Determine HTML Node name given a javascript selection object - javascript

How can I determine the node (what tag this innerHTML is associated with) that is associated with a given javascript selection object? I am using window.getSelection() and would like to know in which div/span class the selection is in.
Thank you!

If you want the deepest element that contains the whole of the selection, the easiest way is to obtain a Range object from the selection and use its commonAncestorContainer property.
function getSelectionContainerElementId() {
var sel = window.getSelection();
if (sel.rangeCount > 0) {
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
var container = range.commonAncestorContainer;
// container could be a text node, so use its parent if so
if (container.nodeType == 3) {
container = container.parentNode;
return null;


Load SVG from file to canvas and ungroup it

I upload an SVG file to a canvas using FabricJS with the function
fabric.loadSVGFromURL (url, function(objects, options){
group = fabric.util.groupSVGElements(objects, options);
This works perfectly. However the next step I want do is to ungroup the recently added group. The reason why I need to ungroup is that I want to be able to select the group's child elements by clicking on them since there is no access to these elements if they are grouped.
I found a snippet to perform an ungroup however when I do it with the group created width groupSVGElements the elements lose their original position scrambling the whole svg that I loaded.
Does anyone knows how to ungroup a loaded SVG and still keep the original positions of the elements?
You can still access each of the element using perPixelTargetFind
When set to true, objects are "found" on canvas on per-pixel basis rather than according to
bounding box.
I'm looking for the same solution. Did you find an answer so far?
Looking at the structure of an SVG element, I would image it should be possible to write a recursive method, which gives the children, the properties of the group and places them one level up. If you keep doing this, you should end up with all groups exploded and all properties intact (which are inherited otherwise).
Looking at SVG-EDIT, there is a function which should do this:
Function: ungroupSelectedElement
// Unwraps all the elements in a selected group (g) element. This requires
// significant recalculations to apply group's transforms, etc to its children
this.ungroupSelectedElement = function() {
var g = selectedElements[0];
if (!g) {
if ($(g).data('gsvg') || $(g).data('symbol')) {
// Is svg, so actually convert to group
if (g.tagName === 'use') {
// Somehow doesn't have data set, so retrieve
var symbol = svgedit.utilities.getElem(getHref(g).substr(1));
$(g).data('symbol', symbol).data('ref', symbol);
var parents_a = $(g).parents('a');
if (parents_a.length) {
g = parents_a[0];
// Look for parent "a"
if (g.tagName === 'g' || g.tagName === 'a') {
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Ungroup Elements');
var cmd = pushGroupProperties(g, true);
if (cmd) {batchCmd.addSubCommand(cmd);}
var parent = g.parentNode;
var anchor = g.nextSibling;
var children = new Array(g.childNodes.length);
var i = 0;
while (g.firstChild) {
var elem = g.firstChild;
var oldNextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
var oldParent = elem.parentNode;
// Remove child title elements
if (elem.tagName === 'title') {
var nextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand(elem, nextSibling, oldParent));
children[i++] = elem = parent.insertBefore(elem, anchor);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand(elem, oldNextSibling, oldParent));
// remove the group from the selection
// delete the group element (but make undo-able)
var gNextSibling = g.nextSibling;
g = parent.removeChild(g);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand(g, gNextSibling, parent));
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {addCommandToHistory(batchCmd);}
// update selection
See also:

How can I get all text node in document fragment?

I get the user selected text:
var selection = window.getSelection();
var selectRange = selection.getRangeAt(0);
var content = selectRange.cloneContents(); // DocumentFragment
How can I get the textNode in the DocumentFragment content?
use textContent
var selection = window.getSelection();
var selectRange = selection.getRangeAt(0);
var content = selectRange.cloneContents(); // DocumentFragment
var text = content.textContent;
Filter fragment.childNodes to get the text nodes:
const selection = window.getSelection();
const selectRange = selection.getRangeAt(0);
const fragment = selectRange.cloneContents(); // DocumentFragment
// Get the child nodes and filter them to only include text nodes
const textNodes = Array.from(fragment.childNodes).filter(child => child.nodeName === "#text");
Combining some tricks it is easy to extract the text nodes out of any container node (in this case a fragment). The fragment part of the question is irrelevant to the extraction part.
Getting all the children of the container, converting them to a "real" Array using the spread operator ... so filter could be used to. Can also skip this part because HTMLCollection does support forEach so it's possible to fill an empty Array within that.
Note that Node.TEXT_NODE is a DOM constant for 3
// create a demo fragment with some HTML mix of text nodes & elements
var frag = document.createRange().createContextualFragment("<a>1</a> 2 <b>3</b> 4.");
// now the work begins: get only the text nodes from the fragment
var textNodes = [...frag.childNodes].filter(node => node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE)
// print the text nodes as an array
console.log( => node.textContent) )

JavaScript: Add elements in textNode

I want to add an element to a textNode. For example: I have a function that search for a string within element's textNode. When I find it, I want to replace with a HTML element. Is there some standard for that?
Thank you.
You can't just replace the string, you'll have to replace the entire TextNode element, since TextNode elements can't contain child elements in the DOM.
So, when you find your text node, generate your replacement element, then replace the text node with a function similar to:
function ReplaceNode(textNode, eNode) {
var pNode = textNode.parentNode;
pNode.replaceChild(textNode, eNode);
For what it appears you want to do, you will have to break apart the current Text Node into two new Text Nodes and a new HTML element. Here's some sample code to point you hopefully in the right direction:
function DecorateText(str) {
var e = document.createElement("span"); = "#ff0000";
return e;
function SearchAndReplaceElement(elem) {
for(var i = elem.childNodes.length; i--;) {
var childNode = elem.childNodes[i];
if(childNode.nodeType == 3) { // 3 => a Text Node
var strSrc = childNode.nodeValue; // for Text Nodes, the nodeValue property contains the text
var strSearch = "Special String";
var pos = strSrc.indexOf(strSearch);
if(pos >= 0) {
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
if(pos > 0)
fragment.appendChild(document.createTextNode(strSrc.substr(0, pos)));
if((pos + strSearch.length + 1) < strSrc.length)
fragment.appendChild(document.createTextNode(strSrc.substr(pos + strSearch.length + 1)));
elem.replaceChild(fragment, childNode);
Maybe jQuery would have made this easier, but it's good to understand why all of this stuff works the way it does.

Inserting Custom Tags on User Selection

I want to insert my own custom tags and scripts around the selected text. Something like this
var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
var sel = window.getSelection();
range.setStart( sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset );
highlightSpan = document.createElement("abbr");
highlightSpan.setAttribute("style","background-color: yellow;");
This works in normal scenarios but if I select some text in different paragraphs the extractContents API will validate the HTML returned and put additional tags to make it valid HTML. I want the exact HTML that was selected without the additional validating that javascript did.
Is there any way this can be done?
I have tried it the way mentioned in How can I highlight the text of the DOM Range object? but the thing is I want user specific highlights so if A has added some highlight B should not be able to see it. For this I have my backend code ready.
If you wrap with tags the selected text that belongs to different paragraphs, you create invalid HTML code.
This is an example of invalid HTML code that you would generate.
<p>notselected <span>selected</p><p>selected</span> notselected</p>
In order to accomplish your task, you need to wrap with tags each text in each paragraph of the selection resulting in a code like this.
<p>notselected <span>selected</span></p><p><span>selected</span> notselected</p>
To accomplish this you have to iterate over all nodes selected and wrap the selected text like this:
function wrapSelection() {
var range, start, end, nodes, children;
range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
start = range.startContainer;
end = range.endContainer;
children = function (parent) {
var child, nodes;
nodes = [];
child = parent.firstChild;
while (child) {
nodes = nodes.concat(children(child));
child = child.nextSibling;
return nodes;
nodes = children(range.commonAncestorContainer);
nodes = nodes.filter(function (node) {
return node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE;
nodes = nodes.slice(nodes.indexOf(start) + 1, nodes.indexOf(end));
nodes.forEach(function (node) {
wrap = window.document.createElement("span");
node.parentNode.insertBefore(wrap, node);
start = new Range();
start.setStart(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
start.setEnd(range.startContainer, range.startContainer.length);
end = new Range();
end.setStart(range.endContainer, 0);
end.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);

Applying google app script code in selection in google docs

I have the following code that puts bold style some keywords in a whole google document:
function boldKeywords() {
// Words that will be put in bold:
var keywords = ["end", "proc", "fun"];
var document = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = document.getBody();
var Style = {};
Style[DocumentApp.Attribute.BOLD] = true;
for (j in keywords) {
var found = body.findText(keywords[j]);
while(found != null) {
var foundText = found.getElement().asText();
var start = found.getStartOffset();
var end = found.getEndOffsetInclusive();
foundText.setAttributes(start, end, Style)
found = body.findText(keywords[j], found);
But I would like the code to put the keywords in bold only in the selected area of the document, for doing that, I tried using the function getSelection(), but I have the problem that this function returns a Range, but for applying findText I need a Body, somebody knows what could I do?
Modified Script
function boldKeywordsInSelection() {
const keywords = ["end", "proc", "fun"];
const document = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
const selection = document.getSelection();
// get a list of all the different range elements
const rangeElements = selection.getRangeElements();
const Style = {};
Style[DocumentApp.Attribute.BOLD] = true;
// forEach used here because for in was giving me trouble...
rangeElements.forEach(rangeElement => {
// Each range element has a corresponding element (e.g. paragraph)
const parentElement = rangeElement.getElement();
// fixing the limits of the bold operations depending on the selection
const startLimit = rangeElement.getStartOffset();
const endLimit = rangeElement.getEndOffsetInclusive();
for (j in keywords) {
let found = parentElement.findText(keywords[j]);
// wrapping in try catch to escape the for loop from within the while loop
try {
while (found != null) {
const foundText = found.getElement().asText();
const start = found.getStartOffset();
// Checking if the start of the word is after the start of the selection
if (start < startLimit) {
// If so, then skip to next word
found = parentElement.findText(keywords[j], found);
// Checking if the start of the word is after the end of the selection
// if so, go to next element
if (start > endLimit) throw "out of selection";
const end = found.getEndOffsetInclusive();
foundText.setAttributes(start, end, Style)
found = parentElement.findText(keywords[j], found);
} catch (e) {
See the comments in the code for more details.
A getSelection produces a Range object, which contains within it various instances of RangeElement. Each RangeElement makes reference to a parent element, and the index positions within that parent. The parent is the element that the range element is a part of. For example:
This selection spans 3 elements. Therefore the selection has 3 range elements. You can only use the findText method on the whole element, not the range element.
This means that the flow of the script is generally the same, except that you need to go through each element and find the text within each element. Since this will return elements that are outside the selection, you need to keep track of the index positions of the selection and the found element and make sure the found element is within the selection.

