Encoding Javascript Object to Json string - javascript

I want to encode a Javascript object into a JSON string and I am having considerable difficulties.
The Object looks something like this
new_tweets[k]['tweet_id'] = 98745521;
new_tweets[k]['user_id'] = 54875;
new_tweets[k]['data']['in_reply_to_screen_name'] = "other_user";
new_tweets[k]['data']['text'] = "tweet text";
I want to get this into a JSON string to put it into an ajax request.
{'k':{'tweet_id':98745521,'user_id':54875, 'data':{...}}}
you get the picture. No matter what I do, it just doesn't work. All the JSON encoders like json2 and such produce
Well, that does not help me. Basically I would like to have something like the php encodejson function.

Unless the variable k is defined, that's probably what's causing your trouble. Something like this will do what you want:
var new_tweets = { };
new_tweets.k = { };
new_tweets.k.tweet_id = 98745521;
new_tweets.k.user_id = 54875;
new_tweets.k.data = { };
new_tweets.k.data.in_reply_to_screen_name = 'other_user';
new_tweets.k.data.text = 'tweet text';
// Will create the JSON string you're looking for.
var json = JSON.stringify(new_tweets);
You can also do it all at once:
var new_tweets = {
k: {
tweet_id: 98745521,
user_id: 54875,
data: {
in_reply_to_screen_name: 'other_user',
text: 'tweet_text'

You can use JSON.stringify like:


Naming a JSON array using Jquery

I have an array of JSON:
I want it to be:
gitdList: [
{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/7849225? v=4","Name":"simplenlg","Score":22.82041,"Updatedat":"2018-07-21T10:58:33Z"},
I searched and am finding solutions regarding php only , to use json.encode.
How do I do it using JQUERY?
Have you try like this way? just create an empty object like this object = {} and assign your existing value i.e avatar_urls to it with your desired key i.e gitdList. Hope this will work for you.
var avatar_urls = [{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/7849225?v=4","Name":"simplenlg","Score":22.82041,"Updatedat":"2018-07-21T10:58:33Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/8931462?v=4","Name":"aws-microservices-deploy-options","Score":20.521696,"Updatedat":"2018-07-20T12:22:07Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/4046529?v=4","Name":"useful-jenkins-groovy-init-scripts","Score":21.447626,"Updatedat":"2018-07-18T19:52:02Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/6755615?v=4","Name":"dnsjava","Score":34.74705,"Updatedat":"2018-06-28T15:16:45Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/504773?v=4","Name":"luke","Score":19.239859,"Updatedat":"2018-06-28T07:27:26Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/536912?v=4","Name":"Wicket-tutorial-examples","Score":37.265644,"Updatedat":"2018-07-14T04:28:50Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/33330803?v=4","Name":"nexus-repository-apt","Score":44.401646,"Updatedat":"2018-07-06T18:28:13Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1321963?v=4","Name":"marc4j","Score":28.282797,"Updatedat":"2018-07-07T15:58:57Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/5622390?v=4","Name":"jamonapi","Score":24.564436,"Updatedat":"2018-07-16T07:44:35Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1123352?v=4","Name":"osgi.enroute","Score":7.6444883,"Updatedat":"2018-07-17T08:26:51Z"}]
var object = {};
object.gitdList = avatar_urls;
Edit: pretty neat and better way to do it.
var object = { gitdList: avatar_urls};
maybe like this:
var data=[{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/7849225?v=4","Name":"simplenlg","Score":22.82041,"Updatedat":"2018-07-21T10:58:33Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/8931462?v=4","Name":"aws-microservices-deploy-options","Score":20.521696,"Updatedat":"2018-07-20T12:22:07Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/4046529?v=4","Name":"useful-jenkins-groovy-init-scripts","Score":21.447626,"Updatedat":"2018-07-18T19:52:02Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/6755615?v=4","Name":"dnsjava","Score":34.74705,"Updatedat":"2018-06-28T15:16:45Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/504773?v=4","Name":"luke","Score":19.239859,"Updatedat":"2018-06-28T07:27:26Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/536912?v=4","Name":"Wicket-tutorial-examples","Score":37.265644,"Updatedat":"2018-07-14T04:28:50Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/33330803?v=4","Name":"nexus-repository-apt","Score":44.401646,"Updatedat":"2018-07-06T18:28:13Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1321963?v=4","Name":"marc4j","Score":28.282797,"Updatedat":"2018-07-07T15:58:57Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/5622390?v=4","Name":"jamonapi","Score":24.564436,"Updatedat":"2018-07-16T07:44:35Z"},{"AvatarURL":"https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1123352?v=4","Name":"osgi.enroute","Score":7.6444883,"Updatedat":"2018-07-17T08:26:51Z"}];
var new_data={ 'gitdList': data };

Get first word of string inside array - from return REST

I try get the sessionid before REST function, but in the case if I does not convert toString(); show only numbers (21 22 2e ...).
See this image:
Obs.: Before using split.
!!xxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxxxx.rest.schema.xxxxResp {error: null, sessionID: qdaxxxxxxxxxxxxxj}
My code:
var Client = require('./lib/node-rest-client').Client;
var client = new Client();
var dataLogin = {
data: { "userName":"xxxxxxxx","password":"xxxxxxxx","platform":"xxxxx" },
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
client.registerMethod("postMethod", "xxxxxxxxxxx/login", "POST");
client.methods.postMethod(dataLogin, function (data, response) {
// parsed response body as js object
// console.log(data); all return, image 1
// raw response
data = data.toString('utf8'); // if i does not convert to string, return numbers, see image 1..
console.log(data); //all inside image 2, and i want just value from sessionid
var output = data;
var res = output.split(" "); // using split
res = res[4].split("}", 1);
console.log(res); //image 3
I tested with JSON.parse and JSON.stringify and it did not work, show just 'undefined' for all. After convert toString();, And since I've turned the values ​​into string, I thought of using split to get only the value of sessionid.
And when I used split, all transform to array and the return is from console.log(data), see image 2:
Obs.: After use split and convert to array automatically.
And the return after use split is with the conditions inside my code:
And the return after use split is with the conditions inside my code:
[ 'bkkRQxxxxxxxxxxxxx' ]
And I want just:
I would like to know how to solve this after all these temptations, but if you have another way of getting the sessionid, I'd be happy to know.
Thanks advance!
After converting the Buffer to a string, remove anything attached to the front with using data.substr(data.indexOf('{')), then JSON.parse() the rest. Then you can just use the object to get the sessionID.
data = data.toString('utf8');
data = data.substr(data.indexOf('{'));
obj = JSON.parse(data);
The issue you are having with JSON.parse() is because what is being returned is not actually JSON. The JSON spec requires the properties to be quoted ("). See this article
If the string looked like this, it would work: {"error": null, "sessionID": qdaxxxxxxxxxxxxxj}
Because the json is not really json, you can use a regular expression to get the info you want. This should get it for you.
re = /(sessionID: )([^,}]*)/g;
match = re.exec(data);
EDIT 2: After fully reading the article that I linked above (oops haha), this is a more preferable way to deal with unquoted JSON.
var crappyJSON = '{ somePropertyWithoutQuotes: "theValue!" }';
var fixedJSON = crappyJSON.replace(/(['"])?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(['"])?:/g, '"$2": ');
var aNiceObject = JSON.parse(fixedJSON);

How can I use underscore in name of dynamic object variable

Website that I'm making is in two different languages each data is saved in mongodb with prefix _nl or _en
With a url I need to be able to set up language like that:
My code look like that:
var headPage = req.params.headPage;
var subPage = req.params.subPage;
var slug = 'name';
var slugSub = 'subPages.slug_en';
var myObject = {};
myObject[slugSub] = subPage;
myObject[slug] = headPage;
function (err, pages) {
var Pages = {};
pages.forEach(function (page) {
Pages[page._id] = page;
After console.log it I get following:
{ 'subPages.slug_en': 'This-Is-English-Sub',
name: 'This-Is-English-Head' }
Is you can see objectname subPages.slug_en is seen as a String insteed of object name..
I know that javascript does not support underscores(I guess?) but I'm still looking for a fix, otherwise i'll be forced to change all underscores in my db to different character...
The final result of console.log need to be:
{ subPages.slug_en: 'This-Is-English-Sub',
name: 'This-Is-English-Head' }
Insteed of :
{ 'subPages.slug_en': 'This-Is-English-Sub',
name: 'This-Is-English-Head' }
Otherwise it does not work
The reason you are seeing 'subPages.slug_en' (with string quotes) is because of the . in the object key, not the underscore.
Underscores are definitely supported in object keys without quoting.
Using subPages.slug_en (without string quotes) would require you to have an object as follows:
{ subPages: {slug_en: 'This-Is-English-Sub'},
name: 'This-Is-English-Head' }
Which you could set with the following:
myObject['subPages']['slug_en'] = subPage;
Or simply:
myObject.subPages.slug_en = subPage;

Add [DataObject] to exsisting array with var key

Using Cordova, I am trying to get an Object to add to an array. I have this working on node JS using :
theData = {[varkey]:DataObject};
But I can't get this to work the same way within my javascript that cordova runs.
I need to do the following:
var TownName = 'Auckland', var townData = (JSON Data);
theArray = new Array();
theArray[TownName] = townData;
I need to be able to call it back as:
Which will return (JSON Data)
But it doesn't want to store the data with the key inside the array.
I have also tried:
theArray.TownName = townData;
theArray = [{TownName:townData}];
theArray = {[TownName]:townData}];
Nothing wants to store the data.
Any suggestions?
data.theData =
data.town = "Auckland";
townData = new Array();
alert(JSON.stringify(data.theData))//Alerts theData
townData[data.town] = data.theData
alert(townData[townName]) //Alerts undefined
Re-defining the array within the function that deals with all of the data, seems to make it work.
As per my answer, the issue was that I assumed javascript vars are global.
Use objects or an array of objects.
A data structure like this:
town1: town1Data,
town2: town2Data,
Or more common:
name: "Town 1",
data: {...}
name: "Town 2",
data: {...}
For reference:
I got what you're trying to do, to add property names dynamically to your object is first, by making sure you are using an OBJECT instead of an array, so when you want to store something you will do the following:
var _obj = {}, _something = 'xyz';
_obj[ _something ] = { ... }; // json structure
The problem you're facing is that you want to assign a string value as a key inside your array, which will not work.
However, you can still use the array you defined and do the following:
var _array = new array();
_array.push( { .... } ); // insert json structure
Remember! By using the array you will have to loop through all values every time you want to access your key, just as the best practice to avoid getting into errors.
Good luck.
The issue was that I didn't define the array within the function of where I was trying to add the information to.
I assumed the var was global (Too much PHP)

Parse json array using javascript

I have a json arry
var students = {"apResults":[{"offid":"267","item_name":"","offer_name":"fsdfsf","stlongitude":"77.5945627","stlatitude":"12.9715987"},
{"offid":"265","item_name":"","offer_name":"vess offer shops","stlongitude":"","stlatitude":""},
{"offid":"264","item_name":"","offer_name":"vess ofer shop","stlongitude":"","stlatitude":""},
{"offid":"263","item_name":"","offer_name":"ofer frm vess","stlongitude":"77.5943760","stlatitude":"12.9716060"},
{"offid":"262","item_name":"","offer_name":"offer hungamma","stlongitude":"77.5943760","stlatitude":"12.9716060"},
{"offid":"261","item_name":"","offer_name":"offer hungamma","stlongitude":"77.5943760","stlatitude":"12.9716060"},
How i can parse this json arry using json.parse. I have tried this code
var contact = JSON.parse(students.apResults);
var offid = contact.offid;
But its giving an error JSON.parse: unexpected character.Edited my question
That's not a json string, that's a regular javascript variable:
var contact = students.Maths[i];
var fullname = contact.Name;
var contact = JSON.parse(students.apResults[i].offid);
JSON parses strings, not objects/arrays.
why need parsing when you can access it like students.Maths[i].Name
students is not a JSON array, it's an actual array. You don't have to parse because it's not a string. So you can access directly to the data you need:
for(i=0;i<students.Maths.length;i++) {
var contact = students.Maths[i];
var fullname = contact.Name;
You can't parse students because is not a JSON. It's simple object.
However this will work:
var students = JSON.stringify(students); // if you want to send data
students = JSON.parse(students); // after receiving make a object from it
//use like any object
var contact = students.Maths[i];
var fullname = contact.Name;
Of course it doesn't make sense to write it that way unless you send students data to other site or program.
You don't need JSON in this code at all. But if you want to test JSON.parse() do it this way:
var students = { ... } // your data
var students = JSON.stringify(students); // students is `object`, make it `string`
students = JSON.parse(students); // now you can parse it, `students` is object again
for(i=0;i<students.apResults.length;i++) {
var contact = students.apResults; // no JSON
var offid = contact.offid;
That should work.
What you have is a javascript object. So, you won't need the JSON.parse
var contact = students.Maths[i]);
var fullname = contact.Name;
this should be ok
The idea of JSON is for the exchange of objects represented as a structured string (in a nutshell). What you've got there is simply an object. It's unnecessary (and impossible) to parse and object that isn't JSON into a javascript object; what you have is the outcome of what you would expect from a parsed JSON string.

