I am using google maps for a project. I need to be able to hide and display multiple maps. I cannot use a basic toggleDiv type function alone. This is because Google maps will ignore the intended size of the div when the div is set to display: none from CSS. (for whatever reason it is fine with being toggled by javascript.) I could use GSize(width, height) but it cannot handle percentages. Since I need the map to be 100%, 100%, this is not an option. I figured out a way around it which is to call the second map's function using onClick, rather then loading all the functions using body onLoad. But, then the zoom of the map is not saved and the map is just reloaded.
So, I need to check if a function has been called, and if so, do not recall it. I cannot figure out how to do this. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
Another "lazy" variant:
var doOnce = function () {
// do something
doOnce = function () {}
As for the original problem, if the function you want to run once is the click event handler, you'd better remove the click event listener.
Define a variable as such. var beenFired = false;
in the function do this:
function myFunction()
beenFired = true;
That will check to see if hasn't been fired yet and if not fire it. You could even do it around the function call itself.
function myFunction()
beenFired = true;
var func = (function(){
var first = true;
return function( a, b, c){
if ( !first ){
first = false;
console.log( arguments );
func( 1, 2, 3); // in console : [ 1, 2, 3]
func( 1, 1, 1); // nothing happens;
If I understand:
var isCalled = false;
function f() {
if (!isCalled) {
isCalled = true;
// ...
I have the following existing function that I'm unable to access and change. So I've had to cache it and add other functions to it.
The function loads periodically and sometimes load on page load and sometimes doesn't. The additional functions I've added to it , I don't ever want loading on page load however.
I have tried the following with no luck. I can not prevent update_scores from loading on page load , so the if(onSwitch) is true , then and only then I want to add something else to the existing function. Once onSwith is true , then I need all additional functions to always execute when update_scores runs, but initially only after another function click() is called.
function click() {
update_scores = (function(onSwitch) {
var cached_function = update_scores;
return function() {
let update_scores=true; // always do something below when update_scores after function click ran once
cached_function.apply(this, arguments);
if(onSwitch) {
//Do something only when function click is ran or until onSwith is defined as true
ok , i was able to achieve by setting a global variable , then changing it when i ran another function
var onSwitch = false;
function click() {
onSwitch = true;
update_scores = (function(onSwitch) {
var cached_function = update_scores;
return function() {
cached_function.apply(this, arguments);
if(onSwitch) {
//Do something only when function click is ran or until onSwith is defined as true
The problem is simple. I have a massive javascript application. And there are lot of times in the app where I use code which looks something like this -
So what I want to do is, everytime this html() function is called I want to execute a set of functions.
function do_these_things_every_time_data_is_loaded_into_a_div()
How do I do this? Thank you.
You can use the custom event handlers for that:
// Trigger the custom event after html change
// Custom event handler
$('#treat').on('custom', function( event) {
// do_these_things_every_time_data_is_loaded_into_a_div
alert('Html had changed!');
Based on answer over here and with some modifications you can do this:
// create a reference to the old `.html()` function
$.fn.htmlOriginal = $.fn.html;
// redefine the `.html()` function to accept a callback
$.fn.html = function (html, callback) {
// run the old `.html()` function with the first parameter
// run the callback (if it is defined)
if (typeof callback == "function") {
$("#treat").html(new_data, function () {
$("#cool").html(new_data, function () {
Easily maintainable and less code as per your requirements.
You can overwrite the jQuery.fn.html() method, as described in Override jQuery functions
For example, use this:
var oHtml = jQuery.fn.html;
jQuery.fn.html = function(value) {
if(typeof value !== "undefined")
// Now go back to jQuery's original html()
return oHtml.apply(this, value);
When html() is called it usually make the DOM object changes, so you can look for DOM change event handler, it is called whenever your HTML of main page change. I found
Is there a JavaScript/jQuery DOM change listener?
if this help your cause.
You can replace the html function with your own function and then call the function html:
$.fn.html = (function(oldHtml) {
var _oldHtml = oldHtml;
return function(param) {
// your code
return _oldHtml.apply(this, [param]);
I have a little script for you. Insert that into your javascript:
//#Author Karl-André Gagnon
$.hook = function(){
$.each(arguments, function(){
var fn = this
$.fn['hooked'+fn] = $.fn[fn];
$.fn[fn] = function(){
var r = $.fn['hooked'+fn].apply(this, arguments);
$(this).trigger(fn, arguments);
return r
This allow you to "hook" jQuery function and trigger an event when you call it.
Here how you use it, you first bind the function you want to trigger. In your case, it will be .html():
Then you add an event listener with .on. It there is no dynamicly added element, you can use direct binding, else, delegated evets work :
$(document).on('html', '#threat, #cool, #not_cool',function(){
The function will launch everytime #threat, #cool or #not_cool are calling .html.
The $.hook plugin is not fully texted, some bug may be here but for your HTML, it work.
Example : http://jsfiddle.net/5svVQ/
I'm a bit stuck on a problem which I can't solve, I performed investigation on internet and on this site, but I can't find the answer to my question.
So basically I have a javascript file, which I cannot modify, so I have another javascript file which should catch the method when it is called and override it.
Normally I know how it works and I already done the function overriding, but I don't know how to solve this issue.
I have a very big script, but I will show just a small piece of it:
Microsoft.Office.Server.Ajax.NavResizer.prototype = {
$6: null,
$7: null,
$20:function ($p0) {
if (this.$1E) {
$21: function ($p0) {
var $0 = $p0.target;
this.$1F = ($0 === this.$A);
if (this.$1F || $0 === this.$B) {
this.$1E = $0;
this.$18 = $p0.clientX;
this.$19 = $p0.clientY;
Sys.UI.DomEvent.removeHandler(this.$1E, 'mousedown', this.$12);
var $1 = document.body; Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler($1, 'mouseup', this.$13);
Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler($1, 'mousemove', this.$14);
$1.style.cursor = (this.$1F) ? 'e-resize' : 'n-resize';
this.$1A = this.get_$42();
this.$1B = this.get_$43();
Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler($1, 'selectstart', this.$15);
$22: function ($p0) {
var $0 = document.body;
Sys.UI.DomEvent.removeHandler($0, 'mouseup', this.$13);
Sys.UI.DomEvent.removeHandler($0, 'mousemove', this.$14);
Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler($0, 'selectstart', this.$15);
$0.style.cursor = 'default';
Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler(this.$1E, 'mousedown', this.$12);
this.$1E = null;
$23: function ($p0) {
$24: function ($p0) {
Basically this is the part of the script: so lets say I want to override function: $22: function ($p0) in the script in another javascript file, how do i do that?
I would appreciate any help.
A small update, some good examples were provided but they are not working.
The environment where i run this sript is SharePoint, normally when I did override I used this method:
var oldFixRibbonAndWorkspaceDimensions = window.FixRibbonAndWorkspaceDimensions;
window.FixRibbonAndWorkspaceDimensions = function () {
function MyFixRibbonAndWorkspaceDimensions(){...}
And it didn't matter when i load the script as this function was only called when the default function was called not before not after. Just in the same time. But with the example which were provided here, the function is trying to execute on the document.ready()
You want to permanently override it? Just do this:
Microsoft.Office.Server.Ajax.NavResizer.prototype.$22 = function($p0) {
// your code.
As long as your script is executed after the original is defined, you're good.
Old post.. but this works for me:
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(overrideNavResizer, "NavResizer.js");
function overrideNavResizer(){
Microsoft.Office.Server.Ajax.NavResizer.prototype.$22 = function($p0) {
// your code.
In your new script:
Microsoft.Office.Server.Ajax.NavResizer.prototype.$22 = function () {//your function code}
Assuming you have access to the prototype object (it's in global scope) and your scripts runs after it, that is easy:
var proto = Microsoft.Office.Server.Ajax.NavResizer.prototype,
oldMethod = proto.$22;
proto.$22 = function newMethod(args, …){
I need to know what I am doing wrong because I cannot call the internal functions show or hide?
var Fresh = {
var timeout = 20000;
$("#notify-container div").get(0).id.substr(7,1) == "1" && (show(),setTimeout(hide(),timeout));
var show = function ()
$("body").animate({marginTop: "2.5em"}, "fast", "linear");
$("#notify-container div:eq(0)").fadeIn("slow");
hide = function()
$("#notify-container div").hide();
}//END notify
window.Fresh = Fresh;
thanks, Richard
If you wanted to be able to do something like: Fresh.notify.showMessage(), all you need to do is assign a property to the function notify:
var Fresh = {notify:function(){return 'notify called';}};
Fresh.notify.showMessage = function () { return this() + ' and showMessage, too!';};
Fresh.notify();//notify called
Fresh.notify.showMessage();//notify called and showMessage, too!
This will point to the function object here, and can be called as such (this() === Fresh.notify();). That's all there is too it.
There's a number of issues with this code. First of all: it's great that you're trying to use closures. But you're not using them to the fullest, if you don't mind my saying. For example: the notify method is packed with function declarations and jQuery selectors. This means that each time the method is invoked, new function objects will be created and the selectors will cause the dom to be searched time and time again. It's better to just keep the functions and the dom elements referenced in the closure scope:
var body = $("body");
var notifyDiv = $("#notify-container div")[0];
var notifyDivEq0 = $("#notify-container div:eq(0)");
var show = function ()
body.animate({marginTop: "2.5em"}, "fast", "linear");
var hide = function()
{//notifyDiv is not a jQ object, just pass it to jQ again:
var timeout = 20000;
var Fresh = {
//this doesn't really make sense to me...
//notifyDiv.id.substr(7,1) == "1" && (show(),setTimeout(hide,timeout));
//I think this is what you want:
if (notifyDiv.id.charAt(6) === '1')
setTimeout(hide,timeout);//pass function reference
//setTimeout(hide(),timeout); calls return value of hide, which is undefined here
}//END notify
window.Fresh = Fresh;
It's hard to make suggestions in this case, though because, on its own, this code doesn't really make much sense. I'd suggest you set up a fiddle so we can see the code at work (or see the code fail :P)
First, you're trying to use show value when it's not defined yet (though show variable does exist in that scope):
function test() {
show(); // TypeError: show is not a function
var show = function() { console.log(42); };
It's easily fixable with moving var show line above the point where it'll be called:
function test() {
var show = function() { console.log(42); };
test(); // 42
... or if you define functions in more 'traditional' way (with function show() { ... } notation).
function test() {
function show() { console.log(42); };
test(); // 42
Second, you should use this instead:
... && (show(), setTimeout(hide, timeout) );
... as it's the function name, and not the function result, that should be passed to setTimeout as the first argument.
You have to define show and hide before, also change the hide() as they said.
The result will be something like this:
var Fresh = {
var show = function()
$("body").animate({marginTop: "2.5em"}, "fast", "linear");
$("#notify-container div:eq(0)").fadeIn("slow");
hide = function()
$("#notify-container div").hide();
timeout = 20000;
$("#notify-container div").get(0).id.substr(7,1) == "1" && ( show(), setTimeout(hide,timeout) );
}//END notify
window.Fresh = Fresh;
I think order of calling show , hide is the matter . I have modified your code . It works fine . Please visit the link
needs to at least be
(show(),setTimeout(function() {hide()},timeout));
Background: I am trying to edit a zen cart horizontal pop out menu to make the popout open inline within the menu. The problem I am having is that I am struggling to get my head around the javascript/jquery that came with it.
Without posting the whole thing the structure of the code is something like this:
(declare some vars)
//some functions like this:
function funcname(obj) {
//do something
//then one big master function like this:
function bigfunc(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) {
//declare some vars based on this
//declare some functions inside the big function
this.innerfunc1= function() {
//do stuff
this.innerfunc2= function() {
//do stuff
}//end of big function
//then goes on to declare init function
function initfunc(){
//this creates new bigfunc(arg1 arg2 arg3...) for each main menu item
//finally calls init function with
window.onload = initfunc();
Now on to my confusion -
1) firstly for clarification, am I correct in thinking based on all the this's floating about in bigfunc() and the fact that it is called with new bigfunc() that this is creating an object?
2)My current problem is with one of the functions inside bigfunc() which looks like this:
this.slideChildMenu = function() {
var divref = this.children[0].div;
var ulref = this.children[0].ul;
var maxwidth = this.children[0].width;
var nextWidth;
if (this.isMouseOnMe || this.isMouseOnChild()) {
nextWidth = divref.offsetWidth + slideSpeed_out;
if (nextWidth >= maxwidth) {
this.finishOpeningChild(divref, ulref, maxwidth);
} else {
ulref.style.left = nextWidth - maxwidth + "px";
divref.style.width = nextWidth + "px";
setTimeout("slideChildMenu('" + this.getId() + "')", slideTimeout_out);
Now my plan is to alter this to use jquery show to open the element so I tried this:
this.slideChildMenu = function() {
var divref = this.children[0].div;
var ulref = this.children[0].ul;
if (this.isMouseOnMe || this.isMouseOnChild()) {
this.finishOpeningChild(divref, ulref);
But I am getting this-> TypeError: this.finishOpeningChild is not a function
Now, there is a lot of other stuff going on in this js so I wouldnt dream of asking someone on here to do my work for me, but I am hoping that if someone can explain to me why this function is not a function I may be able to work the rest out.
NOTE: I thought this was to do with the scope of "this" but the value of this appears to be exactly the same in both versions of the code.
I know this is a long one but your help is greatly appreciated.
The value of this in a function is called the "context" in which the function runs. In general, whenever you pass a callback function as an argument (as you do with $(divref).show(function() {...})), the function can run the callback in whatever context it wants. In this case, the jQuery show function chooses to run its callback in the context of the element being animated.
However, you want access to the value of this at the time the anonymous callback function is defined, rather than when it is run. The solution here is to store the outer value of this in a variable (traditionally called self) which is included in the scope of the newly-defined function:
this.slideChildMenu = function() {
var self = this;
self.finishOpeningChild(divref, ulref);
I am thinking that the jQuery selector has changed the scope of this.
In your example $(this); would refer to object being animated per jQuery api docs:
If supplied, the callback is fired once the animation is complete. This can be useful for stringing different animations together in sequence. The callback is not sent any arguments, but this is set to the DOM element being animated. If multiple elements are animated, it is important to note that the callback is executed once per matched element, not once for the animation as a whole.
If the object in question is instantiated you can call it with dot notation without using this like bigFunc.finishOpeningChild(divref, ulref);
You're probably a little confused about scope, it's not always easy keeping track, but doing something more like this:
var site = {
init: function(elm) {
self.master.funcname2(self.varname1, elm); //call function in master
funcname: function(obj) {
//do something
varname1: 'some string',
varname2: 3+4,
master: function() {
this.varname3 = sin(30);
this.funcname2 = function(stuff, element) {
site.funcname(element); //call function in 'site'
var sinus = site.master.varname3; //get variable
window.onload = function() {
var elm = document.getElementById('elementID');
site.init(elm); //call init function
usually makes it a little easier to keep track.