Security Concerns on clientside (Javascript) - javascript

We are going to design and implement a UI for a big website. Owner of the site is really cautious about security issues. I wonder if there is a check list for client-side security recommendations, when designing and coding in Javascript.

You may use the OWASP guide as a start. It offers a suite of tests that you can systematically use to check your application for common vulnerabilities.
Web application pen testing is a buzz word for what you are trying to achieve. Scan the net for automated tools and background information.
You mentioned that not only the client side is your concern, but the overall security of the entire application including the server. My advice would be that if you have never done security assessment of an application before, your boss/the owner of the site should probably consider hiring an external company/consultant for the job. They will do the job for less than it would probably cost if you and your team had to learn the details first. Plus, they have the advantage of having this done over and over again, so they are much less likely to overlook important details.

Javascript can easily be tricked. You need to build a system with server side has all the security and the client side will only acts as a interface similar to browser.
Encrypting using strong security certificate will also be an option you may consider.


Method of low-level encryption of section of website

I'm looking for a simple method of encrypting a small portion of my personal developer website. I'd like to display my resume directly on the site, but would prefer to protect it with a password so as to prevent those who are not potential employers from viewing it. What is a safe way of doing so while imposing a limited strain on potential employers (e.g. not requiring them to create an account)?
Notably, I will not be including information like my SSN or anything particularly sensitive -- just regular resume info. For this reason, would it be okay to provide all potential employers with the key, and rotating it every month-or-so?
I'm using Lit as a web component tool, but otherwise the site is vanilla JS + html.
Thanks for any guidance!
Some shared hosting providers offer password protection as part of their package. You could contact your host and see if that's an option.
Otherwise the simplest password protection solution which doesn't require any third party tools would be to update your .htaccess file to require a password. See this question for examples on setting it up.
Please note, that this should not be considered a completely secure solution, because it's only basic authentication which can be vulnerable to brute force attacks. However it should satisfy your requirement of adding some protection your personal information.

Is SSL adequate enough to keep a website safe? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I’ve been looking into programming a website for a company (no data or information other than forms are on it) I’ve been looking at BlueHost as a hosting and the SSL secure feature for security, I don’t know any other securing or encrypting myself, will BlueHosts SSL be enough?
No. SSL only protects data in transit from interception by a 3rd party-- and there are many factors to consider on how SSL is implemented required to decide if it even does that satisfactorily.
There are many countless facets of security that you must consider beyond how to make sure that data doesn't get read by someone else while it is being transmitted between a browser and a server over SSL. Too many to elaborate on in a stackoverflow answer. To put it in perspective, when I deploy a system that contains any sensitive data (I work for a payment processing company, but "sensitive" covers a lot more than just credit card numbers), I have to answer around 800 questions on a security audit. Only about 30 of those questions relate to SSL and making sure SSL is implemented properly. Then a team of experts have to review the implementation of such a system, deliberate, and vote unanimously that it meets requirements. Even after all that, routine security audits find potential vulnerabilities that were overlooked and must be mitigated.
No. SSL by itself is not enough to consider a system "secure". If it has data that needs SSL, it almost certainly has more needs than just SSL.
First of all, you should have SSL. With that said, no, that is not enough.
So, what do you need? While it is true that there is a lot to cover, you clearly need to be pointed to the right direction...
As far as hosting provider goes, there are other features that you could be interested in:
Backups (although, you probably can roll a solution yourself)
Antimalware (although, if your site will not allow to upload files, it is less relevant)
DDoS mitigations.
I want to remind you that information security is not only confidentiality, it is also availability and integrity (and traceability).
Please set up a test enviroment, on a local server, make sure it works. You can do security audits on that before they go the production enviroment. Remember that the sooner you discover the bugs, the cheaper it will be to fix them... thus, you do not want to discover them in production.
Yeah, it is ok to not have HTTPS on the test enviroment. There is plenty to do besides that. And yeah, you should review the security in production too.
Ideally there will be team doing test, and among those tests they might look for potential vulnerabilities. There are also security scanners that can help with that.
However, you should be writing secure code to begin with. Right?
I have to tell you, the server-side is more relevant than the tagged HTML and jQuery. The golden rule is to not trust the client. Remember that request might not be coming from an actual browser (despite what the user agent might say). You must do validation on the server. Even though it is also a good idea to validate in the client (for a better user experience and to safe network capacity), client-side validations are virtally irelvant for security.
That is not the same to say that there are not things that can improve the security that can be done client-side. For example, figerprinting a client can be useful to detect when the client is coming from an unusual source for a given user, rising a red flag (a partial fingerprint is possible server-side). Also you can do mitigations for screen-recorders/keyloggers/shoulder-surfing.
There are also very specific cases where doing cryptography on the client makes sense. That is not the usual case. You probably do not need to do that. And in the odd case you do, please hire an expert.
Anyway, these are some things that developers often overlook (this is by no means a complete list):
Do not trust the client.
Validate all input.
Sanitize all output (considering where it is going to).
Use prepared statements on database access.
Specify character charsets (for HTML, server-side string manipulation, and both database storage and connections).
Do proper authentication and access control.
Store credentials properly.
Stay up to date with browser security features.
Use Cross-Origin Resource Sharing correctly.
Use HttPOnly cookies when possible.
Use a Service Worker and Web Cache properly.
Log errors instead of showing them to the client.
Have traceability for all modifications.
Also, consider two factor authentication.
You might also be interested in OWASP Top Ten project and OWASP Cheat Sheet Series. Note: These are not a security check list, and are not a replacement for a security audit. They aren't gospel either, however if you are not to follow them, let it not be because you are unaware.
Finally let me point you to Information Security Stack Exchange, a Q&A site dedicated to information security (hence the name) sister to this one.
Addendum: If you are not developing a web application, but setting up a content management system instead, then you must keep it up to date. Also, research and apply security hardening for whatever it is you are using.

How can we secure a third-party widget?

I am building a 3rd party widget
We drop a script on a clients page and load some content.
The problem I face is how do I secure my widget. As a thrid party widget I know there is no 100% way to secure it. But trying to work out a 'good enough' approach.
I want to make it difficult for a non customer to just rip our script off their competitor site and use it on theirs.
The solutions I see is pull validate requesting domain (which I know could be spoofed, not sure if I can guard against this?)
I had a look at other widgets like olark and olapic that use unique id's per client in their script , but cannot see how helpful that is.
What are the best practices to secure a third party widget?
Securing a tenant's client access
Securing a tenant's 3rd party client access to your Javascript poses a unique set of challenges. Most of the difficulty in this solution stems from the fact that the authentication mechanism must be present in the tenants web content and delivered from their clients browser. Standard client<>server authentication mechanisms such as sessions, cookies, custom headers, referrers and IP address restriction do not apply well due to the extended nature of the transaction.
This article by Bill Patrianakos provides a solution by using a dynamic key request that provides an access token to the tenant's client.
Patrianakos provides some good information on Third Party tenant relationships and discusses some the limitations of this model in his article.
Securing the Javascript code
Protecting your code in Javascript is difficult due to the requirement that the code is interpreted at runtime by the client browser. However, it is possible to obfuscate your Javascript by using the Google Closure Compiler. The advanced optimization features of the compiler offer low-level reference renaming and also provides more compact code for delivery of your widget.
To compile your Javascript using advanced optimizations use the following command line:
java -jar compiler.jar --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS \
--js myWidget.js --js_output_file myWidget.min.js
There are some important caveats. This article covers some of the things to avoid in your code to ensure that the code will function correctly. I would also recommend a good qunit test frame to ensure that your widget will operate properly.
To secure the widget, if you want to prevent forged requests then you need to open a popup and open a page from your server which is completely under your control, and confirm any actions such as 'publish tweet' there.
See the answer for this question for some more extended discussion.
For preventing your Javascript from being stolen, minification is not sufficient - it's better to use an obfuscator. Have a look for example [JScramble], this is a presentation on how it works.

Is it possible to hack with javascript? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm familiar with the term hacking. Although i never will become one of those hackers who scam people or make trouble, i believe it's an essential aspect any person who calls themselves a programmer must be able to do, as it is mainly about problem solving. But how does it work? When those people hack games or websites or the guy who hacked sony, do they use a programming langauge like ANSI C or c++ or assembly. Assuming they use a programming language, would it be possible to use javascript to hack in the same way you'd use any other language to hack. Furthermore, what do you have to do to be able to hack too. I just wanna know how it works, and the theory behind it all.
Hacking is unique every time. Exploiting some types of vulnerability doesn't require any particular language at all. Sometimes you hack whatever's there, in whatever language or form you find it. Sometimes it's necessary to automate part of the process, for example password cracking, for which you can use any language you like.
Cracking a commercial game commonly involves studying its disassembled machine code, figuring out which part does the CD or license check, and surgically replacing a few bytes of the code such that the check is skipped.
Hacking a website commonly involves discovery of some small clumsiness on the part of its developers, which allows viewing of should-be private data, or permits execution of custom code if it does not sanitize data properly. SQL injection is a common flaw when values sent to a database are not properly protected within quotes ("...") and so you can give values which break out of the quotes to execute your own commands. Cross-site scripting is a type of hack that uses JavaScript: If a website blindly takes parameters from the URL or submitted form data and displays them on the page without safely encoding them as text (worryingly common), you can provide a <script> tag for execution on that page. Causing someone to visit such a URL allows execution of scripted actions on their behalf. Code injection is also possible on the server side with PHP (or Perl, or similar), if sloppy code gives access to an eval-like function, or if server misconfiguration allows user-uploaded files to be interpreted by the server as scripts.
Hacking into an operating system or server program remotely may exploit bugs in its handling of network commands. Improper handling of malformed network commands can cause it to bungle user authentication checks or even to directly execute code provided in the network packet, such as via a buffer overflow.
Bugs in web browsers, plugins, and document viewers are similar. What should be safe types of file can be crafted with non-standard or broken values. If the programmer forgot to handle these cases safely they can often be used to escape the normal limits of the file type.
Viruses can also be slipped onto a machine via physical exchange of USB stick or CD or convincing someone to install virus-laden software. Such viruses are often written anew for each purpose (to avoid anti-virus software), but there are some common ones available.
Weak or badly implemented encryption can permit brute-force decoding of encrypted data or passwords. Non-existent encryption can permit wiretapping of data directly. A lack of encryption can also permit unauthenticated commands to be sent to a user or server.
Very obvious passwords, or unchanged default passwords, may allow simple guesswork to get into a system. Some people use the same password everywhere. This give websites the power to simply walk in to a user's email account and then take control of everything associated with it. It also means a password leak on one insecure website may be used to access accounts on many other websites.
And sometimes, "hacking" is social engineering. For example, imagine phoning up a junior employee and pretending to be someone in charge, to trick them into revealing internal information or reset a password. Phishing emails are a common, semi-automated form of social engineering.
Breaking into a system is rarely just one of these steps. It's often a long process of analyzing the system, identifying minor flaws and leveraging them to see if a useful attack vector is exposed, then branching out from that to gain more access.
I've never done it, of course.
There is a sort of "hacking" possible with javascript. You can run javascript from the adressbar. Try typing javascript: alert("hello"); in your address bar while on this website.
This way it it possible to hijack local variables, cookies for instance.
But since javascript runs on the client-side. People would have to use your workstation in order to gain access to your cookies. It is a technique that can be used to alter login data and pretend to be somebody else (if the site had been badly built).
If you really want to learn more about this there are some 'javascript hacking lessons' that can be found here:
Side note, there is a difference between hacking and cracking. Reference:
There are many exploits that can use javascript, probably the most well-known is going to be cross-site scripting (XSS).
To follow up on Michael's answer, it is good to know the vulnerabilities in software and how people exploit those vulnerabilities in order to protect against them, however hacking is not something you want to be known for.
For a start, you are actually referring to what is known as Cracking, not hacking. This question will surely be closed, however some brief observations ^_^
Cracking comes from a base level understanding of how computer systems are built, hence you don't learn how to crack/hack, you learn about computer engineering in order to reverse-engineer.
A popular platform for hacking is Linux; over windows for example as its open source so experienced programmers can write their own programs. Although experienced hackers can accomplish their goal on any platform.
There are many levels of hacking however, simple website security is worlds apart from hacking in to Sony and facing jail ^_^
You may have some fun on though
It depends on many things, for example: how the html code is structured, for example, I don't know if you could hack an iframe, but a normal web-page would be relative easy to hack. Another security pitfall programmers usually do is passing sensitive information via url query-string, then you could get those pieces of data and submitting them wherever they are used in the html code.
There could be another details, but I don't figure them out right now.

Should you design websites that require JavaScript in this day & age?

It's fall of 2008, and I still hear developers say that you should not design a site that requires JavaScript.
I understand that you should develop sites that degrade gracefully when JS is not present/on. But at what point do you not include funcitonality that can only be powered by JS?
I guess the question comes down to demographics. Are there numbers out there of how many folks are browsing without JS?
Just as long as you're aware of the accessibility limitations you might be introducing, ie for users of screen-reading software, etc.
It's one thing to exclude people because they choose to turn off JS or use a browser which doesn't support it, it's entirely another to exclude them because of a disability.
Two simple questions to help you decide...
Does using javascript provide some
core functionality of your site?
Are you prepared to limit your
potential users to those who have
JS? (ie. Most people)
If you answer yes to both of those, go for it!
Websites are moving (have moved?) from static pages of information to interactive web applications. Without something like Javascript or Flash, making compelling user interactions is sometimes not possible.
Designing to degrade gracefully is the most that should be done. We are moving/have moved past the point of simple web "sites" to web "applications". The only option besides client side scripting to add round trips to the server.
I think (personal opinion) that the "don't use JavaScript" comes more from a lack of understanding of what JavaScript is/does than any actual market data that shows a significant number of people are browsing without it.
It's reasonable to design sites that use JavaScript but it is not safe to assume that all clients have support for Javascript and therefore it is important that you provide a satisfactory experience even when JavaScript is not available
Search Engines don't support JavaScript. They're also blind and don't support CSS. So my suggestion to you is to make sure that the part of your product that needs to be indexable by search engines works without JavaScript and CSS. After that, it really depends on the needs of your users.
If you have a very limited subset of users, then you can actually query them. But to remember that 10% of the population has some form of impairment ranging from vision issues (low vision, color-blindness, etc.) or motor functions (low hand dexterity). These problems tend to be more prominent in the elderly and the knowingly disabled
If your site will target the general audience of Internet users then please make it degrade gracefully, but if you can't do that, then make a no-JavaScript version (like G-mail has).
I think the days of "content sites only" are gone. What we see now is WWW emerging as the platform of web applications, and the latest developments in the browser front (speeding up JS in particular) ar indication of this.
There can be no yes/no answer to your question - you should decide, where on content site<---->web application continuum your site is and how essential is the experience provided by JavaScript. In my opinion - yes it is acceptable to have web applications which require Javascript to function.
Degrading gracefully is a must. At a minimum, you sure make use of the NOSCRIPT tag in order to inform potential customers first that your site requires javascript, and secondly why you require it.
If it's for flashy menus and presentations that I could honestly care less about then I probably won't bother coming back. If there's a real reason that you're requiring javascript (client-side validation on forms, or a real situation that requires AJAX for performance reasons) then say so and your visitors will respond accordingly.
I install extensions that limit both Javascript and Cookies. Websites that don't prominently state their requirements of both usually don't get a second visit unless there's a real need for it.
You should never design a public site to rely on ANY technology/platform. The user agent may not display colour (think screen readers), display graphics (again, think screen readers or text only browsers such as links), etc.
Design your site for the lowest common denominator and then progressively enhance it to add support for specific technologies.
To answer the question directly: No, you cannot assume your users have Javascript, so your site should work without it. Once it does, enhance it with Javascript.
it's not about browser capability, it's about user control. People who install the noscript plugin for firefox so they don't have to put up with punch-the-monkey garbage ( the same problem that inspired stack overflow) will not allow your web site to do anything non-static until they trust you.
In terms of client software consider users/customers who are using a browser that supports some but not all Javascript. For example, most mobile phone browsers support a bit of Javascript but nothing very complicated. The browsers on devices such as the Playstation 3 are similar.
Then there are browsers such as Opera Mini, which support a lot of Javascript but are operating in an environment where the scripts are running on a server that then sends the results to a mobile device.
You should design websites with Javascript in mind--but not implemented. Consider, build it where every click, every action, performs a round trip to the server. That's the default functionality for older browsers, and those without JS turned on.
Then, after it's all built, and everything is working properly, add in JavaScript which hijacks the link, button and other events, and overlay their standard functionality with the Javascript functionality you're wanting.
Building the application like this means that it will ALWAYS work, which ultimately is what you're wanting.
The received wisdom answer is that you can use JavaScript (or any other technology) providing that it 'degrades gracefully'...
I have experience with disability organisations, so accessibility is important to me. But equally, I'm in the business of building attractive, usable websites, so javascript can be a powerful ally. It's a difficult call, but if you can build a rich, javascript-aided site, without completely alienating non-js vistors, then do so. If not, you will have to look at the context of the site and decide which way to jump.
Regardless, there are no rights and wrongs with this question. However, in some countries, there is a requirement to build 'public' sites to be accessible, so this may be yet another factor in your decision. [In the UK, it is the Disability Discrimination Act.. though to my knowledge, no company has been prosecuted for failure to comply]
JavaScript is great for extending the browser to do things like google maps. But it's a pointy instrument, so use it with care.
My bank web site uses JavaScript for basic navigation between pages. Sigh. As a result, it's not usable from my mobile device.
Make sure you're familiar with the Rule of Least Power when considering JavaScript:
When designing computer systems, one
is often faced with a choice between
using a more or less powerful language
for publishing information, for
expressing constraints, or for solving
some problem. This finding explores
tradeoffs relating the choice of
language to reusability of
information. The "Rule of Least Power"
suggests choosing the least powerful
language suitable for a given purpose.
5% according to these statistics:
As you said, demographics. The web is expanding onto devices that doesn't have very much power, for instance cellphones. If your site is usable without javascript, Opera Mini will likely show your site without any problems.
I think Javascript implementations in most modern browsers have now reached a reasonable level of maturity and there are a bunch of Javascript UI frameworks which let you build very attractive Javascript based web applications using web-services and such (regardless of the back-end server platform).
An example is ExtJS - they have got a very extensive AJAX + UI widget framework which I recently used to build a full fledged internal web-app for a client with an ASP.NET backend (for webservices).
I think it comes down to what you're about to do. Are you writing a web APPLICATION? Then I think you're bound to use javascript and/or something like GWT. Just have a look at all the social sites, and google aplications like gmail. If you're writing a webpage with product descriptions and hardly any interactivity, then you can make the javascript optional.
I agree with the majority of the stackoverflow respondents. JavaScript has matured and offers an "extra" level of functionality to a webpage, especially for forms. Those who turn off cookies and JS have likely been bitten while surfing in dangerous waters. For the corporate power users that pay my way either in B2B or retail sites, JS is a proven and trusty tool. Until something better comes along (and it will) I'm sticking with JS.
There's addon for Firefox called NoScript which have 27,501,701 downloads. If you site won't work without JavaScript most of those guys wouldn't want to use it.
Why you would install that addon? Ever wanted to get rid of the popup on the site that cover the most of the useful text you want to rid? Or disable flash animation? Or be sure that evil site won't steal your cookies?
Some corporate environments won't allow Javascript, by policy or by firewall. It closes the door to one avenue of virus infection.
Whether you think this is a good idea or not, realize that not everyone has full control over their browser and it might not be their choice.
There is a gradient between web sites and web applications. However, you should alway be able to say "we are building a web site" or "we are building a web application".
Web sites should be readable down to plain HTML (no CSS, no images, no JavaScript).
Web applications, of course, could just say "Sorry, JavaScript is needed" (which also assumes CSS for layout). Application should still be able to work without images.
The accessibility issue is the only important technical issue, all other issues can be socially engineered. When one says that javascript reduced accessibility and another says that Web Applications can use javascript, can we take these two together to imply that all blind people are unemployed? There has to be some kind of momentum in making javascript accessible. Maybe a Screenreader object on the javascript side which can detect the presence of a screenreader and then maybe send hints to the screenreader, Screenreaders which can hook onto the browser, and maybe it gets glued together with a screenreader toolbar.
if you want your site viewable by the top 100 companies in the US. I would write without javascript.
Independence from Javascript and graceful degradation are important to an application despite the actual demographics -- because such an application probably has better software design.
The "human user without Javascript" may be purely hypothetical (for example, if you're trying to make money with your product). But designing for that hypothetical user encourages modular software design which will pay off as you continue to develop your app.
Javascript provides functionality. HTML provides data (on the page itself, and via links that point to more data). As a general rule that reaches well beyond browser apps: A well-designed software product will separate data from functionality. All data should be available, and the functionality should be a separate layer that consumes the data.
If your Javascript is creating data at runtime, then it's time to get specific and figure out whether your webpage really is a piece of software (e.g. a mortgage calculator) or whether it's a document containing data (e.g. a list of mortgage interest rates). This should tell you whether it makes sense to rely on Javascript.
As a final note/example, demographics can be misleading. Relatively few humans browse your site without Javascript, but lots of machines (search bots, data miners, screen readers for the disabled, etc.) are browsing your site without Javascript. Again, the distinction between data and functionality are important -- the bots are just making requests and looking for data in the responses. They don't need functionality. But if your user needs to invoke functions just to make your data accessible, the bots are getting no value from your site.
One side point about the screen readers and other accessibility considerations for the disabled. This is an important niche demographic: a mind that navigates data in a human way, but who can only get data from your site in the same way machines get it. By providing data cleanly and semantically on your page, you make it available to the largest possible set of accessibility tools.
Note this doesn't exclude Javascript from consideration. Our mortgage calculator example can still work: accept input from the user, invoke Javascript, and write the output back into the clean semantic data layer of the page. Screen readers can then read it! And if they can't, you're encouraging the development of better screen readers that can.
If you expect your app to work for everyone, you'll need a backup for all your javascript functionality. If it's form validation, you should also check the data on the server before saving it. So the answer is Yes, it's okay, but have a backup. Do not rely on it.
As many people are saying, it's important to consider your user base, but whoever your users are there's a strong possibility that some (stats say 10%) of them will have some sort of disabilities, and screen readers don't like javascript. If you're only adding simple things, a javascript menu or something, then just make it degrade (or don't do it). If the site depends on javascript to work properly, make two versions, one for javascript and one without.
I generally find that anything too javascript heavy is very difficult to make degrade well without just having javascript re-writing the page to a javascript version if the user can take it. Given this, it's well worth writing two pages from square one for complicated stuff.
I would say that there are very very very few web sites that should be running without some support for users without javascript. You'd need to have a very dynamic application that completely didn't make sense as static pages,or you'd need to have a audience you could guarantee were ok with it (like on an office Intranet say).
Well, it depends on your userbase. If you know that people will be using your site from mobile devices, it's good to have unobtrusive JavaScript. However, if you're trying to appeal to a tech-savvy crowd, don't bother with it.
However, if you're appealing to a crowd that may be using screen readers (blind people), I'd highly suggest using WAI-ARIA standards. Dojo's widget system has full support for this, and would be a great and easy way to do it.
Anyway, in most cases, you don't need unobtrusive JavaScript. Most people who have JavaScript disabled are either using a smartphone, using Lynx, or have NoScript installed. It's enabled by default in all the major browsers, so you shouldn't have to worry.
Lastly, it's good to at least have some unobtrusive JavaScript. <noscript> tags are your best friend. For example, one may want to replace a widget that draws rating stars with text. Example using dojo:
<div dojoType="dojox.Rating" stars="5" value="4"></div>
It's the 21st century. People not permitting JavaScript need to exit the last millennium, posthaste. It's a mature, widely used, and very useful technology that is one of the foundations of the recent expansion in useful web services.
You should be tying the functionality of your website to your audience. That being said, every modern browser (save for the mobile platform) includes javascript, and so unless your audience includes luddites with decade old computers, you can assume they have javascript.
The people you need to worry about, then, are those that specifically turn it off. This includes:
Corporate networks with tough security (not common, but some financial and defense institutions)
Paranoid web-heads
So, first, who is your audience? Are there other websites that are comparable to your target? Look at their site and success - do they degrade gracefully, and would yo be satisfied with their level of success?
If you are targeting mobile applications, though, you can't guarantee javascript.
I would say that you should look at your target audience. If you can reasonably expect that they will have js enabled, and making everything work without any js is too much of a pain, then by all means - go ahead and ignore the non-js crowd, if, on the other hand you have to create a site that will be used by a very large audience/or you are perhaps building a government web site, then you must make sure that everything works, and it is easier in those cases to first build the site so that it works without any js, and add all the nice time-saving ajaxy bits later.
In general though, almost everyone has js enabled by default.
Though you should be aware that server-side validation of user posted data is a must in either case.

