how to build gmail like menu header - javascript

how can i build fixed menu like gmail menu. i have tried css, but the div stays in middle, it doesnt come up like the gmail menu does on scroll.
open in large image
i have tried using css property, following is some example code (not real code):
.menu {
height: 36px;

You need to use javascript to check the scrollTop and set the position of your menu to fixed if if the scrollTop is more than the height of your header.
function getScrollTop() {
if(typeof pageYOffset!= 'undefined') {
//most browsers
return pageYOffset;
else {
var b = document.body; //IE 'quirks'
var d = document.documentElement; //IE with doctype
d = (d.clientHeight) ? d : b;
return d.scrollTop;
function onScroll() {
var menu = document.getElementById('divMyMenu');
var headerAndNavHeight = document.getElementById('divHeader').clientHeight
+ document.getElementById('tsMain').clientHeight;
if (getScrollTop() < headerAndNavHeight) { = headerAndNavHeight + 'px'; = 'absolute';
else { = '0px'; = 'fixed';

A good and easy to use jQuery Plugin for this is Waypoints
Here you can see a working example:

Position fixed alone is not enough to achieve this effect. Also, position:fixed does not work in IE7 or below, so you'll probably want to have fallback.
You need to use javascript (jQuery makes it easy) to dynamically change the position of the element based upon how far scrolled down the page you are.
Look into .scrollTop()
var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();

May be this is what you are looking for

Here is a very simple trick to implement your requirement explained with example and a link to download.


Sticky block on JS

helloi want to make a sticky block using this script
$(window).scroll(function() {
var sb_m = 80; /* top and bottom padding */
var mb = 300; /* footer height with a margin */
var st = $(window).scrollTop();
var sb = $(".loginform");
var sbi = $(".loginform #loginform");
var sb_ot = sb.offset().top;
var sbi_ot = sbi.offset().top;
var sb_h = sb.height();
if(sb_h + $(document).scrollTop() + sb_m + mb < $(document).height()) {
if(st > sb_ot) {
var h = Math.round(st - sb_ot) + sb_m;
sb.css({"paddingTop" : h});
else {
sb.css({"paddingTop" : 0});
on naked HTML all work fine
if add a script to site (use wordpress) appears an infinite scroll
here can see problem
problem appears if add an element to footer through widgets
please tell me what is problem?
Honestly it's not ideal to work with padding-top, you should use top (with the element set as position:relative or absolute);
If you don't care about supporting IE, the easiest way is to use position:sticky; which does all the work for you:
If you prefer to do it yourself, I'd suggest working this way:
store in variables the current offset().top and .left of the soon-to-be sticky element, outside any onScroll handlers.
When this condition is true:
$(window.scrollTop() >= theElementOffsetTopValueYouStored)
set the element as position: fixed and set the left: and top: properties of the element that should become sticky with the values you stored before. Then add your condition to make sure it stops when it reaches the end of the document, checking if element.offset().top + element.height > document.height
Please consider this is from memory, you might need to tweak a few things here and there to make it work properly.

fast jump to make javascript object visible on screen

I have a function that scrolls to make an object visible on screen. However, it is slow. Is there any way to jump to without scrolling the entire page ?
If there is a reasonably portable method that does not use jquery, I would prefer a native one. My definition of reasonably portable is that it works on fairly recent chrome and firefox.
function scrollToId(id) { //TODO: Fix Jquery madness below
var element = $('#' + id); //document.getElementById(id);
var offset = element.offset().top;
if (offset > window.innerHeight) {
// Not in view so scroll to it
scrollTop: offset
}, 10);
return false;
return true;
Your best bet for jumping to an area quickly on the page is to use the window.scroll(x, y) method. This does not animate the page, however, it will get your user to that area on the page very quickly.
function scrollToId(id) { //TODO: Fix Jquery madness below
var element = $('#' + id); //document.getElementById(id);
var yPos = element.offset().top;
var xPos = 0; //This could be the left position of an element like element.offset().left
if (offset > window.innerHeight) {
// Not in view so scroll to it
window.scroll(xPos, yPos);
return false;
return true;
Is there any way to jump to without scrolling the entire page ?
Try utilizing <a> element with #id set at href attribute , where #id is id of DOM element
#abc {
#def {
abc def
<div id="abc">abc</div>
<div id="def">def</div>
I am not sure how much of a difference this would make, but try snippet below. Instead of scrolling it, just go to it.
function scrollToId(id)
var element = $('#' + id);
var curPos = element.offset();
var curTop =;
var screenHeight = $(window).height();
return (curTop > screenHeight) ? false : true;

How might I tell if an HTML element is being rendered on the screen?

I'd like an element to do a CSS3 animation once the page is scrolled down enough for it to be visible, and I'm wondering if there's any way to accomplish this. Anything involving JavaScript or CSS would work. I've done many Google searches and Stackoverflow searches and can't find exactly what I need.
Depending on the complexity of your layout, it could be as simple as finding the scroll position, the height of the window, and where the element is on the page.
function scrollEvent() {
var el = document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var posY = (window.innerHeight + body.scrollTop) - el.offsetTop;
var onScreen = (posY > 0 && posY < window.innerHeight) ? true : false;
window.onscroll = scrollEvent;
Use the same technique if you're worried about horizontal positioning, as well.
It depends on what you want to do specifically. I would look at these resources:
Put your CSS3 animation style in a class, but don't assign it to your element until it has been scrolled completely into view.
Assuming your element has an id of sprite, this should get you going:
.animate {
//CSS3 animation style
window.onscroll= function() {
var sprite = document.getElementById('sprite');
if(sprite.getBoundingClientRect().top>=0 && sprite.getBoundingClientRect().bottom<=window.innerHeight) {
sprite.className= 'animate';

How to add css to a div once it hits the top of the page (when scrolling)?

I would like to make it so when user scrolls down and reaches a certain div, say #float, set that div to margin-top: 50px and position fixed, and if user scrolls back up undo those changes. It's hard to understand I know ))) If you go to this page and pay your attention to sidebar once scrolling up and down you will see what I mean.
As you scroll down 2nd advertisement scrolls with a page too.
How would I achieve same functionality with jQuery/CSS?
This is a way of doing it in jQuery.
This code is provided for example purposes only; there are almost certainly a handful of regularly-maintained jQuery plugins that will do this thing for you - check GitHub or DailyJS.
$(window).scroll(function() {
var styledDiv = $('#styledDiv'),
targetScroll = $('#float').position().top,
currentScroll = $('html').scrollTop() || $('body').scrollTop();
styledDiv.toggleClass('fixedPos', currentScroll >= targetScroll);
Here is a simple JSFiddle of the above in action.
Edit: Have now refactored this code to a more elegant solution.
Edit 2: Following an email I received about a question, I've updated the code above so that it also works in Firefox. As $('body').scrollTop() will not work in Firefox (See comments on the jQuery API page), we need to check both the html and body elements.
This is the relevant jQuery/JavaScript code use on that site.
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
var topGagStay = $("top-gag-stay");
var isLoggedIn = $("profile-menu") ? true : false;
var sidebarAdsTop = 1061 - 545;
var signupBtnOffset = 60;
var dockPos = 72;
if (!isLoggedIn && !GAG.isReadOnly()) {
sidebarAdsTop += signupBtnOffset
if (formMessageShown) {
sidebarAdsTop += formMessageOffset
if (topGagStay) {
if (document.documentElement.scrollTop > sidebarAdsTop || self.pageYOffset > sidebarAdsTop) {
if ( != "fixed") { = "fixed"; = dockPos + "px"
} else {
if (document.documentElement.scrollTop < sidebarAdsTop || self.pageYOffset < sidebarAdsTop) { = ""; = ""
Thank FireBug and for the code (and 9GAG, of course).
I have tried the above answer by beardtwizzle and it worked fine. Also made it work for the case when the page is scrolled upto the bottom of the page.
see the working demo/tutorial here

Javascript: have div always remain at the top when it reaches the top edge of browser with jquery

how to have a div that always stay on the screen? Lets say i have a div at the left hand site. When the browser is scroll to the bottom, the div will remain there ONLY when its' top reaches the top edge of browser screen so that it will not be hidden. I am using jquery too.
Thank you.
here is a Good ScreenCast By RemySharp Regarding this Issue
Demo Page :
You need to invoke .scrollTop() on the window and compare that with the offset top value from that DIV.
$(window).bind('scroll', function(e){
var $div = $('.top').
sTop = $(window).scrollTop();
if($div.offset().top <= sTop)
$div.css('top', sTop);
$div.css('top', '100px');
Whereas in this example, .top is the element which should stay at top.
If you want it to always stay in thesame place, you can use the css property position: fixed; else you can use a combination of $(window).scroll() and .scrollTop(); to detect where your div is in relation to the screen and apply the right positioning.
/* - Sticky Top jQuery Plugin */
jQuery.fn.sticky_top = function () {
/* check for our hidden div.. create it if it doesn't exist */
if (!this.find("#sticky_top").length > 0)
this.append("<div id='sticky_top' style='display:none'>"+this.css('top')+"</div>");
var thisdiv = this;
$(window).bind('scroll', function(e){
var initval = thisdiv.find("#sticky_top").text();
var wintop = $(window).scrollTop();
var boxtop = initval.replace(/px/i, "");
if(wintop >= boxtop)
if ( $.browser.msie )
thisdiv.css('top', wintop+'px');
} else {
thisdiv.css('position', 'fixed');
thisdiv.css('top', '0');
// console.log(boxtop+':'+wintop);
/* thisdiv.css('top', wintop+'px'); */
thisdiv.css('position', 'absolute');
thisdiv.css('top', initval);
You can use like this:
Keep your div position: fixed;

