[id$='StateDropDownList']").change(function () {
var filtervar = $(this).val();
$('tr td.readyState').each(function () {
if (filtervar == "Any" || $(this).text() == filtervar) {
} else {

