Best Approach to Modal Dialogs in UI - javascript

My team is in the process of prototyping an application with a rather complex UI. One common feature of the application is a number of tools which pop up above the main app and allow users to perform some complex operations.
Currently a consultant has wrote some custom code that displays the dialog and blocks the background UI. It works fairly well however we have hit bugs which have taken time to fix. Since we have had some down time we have investigated "better" ways of achieving our desired functionality. I have investigated Jquery UI and was able to establish the same functionality in about an hour. One issue I have had with Jquery UI is constraining tabbing to the dialog box displayed in IE. In IE the the tab index jumps to the background UI and I believe this issue is recognized in Jquery UI.
I was able to find a small plugin that fixed this issue for IE, however it broke the tab constraining in Firefox. I was able to make this work by putting a conditional IE check in my JS and only applying the plugin when the browser is IE. Under our current approach we do not handle tab constraining, however our consultant believes we can easily accomplish this.
My question is, which is the better approach, create our own custom solution or use Jquery UI + the plugin + the hack? When are IE hacks acceptable?

I'd go with jQuery UI because at least they'll maintain the library for you, and perhaps eventually release a fix for the issue you're talking about, and then you can remove the hack. Sometimes hacks are necessary. It beats having to maintain an unthoroughly tested custom library.

Writing a framework from scratch is always more difficult and time consuming than hoped because you will run into many issues that you simply cannot account for ahead of time.
That said, I would suggest creating a custom facade over the Jquery UI + the plug in + the hack. This would give you consistent API that meets your project's needs, the use of an established and well-maintained framework and hide some of the peculiarities between browsers. (IE hacks are unavoidable.)


New Google Calendar landing page scrolling

I'm trying to create a page similar to new google calendar landing page
I'm using skrollr( but I can't get the effect right, on google landing page if you do a small scroll it will send you to the next block and with skrollr I'm not able to get that navigation. Any ideas how I could reproduce that? is it possible to do with skrollr or you would recommend another js plugin?
In case you still haven't found a solution yourself, I've been tasked with doing a very similar thing. There are two ways of achieving this that I researched and choosing the right one mostly depends on the complexity of your design/expected result. Unfortunately I can't provide a link because the site won't be live for next couple of weeks.
This is what worked for me:
I used fullpage.js library to achieve 'full-page' scroll effect. You could also take a look at onepage-scroll.js and see which one fits you most - they don't differ that much in terms of functionality though.
Benefits of using fullpage.js (among other things):
integration is quick and simple
allows a lot of customisation through options hash
provides callbacks when scroll to another section is triggered (before or after it happens)
enables you to manually trigger a scroll via 'methods'
works surprisingly good on iPad/iPhones. Probably on other mobile devices as well, although I can't fully confirm that since that
wasn't a requirement for my project.
Now when you've got section-to-section scrolling in place, what's missing is the animations. Considering that fullpage.js provides you with callbacks, it's as easy as adding a class when a transition to another section/slide happens and then using that class to trigger an animation of your choice through CSS. This is what worked for me without facing major problems.
For more advanced things:
If you're looking to build something more complex, then I strongly recommend that you take a look at tween.js. This is what google used on the landing page that you've provided in your question.
It's a very powerful tool hence it requires quite some setup + it moves animations to javascript, which might be a hassle. I would rather keep them in CSS where they belong and dont use javascript until I really need to.
FYI I also started with skrollr but it won't really work with 'fullpage scroll' because what it really does is disabling scrolling and animating body/html through translate. Skrollr bases it's behaviour on scroll event which will not fire if you use libraries I proposed.
It appears that you can actually use skrollr in par with fullpage.js. You can see the answer on how in it's FAQ site. Thanks to Alvaro for claryfing that! Even then, I wouldn't use skrollr unless you really need it for some advanced parallax scrolling effect - as said before, depends on your needs though. :)
Let me know if you have any doubts or something is not clear in my answer.
Good luck!

jQuery pretty select elements - dropkick js and iOs

Hello I have implemented Dropkick.js on to my site and now have some very very good looking select elements. However when I look at it on a iOS system I am not able to scroll down my options.
I have read the documentation of Dropkick.js and it suggests that I try and use scrollability.js however I cannot for the live of work out to make this work.
Does anyone have any experience of using this and dropkick.js - or does anyone have any suggestions to alternatives?
I have never used DropKick.js and scrollability.js together, but I can tell you from experience that DropKick doesn't have native mobile support since it was built for desktop browsers and not phones.
Since mobile phone browsers usually have their own handler for the tag, a lot of JavaScript plugins don't have proper support for phones because their code actively removes and replaces it with a of their own design or doesn't even use tags in the first place.
If you're looking to make your site work on both iOS/mobile browsers and Desktops, I recommend using SelectBox.js from A Beautiful even though it's a little bit more difficult to style than DropKick.js.
If you're looking for a purely mobile solution, I would recommend just using pure CSS to style your as seen HERE since it's simpler, quicker, and leaves tags in place.
Hope this helps!

Responsive Javascript Files?

I've built my mobile site using the jQuery Mobile UI but I now realize that I need some functionality to be different between it and my desktop site (datepicker dates should be longer on the desktop site, etc).
I've looked into Modernizr and matchMedia to help me load separate js files but I can't figure out a nice way for it to work responsively. Modernizr only works (unless I missed something in the doc) on the initial load and I'm having problems with matchMedia executing multiple times as it crosses the min/max-width threshold. It works sometimes but the trouble is in adding/removing the separate js files. On top of that (but not a huge issue - I don't think), Chrome fires off an error when loading scripts into the DOM from another script.
Would the best thing be to write one js file and then add a listener such as $"screen and (min-width: XXXpx)") to the body's width, changing my needed values?
I may be making this too hard for myself, or missing something obvious because I'm trying to keep HTTP requests and site size as small as possible, but I can't figure out a good solution for this.
Thank you!
Lightning Round Bonus Question: Is it good practice/proper to keep all of the jQuery Mobile styling (data-role data-id data-theme) after switching to the desktop site? It looks awfully .. awful for someone only viewing it on a larger screen.
IMHO, the best approach would be to introduce a couple of flags in your javascript, like "isMobile", "isTablet" or "isDesktop", that would be set within a method attached to the "pageinit" event of your webapp. Later on, you could check that flags to act accordingly with the proper version in the specific parts of your code.
The way you can check that flags depends on your architecture. In the project I am working right now, I extract that information from a class attached by the back-end on the body of the page, but that's because we have that info. You could try to use a library like Harvey to observe the media-queries that would be trigger, and set the flags accordingly. I don't think that your options ends here, but I am afraid I can't help you more!

backbone compatible UI/component library for some sencha/enyo style features

Let me start by saying I have read plenty of questions and blog posts relating to the use of combinations of backbone/jQuery mobile and comparisons of backbone/Sencha, and have actually had my head in this space for some time but still haven't found quite what I'm looking for.
I'm very familiar with Sencha and have used it for wrapped (phonegap etc.) apps in the past, and I really like it. However for a smaller code base for web projects and more control over browser compatibility and various other reasons it's not quite appropriate for certain tasks.
When I start trying to engineer mobile (but also desktop and tablet) backbone webapps from scratch I find I miss three key things
General mobile 'init', filling the screen etc. (although this is the easiest to replicate)
Tabbed, iOS-style, navigation (of course I can roll my own, but it seems silly)
Scrolling - both scrolling a piece of content, but especially the carousel and how the carousel is linked to the tabbed interface
I'm not massively bothered about mimicking each device's native OS style throughout the app, and in fact would prefer to (whilst following some sensible conventions) make them look a bit different.
Ember has flame and I've used that before, that's kind of the thing I'm looking for.
I know I can build up a toolkit of jQuery mobile, custom script, jQ plugins/iSroll, CSS libraries, backbone UI etc. and do like the idea of compiling my own 'stack' but for some reason it just doesn't feel right.
So, to bring this back around to more of an actual question. I guess I'm looking for ideally a single project that isn't specifically linked to a library - and in theory could run on it's own on a statically coded page if needs be (even though that wouldn't be the case for me now). Or perhaps some words from others who have been on a similar journey and perhaps ended up on the mix of libraries I mentioned earlier with why they decided this was the best solution.
I'm not looking to do anything too crazy, say something a bit like the old sencha oreilly example but using some carousels, and I'd cover the multiple devices and browsers with a mix of Responsive CSS and a bit of JS.
I'm going to continue looking at this myself too and report back if I find anything interesting
While looking into this, I realised its only really the carousel and scrolling that I really wanted from Sencha. I noticed that Cubiq has a nice slideview component that handles the carousel very neatly and with a small footprint. I found a stackoverflow answer about using this with the original iscroll for vertical scrolling. See my answer below for successfully using the two together
How to use iScroll4 with SwipeView?
This would need some tweaking to work appropriately on desktop. and I'd like to control it from a tabbed UI too. Anyway, I'm not near answering my own question but given this has had a couple of upvotes I'd post some of my thinking.
Quick edit
You can attach events for tabs to the slideview but at the moment, it only animates for next/prev and not direct page (tab) access
Very big library of components.
I've used Twitter Boostrap with Backbone...

Make your site compatible with IE - Where to start?

So I'm nearly finished with the website I had to make for my school's prom. Now, I just checked it in Internet Explorer and, well, it's hopeless. Elements aren't where they're supposed to be, most of the JavaScript/jQuery doesn't work at all. I am clueless where to start to make my site compatible with Internet Explorer. Whats the best way to make your site compatible with IE?
The main cross browser step is DOCTYPE Declaration. It is an instruction to the web browser about what version of HTML the page is written in.
It's going to be murder to fix what's already broken... you really needed to start off on the right foot, as it is you may need to re-write large chunks of your site in order to get things working again.
Going back? Well the easiest thing is going to be to start a fresh layout (using the following pointers) and then move your site into the new framework. Depending on the scale of your site this is no small task. Your alternative is one-by-one code debugging, with maybe firebug light
Going forward, how do you build a site that works more evenly across the board?
1 Use a reset CSS boilerplate
I like the html5 one at These apply layers of CSS to get each browser looking the same to start with (your CSS then gives it the style you want). Note they DON'T address the variety of ways browsers calculate things - borders being part of the width or not (firefox/ie difference)
2 Use a JS library
Or write your own, but be aware of all the differences between the browsers don't just code for the one you're using. Build some JS tests for the library that you can run in any browser to make sure that the library performs as expected, then deal with any site oddities after that. There's too many JS libraries to make a recommend but Prototype.js and jQuery are a popular two.
well it's known that there are differences between browsers. The way browsers render CSS code is also different. You should check parts and see how or if it works as you want. :) There is no one-to-all solution. The experience will let you know what works and what not. But to start you could isolate what is not working in IE (javascript code) and then see what alternatives you have. As for the appearance, there is the option of having separate CSS files especially for IE. However, often there is a technique(a different way to implement the same appearance) that lets you create the appearance you want without multiple versions of code.

