JavaScript class function this operator - javascript

I have a JS class that contains a AJAX post. I'm trying to refer to the class members from within the post function using this but it doesn't seem to be working.
For example, from this:
function Classy() {
this.goal = 0;
function(back) {
this.goal = back.goal;
}, "json");
this.SampleFunction = function() {
tester = new Classy();
The alert box outputs a value of 0, even though this is definitely not what is coming back from the php file. I think the issue is I need something other than this to refer to the parent class. Anyone have any ideas?

function Classy() {
this.goal = 0;
// jQuery.proxy returns a function
$.post("class/initial.php", $.proxy(function (back) {
this.goal = back.goal;
}, this), "json");
// ^-------- is manually set in your handler
this.SampleFunction = function () {
You can use the jQuery.proxy()[docs] method to ensure the proper this value.
Another possibility is to use the long form jQuery.ajax()[docs] method, where you can set the context: parameter to give you the desired this value.
function Classy() {
this.goal = 0;
dataType: 'json',
context: this, // <--set the context of the callbacks
success: function (back) {
this.goal = back.goal;
this.SampleFunction = function () {

this means something different inside the anonymous function which jQuery invokes in a callback. So just capture it first:
function Classy() {
this.goal = 0;
var $t = this;
function(back) {
$t.goal = back.goal;
}, "json");
this.SampleFunction = function() {

In event handlers, this refers to the object which fired the event. An AJAX success callback is really an event handler for the XMLHttpRequest object that does the work, so in this case, this refers to the XMLHttpRequest object (well, actually a jqXHR object). To get a reference to your object, assign this to a variable that you can reference from within your event handler:
function Classy() {
this.goal = 0;
var that = this;
$.post("class/initial.php", function(back) {
that.goal = back.goal;
}, "json");


Use of debounce on Ext 3.4 framework

I want to implement the debounce function on Ext.Button, so I extended it and override the onClick function, like this:
MyButton = Ext.extend(Ext.Button, {
onClick: function(e) {
var that = this;
var args = e;
this.timeoutDebounce = setTimeout(function(){
MyButton.superclass.onClick.apply(that, [args])
}, this.debounce);
Debounce is a parameter passed on the x-type declaration.
The problem here is that the "args" parameter I'm passing to onClick has changed when it's called from "click" to "mouvemove" and it doesn't fire the events it should.
Is there a way to record the "e" parameter received in the function to pass to onClick on superclass?
The function passed to setTimeout must be wrapped in order to keep the value presented in current scope:
function createCallback(args) {
return function() {
MyButton.superclass.onClick.apply(that, [args]);
Also, e is passed by reference, so you need to create a copy of it. Using ExtJS, you can use Ext.apply method:
Ext.apply({}, e);
The full code should be:
var MyButton = Ext.extend(Ext.Button, {
onClick: function(e) {
var that = this;
function createCallback(args) {
return function() {
MyButton.superclass.onClick.apply(that, [args]);
// you can also use call since you know the arguments:
//, args);
var copy = Ext.apply({}, e);
this.timeoutDebounce = setTimeout(createCallback(copy), this.debounce);
You should clone the object:
var args = Ext.apply({}, e);
this.timeoutDebounce = setTimeout((function(args){
return function(){MyButton.superclass.onClick.apply(that, [args])};
})(args), this.debounce);

Pass HTML element to JavaScript function

I am passed 3 html elements as parameters to JS function. JS function is in separate file. I have problem to bind 'click' event with _confBtn object (which is parameter). My complete JS file:
window.HAS = window.HAS || {};
HAS.MyApp = HAS.MyApp || {};
(function (_this, $, undefined) {
var _sessionTimeOut = false;
var _startCountDown = false;
var _counterTime;
var _countDownTime;
var _dialogWrap;
var _confBtn;
var _counter;
_this.init = function (showDialogTime, logofCountDownTime, dialogWrap, counter, confirmationButton) {
_counterTime = 5;
_countDownTime = 0;
_dialogWrap = $('#' + dialogWrap);
_confBtn = $('#' + confirmationButton);
_counter = $('#' + counter);
$(document).bind("mousemove keypress mousedown mouseup", resetTimeOut);
_confBtn.on('click', function () {
_dialogWrap.css('visibility', 'hidden');
$(document).bind("mousemove keypress mousedown mouseup", resetTimeOut);
function createSessionTimeOut() {
_sessionTimeOut = window.setTimeout(function () {
$(document).unbind("mousemove keypress mousedown mouseup");
}, 2000);
function startCountDown() {
_startCountDown = window.setInterval(function () {
if (_counterTime >= 0) {
if (_countDownTime >= 4) {
}, 1000);
function resetTimeOut() {
_sessionTimeOut = false;
function logOutUser() {
url: '/MyApp/Account/LogOut',
type: 'GET',
success: function () {
document.location.href = '/MyApp/Account/Login';
}(window.HAS.MyApp.SessionTimeOut = window.HAS.MyApp.SessionTimeOut || {}, jQuery));
I call in separate page like in following:
SessionTimeOut.init('5', '5', 'dialog-wrap', 'confirm-button', 'counter');
I have issue with _confBtn when I try to call click event. Browser show that is undefined.
Please help.
It would probably better to do something more dynamic like this:
function SomeFunction (element1,element2) {
var e1 = $("#"+element1),
e2 = $("#"+element2);
// Do something with variables e1 and e2
and you would call like this:
<div id="one"><div>
<div id="two"><div>
No, you are mixing a function declaration with a function call somehow. You can't provide function arguments when defining a function. This however will work fine:
function someFunction($element1, $element2) {
//Do something with the elements
someFunction($("#element1"), $("#element2"));
Note that $element1 and $element2 are just variable names, and the leading $ doesn't have anything to do with jQuery. It is just a common convention to identify variables referencing jQuery selections.
You can of course do it, just by using the normal jQuery way of including multiple selectors. Your code is slightly incorrect because you are actually only defining the function without calling it, and you are not supposed to pass arguments/variables into the function when defining it.
Unless you have the intention to distinguish between two groups of elements, I would refrain from declaring elements individually as you have used in your question, because sometimes you will never know the length of the selected items.
function someFunction($ele) {
// jQuery objects will be accessible as $ele
// Call the function
someFunction($('#selector1, #selector2'));
However, if the former is the case, you can always do so:
function someFunction($ele1, $ele2) {
// jQuery objects will be accessible as $ele1 and $ele2 respectively
// Example: $ele1.hide();
// $;
// Call the function
someFunction($('#selector1'), $('#selector2'));
For example, you can refer to this proof-of-concept JSfiddle:
function someFunction($ele) {
// jQuery objects will be accessible as $ele
'background-color': '#c8d9ff'
// Call the function
someFunction($('#selector1, #selector2'));
If you want to pass some elements to function you can use jQuery constructor to standardize arguments
function SomeFunction (element1,element2) {
element1 = $(element1);
element2 = $(element2);
// and you have 2 jQuery objects...
// and now you can pass selector as well as jQuery object.
You can pass paramters as much as you want this way. I use jQuery in this code and created a simple function.
var item=$("#item-id");
var item1=$("#item1-id");
function makeReadOnly(){
for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){
$(arguments[i]).attr("readonly", true);

How do I call a nested JavaScript function properly

I'm trying to set up function a nested function that I can call throughout my script, but I keep getting "error undefined is not a function". Perhaps someone can help me with how to do this correctly.
First I set global my variables:
var trigger = document.getElementById('trigger');
var subject = document.getElementById('subject');
Then I create a show/hide function:
var toggleVis = function() {
function showSomething() {
function hideSomething() {
Then I set my event listener:
trigger.addEventListener('click', function() {
if ( subject.classList.contains("active") ) {
else {
The reason I'm trying to do it this way is that there will be other triggers for subject on the page that will need access to the show/hide functions.
You can't access the functions inside the function, they are out of scope, you could attach them as properties to the wrapping function, but it looks like you just need an object
var toggleVis = {
showSomething: function() {
hideSomething: function() {
Your togleVis variable is a function and not an object so you can't do toggleVis.hideSomething(). Try updating your code to :
var toggleVis = (function() {
return {
showSomething : function () {
hideSomething : function () {
With this toggleVis is now an object with two properties showSomething and hideSomething functions. ajax property value timestamp is undefined

I have a problem with the value assignment and retrieval in ajax. The value of timestamp is undefined
/// <reference name="MicrosoftAjax.js"/>
LabelTimeExtender1.ClientBehavior1 = function(element) {
LabelTimeExtender1.ClientBehavior1.initializeBase(this, [element]);
this._timestamp= this.get_element().attributes['TimeStamp'].value;
LabelTimeExtender1.ClientBehavior1.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
LabelTimeExtender1.ClientBehavior1.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');
setInterval (this.timer,1000);
dispose: function() {
//Add custom dispose actions here
LabelTimeExtender1.ClientBehavior1.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');
timer: function(){
var splitdate=this._timestamp.split(/[:]+/);
var date= new Date(this._timestamp);
alert( date.toString());
var datenow= new Date ();
this._element.innerText=" ";
var myelement= this.get_element();
myelement .innerHTML= date.getUTCFullYear.toString();
if(date.getUTCHours <datenow.getUTCHours )
this.get_element().innerHTML=date.getUTCHours .toString();
set_timestamp: function(value)
get_timestamp: function()
return this._timestamp;
LabelTimeExtender1.ClientBehavior1.registerClass('LabelTimeExtender1.ClientBehavior1', Sys.UI.Behavior);
if (typeof(Sys) !== 'undefined') Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();
Why is the value of _timestamp undefined?
I would suggest moving the code which sets this._timestamp into your initialize function.
My other suggestion is to use the getters and setters even within your own code to ensure encapsulation. So, the alerts would actually be alert(this.get_timestamp()). And, in your initialize function, you would call this.set_timestamp(this.get_element().attributes['TimeStamp'].value).
Thanks to the comment I see the problem is actually in the setInterval call. When you call window.setInterval(this.timer, 1000);, when the timer function is called this refers to window, not to your object. So instead, do something like this:
var self = this;
window.setInterval(function () {
}, 1000);
That will make this inside of timer() refer to the correct object.

How to get an anonymous function to keep the scoping it had originally when called in an event handler

I have a setup where I get some information, in an ajax call, then I immediately use some of that information for another call, and then I populate some fields.
The problem is that I am not certain how to create the anonymous function so that it can call this.plantName.
Right now the value of this.plantName is undefined.
I know that there are missing close braces, but I am not going to try to line them up as that will cause confusion, so please ignore the missing close braces.
TabLinks.prototype.plantName = '';
TabLinks.prototype.init = function() {
this.updateTab('PlantDropDown', 'retrievePlants', 'retrieveAllPlants', 'tab3', function() { return this.plantName; });
function TabLinks() {
this.updateTab = function(entityname, wsbyid, webservicename, parentContainer, defaultValue) {
$("#" + parentContainer + "link").bind('click', function() {
type: "POST",
success: function(result) {
myData = JSON.parse(result.d);
type: "POST",
success: function(result2) {
myelem.value = JHEUtilities.testIsValidObject(defaultValue) ?
defaultValue() :
Here is the solution that worked, I didn't realize the two returns of functions:
this.updateTab('PlantDropDown', 'retrievePlants', 'retrieveAllPlants', 'tab3',
function() {
var app = this;
return function() {
return function() {
return app.plantName;
So I had to call it thusly:
The way I program my way out of this is to make sure that the closure is returned from a function in the scope of the captured variables. Something like so:
function foo(){
var myFoo = 1;
return function (){return function() { myFoo += 1; return myFoo }}()
} // ^^

