submitting asp form by using JQuery ajax - javascript

Firstly, some short explanations for the pages that we will be using here in the example.
The page where user interacts with various controls, fills the info, and submits the form.
The page that creates session variables and stores values as well as serves as an intermediate page where it passes value / redirects to C.asp.
The page that does processing and displays results.
So in short, the flow is something like, A -> B -> C
Now, what I'd like to achieve is to put the results right on A.asp instead of seeing them on C.asp. I guess I should be able to do it with JQuery Ajax, perhaps simply by using $("div#loadResults").load("B.asp").
But somehow I couldn't make it happen with above line of code. I think I must have missed something there. Can anyone kindly give suggestions or thoughts?
It is actually a massive Form, so I don't think it'd be good idea to upload huge chunk of code directly to here.
Another question is: which of the following should I be using,, Button.submit() or Form.submit()?


JS Page Searcher

I need to bruteforce through pages and check it's contents for certain text.
ie. I have page: http://example.whatever/internet?ip=$4.2$$.$$6.$$$ and those dollar signs, are missing numbers. I need to go through all of existing combinations untill 404 - Page not found text isn't present on that page anymore (it's not an error code, that gets returned, just the text.)
I also need to be able to use it when there is login required to access the pages, and I have the necessary access, that's why I suggest JS to be used in this, and not server side script, like PHP or Python.
Edit 1: In case you want to complain, that this is not a question, I'm asking how to do it. And if you don't have the balls (or whatever it is you have or don't have) to comment bellow, why you did press that arrow down next to this question, so we can resolve it, please don't do it. Thanks for understanding.
I'd recommend using something like PhantomJS for this. You could login then iterate through pages until you find a non-404 page.

Need to Understand Process behind Web Processes with HTML, PHP, Javascript, through existing HTML Button to PHP function Issue [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Note: I'm asking less for a solution and more for help. I understand this question is probably basic and repetitive, but I'm less sorry than I am frustrated with how little other websites explain.
I am absolutely positive this question has been asked in a million variations because I've looked it up so many times, but the problem is how many times I've had to look it up and I still don't understand half of what I'm doing every time I attempt it. Pretty sure I've scraped the barrel with this one.
I have a process I'm running that calls several queries to a SQL database, and I'm doing them in PHP. Problem is, they're all run automatically when the page is opened, and that makes me so queasy it isn't funny. I'm trying to make a button that does not redirect to another page to call this process, be it by function or what-have-you. I'm trying to keep all of this on one page... Though I'm not averse to make it more pages.
I'm trying to avoid JQuery. My tools available are: JavaScript, PHP, and HTML. If I need to, I'm willing to convert all 8 or 9 queries into JavaScript to run it through button or even AJAX, but I'd like to keep it in PHP if I can. I know PHP and HTML run differently, but this is where I get confused on how best to combine them, and how to use JavaScript, and when to use JavaScript, and what GET and POST and SUBMIT are in relation to PHP, and just a million things. I'd like to know the BEST method AND the "you can do this with what you have already done", and WHY one is better than the other, if at all possible.
I'm sure 90% of this question is super repeated, but thank you in advance for your patience. I hate not understanding.
EDIT: I was asked for my code, and I can give a basic idea of it, without being able to give the code itself:
mysql_pconnect ('host', 'username', 'password');
// the company I work for has so far refused to let me upgrade our website, so I
// am trying to keep it the same so that half of it isn't new and the other
// super outdated. Believe me, I'm pushing.
$query0 = "TRUNCATE table templateTable;";
$query1 = "INSERT INTO templateTable
(item1, item2, item3, item4...)
table1.itemA, table2.itemB, table1.itemC, table2.itemD...
FROM table1, table2
WHERE table1.itemA = table2.itemQ;";
// there are a LOT of items in this query, like 100
$query2 = "UPDATE templateTable, table1
SET templateTable.itemX = \"thing\",
WHEN table1.itemAB = 1
THEN itemX = 'THING1';";
$query3 = "UPDATE templateTable, table2, table1
SET templateTable.itemY =
WHEN table2.modelNumber = table1.modelNumber
THEN itemY = table2.modelNumber
itemY = table1.otherInformation;";
// these queries are using data from two tables to fill an inventory
// template table that will only be filled and edited through queries. there
// is no manual editing of this table- just queries.
I'm hoping you get the gist of this because there's 5 other queries even
longer and more complicated #.# I have a procedure in MySQL to do this but my
coworkers are nervous about running the procedure, so I'm trying to make it more
friendly by allowing it through the website. This was requested of me
Long story short: I'm trying to run a PHP function on the same page with HTML through a button, the php has 8 queries being run to a MySQL database, and I don't really understand any of this.
I'm trying to run a PHP function [...] through a button [...] that
does not redirect [or reload]
First you need to understand when is PHP executed, when is HTML rendered and when is Javascript executed.
Look for "difference between cliend-side and server-side" on the Internet, you'll find good explanations. It seems to be a big deal when you're a beginner but once you understand that, knowing when you have to use PHP, if and when you have to use Javascript, and which is the most accurate, is quite easy to get.
In a few words :
PHP is a server-side language. When you load a webpage, your browser (client) sends a request to the server. The server executes the PHP code, generates some HTML (in our case), and sends this HTML back to the browser.
HTML is rendered client-side. This is your browser that reads and renders HTML.
Javascript is a client-side language. Javascript code goes with the HTML sent from the server to the browser. The browser is able to execute Javascript.
In order to execute PHP code when you click on a button, there is 2 solutions :
Either this button is a link, or is part of a form. When you click on it, the page is reloaded (you can send it GET or POST parameters if needed), then your PHP code can be executed.
Either you use Javascript and AJAX, and you don't need to reload your current page. Your browser, with Javascript, will send another request to the server "in the back"*, and the server will be able to run some PHP code without you having to reload anything.
*(looking for an English expression that I don't know)
A quick word about jQuery : jQuery still IS Javascript. jQuery is a Javascript library, basically allowing you to have some cleaner, clearer and easier to write code (IMO). But, as halfer mentions in a comment, you don't need it everytime. Other libraries exist, and sometimes, for what you need, "pure" Javascript is enough.
If you place your button into a form with a hidden field like so:
<button type="submit">Run Queries</button>
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="1">
And use and IF statement around your queries:
if ($_GET['submitted'] === '1') {
// Run queries
You get the results it seems you want.
Very simplified: On an initial page load, the queries will be bypassed by the IF statement, which checks the submitted get parameter. When you press the button (submit the form) the submitted parameter will become 1

How do the scores on this sports ticker update itself without ajax calls?

I was looking at scores at earlier and upon inspection of the code, I couldn't quite figure out how they update their scores.
I don't see any ajax calls and the games don't appear to be wrapped into iframes, etc.
Can anyone explain to me how this works?
It seems like they are using Flash code to update the scores. I disabled Flash in my browser and got the following message:
However, if you want to implement something like that without using a Plugin, you can use Websockets in Javascript.
Check out line 1884 of the scoreboard file. The storePlayers function will format that big string into sets of markup that is used in the ticker.

Creating new html in JS or ajax loading a html layout?

I have a page where I need to create a large amount of HTML that's not already present in the page.
Using jQuery I've been building the page with JS piece by piece, adding divs here and there, etc, until I get my layout.
Right now I'm thinking rather than do all that in JS, I can create the layout in a separate HTML file and then load it with ajax. My initial aversion to that idea is because of ajax, it requires an additional server request, and might end up slow(er?).
Anyone have any advice on whether or not this is a good idea, and if it is, if there are tutorials, set ways and patterns to doing this sort of thing.
There may be a speed impact from making another round-trip to the server. However, I think that the readability/maintainability you gain from having all of your HTML in a separate template, rather than mixed in with your JS is the big win here. You won't have to deal with quote issues, entity encoding, all of that. And the code that you do have will be easier to debug.
I'm not aware of any specific tutorials on this, but with most of the AJAX libraries out there, it's easy to make an XHR request and pipe the response into a DIV. For example, see Prototype's Ajax.Updater(container, url[, options]) function. ( )
The issue you'll get is not slower, but your URLs will be a little messed up.
If you navigate from page to page your URL won't update easily. You CAN do it but it can be a lot of work.
I've used post's callback function to display the data from the post with good effect and it's fast.
Good luck with it!
edit: I was talking about jQuery's post function.
2nd edit: If you're going to vote me down guys, at least say why...

Executing JavaScript on page load selectively

Mending a bug in our SAP BW web application, I need to call two javascript functions from the web framework library upon page load. The problem is that each of these functions reloads the page as a side-effect. In addition, I don't have access to modify these functions.
Any great ideas on how to execute a piece of code on "real" page load, then another piece of code on the subsequent load caused by this function, and then execute no code the third reload?
My best idea so far it to set a cookie on each go to determine what to run. I don't greatly love this solution. Anything better would be very welcome. And by the way, I do realize loading a page three times is absolutely ridiculous, but that's how we roll with SAP.
A cookie would work just fine. Or you could modify the query string each time with a "mode=x" or "load=x" parameter.
This would present a problem if the user tries to bookmark the final page, though. If that's an option, the cookie solution is fine. I would guess they need cookies enabled to get that far in the app anyway?
A cookie, or pass a query string parameter indicating which javascript function has been run. We had to do something along these lines to trip out a piece of our software. That's really the best I got.
Use a cookie or set a hidden field value. My vote would be for the field value.
This might be a cute case for using, 'the property that survives page reloads'.

