WCF REST Authentication - Determine Web Request - javascript

What is the best way to determine if a request being made to my REST service originated from a web client. I know I can look at the user-agent, but my concern is that is very easy to spoof.
The reason I want to know who originated the request is because of the following. It is natively built into web-browser that you can't do cross-domain requests. Therefore I don't need to worry about the authentication, because I know the request originated from my website.
My site is built entirely in HTML and Javascript, any suggestions?
Or is there a good way in Javascript to store a hidden username / password I can use just for my website, without it being displayed to the public?

Anything put in the javascript can be found by using a debugger, such as Firebug, so even though it isn't visible to the user, it can be found by a user.
But, if the javascript first calls to a REST service to get an encrypted token, then the token, which has a timestamp encrypted within it, could be the password, so you then pass the username and token to call the rest of the REST services.
Your server could then validate that it had created the token and that it is not expired, and that the username matches what was encrypted in the token.
But, this depends on if you have any control over the REST service.

The reason I want to know who originated the request is because of the following. It is natively built into web-browser that you can't do cross-domain requests. Therefore I don't need to worry about the authentication, because I know the request originated from my website.
This is not a good assumption. For the reasons you already gave (easily spoofed User-Agent), anyone could make a request to your application. You can even disable cross origin policy in firefox and chrome from the client side - so even if you could verify the request came from a browser, it's still possible to get around your security measures:
Disable same origin policy in Chrome
There are a couple of standard ways to implement security for this kind of service (as James mentioned, assuming you have control over the REST service).
Use Basic Authentication - If your application is communicating with the WCF service via HTTPS, basic authentication is probably the easiest method. See this question
If both your website and your WCF service are implemented using .NET, and your ASP.NET web application is using Forms Authentication, you could share the Forms Auth cookie and use that for authentication. See this question


How do you implement digest authentication with SHA-256 when modern web browsers disable SubtleCrypto when you're not in a secure context (https)?

I've got a very basic web server running on an ESP8266 microcontroller, so system resources are very limited, but I figure it can probably deal with SHA-256 (I'll guess we'll see, but that's a separate issue).
I've got the barebones digest authentication implementation working well enough that I can access the site via curl.
This microcontroller is not meant to be exposed to the internet, it's only something you'd access internally via your lan, so SSL isn't an option (not sure how well the microcontroller would hold up if it tried to support HTTPS).
So, here's my scenario:
User tries to access the site on the microcontroller from their favourite web browser. They are given a 401 code and redirected to a login page (along with the WWW-Authenticate header).
This login page needs to take the information from the WWW-Authenticate header, as well as the username and password input by the user and generate the hash it needs to send in an Authorization header.
Unfortunately, the built in functionality for generating SHA-256 hashes is disabled if you're not connected via HTTPS (according to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SubtleCrypto) - So does this mean that digest authentication is not supported by web browsers natively (unless they choose to use MD5 instead of something more secure)? If you're implementing digest authentication, you need to supply your own hashing functions?
I also don't quite understand why disabling the ability to do hashes helps user security (in a non-https context).
An assumption:
After a cursory google search, it seems that digest authentication only makes sense for http, as if you're using https then you've already got better encryption protecting your credentials.
So to answer my own question (partly):
It turns out that the user side is handled entirely by the browser (i.e. Generic login modal pop-up). Java script doesn't even have access to the response headers anyway.
I guess to prevent poorly implemented non-secure logins?
The examples I've seen work around it by providing functionality entirely via xhttprequests.
I still don't know what benefit denying access to hashing algorithms provides though

POST Call to Authenticate User to Front end Application

I've been tasked with creating an LDAP authentication on a front-end Javascript application.
I am extremely limited on time and have a very small toolset. The toolset is the front-end javascript application and an available C# application which I can make post and get requests to.
I was thinking I could simply make a call such as https://mybackend.com/authenticate
Where I would post a username and password.
And on the backend this would return whether or not the user was valid in the AD. Which I can then use on the front-end to ensure the user has logged in.
Is this approach extremely unsecure or does it have flaws? I'm thinking that if I am posting to the backend above not much will be exposed.
Any tips would be immensely helpful.
Is this approach extremely unsecure or does it have flaws?
This is not insecure, it's the normal way you would do it. One could add more security by adding a CSRF token, which would be validated on the server for any form submit.
And yes, you should send all the data over HTTPS, this will encrypt the payload.
What you are doing is normal for front-end JavaScript framework like Angular. As long as you use Https, you should be ok.
Only issue is how you will handle the subsequence page requests.
There are two ways to handle it –
Easiest way is to use ASP.Net MVC as login page, and use Cookie Owin Middleware. Since same cookie is sent back to server on API calls, you do not need to do any extra works. You can download my sample code at GitHub - OwinAuthenticationService.
Another way is to use Bearer Token in which you will have to send the same token back to server on every page request.
All method are insecure.
Especially without HTTPS.
But you can put the Authentications in the header of message and use a token generated with a key that only server know.

AJAX - Intercept 401 Repsonses for Custom Authentication

I'm in need of a cross-platform solution for doing Digest Access Authentication correctly, and preferably using "qop=auth-int" for POST requests. It appears that only Opera will respond with qop=auth-int, and I.E. 6 has trouble w/ anything Digest.
So I thought to myself: I know, I'll just do an AJAX request and implement the authentication myself using setRequestHeader(). I've already implemented the server-side stuff necessary to do RFC-2617, so my only major hurdle here is figuring out how to gain sufficient control through javascript to get parse the 401 WWW-Authenticate header and form the appropriate response.
Here's the problem: It looks like the browser handles the 401 instead of allowing it to be passed along to XMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange. If a user/pass is already stored for the site Chrome & Firefox will just silently handle tack on the Authentication header. If not, they will pop the normal login box.
Before you warn me of the inadequacies of Digest Auth & tell me I need to be using TLS--I realize the security risks. The server is a very resource-limited embedded platform, where SSL is not really an option. The server is not indented to appear on public internet. So the authentication is more to dissuade curious unauthorized people from making changes (think manager with good intentions but inadequate knowledge) rather than malicious attacker w/ the know how to do a MitM.

Web services API Keys and Ajax - Securing the Key

This is probably a generic security question, but I thought I'd ask in the realm of what I'm developing.
The scenario is: A web service (WCF Web Api) that uses an API Key to validate and tell me who the user is, and a mix of jQuery and application on the front ends.
On the one hand, the traffic can be https so it cannot be inspected, but if I use the same key per user (say a guid), and I am using it in both then there's the chance it could be taken and someone could impersonate the user.
If I implement something akin to OAuth, then a user and a per-app key is generated, and that could work - but still for the jQuery side I would need the app API key in the javascript.
This would only be a problem if someone was on the actual computer and did a view-source.
What should I do?
md5 or encrypt the key somehow?
Put the key in a session variable, then when using ajax retrieve it?
Get over it, it's not that big a deal/problem.
I'm sure it's probably a common problem - so any pointers would be welcome.
To make this clearer - this is my API I have written that I am querying against, not a google, etc. So I can do per session tokens, etc, I'm just trying to work out the best way to secure the client side tokens/keys that I would use.
I'm being a bit overly cautious here, but just using this to learn.
(I suggest tagging this post "security".)
First, you should be clear about what you're protecting against. Can you trust the client at all? A crafty user could stick a Greasemonkey script on your page and call exactly the code that your UI calls to send requests. Hiding everything in a Javascript closure only means you need a debugger; it doesn't make an attack impossible. Firebug can trace HTTPS requests. Also consider a compromised client: is there a keylogger installed? Is the entire system secretly running virtualized so that an attacker can inspect any part of memory at any time at their leisure? Security when you're as exposed as a webapp is is really tricky.
Nonetheless, here are a few things for you to consider:
Consider not actually using keys but rather HMAC hashes of, e.g., a token you give immediately upon authentication.
DOM storage can be a bit harder to poke at than cookies.
Have a look at Google's implementation of OAuth 2 for an example security model. Basically you use tokens that are only valid for a limited time (and perhaps for a single IP address). That way even if the token is intercepted or cloned, it's only valid for a short length of time. Of course you need to be careful about what you do when the token runs out; could an attacker just do the same thing your code does and get a new valid token?
Don't neglect server-side security: even if your client should have checked before submitting the request, check again on the server if the user actually has permission to do what they're asking. In fact, this advice may obviate most of the above.
It depends on how the API key is used. API keys like that provided by Google are tied to the URL of the site originating the request; if you try and use the key on a site with an alternate URL then the service throws and error thus removing the need to protect the key on the client side.
Some basic API's however are tied to a client and can be used across multiple domains, so in this instance I have previously gone with the practice of wrapping this API in server side code and placing some restrictions on how the client can communicate with the local service and protecting the service.
My overall recommendation however would be to apply restrictions on the Web API around how keys can be used and thus removes the complications and necessity of trying to protect them on the client.
How about using jQuery to call server side code that handles communication with the API. If you are using MVC you can call a controller action that can contain the code and API key to hit your service and return a partial view (or even JSON) to your UX. If you are using web forms you could create an aspx page that will do the API communication in the code behind and then write content to the response stream for your UX to consume. Then your UX code can just contain some $.post() or $.load() calls to your server side code and both your API key and endpoint would be protected.
Generally in cases like this though you proxy requests through the server using 'AJAX' which verifies the browser making requests is authorized to do so. If you want to call the service directly from JavaScript, then you need some kind of token system like JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and you'll have to work out cross-domain issues if the service is located somewhere other than the current domain.
see http://blogs.msdn.com/b/rjacobs/archive/2010/06/14/how-to-do-api-key-verification-for-rest-services-in-net-4.aspx for more information
(How to do API Key Verification for REST Services in .NET 4)

Can one use Ajax on Google App Engine as a logged in user over https from a non-appspot.com domain?

You have a website http://www.example.com that redirects to a project on Google App Engine (i.e. example.appspot.com);
you want communications to pass between the user over SSL (i.e. https://example.appspot.com); and
You want the domain to be shown to the user to be *://www.example.com (i.e. not https://example.appspot.com).
Given that Google's Appspot HTTPS support only works for https://example.appspot.com (i.e. you cannot set up https://www.example.com with GAE), I'd like to have an Ajax solution, namely:
http://www.example.com serves HTML and Javascript over http
Ajax requests go over SSL to https://example.appspot.com
My question/concern is: How does one ensure that the users logged into http://www.example.com (by way of Google's users API) pass their authentication credentials over Ajax to https://example.appspot.com?
This seems to be a violation of the same origin policy (which may or may not be a concern for the Google Users API), so how would one know what user is logged in to example.com for the Ajax requests to example.appspot.com?
Thoughts, comments and input is quite appreciated.
Thank you.
There are ways to work around same-origin when both sites cooperate, e.g. see this post, but only trial-and-error will reveal which techniques do work for your specific requirements (it may depend on how strictly the user has set security safeguards in their browser, as well as on server-side implementations).
You can try using JSONP to get around the around that. However JSONP doesnt have very good error recovery like JSON does when doing XHR calls.
Wouldn't it be far simpler to use frames? Serve up a single full-size frameset from yourdomain.com containing content from https://yourapp.appspot.com/.
Note, though, that either solution has the problem that users see an unsecured site, not a secured one.
example.appspot.com does not share any cookies with example.com - it will be impossible for you to identify the user without making them sign-in on example.appspot.com as well.
you could, of course, completely ditch Google Authentication on example.appspot.com and implement your own scheme; you could append a signature and the username to the AJAX requests you create and verify that signature on your app-engine app. if the signature is valid, just accept the user that was passed in as the authenticated user and pretend he logged in.

