null value trips up loop - javascript

Every time I pass an array to this function, when it hits a null or undefined value it stops the loop. I can't work out how to fix this. When I ask whether the current item in the loop is null or undefined or false, it doesn't answer...
function xul(func, loc, arr){
var elem;
var props = {};
for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++){
if (arr[i] == undefined) {
jsdump("undefined" + " - " + len);
else if (arr[i] == null) {
jsdump("null" + " - " + len);
else if (arr[i] == false) {
jsdump("false" + " - " + len);
else if (typeof arr[i] == "string"){
elem = arr[i];
if (typeOf(arr[i + 1]) == "object") {
props = arr[i+1];
loc = createNode(func, loc, elem, props);
if (typeOf(arr[i + 1]) == "array") {
xul("append", loc, arr[i+1]);
} else {
return loc;
What is going on here?

Actually the loop stops here (if you return something you exit the loop!):
if (typeOf(arr[i + 1]) == "array") {
xul("append", loc, arr[i+1]);
} else {
return loc;
if the next element it's not an array it returns loc and the loop stops. check this fiddle: it logs two undefined and then returns loc
You should also use === instead of ==


How to replace "" to " by using JSON.Parser from scratch

I read an article about JSON.Parser from scratch by Tan Li Hau.
And I want to custom his JSON.Parser which can replace "" to " or """ to ". I mean if " keep more than 1 continuously, replace to " .
'{"n": ""aaa, should, ""}'
'{"n": "aaa, should, "}'
But for now, there is a syntax error of course.
I found the parseString() loops while " comes next. So I tried to update parseString() to replace "" to " if it's continuously. But it's not working. Also It's not supported more than 1 ".
So if you could give me some advise, it would be helpful.
function fakeParseJSON(str) {
let i = 0;
const value = parseValue();
return value;
function parseObject() {
if (str[i] === "{") {
const result = {};
let initial = true;
// if it is not '}',
// we take the path of string -> whitespace -> ':' -> value -> ...
while (i < str.length && str[i] !== "}") {
if (!initial) {
const key = parseString();
if (key === undefined) {
const value = parseValue();
result[key] = value;
initial = false;
// move to the next character of '}'
return result;
function parseArray() {
if (str[i] === "[") {
const result = [];
let initial = true;
while (i < str.length && str[i] !== "]") {
if (!initial) {
const value = parseValue();
initial = false;
// move to the next character of ']'
return result;
function parseValue() {
const value =
parseString() ??
parseNumber() ??
parseObject() ??
parseArray() ??
parseKeyword("true", true) ??
parseKeyword("false", false) ??
parseKeyword("null", null);
return value;
function parseKeyword(name, value) {
if (str.slice(i, i + name.length) === name) {
i += name.length;
return value;
function skipWhitespace() {
while (
str[i] === " " ||
str[i] === "\n" ||
str[i] === "\t" ||
str[i] === "\r"
) {
function parseString() {
if (str[i] === '"') {
let result = "";
if (str[i - 1] + str[i] === '""') {
(str[i - 1] + str[i]).replace('""', '"');
while (i < str.length && str[i] !== '"') {
if (str[i] === "\\") {
const char = str[i + 1];
if (
char === '"' ||
char === "\\" ||
char === "/" ||
char === "b" ||
char === "f" ||
char === "n" ||
char === "r" ||
char === "t"
) {
result += char;
} else if (char === "u") {
if (
isHexadecimal(str[i + 2]) &&
isHexadecimal(str[i + 3]) &&
isHexadecimal(str[i + 4]) &&
isHexadecimal(str[i + 5])
) {
result += String.fromCharCode(
parseInt(str.slice(i + 2, i + 6), 16)
i += 5;
} else {
i += 2;
} else {
} else {
result += str[i];
return result;
function isHexadecimal(char) {
return (
(char >= "0" && char <= "9") ||
(char.toLowerCase() >= "a" && char.toLowerCase() <= "f")
function parseNumber() {
let start = i;
if (str[i] === "-") {
expectDigit(str.slice(start, i));
if (str[i] === "0") {
} else if (str[i] >= "1" && str[i] <= "9") {
while (str[i] >= "0" && str[i] <= "9") {
if (str[i] === ".") {
expectDigit(str.slice(start, i));
while (str[i] >= "0" && str[i] <= "9") {
if (str[i] === "e" || str[i] === "E") {
if (str[i] === "-" || str[i] === "+") {
expectDigit(str.slice(start, i));
while (str[i] >= "0" && str[i] <= "9") {
if (i > start) {
return Number(str.slice(start, i));
function eatComma() {
function eatColon() {
// error handling
function expectNotEndOfInput(expected) {
if (i === str.length) {
printCodeSnippet(`Expecting a \`${expected}\` here`);
throw new Error("JSON_ERROR_0001 Unexpected End of Input");
function expectEndOfInput() {
if (i < str.length) {
printCodeSnippet("Expecting to end here");
throw new Error("JSON_ERROR_0002 Expected End of Input");
function expectObjectKey() {
printCodeSnippet(`Expecting object key here
For example:
{ "foo": "bar" }
throw new Error("JSON_ERROR_0003 Expecting JSON Key");
function expectCharacter(expected) {
if (str[i] !== expected) {
printCodeSnippet(`Expecting a \`${expected}\` here`);
throw new Error("JSON_ERROR_0004 Unexpected token");
function expectDigit(numSoFar) {
if (!(str[i] >= "0" && str[i] <= "9")) {
printCodeSnippet(`JSON_ERROR_0005 Expecting a digit here
For example:
${" ".repeat(numSoFar.length)}^`);
throw new Error("JSON_ERROR_0006 Expecting a digit");
function expectEscapeCharacter(strSoFar) {
printCodeSnippet(`JSON_ERROR_0007 Expecting escape character
For example:
${" ".repeat(strSoFar.length + 1)}^^
List of escape characters are: \\", \\\\, \\/, \\b, \\f, \\n, \\r, \\t, \\u`);
throw new Error("JSON_ERROR_0008 Expecting an escape character");
function expectEscapeUnicode(strSoFar) {
printCodeSnippet(`Expect escape unicode
For example:
${" ".repeat(strSoFar.length + 1)}^^^^^^`);
throw new Error("JSON_ERROR_0009 Expecting an escape unicode");
function printCodeSnippet(message) {
const from = Math.max(0, i - 10);
const trimmed = from > 0;
const padding = (trimmed ? 4 : 0) + (i - from);
const snippet = [
(trimmed ? "... " : "") + str.slice(from, i + 1),
" ".repeat(padding) + "^",
" ".repeat(padding) + message
console.log(`${fakeParseJSON('{"n": ""string, should, ""}')}`);

ObjectToQuery function return just the properties have values but i want all the properties

I am using this method in order to convert an Object to QueryString. QueryString is required for ajax send request.
var objectToQueryString = function(a) {
var prefix, s, add, name, r20, output;
s = [];
r20 = /%20/g;
add = function(key, value) {
// If value is a function, invoke it and return its value
value = (typeof value == 'function') ? value() : (value == null ? "" : value);
s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
if (a instanceof Array) {
for (name in a) {
add(name, a[name]);
} else {
for (prefix in a) {
buildParams(prefix, a[prefix], add);
output = s.join("&").replace(r20, "+");
return output;
function buildParams(prefix, obj, add) {
var name, i, l, rbracket;
rbracket = /\[\]$/;
if (obj instanceof Array) {
for (i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
if (rbracket.test(prefix)) {
add(prefix, obj[i]);
} else {
buildParams(prefix + "%" + (typeof obj[i] === "object" ? i : "") + "%", obj[i], add);
} else if (typeof obj == "object") {
// Serialize object item.
for (name in obj) {
buildParams(prefix + "%" + name + "%", obj[name], add);
} else {
// Serialize scalar item.
add(prefix, obj);
The following code convert the object to QueryString sucessfully but the properties with no values are omitted in the return QueryString. But i want all the properties of the object. It does not matter the object properties have value or not.
If you pass a property where the value is null, then the 'obj' parameter in this call will be null:
function buildParams(prefix, obj, add) {
Can you test your results when you change your 'buildParams' function to this:
function buildParams(prefix, obj, add) {
obj = obj || "";
var name, i, l, rbracket;
rbracket = /\[\]$/;
if (obj instanceof Array) {
for (i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
if (rbracket.test(prefix)) {
add(prefix, obj[i]);
} else {
buildParams(prefix + "%" + (typeof obj[i] === "object" ? i : "") + "%", obj[i], add);
} else if (typeof obj == "object") {
// Serialize object item.
for (name in obj) {
buildParams(prefix + "%" + name + "%", obj[name], add);
} else {
// Serialize scalar item.
add(prefix, obj);

Check and alert for the null value

I need to check for the null values and alert them if there are any before getting saved. I have used this code but I am not able to alert the null values instead it is getting saved . .
function fn_publish() {
var SessionNames = getParameterByName('SessionName');
var MenuType = getParameterByName('MenuType');
var Date = getParameterByName('ForDate');
var publish = "Y";
Dates = Date.split("-");
Date = Dates[1] + "/" + Dates[2] + "/" + Dates[0];
var rows = [];
cols = document.getElementById('product_table').rows[1].cells.length - 1;
table = document.getElementById('product_table');
for (var i = 1; i <= cols; i++) {
for (var j = 0, row; row = table.rows[j]; j++) {
if (j == 0) {
cust = row.cells[i].innerText;
} else if (j == 1) {
catlg = row.cells[i].innerText;
} else {
if (typeof (row.cells[i]) != "undefined") {
if (row.cells[i].innerText != "") {
fn_insert(SessionNames, MenuType, Date, catlg, row.cells[0].innerText, row.cells[i].innerText, cust, publish);
} else {
jAlert("Please select a product", "ok");
return false;
jAlert("Menu Published", "ok");
if (row.cells[i].innerText != "") {
May be the cells are containing empty space in that. Better trim ad then compare.
if (row.cells[i].innerText.trim() !== "") {
Also instead of innerText use textContent which is common in most modern browsers.
if (row.cells[i].textContent.trim() !== "") {

Exit recursive function

I Loop through a complex JSON object but I want to stop the loop after n iterations
n = 0;
maxIterations = 100;
ObjectValues = function(v, k){
if(n == maxIterations){
if (typeof v == "object") {
for (var kp in v) {
if (, kp)) {
ObjectValues(v[kp], k != undefined ? k + "." + kp : kp);
} else {
console.log(k + ":" + v);
console.log('I should end the function');
return false;
But I can't exit the function with return false. The function gets called, even after I tried to exit it with return false.
As I understand it, you want to recursively print maxiteration keys and their values:
n = 0;
maxIterations = 100;
ObjectValues = function(v, k){
if(n < maxIterations){
if (typeof v == "object") {
for (var kp in v) {
if (, kp)) {
if(! ObjectValues(v[kp], k != undefined ? k + "." + kp : kp) )
return false;
} else {
console.log(k + ":" + v);
return true;
} else {
console.log('I should end the function');
return false;

Where does this unspecified error comes from?

I'm trying to format any kind of variables to achieve some kind of toString() method.
It's working for pretty complex objects and arrays, handling circular references, but when I try to call it on a jQuery object: format($("body")), for testing it on large complex objects, I got this error:
Unhandled exception at line 330, column 21 in ms-appx://8b94d51c-586e-4f3f-bb9c-fa75d62508cd/js/default.js
0x80004005 - Erreur d’exécution JavaScript: Erreur non spécifiée.
0x80004005 - JavaScript Run-time Error: Unspecified error. // I translated it for you
Here is my code (with a // ERROR! comment next to the line 330):
function format(arg, parents, indent) {
var maxParent = 25;
if (parents === undefined) {
parents = [];
if (indent === undefined) {
indent = 1;
if (contains(parents, arg)) {
return '<span class="brackets">[Circular]</span>';
if (typeof arg === 'string' && parents.length > 0) {
return '"' + htmlEntities(arg) + '"';
} else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
if (parents.length >= maxParent) {
return '<span class="brackets">[Array]</span>';
var ret = "[ ";
for (var i = 0, len = arg.length; i < len; i++) {
if (i !== 0) {
ret += ", ";
ret += "<br>";
ret += addIndent(indent);
ret += format(arg[i], parents, indent + 1);
ret += "<br>";
ret += addIndent(indent - 1);
ret += " ]";
return ret;
} else if (arg === null) {
return '<span class="void">null</span>';
} else if (arg === void 0) {
return '<span class="void">undefined</span>';
} else if (typeof arg === 'number' && (isNaN(arg) || !isFinite(arg))) {
return '<span class="void">' + arg.toString() + '</span>';
} else if (typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null) {
if (parents.length >= maxParent) {
return '<span class="brackets">[Object]</span>';
} else {
var ret = "{";
var first = true;
for (var key in arg) {
if (!first) {
ret += ", ";
else {
first = false;
ret += "<br>";
ret += addIndent(indent);
ret += key;
ret += ": ";
if (typeof arg[key] === 'function') {
ret += '<span class="brackets">[Function]</span>';
} else {
ret += format(arg[key], parents, indent + 1); // ERROR!
ret += "<br>";
ret += addIndent(indent - 1);
ret += "}";
remove(parents, arg);
return ret;
return arg;
Do you have any ideas why this error is occuring?
What can I do to fix it?
Out of the top of my head I can think that arg[key] is null by the time you call the format function. Synchronize the if statement so it executes only after arg[key] is not null.

