Open source Jquery widget that behaves like the google+ invite textbox [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I was wondering if the hive mind knew of an open source widget (probably a jquery type thing) that behaves like the google plus invite control.
That is, textbox autocomplete, but selected before current choice being typed become their own span in the textbox.
I could do this from scratch but figure I would save some time and see if there was already something like this out there.

This Autosuggest plugin has similar functionality, might be what you're looking for.

Have you looked at jQuery UI's Autocomplete? I think you could make this work without too much extra work.

I know you're asking for jQuery, but if you ever switched libraries (unlikely), or wanted to adapt a current one, take a look at this post; it should be quite easy to adapt MooTools code to jQuery.
And then
I found the jQuery version. This version requires jQuery 1.6.*, but that's as simple as downloading a new release from the jQuery site.


javascript code formatter and highlighter [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for a jQuery plugin that can take a string of code as input and will apply formatting and Highlights to make the code easily understandable. Just like
As of now I have found many sites like But I need a standalone jquery plugin which can process my code
Please help me on this.
9 useful Javascript syntax highilghting scripts. There, I googled it for you. 3 of them are jQuery-based.
i am using codemirror.
its easy and cool.
I use Highlight.Js
If you want to change the syntax in a specific style or just check the style than take a look at code painter
A JavaScript beautifier that can both infer coding style and transform
code to reflect that style. You can also set style preferences
explicitly in a variety of ways.
you can use jstidy for this. and if you are using visual studio, you can directly copy code and paste in to the designer view. it will generates the required styles.
I have checked the pages linked by other answers and found them very lacking.
After a bit of research and scouring the web, I found one that I think clearly is superior to the rest.
Snippit is jQuery based, including "copy" feature (with clipboard plugin), line-numbers, custom styles, etc.
Let me know what you think.

Styling select dropdowns without jQuery [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've used the jQuery plugin Uniform.js before and it works great.
The only issue I have is that it relies on jQuery. I'm working on a project that really doesn't need jQuery, and I'm reluctant to load an entire framework just for one plugin.
Does anyone know of another plugin that does what Uniform does but doesn't rely on any frameworks?
My guess is that you're not going to gain much by avoiding jQuery, and you're probably going to waste a lot of time even if you do find something that suits your needs. I mean, it's only 31KB (plus the size of the plugin).
If you're set on not using jQuery, maybe have a look at NiceForms.
There are some demos on this page, and the script file is under 10kb when packed.

What JavaScript library can you recommend? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to use JavaScript on my web page. In particular I would like to have a auto-completer (like stackoverflow use for tags). I also would like to have drop down menus and so on.
I think, for these purposes it make sense to use a JavaScript library (I never did it before). I browsed Internet the first option that I found was jQuery, I also found a list of other libraries.
So, I have a hard time choosing between these libraries and would like to ask your advise. My requirements to the library as as follow:
Of course cross-browser functionality (works on as many browsers as possible).
Easy to use (good documentation with examples + active community).
Possibility to change the code (corresponding copy right + good documentation of the code).
Thank you in advance for any help.
Go for jquery and jquery UI which contains a nice autocomplete plugin. It's a javascript framework which gathered lots of pace, there's an enormous community and it is very likely you will find a plugin for every needs. It is guaranteed to work cross browser and you get a great documentation.

Javascript Calendar [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am looking for a Javascript calendar with support for drag-and-drop, extensive events model (drag, drop, deletion/adding of items).
Also has to be capable of displaying a schedule for multiple persons. That'd be something similar to "Multiple Resources" view of
Free/paid does not matter. Has to work across major browsers.
I'm not sure whether it can do multiple schedules out of the box, but check out the JQuery based FullCalendar.
As it turned out, writing my own calendar, based on jQuery's draggable/droppable UI component is not that hard, and is way more flexible and extensible. There are some WTFs along the way, mostly to do with weird behaviour of dragging/dropping in IE(7/8) and some weirdness around snap to grid behaviour in jQuery UI's draggable, but I think it would take longer if I just took an existing control and tried to customise it.
For scheduling multiple resources I'd recommend the Ext Scheduler, it's built entirely in JavaScript. In the examples section you'll find lots of demos showing its different features.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of it.

Looking for a web based, client side form editor [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a javascript library (could be based on jQuery) that will implement a client side Form Editor.
The perfect example is something like offered by
You should play with their free version to get the feeling of what I'm trying to find.
Also see this example someone made with jQuery. it is very basic, but a step in the right direction.
Do you know of any jQuery plugin or library that will give me the full functionality of form editing?
I would recommend the awesome ExtJS framework to build such kind of application. Here's an example of what you can do.
Add a form panel, then drop a textbox and so on...dead simple. Ext JS 2.2 and 3.0 (not yet ready) are LGPL and GPL licensed, you have also commercial subscriptions available, I think it worth to have a look at it.
Try the jQuery Form Builder plug-in from Botsko
I had the same problem and wrote one. Github link: SpiffForm.

