ExtJS grid with pagination, instead of combobox - javascript

I am creating a list of items, that are in combobox, but I am asked to create it with grid and to include pagination. Is it possible to create a grid with list of items, and then select them like in dropdown menu (with multiselect feature) and when clicked a submit button get the values and process it through php file.?
My thoughts: Grid is for displaying list of information, and the text in grid can be link text. But as far as I know you can't select item from grid then process by clicking submit buttons.
Anyways, whats the best way of doing it? And if its not possible with neither one of the methods, can I use multiselect to make the list? With displayfield and valuefield?

Well, you can add checkbox to each item in grid and then do some action to selected items.
Ext.define('Your.items.Grid' ,{
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
title : 'Grid with checkboxes',
store: 'Items',
// This line adds checkboxes
selModel: Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel'),
columns: [
// Some columns here
initComponent: function() {
this.dockedItems = [{
xtype: 'toolbar',
items: [{
itemId: 'process',
text: 'Process',
action: 'process' // Bind to some action and then process
{ // Here is pagination
xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',
store: 'Items',
displayInfo: true,
displayMsg: 'Displaying items {0} - {1} of {2}',
emptyMsg: "No items to display"
Hope I understood your question correctly


Change Extjs Grid Validation Text

I'm looking at an older project that is using ExtJS. Admittedly, I'm not too familiar with this framework so I learn as I go and as I am asked to fix things. My issue is that there is a grid and each column uses allowBlank: false. This causes a tooltip box to display with some info about what field(s) need to be populated. This all works great, but I am trying to change that text in that tooltip i.e. "Error", "Benefit Category Name: This field is required", and I can't seem to make this work. How can I target and change that text? I'll include a screenshot of the grid and tooptip that I am talking about for reference. I am also using ExtJS version 6.
Here is a sample of one of the grid columns:
columns: [
dataIndex: 'benefit_category_name',
text: 'Benefit Category Name',
flex: 1,
editor: {
xtype: 'combo',
store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
fields: [
data: [],
queryMode: 'local',
valueField: 'benefit_category_name',
displayField: 'benefit_category_name',
emptyText: 'Select one',
listeners: {
select: 'handleComboChange',
itemId: 'benefit_category_id',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
renderer: function(value, metaData) {
metaData.tdAttr = Ext.String.format('data-qtip="{0}"', value);
return value;
I tried to use the metaData property I read about in some other posts, but I can't seem to change the tooptip text (Error, Benefit Category Name: This field is required).
Here is a screenshot of the tooltip mentioned. I know this is an older framework, but any tips I could get would be useful. Thanks for your time.
Thats a simple validation example with custom message.
xtype: 'textfield',
allowBlank:false, // will show required message - remove key to display vtypeText only
validateBlank: true,
vtype: 'alpha', // check for available types or create / extend one
vtypeText: 'Please change to what you want ...',
renderTo: Ext.getBody()

How to add ComboBox to settings gear menu in Rally app

Currently I'm working on an app that displays a chart of defects. The chart is to be filtered by a selection of checkboxes that the user can change around to fit his / her needs. These checkboxes are located in the gear menu of the app, under 'settings'. In App.js I have a function that looks like this:
getSettingsFields: function() {
return [
xtype: 'fieldcontainer',
fieldLabel: 'States',
defaultType: 'checkboxfield',
items: [
This function works perfectly so far and displays the items I left out of the code [they're not important to the question]. The problem is that now I want to add a ComboBox into the same settings page with custom values. The box should have the text [Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters] inside that will further filter which defects to display in the chart. I tried changing the getSettingsFields function to the following:
getSettingsFields: function() {
var myStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
fields: ['value', 'range'],
data: [
{'value':'day', 'range':'Days'}, //test data for ComboBox
{'value':'week', 'range':'Weeks'}
return [
xtype: 'combobox',
fieldLabel: 'Date Range',
store: myStore,
displayField: 'range',
valueField: 'value'
xtype: 'fieldcontainer',
fieldLabel: 'States',
defaultType: 'checkboxfield',
items: [
Now when I run the app and click on the 'settings' button, everything disappears - even the field of checkboxes. Any explanation to why this is not working would be very helpful!
You're basically doing everything correctly- you've just stumbled upon a really subtle bug. The underlying issue is that there is an infinite recursion that occurs when the settings panel is attempting to clone the settings field config array due to the inclusion of the store. The following code will work around the issue:
xtype: 'rallycombobox',
storeConfig: {
fields: ['value', 'range'],
data: [
{'value':'day', 'range':'Days'}, //test data for ComboBox
{'value':'week', 'range':'Weeks'}
storeType: 'Ext.data.Store',
fieldLabel: 'Date Range',
displayField: 'range',
valueField: 'value'
It's basically the same as what you had but uses the rallycombobox instead and passes in storeType and storeConfig to get around the store cloning problem.

How to implement this custom grid in ExtJS?

I am new to ExtJS. Currently I have grid implemented as shown below.
But I want to show the same information in a different way like showing in boxes, as shown below. How do I implement this?
You haven't specified which version of Ext JS you are using. So, will give you solution for both versions:
In ExtJS 3.x
You can make use of the Ext.DataView class. Here is an example of dataview. Even though the example makes use of the images, you can easily modify the view, but changing the template. Now, you have to work on the pagination bar. You will have to make use of the bbar property and create a toolbar. This toolbar will have your navigation buttons. So, you will have something like this:
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
title:'User Grid',
bbar: [{
text: Prev,
iconCls: 'prev-icon'
text: Next,
iconCls: 'next-icon'
items: new Ext.DataView({
store: yourStore,
tpl: yourTemplate,
multiSelect: false,
emptyText: 'No users to display',
[Obviously, the above code is not complete. You will have to add your store, template, other properties and event listeners according to user needs.]
In ExtJS 4.x
You will have to make use of Ext.view.View class. Here is a skeleton code:
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
alias : 'widget.memberslist',
initComponent: function() {
this.template = Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
'<tpl for=".">',
'<div class="member">',
'Name : {name} <br/>',
'Title : {title}',
this.store = Ext.create('MyApp.store.Members');
this.bbar = this.buildToolbar();
this.items = this.buildItems();
buildItems: function() {
return [{
xtype: 'dataview',
store: this.store,
id: 'members',
tpl: this.template,
itemSelector: 'div.member',
overItemCls : 'member-hover',
emptyText: 'No data available!'
buildToolbar : function() {
return [{
text: 'Previous',
action: 'prev'
text: 'Next',
action: "next"
The above code makes use of the new MVC architecture. You will have to add the event listeners etc in your controller.

ExtJs4 dynamically load items in a toolbar

How can I dynamically load items in an ExtJs 4 toolbar ? I want to load the items from JSON.
I have tried the loader, but it just became headache.
Ext.define('Backend.view.Nav' ,{
alias: 'widget.Nav',
extend: 'Ext.toolbar.Toolbar',
initComponent: function() {
this.items = [
iconCls: 'freewinder',
text: 'Freewinder'
iconCls: 'application',
text: 'Applikationen',
xtype: 'splitbutton'
iconCls: 'component',
text: 'Komponenten',
xtype: 'splitbutton'
emptyText: 'Suche ...',
xtype: 'textfield'
You can use add method of Ext.toolbar.Toolbar to add items dynamically after the toolbar has been constructed: http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-0/#!/api/Ext.toolbar.Toolbar-method-add
How do you want it to work? Should the toolbar appear, make an AJAX request and them add the menu items -- or should the server upon page load give the client-side app some JSON that contains the menu items or how do you want it to work exactly?
In case of the server outputting JSON on page load you can just do this.items = jsonItems.

Ext-JS: How to disable cell editing for individual cells in a grid?

I am now building a web application with Ext-JS 4.0.2, and I am using a editable grid to control the data to be shown for a table on the same page.
To make the grid editable, I followed the API documentation and used the following:
selType: 'cellmodel',
plugins: [
Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 2
However, for this grid, there are several cells that are not supposed to be changed.
I could simply let the event handler change the data back to the right state once it is changed in the grid, but this seems to be hacky, hard to maintain, and unreadable. Is there any better way to do this? I read the API but cannot find any useful attributes.
As for this particular app, just disable the first row would work. But I am also interested in choose several grid and make them not editable (imagine a Sudoku game with a grid).
As I've understand from comments you want to make first row not editable. There is ugly but quick solution. Assign to your plugin beforeedit handler. And when event is being fired check what row is being edited. If first - return false:
plugins: [
Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 2,
listeners: {
beforeedit: function(e, editor){
if (e.rowIdx == 0)
return false;
Check out docs for beforeedit.
Docs say that beforeedit has such set of params:
beforeedit( Ext.grid.plugin.Editing editor, Object e, Object options )
But there is mistake. The correct sequance is:
beforeedit( Object e, Ext.grid.plugin.Editing editor, Object options )
I've updated example due to this fact.
You can specify ColumnModel to declare editable and not editable columns:
var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
columns: [{
dataIndex: 'id',
header: 'id',
hidden: true
dataIndex: '1',
header: '1',
editor: new Ext.form.TextField({})
dataIndex: '2',
header: '2',
editor: new Ext.form.NumberField({})
dataIndex: '3',
header: '3'
var grid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
store: store,
clicksToEdit: 2,
cm: cm
In this example column id is unvisible, columns 1 and 2 editable (with text and number editors) and column 3 is not editable.
Prevent row editing:
grid.on('beforeedit', function(event) {
if (event.row == 0) {
event.cancel = true;
}, grid);
As Ziyao Wei mentioned the documentation for the beforeEdit event is wrong. However you need to reference the 'editor' parameter to get the row index and other values, not the first object parameter 'e'.
Updated example:
plugins: [
Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 2,
listeners: {
beforeedit: function(e, editor){
if (editor.rowIdx == 0)
return false;

