Some issues with fading large div - javascript

I have been using this site for awhile but never posted, I ususally found my anser.
However I seem to have a valid question regarding fading.
I have a simple javascript fade in script, with a functional cross browser opacity setting function. I am trying to fade in a large part of the webpage, but the large size or complexity of the elements in the div seems to really slow down the render in a couple browsers. In some browsers it works too fast, so I know the code works.
Does anyone know anything about the limitations of opacity rendering in different browsers?
I know I could overlay a simpler div with opacity but this just adds code when the existing code works, just not sure why there should be such drastic differences in the time it takes to apply opacity between the browsers.

jQuery has fadein/fadeout. Have you tried them?


Can I force the browser to rasterize elements before they become visible?

Call me crazy, but I'm working on a game using vanilla DOM and TypeScript. It's not action-heavy, but there are some animations going on, which are driven from JavaScript (too complex to do in CSS).
I'm already applying the common trick of translateZ(0) (called null transform hack or less accurately silver bullet) to pull animated elements into their own rendering layer, and I'm animating nothing besides compositor-only properties (transform and opacity). This works beautifully: during the game, everything feels buttery smooth, even on older mobile devices.
The problem is during the start of the game. At that moment, about 70 individually transformed and animated elements enter the page one by one over the space of a few seconds, by animating their opacity from 0 to nonzero. This is causing visible stutter during the animation.
My guess was that Chrome is being too clever here, and will only rasterize each element at the moment it first becomes visible. A quick check with the dev tools confirms this, as there's a lot of rasterization going on even during the animation:
I would prefer to rasterize all these elements once, before the animation starts, and only then trigger the animation. But how can I force rasterization of elements that aren't yet visible, without showing a flash of them to the user?
I'd be happy with a Chrome-only approach, but cross-browser would be even better.

Jittery text during scaling animations with JavaScript

When using scaling to change the size of an HTML element containing text, the text jitters during the animation, but only if being animated with JavaScript libraries.
The jittering is most visible when the animation is slower and the text is smaller. I can't seem to figure out what causes it or how to get rid of it.
This jittering does not occur during CSS animations or animations using the fairly new JavaScript Web Animations API. It also doesn't seem to occur in some browsers. (On my iPhone)
To easily compare the different methods of animating the scaling of an element and how they appear, I made a CodePen for convenience. Before checking it out, note these points:
All the animations are using some form or imitation of the CSS property transform: scale(num); for the animation and have the same easing and duration so they can be compared more easily.
Although the jittering appears on macOS too, it is almost impossible to see on Macs with retina screens because of the high resolution.
The results I got are a reflection of the appearance of the animations on a Windows 10 machine in Google Chrome 59, although for me Microsoft Edge also showed the same results.
So my question is this: How can I prevent the text from jittering or becoming blurry when animating a scale property with JavaScript? How can I make the text in my JavaScript scale animations appear just as smooth as they do when using CSS?
You may be wondering why I don't just use CSS. The answer is because I'm frustrated with how limited CSS animation is. I would like to use advanced easing functions beyond the capabilities of a simple bezier curve (like Robert Penner's bounce and elastic functions), and use different easings on hover when the mouse enters and exits the element. This s completely my own opinion, but so far the only painless way I've found to do this is with JavaScript libraries. Besides their functionality relating to easing, most seem to offer many other capabilities which make animating much more effortless. If you know of a better way to get all the functionality I need please let me know!
What you are encountering are differences in a browser's layerizing strategy. You'll find that all the examples appear smooth in Firefox. That's because Firefox detects when script is changing a property that can animated using layers and creates a layer in response.
Although all browsers create layers when needed for declarative animations (CSS animations, CSS transitions, Web Animations API animations, and even SVG SMIL animations in some cases) not all browsers do it for Javascript animations. So, for those browsers you need to try to trick the browser into creating a layer (or, you could just file a bug on the browser, since it really should do this for you!).
Until recently, using will-change: transform was the recommended approach to get a browser to create a layer. However, Chrome changed its rendering strategy and now will-change: transform can produce very blurry results with scale animations in Chrome. Some people have succeeded in tricking Chrome to layerize at a higher resolution initially and then scaling their element down before animating. This is really unfortunate to have to do this and I can only encourage you to petition Chrome to fix this.
Also, the examples using "with HA" are not accurate. The CSS animation in (1) will also use hardware acceleration in every browser I know of--there's no need to add perspective in. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misleading information in this area (e.g. some articles claim animations can run on the GPU but that's simply not true). At the risk of self promotion, you might find an article I wrote on this last year helpful.

bootstrap modals works extremely slow on IE8 on windows vista

Inputs like textboxes and checkboxes work extremely slow in the bootstrap modals. When user types some text, cursor is moving but the letters appear only in several seconds. The same behavior with checkboxes, checked/unchecked state changes only in several seconds.
Can be reproduced only IE8 and Vista machine.
does anybody has an idea why it happens.
here is a video with an example.
you can try it here in the login dialog.
not 100% why, but ie8 has extreme problems rendering sites using position:fixed in their layout process. on random element(s), position:fixed shouldn't be too much of a problem, but typically when this issue arises it is because it is being applied to elements that are used as wrappers or containers, that usually are full of content.
for whatever reason(s), ie8 has a mighty difficult time rendering here...its best described as delayed response(s), where the user isn't sure if they actually interacted with the site, because nothing happens after their action(s).
changing fixed to absolute is the best answer in these cases, most of the time. i know there are situations where this will not apply, but everytime i've faced this issue, the element(s) had wrapper element(s) with position:relative set, and swapping out absolute for fixed could not have been easier.
ideally for me, is to serve up the different setting in conditional comments, which also is quite useful just in case changing from fixed to absolute breaks something(s) can target them in ie(s) and ie(s) alone with the cc's.

IE8 transition on hover

I want to use transition effect on hover for IE 8 like in this example:
According to this site (is working only on ie) that is possible (use trasntion option and fade effect) but I am not able to use it. Can someone help me a little bit with that script, for me is simportant to have that transition on hover only for background color.
Thank you.
IE8 doesn't support CSS3 transitions. You'll have to fake it using JavaScript tweens, or settle for IE9 support. IE8 users don't deserve nice looking websites anyway :-)
But if you're in the awkward position of being tasked with creating IE compatible stuff, take a look at this MSDN introduction to Filters and Transitions. It appears that even the IE specific transition filters require JavaScript to work, so you might as well go with the proper JavaScript solution of using jQuery.animate. With a small plugin it can animate colors. Here's an example on JSFiddle.
For some reason the website you suggested doesn't render properly in my browser. However, I think you may be attacking the problem wrongly. I would use jQuery's $.animate() function for this, as it is very cross browser and can animate gradual changes in many css properties.

CSS3 Transform Animation doesn't render so well in Safari/UIWebView

I'm developing an HTML5 app for mobile/touch device deployment and are utilising PhoneGap and only targeting the iOS platform for the moment (Webkit).
My issue occurs with the CSS3 transitions (and it happens to regular jQuery animations as well) in that Webkit tends to do some strange things. For instance, in the code available to view here ( when you step through the pages, going back in the sequence (i.e. from page 5 to 1) will render the animation fine, however stepping forward (i.e. from page 1 to 5) will produce inconsistent rendering, mostly on the side of ugly (remember to view it in Safari. I've been using Safari 5.1.7).
I was originally developing using the jQuery Mobile framework, but the key functionality that I was using was the page routing through hashtags and the transitions, but since I had these issues with the transitions, I tried developing a simpler solution to avoid any JS/CSS conflicts with jQM. Alas, it's possible that the errors I've been coming up are actually Safari/Webkit related.
I originally used jQuery.animate() on the left property, to now using CSS3 transform technique similar to the jQM way of doing things, also to help with speed and test whether it would be more willing to render properly. Both haven't worked to varying degrees of unworkingness.
Fortunately, Firefox renders everything fine. It has no problems, however Firefox isn't the target platform and when the project is compiled within Xcode in the PhoneGap environment, it expresses the same problems that Safari has with it. When I was still using jQM with an earlier development version, Safari would render it fine (including Safari on the iPad Simulator), however UIWebView wouldn't. This made me think that perhaps it was a Nitro JS engine issue (as in, perhaps UIWebView didn't have the speed/power/capability to render the transition properly -- I've attempted to transfer all animations to CSS3 to relegate the rendering operations to the GPU).
I've used various plugins like jQuery Transit, jQuery Animate Enhanced, and TransformJS. I also tried coding my own custom transition handler within jQM and it didn't render properly (although it came the closest: worked in Firefox and Safari, just not in UIWebView).
I've had inconsistent results regarding transitioning elements with different types of content too: video, images, floated elements, multiple paragraphs are all I've tested. There was at some stage too issues with transitioning to/from the extreme ends of the sequence (i.e. 1 and 5), but now my issue is just that ascending page transition (i.e. 1 to 5).
I've spent a number of days on this, trying to address this seemingly small issue, but it's quite integral to the user experience having slide transitions like this which are contextual based on the direction the user is moving through the app. The easiest solution is to just remove the transitions, but if there's some way to understand what exactly Webkit/UIWebView is having trouble with, to create some solution for it. It's no doubt related to the flicker issue jQM experiences with transitions too. A lot of the CSS fixes for those people suggested on the web didn't work either, such as -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden and setting a default transform property -webkit-transform: rotateX(0).
It looks like the problem is that it's not animating the next item from the right (when moving up 1->2->n) but rather just '.show()'ing it when the previous item is done animating out.
Gimme a sec to step through the .js
Ok, I think I know what it is, what it's doing is, when it's moving right-to-left (numerically up) you can't see the new page (higher number) coming in from the left, because 'left' is moving from 100% -> 0% because the smaller number is moving out.
Ok, I think that's wrong...
If you change the 100% to 92.5% in the #-webkit-keyframes slideinleft and #-moz-keyframes slideinleft declarations then it should work for you, unfortunately I can't tell you why exactly as we (work) avoid CSS transformations as we do a lot of corporate work and so still need to support IE7+ and sometimes even 6 :(
Note that you can try a value other than 92.5% I just wanted to find the lowest sensible value that worked for you (95% didn't work)

