Can I get the referrer? - javascript

I have a website on which I dynamically create Javascript code using ASP.NET handler in which I should add the referrer to a database.
I want to get referrer of referrer like so:
website2 (where I create pixel to another site)
website3 (where pixel is located)
I don't have code access to website1, on website2 I can only assign JavaScript.
If I get referrer in current application state I get website2.
Is there a way to get website1 as referrer?

You can pass this value along: document.referrer.
That expression would need to be evaluated on website 2, not on website 3.
// website2.html
<img src="" id="pxl" />
document.getElementById('pxl').src += '?ref=' + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer);
The request to website3 will then include the referrer.

It is impossible to get the referrer of website2 on website3 directly. However, since you can use javascript on website2, you could get the referrer (document.referrer) and add it to the url of the pixel you get. For example:
var referer = document.referrer;
var pixelUrl = 'http://website3/pixel?referrer=' + escape(referrer);
// create pixel...
Hope that helps

Seems that document.referrer doesn't work in many instances.
Use the complete instead.


JQuery use value for location.href

How to I use a JQuery value for a url to use with location.href?
The url will be different every time the below url is an example.
The URL is stored in the database as
Ajax is then used to retrieve the URL and save in a var called last_viewed so I would like to use the equivalent of
location.href = last_viewed
I have tried
location.href = '"'+last_viewed+'"'
but the URL becomes"audit.php?audit=13957911461655047299&page=summary"
which obviously won't work because of the extra "s
if I try just
location.href = last_viewed
nothing happens, the script is broken.
If you don't add anything to the URL in your example, the browser assumes it's a relative URL and prefixes it with the current location origin ( on your site). If that stored link is on the same server, you'll need to ensure the path is correct after the server name.
If it's not local (i.e., an external link) then you'll have to add the server and protocol prefix yourself to make the link work. Take a look at the window.location documentation as well, which might help clear some things up.
You can assign directly to window.location.href or use window.location.assign().

Cache static HTML pages with get variables

I have a website with a lot of iframes like this:
<iframes src="\page.html?var=blabla&id=42" scrolling="no"></iframe>
I have to change var=blabla&id=42 for each iFrame. These parameters are used in the javascript of the iframe. Is there any way to cache(give hints to the browser) page.html (static) once for all variables ?
I have to use an iframe since I want to be able to update this code ( from another server) & to run it in another scope.
No - Anything changing the query string represents a seperate resource for the browser.
However, you may be able to achieve that effect if you can make some slight changes to page.html. If you write it this way:
<iframes src="\page.html#var=blabla&id=42" scrolling="no"></iframe>
Note the use of the # character - that's the key there.
The query string becomes simply "page.html" and will cache that way. However, the Javascript of that page will have access to the variable document.location.hash, which will contain "var=blabla&id=42". It'll be written as a single string, but it shouldn't be difficult to parse. Some libraries even use that tag to pass parameters in semi-real-time to iframes for IE6 compatibility.
If it's only used in the javascript but is really only 1 page server side don't use ? But use # it will consider it as the same page but at diferent anchor pounts. So if is cached then test.col/#bar is too (same page, different anchor points)
You can update the frame URLs from code:
var fr = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
var sites = ",".split(",");
for(var x=0;x<fr.length;x++) {

How do I set window.location to a specific path (without a host)?

I am using the window location method to redirect a webpage to another after a set amount of time.
The url needs to change from to The problem is that I do not know what the final URLs will be so I cannot use absolute links, they have to be a path only. This is what I have so far:
window.location.pathname = "mobility.html"
You can just prepend a / to your URL to make them relative to the domain root (without having to hardcode the domain name). Like this:
window.location = "/mobility.html"
window.location.assign("/path") also works.

How to get the currently loading script name and the url variable of the script?

I am loading a script using the script embed tag and I want to get the url variables and the loading script name inside the script. Is it possible? For Example,
<script src="test.js?id=12"></script>
Inside test.js is there any way to get the url variable id?
Any help would be appreciated.
Aside from the answers in the linked post, FWIW with Firefox 4 only you can (with caveats); document.currentScript.src which will return the full url, including arguments.
Thanks for all your efforts I have made that working by assigning an id attribute in the script tag and accessed via jQuery,
<script src="test.js?id=12" id="myScript"></script>
var currentScript = $("#myScript").attr('src'); //This will give me my script src
If you want to get a variable from the current URL you can use this:
function queryParser(url){
this.get=function(p){return this.q[p];}
url=url ||;
var url=url.split('&');
var part;
for(var i=0;i<url.length;i++){
var query=new queryParser();
// assuming you have ?test=something
I recommend you map the result, so you don't re-parse whenever you want to find a specific element.
I don't really know why you'd pass a query string in a script tag like that, unless you specifically want off-site includes with a simple robust system for various effects. Or are actually using PHP to handle that request.
If you want to "send" a variable to one of your scripts, you can always do:
<script type="text/javascript">
var myVar="I'm in global scope, all scripts can access me";
<script src="test.js?id=12"></script>
If you really need to get the URL of the currently included script, you can use the code supplied by my peers in the other answers, you can then use:
var query=new queryParser(scriptURL);
alert(query.get('id'));// would alert 12 in your case
Navigating through the link on your comments you can get the proper answer.
Anyway, to make things easier:
var allScripts=document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var indexLastScript= allScripts.length -1;
alert (allScripts[indexLastScript].src);
This will show up "test.js?id=12" as a regular String so its up to you to split it in order to get de param.
Hope it helps, I've tried it on the run over the Chrome Javascript Console. :D.

JavaScript current URL check

I am wondering how I would get JavaScript to check if a user is on a certain URL so i can build an if statement from the result.
My reasoning is that if a user clicks on a link in the menu and they are currently on trucks.php the javascript will redirect them to a certain page. If they are not on trucks.php they will be directed to a different page.
Cheers guys.
The current location is in location.href.
The location object also contains some other useful fields:
location.hash: The part after the # in the URL Hostname including port (if specified)
location.hostname: Just the hostname
location.pathname: The requested URI without protocol/host/port; starting with a /
location.port: The port - only if one is specified in the URL
location.protocol: Usually 'http:' or 'https:' - mind the colon at the end
In your case the most fail-safe way to check if the filename is trucks.php is this:
var parts = location.pathname.split('/');
if(parts[parts.length - 1] == 'trucks.php') {
location.href = 'some-other-page';
If you want to redirect without keeping the current page in history, use the following code instead of the location.href assignment:
Use window.location.href to get the current URL, or window.location.pathname to get just the path. For your specific problem, just the path name is required for the solution:
if (window.location.pathname == "/trucks.php")
window.location = "/somewhereelse.php";
Check out the MDC documentation for window.location.
Use window.location

