Javascript: Firefox, why this error? - javascript

I am trying to make a firefox extension, and this is my very simple code:
var SlashUnblocker_Button = {
var prefManager = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
var prefs = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
var alertsService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAlertsService);
var urlbar = window.content.location.href;
1: function () {
if(prefManager.getCharPref("extensions.mf_unblocker.blocker_user_email") != "")
gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab("chrome://mf_unblocker/content/1_options.html");
gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab("chrome://mf_unblocker/content/0_register.html");
test: function () {alert("testing!");}
window.addEventListener("load", function (e)
}, false);
Here's the problem, see the part where I marked it with //********* ?
See the code inbetween.
If I put that code above the two functions it throws an error... but if I put it in function 1() then it works fine. The problem is I need to reference variable prefManager from both functions.
What am I doing wrong?

If I'm not mistaking, you are trying to put code into an object.
You should be putting it into a builder.
function SlashUnlockerButton(){
this.prefManager = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
this.prefs = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
this.alertsService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAlertsService);
this.urlbar = window.content.location.href;
this.1 = function () {
if(prefManager.getCharPref("extensions.mf_unblocker.blocker_user_email") != "")
gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab("chrome://mf_unblocker/content/1_options.html");
gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab("chrome://mf_unblocker/content/0_register.html");
this.test = function () {alert("testing!");};
var SlashUnblocker_Button = new SlashUnlockerButton();
I haven't tested it, but that's the idea.

Have you tried placing the //*** section before var SlashUnblocker_Button?


How to get utility function from helper file on node.js server?

I have a node/express server and I'm trying to get a function from a helper file to my app.js for use. Here is the function in the helper file:
CC.CURRENT.unpack = function(value)
var valuesArray = value.split("~");
var valuesArrayLenght = valuesArray.length;
var mask = valuesArray[valuesArrayLenght-1];
var maskInt = parseInt(mask,16);
var unpackedCurrent = {};
var currentField = 0;
for(var property in this.FIELDS)
if(this.FIELDS[property] === 0)
unpackedCurrent[property] = valuesArray[currentField];
else if(maskInt&this.FIELDS[property])
//i know this is a hack, for cccagg, future code please don't hate me:(, i did this to avoid
//subscribing to trades as well in order to show the last market
if(property === 'LASTMARKET'){
unpackedCurrent[property] = valuesArray[currentField];
unpackedCurrent[property] = parseFloat(valuesArray[currentField]);
return unpackedCurrent;
At the bottom of that helper file I did a module.export (The helper file is 400 lines long and I don't want to export every function in it):
module.exports = {
unpackMessage: function(value) {
Then in my app.js I called
var helperUtil = require('./helpers/ccc-streamer-utilities.js');
and finally, I called that function in app.js and console.log it:
res = helperUtil.unpackMessage(message);
The problem is that the console.log gives off an undefined every time, but in this example: (which is not node.js) it works perfectly. So I think I am importing wrong. All I want to do is use that utility function in my app.js
The unPackMessage(val) call doesn't return anything:
module.exports = {
unpackMessage: function(value) {
you need to return CCC.CURRENT.UNPACK(value);
module.exports = {
unpackMessage: function(value) {
return CCC.CURRENT.unpack(value);

Invalid Locator error

I tried to rewrite my tests in Page Object style but something goes wrong.
I use Class Tab and this is a part of my code:
var World = require('../support/world.js');
const isAllAjaxRequests = require('../scripts/util').isAllAjaxRequests;
const isElementLocatedAndVisible = require('../scripts/util').isElementLocatedAndVisible;
module.exports.Tab = class Tab {
constructor(data) { = "Base";
this.locators = {
'nextStepIsLocked': {xpath: '//md-tab-item[#aria-selected="true"]//div[#class="cc-status red"]'},
'isActiveTab': {xpath: '//md-tab-item[#aria-selected="true"]//span[text()="'+ data + '"]'}
waitForElement(bySelector) {
var driver = World.getDriver();
var self = this;
//var bySelector = self.locators[bySelector];
return driver.wait(isAllAjaxRequests(driver), waitTimeOut).then(() => {
return driver.wait(isElementLocatedAndVisible(bySelector), waitTimeOut);
tabIsOpen(tabName) {
var driver = World.getDriver();
var self = this;
var bySelector = By.xpath('//md-tab-item[#aria-selected="true"]//span[text()="'+ tabName + '"]');
return self.waitForElement(bySelector);
Code in util:
exports.isElementLocatedAndVisible = function isElementLocatedAndVisible(driver, bySelector) {
return new Condition('element is located and visible', function(driver) {
return driver.findElements(bySelector).then((arr) => {
if (arr.length > 0) {
return arr[0].isDisplayed();
else {
return false;
I tried to use is in my test:
this.Then(/^Tab "([^"]*)" is open$/, function (tabName) {
//var bySelector = tab.getLocator(isActiveTab);
return tab.tabIsOpen(tabName);
But I recieved an Invalid Locator error.
Via debug print I see thah I miss bySelector value when code go to exports.isElementLocatedAndVisible function. This is undefiened.
What I did wrong?
I suspect it is just missing of a parameter causing the issue.
In the following line:
return driver.wait(isElementLocatedAndVisible(bySelector), waitTimeOut);
add driver object as first argument and then bySelector, as follows:
return driver.wait(isElementLocatedAndVisible(driver, bySelector), waitTimeOut);
function is defined as follows:
function isElementLocatedAndVisible(driver, bySelector)
so, expecting driver object along with bySelector

Matching text in element with Protractor

I have an element on page. And there could be different text. I am trying to do like (code is below), and it is not printed to console.
this.checkStatus = function () {
var element = $('.message')
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(element), 5000).then(function () {
browser.wait(EC.textToBePresentInElement(conStatus, 'TEXT1'), 500).then(function () {
browser.wait(EC.textToBePresentInElement(element, 'TEXT2'), 500).then(function () {
browser.wait(EC.textToBePresentInElement(element, 'TEXT3'), 500).then(function () {
browser.wait(EC.textToBePresentInElement(element, 'TEXT4'), 500).then(function () {
return this;
I see two problems. first, not sure what 'constatus' is? you need to correct that. second, browser.wait will be throwing error/exceptions when it is not able to find matching condition and timeout expires, So, if your first condition doesn't meet, it will throw timeout exception and will never go to second one. Instead, try something like below
var section = "";
this.checkStatus = function () {
var element = $('.message')
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(element), 5000).then(function () {
if(EC.textToBePresentInElement(element, 'TEXT1')){
section = "Text1";
else if(EC.textToBePresentInElement(element, 'TEXT2')) {
section = "Text2";
else if(EC.textToBePresentInElement(element, 'TEXT3')) {
section = "Text3";
else if(EC.textToBePresentInElement(element, 'TEXT4')) {
section = "Text4";
if(section !== "")
return true;
}, 5000).then(()=>{
<here you can do anything based on 'section'>
Note - I haven't verified compilation errors.. so check for that.
Not sure what are you up to, but you can join multiple expected conditions with "or":
var conStatus = $('.message');
var containsText1 = EC.textToBePresentInElement(conStatus, 'TEXT1');
var containsText2 = EC.textToBePresentInElement(conStatus, 'TEXT2');
var containsText3 = EC.textToBePresentInElement(conStatus, 'TEXT3');
var containsText4 = EC.textToBePresentInElement(conStatus, 'TEXT4');
browser.wait(EC.or(containsText1, containsText2, containsText3, containsText4), 5000);

jQuery TypeError:function not found error

I want to get some properties of one of my div via following code
(function ($) {
function StickyNotes() {
this.getProperties = function (note) {
var properties = {};
properties['top'] = note.position().top;
properties['from_center'] = this.calcFromCenter(note.position().left);
properties['width'] = note.find(".resize").width();
properties['height'] = note.find(".resize").height();
return properties;
this.saveBoardAndNotes = function (board_id, board_name) {
var noteList = new Array();
// Replace plain urls with links and improve html
var note = $(this);
content = note.find(".textarea").html();
noteID = note.attr("id");
properties = JSON.stringify(this.getProperties(note));
var StickyNotes = new StickyNotes();
jQuery(document).ready(function (e) {
$('#sticky-notes-add-board').click(function (e) {
if(confirm('Do you want to save previous board?')) {
var board_id = $('.optimal-sticky-notes-board:last').attr('id');
var board_name = $('.optimal-sticky-notes-board:last').text();
StickyNotes.saveBoardAndNotes(board_id, board_name);
But I get following error..
TypeError: this.getProperties is not a function
I filtered all data like content and noteID. They are showing. But problem with this.getProperties. How can i solve the problem. Thanks in advance.
Inside each loop this points to current optimal-sticky-notes-sticker-note div. One of the several ways to reference correct scope is to use variable pointing to outer this:
this.saveBoardAndNotes = function (board_id, board_name) {
var noteList = new Array();
var self = this;
// Replace plain urls with links and improve html
var note = $(this);
content = note.find(".textarea").html();
noteID = note.attr("id");
properties = JSON.stringify(self.getProperties(note));

javascript params object not working

In my application I have a javascript function like below.
var params = {};
function getMethod(art) {
if (art == 'artwork') {
params['type'] = 'paper art';
params['medium'] = 'canvas';
params['entity'] = 'paper';
This function is working fine in Firefox. But Its failing in IE and Chrome.
Its breaking on params['type']
giving error params is undefined.
Any idea what mistake I am doing here.
here is how i would use it:
var params = {};
function getMethod(art) {
if (art == 'artwork') {
params.type = 'paper art';
params.medium = 'canvas';
params.entity = 'paper';
// ... later
getMethod("not art");
// check if it is defined before using it
if (params.type && params.type == 'artwork') {
// do artwork stuff

