Using JavaScript to "Create" a Microsoft Word Document - javascript

I would like to dynamically create a document using JavaScript and then open that document in Microsoft word. Is this possible? Here is my current code:
<script src="js/jquery-1.4.4.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="myDiv">The quick brown fox jumped lazly over the dead log.</div>
<script type="text/jscript">
var printWindow ="", "Print", "width=800,height=400,scrollbar=0");
var printAreaHtml = $("#myDiv").attr("outerHTML");"text/html", "replace");
printWindow.document.writeln("<meta HTTP-EQUIV='Content-Type' content='application/'>");
printWindow.document.writeln("<meta HTTP-EQUIV='Content-Disposition' content='attachment;filename=print.doc'>");
// printWindow.print();

I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do in your code up there but here is some information i found about accessing a word document and a table within the doc:
Microsoft Word Object Model
This object model is part of Microsoft Word (not Javascript) and it lets you "automate" word remotely from other programs (not just web pages, but any computer program).
It is primarily designed for Visual Basic, but can be accessed by Javascript from a web page - see para 2 below.
However it is a bit more tricky to use through Javascript, particularly because you cannot use visual basic constants - you need to refer to them by value. If you research this further, you will soon know what I mean by this.
So where can you find out about this Object Model?
It is all there in the Word help files if you look for it.
If you look in the Word help, under programming information, you will find the Microsoft Word Visual Basic Programming Reference.
The Word object model, which lets you do things you will need to solve your problem like:
Open Word
Open a Document in Word
Access the collection of Tables in that ActiveDocument.
Access the Rows and Cells of a given Table.
How do you access this from Javascript?
This might only be done I think through Internet Explorer (and perhaps Opera).
Here you need to learn about ActiveXObjects.
ActiveXObjects (if you do not know) are separate computer programs which enable additional functionality. There are lots of ActiveX objects on the internet.
When you install Word, this also installs an ActiveX object for automating word, giving you access to the Word Object Model.
So in javascript, lets open up a new instance of word:
var oApplication=new ActiveXObject("Word.Application");
oApplication.Visible=true; // "Visible" is in the Word Object Model`
There you have it.
Then if you want to open you file and get the table:
var oDocument=oApplication.ActiveDocument;
var oTable=oDocument.Tables(1);`
And now I leave it to you to keep going with the rest.

EDIT: this wasn't possible when the question was asked but in 2017 it is. See link from comment by jrm -
Browser place some serious restrictions on Javascript which will prevent you creating a downloadable file. See this related question:
Create a file in memory for user to download, not through server

I don't believe that this idea will work. You need to create the Word file with a serverside language. For example PHP:

You can not get this working using client side. Main thing is you need to send headers not as html. So I would suggest you to use server side scripting as Max suggested and preferably use .htaccess file if you are using Apache server to also name these files as .doc.
Lets assume your php file needs to create a .doc file with some passed argument lets say id. So you want file_.doc to point to file.php?id=, try using following rewrite rule so that browser understands by extension too
RewriteRule file_(.*).doc file.php?id=$1

if you need server side document generation and server is running Java, take a look at this:

This is absolutely possible. Googoose is a jQuery plugin that I wrote to handle a lot of the more complicated conversions. It's still fairly new, but there appear to be a few other attempts at this, so you could check those out. Here is the best documentation I've found so far that actually explains this process If you're interested check out the examples in Googoose.

sometimes we can not use server side app or activeX to create office document because of phonegap mobile app that uses only client-side javascipt to operate.
the only way i found for now is uding word binary file format or OOXML
some say that its much easier to create RTF file and i agree with them.


Proprietary Web Components

Let's say we have some proprietary web components which were designed and developed for a specific company needs.
Can we safeguard our web components from being used by others? If yes, how?
Note: I am not talking about other developers modifying the component, I am only thinking about others using them straight away in the first place.
It is just JS. All you can do is delay hackers.
The most you can do is use tools like JSObfuscator and JSFuck to make your code as unreadable as possible. But ofcourse experienced hackers have tools also...
Then it dawned me; it is all about adding extra hurdles, and there is one more hurdle we can call to action.
I wrote a nerdy blog post about using the URI to encode your Web Components
Basically boils down to NOT putting the Dictionary in the file itself, like Obfuscators do;
but placing the encoding dictionary in the URI (Domain Path even better!):
<script src="element.js?-customElements-define-HTMLElement-"></script>
And executing:
let D = document.currentScript.src.split`-`;
// D = ["element.js?","customElements","define","HTMLElement"];
window[D[1]][D[2]]("my-element",class extends window[D[3]]{ ... });

loading a external content so that searchable by Google for SEO purposes

I'm working on a project where we'd like to load external content onto a customers site. The main requirements are that we'd like the customer to have as simple of an include as possible (like a one-line link similar to Doubleclick) and would preferably not have to be involved in any server-side language. The two proposed ways of doing this were an iframe or loading a javascript file that document.write's out the content.
We looked more at the latter since it seemed to produce more reliable legibility and simplicity for the end user - a single line of Javascript. We have been hit with the reality that this will be indexed unpredictably by Google. I have read most of the posts on this topic regarding javascript and indexing (for example, Currenlty we have (for example):
<div class='main-container'>
<script src=''></script>
// at
document.write('blue fish and green grass');
but it looks like google indexes this type of content only sometimes based upon 'Fetch As Google' used in Google's webmaster tools. Since it does sometimes work, I know it's possible for this indexing to be ok. More specifically, if we isolate our content to something like the above and remove extraneous content, it will index it each time (as opposed to the EXACT SAME Javascript in a regular customer html page). If we have our content in a customer's html file it doesn't seem to get indexed.
What would be a better option to ensure that Google has indexed the content (remote isn't any better)? Ideas I have tried / come across would be to load a remote file in for example PHP, something like:
echo file_get_contents('');
This is obviously blocking but possibly not a deal-breaker.
Given the above requirements, would there be any other solution?
This is a common problem and I've created a JS plugin that you can use to solve this.
Make sure to use the: __init() function instead of standard DOM ready functions and you know for sure that Google is able to index.

How to use FileSystemObject to read file in JavaScript

I want to read a file with FileSystemObject. My code is as following:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Read json</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function readFile(filename){
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var ForReading = 1;
var f1 = fso.OpenTextFile(filename, ForReading);
var text = f1.ReadAll();
return text;
myJSONText = "text.txt";
var myObject = readFile(myJSONText);//eval('(' + myJSONText + ')');
First, let me repeat some comments above. I've never seen using ActiveXObject client side extolled as a thing that should be done.
Now, let me say I'm trying to learn how to do this myself. Here are some thoughts (and helpful links, see the bottom) on this question.
The general layout, according to "Much ADO about Text Files" on MSDN's scripting clinic column, is:
Create the object.
Create another object, using the first, that uses
a method of the first object (such as getting a file).
Do things to
the file.
Close the file.
How do you start? According to IE Dev Center (linked here), use an ActiveXObject in Javascript as follows:
newObj = new ActiveXObject(servername.typename[, location])
You've got that when you declare fso in your code. What about this "servername" thing, isn't the file accessed locally? Instead of "servername etc" you've put in Scripting.FileSystemObject. This is actually fine, if the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT registry key on the host PC supports it (see ref above).
Once the ActiveXObject is successfully declared, and if the browser allows it (IE only), and if the end user agrees to any warnings that pop up ("An ActiveX control on this page might be unsafe to interact with other parts of the page..." etc), then the object allows you to use any of the methods associated with that object. That's where the power of the Windows Scripting FileSystemObject comes into play.
Any FileSystemObject (fso) method is now available to use, which as its name suggests, means file (and directory) interaction on the local machine. Not just reading, as your question is focused on, but writing and deleting as well. A complete list of methods and properties is available at MSDN here. After being used, close out the file using the .close() method.
So, this is dangerous for obvious reasons. But what wasn't obvious to me at first was that these interactions with the filesystem may happen invisibly. There is a good chance that whatever you do, from reading a file to deleting a directory tree, no warnings or command prompts will come up to let you know what's happening because of your few lines of code.
Let me finish by commenting on the last bits of code above. Using JSON in conjunction with data pulled from the FileSystemObject provides a great way to allow JavaScript interaction (JSON .parse and .stringify come immediately to mind). With this, data could be stored locally, perhaps as an alternative to HTML5 local storage (ref this SO thread, which goes more in-depth with this concept, and another SO question I raised about this here).
Here are some links for further reading:
IE Dev Center, JavaScript Objects, ActiveXObject
MSDN JScript Windows Scripting (including FileSystemObject methods, etc)
MSDN Scripting Clinic (older articles, many broken links, but stil a lot of good info on this stuff)

Does google robot index text from javascript document.write()?

Lets say I have this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var p = document.getElementById('cls');
p.firstChild.nodeValue = 'Some interesting information';
<div id="cls"> </div>
So, google robots will index text Some interesting information or not?
AFAIK, google robot will now indexing AJAX and Javascript stuff.For reference please follow:
Get google to index links from javascript generated content
SearchEngine watch has recently mentioned that Google bot has been improvised to read JavaScript, to quote exactly
it can now read and understand certain dynamic comments implemented
through AJAX and JavaScript. This includes Facebook comments left
through services like the Facebook social plugin.
We've had a need to hide pieces of information on pages from GoogleBot. As the information wasn't extremely sensitive, we've used document.write()-s to avoid searchbots indexing content in question.
Later in 2011 Q3 I've found that GoogleBot did index the scripted content, so I'm pretty sure now that Google is indexing much more than just fetching URLs from content, even though it's really not documented anywhere deeply.
Google doesn't index the JavaScript code or the generated content. You will only see it in the cache because the cached page consists of the complete file including the JavaScript code and your browser renders it. Google does scan JavaScript for URLs to crawl, so if the code is pulling content from an external file via Ajax, etc., there's a chance that the external file will also be indexed, but separate from the parent page. If you want the content to be indexed, it's got to be in plain HTML. Good luck!

How can I execute javascript in Bash?

I try to get to a page straight from Bash at The page appears when you write mathematics to the field at the top right corner. I tested
but it leads to the main page. It is clearly some javascript thing. How can I get the results straight from Bash on the first page?
Let's take an example. I have the following lines for a Math search engine in .bashrc:
alias mathundergradsearch='/Users/user/bin/mathundergraduate'
Things in a separate file:
open "$q+$w+$e+$r+$t&hl=en"
Now, I want something similar to the example. The difference is that the other site contains javascript or something that does not allow me to see the parameters. How could I know where to put the search parameters as I cannot see the details?
open ""
You need quotes because the URL contains characters the shell considers to be special.
The Links web browser more or less runs from the commandline (like lynx) and supports basic javascript.
Even though the title of the post sounds general, your question is very specific. It's unclear to me what you're trying to achieve in the end. Clearly you can access sites that rely heavily on javascript (else you wouldn't be able to post your question here), so I'm sure that you can open the mentioned site in a normal browser.
If you just want to execute javascript from the commandline (as the title suggests), it's easy if you're running bash via cygwin. You just call cscript.exe and provide a .js scriptname of what you wish to execute.
I didn't get anything handled by JavaScript - it just took me to
Replacing mathematics (right after q=) should work. You may be able to strip out some of that query string, but I tried a couple of things and and it didn't play nice.
Don't forget to encode your query for URLs.
You will need to parse the response, find the URL that is being opened via JavaScript and then open that URL.
Check this out:
PhantomJS it's a CLI tool that runs a real, fully-fledged Browser without the Chrome.

