Guess full date based on partial date entered in JavaScript - javascript

Doing some code in JavaScript/jQuery and I need to have it where the user can enter a somewhat partial date string and have JavaScript figure out the full date.
For example, if the user enters "5/24" it should return "5/24/2011" (the current year). If the user enters "5/24/2004" it should return just that.
duedate = Date.parse(qadueparse);
duedatelit = new Date(duedate);
duedatelit = Number(duedatelit.getMonth()+1) + '/' +
Number(duedatelit.getDate()) + '/' + Number(duedatelit.getFullYear());
This above code works when the user supplies a full string, however it seems to screw up on me when the user types "5/24" or some other partial string. It returns a year of 2001.
Can anyone help me out?
Turning once again to StackOverflow for my programming needs; thank you, everyone, in this vibrant community for supporting each other.

The date object can accept a deconstructed date for instantiation:
var d = new Date(2011, 7, 13, 15, 59, 0); // Jul 13th, 3:59:00pm
You can rip apart the partial date and fill in the blanks yourself. However, what is 3/7? March 7th? July 3rd? Worse yet, 3/5/7 - which is year, which is month, which is day?
comment followup:
If it's always m/d, then you just split on the /, giving you m and d values.
provided = '5/24';
parts = provided.split('/');
month = parts[0]; // 5
day = parts[1]; // 24
today = new Date();
your_date = new Date(today.getFullYear(), month, day); // new date object for 2011/5/24


How to compare dates without including the hour

So there is a column that has the date with the hour and i was trying to create a variable date with the same date, month, year and hour to be able to compare it wiht that date but this didn't work with me so I thought I would do that by creating the same date but when i compare i won't consider the hour but im facing some difficulties.
anyone of the two solutions would be great
I wrote many other codes but none of them worked and that was the last one i wrote
var date = new Date();
var year = date.getYear();
var month = date.getMonth() + 1; if(month.toString().length==1){var month =
var day = date.getDate(); if(day.toString().length==1){var day = '0'+day;}
var date = month+'/'+day+'/'+year;
Im using JavaScript in google app script.
Thank you!
From MDN
We have a first step to create an object date.
let today = new Date()
let birthday = new Date('December 17, 1995 03:24:00')
let birthday = new Date('1995-12-17T03:24:00')
let birthday = new Date(1995, 11, 17) // the month is 0-indexed
let birthday = new Date(1995, 11, 17, 3, 24, 0)
let birthday = new Date(628021800000) // passing epoch timestamp
You can create your Date object following the example above that fits you better. I also recommend giving a good look into this page.
For the second step...
From there, you can use As explained here, this will return "A Number representing the milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch."
The third step is...
comparing both numbers. Which one is smaller will be an "earlier date" and vice-versa.
If some dates don't have time, I would consider it as midnight. Using the default Date format, that would be something like this.
The Z at the end means UTC+0.
More about this on this link.
So, a date without time would be:

How to return a Date format when I use setDate()

I assigned the weekEnd as the current end of the week like this
this.weekEnd = new Date(this.currentDate.setDate(end));
Next, what I want is to give a new value to the weekEnd which is the weekEnd + 7 days. I've done it like below but I can't assign the new value to the weekEnd because the right side returns a Number and not date.
this.weekEnd = this.weekEnd.setDate(this.weekEnd.getDate() + 7);
If you guys have any idea how I can do it I would appreciate it. Thanks a lot!
Just use the .setDate() method without the assignment:
this.weekEnd.setDate(this.weekEnd.getDate() + 7);
.setDate() does two things:
It changes the current Date object to the new date.
Returns the number of milliseconds of that new date since 1 Jan 1970.
In your code you assigned this number to the variable that would have held the correct date anyway.
Try this. It will return 15th Jun and 21st June. If you remove +1 then it will start from sunday. To start from monday you have to add 1.
let current = new Date;
let firstday = new Date(current.setDate(current.getDate() - current.getDay()+1));
let lastday = new Date(current.setDate(current.getDate() - current.getDay()+7));

Get actual date and time with Javascript

I'm developing a website where registrations for a particular event will open on a certain date (say, January 1, 2019) and will close on another date (say, January 10, 2019). I'm using JavaScript to redirect users to the relevant pages if they try to access it on before the 1st or after the 10 of January.
My code so far:
var d = new Date();
var startDate = new Date(2019, 0, 1, 8);
var endDate = new Date(2019, 0, 10, 23, 59);
if(endDate-d<0) // Past expiration date
window.location = "register-closed.html";
else if(startDate-d > 0) // Before starting
window.location = "register-unavailable.html";
The main problem as you might have guessed is that this code takes the local date and time from the user; if I set the date on my device as 2nd January, 2019, I'm able to access the actual register page, even though it's May right now.
I feel this would be a common problem for many, but I've been unable to find any solution to this. How do I get the REAL date and time for my country (India) instead of the device time?
How do I get the actual date and time for a country (in my case, INDIA) using JavaScript? If I can't use vanilla JS, is there some other method to do so?
PS: If you have any solutions that can only be bypassed using methods more complicated than changing your device time, I'll readily accept them. This whole website is just for a high school event, so I don't expect any skilled hackers to spend their time on this :)
This code will get the date (as in the 30th), month, and year. This uses the new Date(); variable type. It has several uses, and you can get the output in whatever order using something like new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds). That would output something like Wed May 22 2019 10:46:32 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time).
var todaysDate = new Date();
var date = todaysDate.getDate();
var month = todaysDate.getMonth();
var year = todaysDate.getFullYear();
if(date === 10 || month === 0 || year === 2019){
//January is 0 because counting starts at 0
you should take a look to this topic as it seems to answer to your problem using only vanilla JS. Hope it helps :)

Getting next day date for specific string format in Google Apps Script (JavaScript)

Good day everyone!
Working on aprojectmI had to start working with Google Spereadsheet interface and faced a problem I cannot quickly overcome due to not working with JavaScripts ever before.
I have a date in specific format as a string
var date = "2012-08-09";
What I need is to get the next day date as
date = "2012-08-10";
which should include changing not only the day, but month and year too, if necessary.
I've tried using date format
var datum= new Date(date);
datum.setDate(datum.getDate() + 1);
date = datum.toString('yyyy-MM-dd');
but the code appears to fail at writing date to datum variable.
What is the best and quickiest way tosolve this litle problem?
The problem when you tag a question 'Javascript' and when you are actually using Google Apps Script is that you get nice answers from people that do not know some special functions available in GAS.
GAS is based on Javascript but Javascript is not GAS... if you see what I mean ;-)
That said, there is actually a "special" function to format date string and I'll show it in the following code.
But there is also another point that could put you into trouble : if you don't mention hours in your date object there is a risk to shift one day if you live in a country that uses daylight savings. This issue has been discussed quite often on this forum and elsewhere so I won't give all the details but it's a good idea to take this into account when you play with date objects. In the code below I extract a tz (time zone) string from the date object we have just created to know if it's in summer or in winter time, then I use this tz string as a parameter in the Utilities.formatDate() method . This guarantees an exact result in every situations.
Here is (finally) the test code :
(use the logger to see results. script editor>view>logs)
function test(){
date = "2012-08-9";
var parts = date.split('-')
var datum = new Date(parts[0],parts[1]-1,parts[2],0,0,0,0);// set hours, min, sec & milliSec to 0
var tz = new Date(datum).toString().substr(25,8);// get the tz string
Logger.log(datum+' in TimeZone '+tz)
datum.setDate(datum.getDate() + 1);// add 1 day
var dateString = Utilities.formatDate(datum,tz,'yyyy-MMM-dd');// show result like you want, see doc for details
Logger.log(dateString);// the day after !
Logger results :
Thu Aug 09 2012 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (CEST) in TimeZone GMT+0200
It sounds like a parsing problem you may have better luck, splitting out the date and putting the parameters in individually, any errors you get would be useful:-
var parts = date.split("-");
var datum = new Date(
parseInt(parts[0], 10),
parseInt(parts[1], 10) - 1,
parseInt(parts[2], 10));
There is no built in formatting function for the JavaScript Date object, I'm not sure if the google apps api is any different though. To perform the last line of your code you may either need to write your own functions to extract the data from the JavaScript date object and format it, hint you will also need to write a zerofill function if you want to ensure two digits in your date and month parts of the output.
var formatted = datum.getFullYear() + "-" +
zerofill(datum.getMonth() + 1, 2) + "-" +
zerofill(datum.getDate(), 2);
Passing a format string to toString works in .NET, and it may work in Java, however this doesn't work in Javascript.
Try the following,
var date = "2012-08-09";
var datum = new Date(date);
datum.setDate(datum.getDate() + 1);
date = datum.getFullYear() + "-" + (datum.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + datum.getDate();
Try the following in It works.....
function foo(){
var date = "2012-08-09";
var datum = new Date(date);
datum.setDate(datum.getDate() + 1);
date = datum.getFullYear() + "-" + (datum.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + datum.getDate();
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = date;
<body onload="foo()">
<p id=demo></p>

Javascript next and previous day function

I am developing a daily calendar and need to traverse to the next and previous day. How would I write this in javascript? Will the following calculate correctly when going to the next / previous month? Like C#'s DateTime.Today.AddDays(1) will?
new Date(year, month, day + 1)
My concern is that if I execute this on March 31st, it will calculate March 32nd...which wouldn't work obviously.
If someone could provide a function to do both that would be great!
Thanks in advance!
var dateString = '30 Apr 2010'; // date string
var actualDate = new Date(dateString); // convert to actual date
var newDate = new Date(actualDate.getFullYear(), actualDate.getMonth(), actualDate.getDate()+1); // create new increased date
You don't need to worry. It won't.
date = new Date(2012, 2, 31 + 1);

