Grab a single digit out of a big mess of html - javascript

I am grabbing a div from the document with :
var myTotal = window.document.getElementById('status').innerHTML;
which returns a big mess of HTML
<div id="foo">
<a href="bar" onclick='_gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "The", "Total",])'>
<img src="foo.gif" alt="foo" height="22px;/" width="15px;"></a>
<a href="bar" onclick='_gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "The", "Total",])'>
<span style="font-size: 12px; color: #F3A428; font-weight:normal;"> 8 item(s) </span>
Can one of you expression wizards please show me how I can grab just the number in the span, in this example an 8 ?

Can you give the span an id and reference it directly?
If not, then this regex should return the number in the span: /<span[^>]+>\s*(\d+)/
I'm assuming that there is only ever one span in the div.

This should help you
var myTotal = window.document.getElementById('status').getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML
myTotal = myTotal.replace(/(^\d+)(.+$)/i,'$1');

In jQuery, without even getting the inner HTML it would be this:
var items = $("#status span").first().text();
items = parseInt(items, 10);
alert(items); // 8
If you control the HTML, it would be advisable to put a unique ID on the span containing the result and then it's easier to retrieve and not dependent upon the structure around it or better yet, have it output into the page as a JS variable that you can just directly read and not have to deal with the presentation.
Seen in a jsFiddle here:

You can also try, just using innerText
window.document.getElementById('status').innerText.replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');

Use jQuery instead, it has a lot of functions that can help you find specific elements in your page. Also, you may want to add identification for your elements like class and id.


Creating dynamic divs

Trying to make a dynamic div but i don't know how. Wrote a solidity smart contract that accepts an array of struct. In the smart contract i can use a get function to display the data inside. Data in the array is treated like a history, it consists of amount (making a crowdfund site), date, currency used, etc. Since the get function in the smart contract can only extract one part of the array, i thought of putting the get function into the while loop and extract the whole history array..
<div id=set>
I'm trying to dynamically create another div with the same amount of < a > in the div. If i had 10 sets of data to display in that div, i wish to create only 10 sets of that div. Can createElement() be used to do that? Couldn't find any solution that works. Totally have no idea on how to create it. Can someone please help.
Would it be rational to extract the data from the array using a while loop and putting it in a div to display or would it use too much gas for this to work?
I don't get why would you want to do this, but you can do like this:
$('#set a').each(function(){
$('#set').after( "<div></div>");
It selects all of the <a>...</a> inside the <div id="set">...</div> element, and for each one of those inserts a <div></div> element. It inserts the element right next to #set but you can change that to any other element you could select.
I'm supplying jQuery code since you tagged the question as jQuery.
Hope it helps,
You can get the number of anchor tags by using this function getElementsByTagName('a').length from the hosting div. Then use that number to create new divs. This solution is done using vanilla JS.
function createDynamicDivs(){
var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
var noOfAnchors = document.getElementById('set').getElementsByTagName('a').length;
for(var i=0;i<noOfAnchors;i++){
var newContent = document.createElement("a");
newContent.textContent= "Test ";
<div id=set>
<div id="new"></div>
<button onclick="createDynamicDivs()">Generate</button>

JavaScript - Select all elements with [data-some] attribute not having a specific value

My Project uses plain JavaScript. I want to select elements which are not having a data-some attribute's value as 'abcd'.
I tried the following.
this selector returns only elements not having [data-some]. But I want to select only elements not having data-some's attribute as 'abcd'. It can have [data-some="gtf"].
Any help is highly appreciated.
NOTE: I have pasted only the selectors as I need only them. Most stackoverflow questions have answer for selecting elements without a specific data attribute.
You can use a single, though fairly complex, selector:
Be careful with compatibility, you may need a simpler selector plus some script depending on the hosts you need to support.
[data-some]:not([data-some="abcd"]) {
background-color: #ffff66;
<p data-some="abcd">data-some="abcd"</p>
<p data-some="zzz">data-some="zzz"</p>
<p data-some="">data-some=""</p>
<p>no data-some attribute</p>
var test = document.querySelectorAll(':not([data-some="abcd"])');
for (var i in test) if (test.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
(test[i].style.background = "#DCDCDC");
p, h1{
background: #ff7f7f;
<div >
<h1 data-some="abcd">hello</h1>
<p data-some="abcd">hello</p>
<p data-some="gtf">hello</p>
This solution is possible, if you can use Array.prototype.filter:
const elements = document.querySelectorAll("[data-some]");
const result = Array.from(elements).filter(el => el.dataset.some !== "abcd");
<div data-some="abcd"></div>
<div data-some="gtf"></div>
<div data-some="ooo"></div>
It grabs every element with data-some attribute, creates an array of elements, and filter out these that don't meet condition el.dataset.some !== "abcd".
Get all elements that have the attribute data-some except those with the value "abcd"

Javascript get inner HTML text for span by class name

This is the basic format of the code the table is contained within a div named
<div class="leftCol">
<tr id="my_cd">
<td><span class="agt_span">My Code</span></td>
I need to be able to get whatever text is contained within the span class, in this case I need to pull the text "My Code" and then add that into an array. Adding the text into an array is not the issue that's easy but I can't figure out how to pull the text. No matter what I try I can't get anything but an 'undefined' value.
How do I get the Inner HTML text value for a span by class name?
First Question solved thanks!!
Second question expand on first:
<div class="leftCol">
<tr id="my_cd">
<td><span class="agt_span">My Code</span></td>
<select name="agt_drp" id="agt_drp" class="agt_drp">...</select>
Let's say I have the select id "agt_drp" and I want to get the span class text. Is there any way to do that?
var test = $("span.agt_span").text();
in vanilla javascript, you can use getElementsByClassName():
var htmlString = document.getElementsByClassName('agt_span')[0].innerHTML;
Notice the index behind the method.
Pure JavaScript (you need to specify the position of your class element: [0] to get the first one):
If you have multiples elements with this class, you can loop on it:
var elts = document.getElementsByClassName('agt_span');
for (var i = 0; i < elts.length; ++i) {
Though getElementsByClassName seems to be supported by all major browser, that is now argument to use it. To keep your code compatible and usefull, better use the W3C Standard DOM Level 3 Core. The Document IDL does not describe such a method there!
So please use
var table = document.getElementById("my_cd"); /* id is unique by definition! */
var spans = table.getElementsByTagName("span");
var txt;
for(i in spans) {
txt = spans[i].firstChild; /* a span should have only one child node, that contains the text */
return txt;
This method isn't perfect, as you actually need to split the spans[i].getAttribute("class").split(" ") on space chars and check if this array contains "agt_span".
By the way: innerHTML is no DOM Attribute too. But you can implement anything in a compatible and flexible way using W3C DOM and you will be sure to write effective and compatible code.
If the js programmers had used the W3C Documents and if there weren't no Internet Explorer to break all those ECMAScript and W3C rules, there would never have been that many incompatibilities between all those browser versions.

extracting text from html file

I'm trying to get nodes containing text from html file using Javascript and jQuery.
if I have a node like
How can I select elements that meets this criteria??
Meaning, I need to retrieve thedivand thespan` , and it would be even better to know location of the text.
I'm trying to get the text to replace it with images in a later function.
I tried this
$('*').each(function(indx, elm){
var txt = $(elm).text();
// my code to replace text with images here
but it does not get the required results.. it does all the parsing in the first element, and changes the html totally.
I don't know exactly what you're trying to solve, but perhaps you can be a bit more specific with your selector?
$("div span").text(); // returns 'txt1'
$("div").text(); // returns 'txt0txt1txt2'
By adding ids and/or classes to your html, you can be very specific:
<div class="name">Aidan <span class="middlename">Geoffrey</span> Fraser</div>
// returns all spans with class
// "middlename" inside divs with class "name"
$(" span.middlename").text();
// returns the first span with class
// "middlename" inside the fourth div
// with class "name"
$("[3] span.middlename[0]").text();
JQuery has pretty good documentation of these selectors.
If this doesn't help, consider explaining the problem you're trying to solve.
Your markup structure is a bit uneasy. Consider changing to something like this
Then using jQuery
$("div span").each(function(k,v) {
$(this).html("<img src=\""+v+".jpg\" />"); //replace with the image

Is there a cross-browser css way to decorate only last word in a span block?

I need to show user's list which should look like in the example below:
Helen Burns Edward
Fairfax Rochester Bertha
Antoinetta Mason Adèle
Is there a way to achieve this without using javascript? Each row should be one span, i.e. <span>Helen</span><span>Burns</span> is not acceptable.
No, there is not. You are going to have to use some form of scripting to accomplish this if you don't want your last names to be in their own tags.
To the browser, each row is an element, and the "words" themselves have no separate meaning as far as CSS is concerned. You must place the words in different tags in order to do what you want.
The browser does not automagically know what part of the name is the last name so you have to add extra markup to achieve what you want.
There's no solution for common used browser for know using only CSS. You should use javascript or HTML + CSS as you already made.
without pure css this is impossible (as you don't want a separation in the markup)...
<span>Monty Burns</span><br />
<span>Bart Simpson</span>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var spans = $('span');
spans.each(function(index, element) {
var span = $(element);
var spanText = span.text();
var spanTextArray = spanText.split(' ');
var spanTextArrayLength = spanTextArray.length;
var lastName = spanTextArray[spanTextArrayLength -1];
var firstName = spanTextArray.join(' ');
var spanLastName = $('<span/>');
spanLastName.css('font-weight', 'bold');
spanLastName.css('margin-left', '5px');
working demo.
edit: if you do not want an extra span-tag in there, just change
var spanLastName = $('<span/>');
spanLastName.css('font-weight', 'bold');
var spanLastName = $('<strong/>');
I don't think this is possible with CSS because your example doesn't show any order:
Helen Burns
Edward Fairfax Rochester
Bertha Antoinetta Mason
Adèle Varens
I don't know why you might desire not to have an extra tag surrounding the last name (as other answers and comments have suggested), but if you are looking simply for minimalist mark-up, this works (no span even used):
First Middle <strong>Last</strong>
First Middle <strong>Last</strong>
First Middle <strong>Last</strong>
strong:after {content:' '; display: block;}
Which creates "rows" with your desired styling without anything more than a single tag (which could be a span rather than a strong if you desired).
Edit: Of course, this will not work for IE7 or under.

