Offline Mapping Solution - javascript

I am in a need of a solution for mobile devices, which will allow to display offline map with some 400 POIS of a given city. I have digged a bit and am stacked with the idea. I will develop my application with rhomobile, so I would have browser, ruby .
Could you maybe give some hint which library and tools should I use? It seems openstreetmap is what I need , but I don't understand or don't know which tool can do following
1) Expprt the whole city into offline file which then could be loaded by some javascript library from local folder and show

I have found out that with mapnik I can generate map tiles and offline in mobile app use them. Openlayers will serve as map showing framework.
Thanks for them who tried to help.


android map api overview and choice

I want to create an app with android studio that will use a map and show the device location on it. Also i want to show markers on the map and be able to click them and interact with them.
A lightweight and fast solution(there will be frequent updates of locations) is best of course.
I searched a bit and found the solution of google maps api.
This has an api solution for android but i then found other options like
leaflet, openlayers and probably there are more.
Leaflet though and openlayers are js and after searching how to implement it i found i have to use a "webview".
I could not find any other native solution like google maps that is as open source as leaflet or openlayers.
At first i though to use leaflet since google maps was not so open source and could ask for money after some use of the maps. Also i want to use custom markers.
What library should i use?
Does using js and webview have a considerable impact on speed and performance over native libraries?
Is it difficult to interact with the js - to change/create markers, display text and stuff and move the marker as the user moves?
I am new to android development any advice that will point mistakes at my thinking are welcome.
The best approach is to develop a hybrid app so that you can bring the best of both JS and JAVA world together.
We have successfully developed a hybrid app based on leaflet for a large enterprise in India.
As as far as the hybrid apps are concerned, you can use Iconic framework. You can perform/customize all the map related functionalities which leaflet offers.
We have not seen any performance lag(tested on Android 4.4, 5.1 and 6.0)

Using Google Maps offline (Js Api)

I'm trying to make an NodeJs App in which, on web page I'm using Maps, For some reasons I've chosen Google Maps and I want to stick to it. My question is, Is there anyway where I can either store or cache map tiles offline and later on use it as needed [Note: Not looking for any hack or Illegal way for it, I already know there are many such ways].
I tried and saw many options like GEE (Google Earth Enterprise) portable but I guess they are shutting it down very soon i.e by 2017.
Basically what I'm trying here is to minimize the data usage on rendering map tiles, so alternatively, if there ain't a way to make google map work offline any suggestion or advice for minimizing data usage is appreciated.
The offline access via Maps JavaScript API is not available at the moment. There is a feature request in the public issue tracker:
Please star this feature request to express your interest and receive further updates from Google.
1.Use Localstorage instead it might help but will be used in google chrome.
2.Check this url it might help How to cache Google map tiles for offline usage?

Several questions about Google Maps Engine. Which version of engine? API?

I have a customer who wants a site with a map included. The requirements are as follows:
The map needs to be easily edited by the customer(which is why i ended up with Google maps).
The map needs to have markers with info about stores(which is why i think i need maps engine business, since its possibly money involved).
The site I'm making needs to have a search field, which should navigate to the correct location when a option (lets say New York) is selected(which i why i probably need to use the API).
Am i correct in the consumption's above? I'm very confused by all the developer guides, and different map options(lite, pro, engine, not engine etc). I keep opening new links, and they tell different things.
If i make my map public(which i can), will i still have to use OAuth 2.0? The guides i found said i didn't have to, but i still cant get info from the API. The response says i need to add the bearer.
More questions:
- Why can't i add markers when i use the "standard" maps engine, but only the lite one? I'm guessing the lite version wont be suffice for my project. The icons for adding marker is grey, and it gives me warning icon when hovering with my mouse.
- If i navigate to my map with the lite version i can't see my map-id in the url(this might be because it cant be used for API?). It seems i can get my map-id from the "real" maps engine.
Google has three products in this field: Maps Engine Lite, Maps Engine Pro, and just plain Maps Engine. This page explains the differences, but it sounds like you would be best off with Maps Engine Pro.
Both Lite and Pro let you embed your map easily into another webpage. No programming, OAuth etc needed, just copy and paste the pregenerated code.
Pro lets you add up to 2,000 points per layer onto a map, with full custom styling. (Lite is limited to 100 per layer and a set of default icons.)
Lite is free, but Pro costs only US$5/month, so it's not going to break the bank.
The only issue is going to be that search box. Maps Engine Lite & Pro maps in the default standalone viewer have a search box that does what you want, but the embedded iframe version only has a list of points. Might be good enough if you don't have too many?

show image tiles from database

I am trying to build an web application (not using Silverlight) which zooms and pans into large images like Seadragon. But I do not like to use the deepzoom composer tool to create this files and store the tiles in some folder structure in my server. I would like to store them in a database. There is an Article here which describes very nicely how to do this for the Silverlight version of the deepzoom with multiscaleimage control. My Idea is to achieve something similar but without Silverlight.
Maybe My question is similar to this The correct choice of tools for a new Deep Zoom application, I need your suggestions on how to build a control which can show the tiles from database.
Is your question about creating the tiles and storing them in the database? Or is it assuming you already have that, and wondering how best to display them?
If the latter, I recommend OpenSeadragon:
You just need to write a custom tilesource to produce URLs for the tiles:
I don't know seadragon or deepzoom but in GIS applications with the help of GeoServer (free) you can serve big raster images with tiled-WMS (web map service).
Please google geoserver and wms-t keywords to check if they are suitable for your project or not.

Sharing Places using Google API/Ruby on Rails

I am building a collaborative web app to share places and media related to this place .
I am new to Google Maps and still new to Ruby on Rails . I need to have a user to mark a location on a map (using Google Map) then share an event in this map. It's kind of a collaborative tool using a map ?
I can't find an operational code example on Github or blogpost/Tutorial that explain a similar scenario .
Does anyone have one to share? Thanks.
I did this app a while back: try it out, if is usefull for you i can share you the source
You can create map pins give them a title and share them with a url, also they get saved on your pins section
here is the github:

