jquery tmpl in a closure - javascript

i am working on this little javascript library and following various suggestions i am wrapping my functionality in a closure for the various reasons (encapsulation of variables, hidding of code and so on). since I query a JSON webservice and display the results I also use the jquery tmpl engine.
I think I understand what closures are good for but I sure don't understand them in general. meaning I get totally lost between all those scope changes and whatnot. especially annoying is this exception I get. consider the following code (a simplified ugly version of the code in question, but it reproduces the problem)
// something would be the object that handles all the library functionality
var something = function(){
// creating a local function that goes as a parameter into the Array.filter
function isBar(data){
return data.name === "bar";
// the template code
var bla = "<h1>${name}<\h1><h2>${attribute.filter(isBar)[0].value}</h2>";
// precompiling the the template
$.template("test", bla);
// and returning a function that should render the template with the provided data
return {
funny: function(){
$.tmpl("test", [{"name":"Fo", "attribute":[{"name":"bar", "value":"how"}]},
{"name":"Foo", "attribute":[{"name":"fnord","value":"can"}]},
{"name":"Fooo", "attribute":[{"name":"bar","value":"this"}]},
{"name":"Foooo", "attribute":[{"name":"Bar", "value":"be"}]}
// calling the function
So when calling the something.funny() I would the following expect to happen: the function funny, being a closure gets called in its original context (e.g. the function isBar and the variable bar are defined). So when I call $.tmpl I hoped that attribute.filter(isBar) within the template would also be in this scope. but it isn't. I Chrome i get ReferenceError: isBar is not defined.
If someone would be so nice to show me the error of my ways I would be very happy.

edit oops I missed the "()".
OK, well the problem is that those references to the local variables in the closure are not really references to local variables - they're part of a string. The template code has to parse that string, so when it does that the fact that there was a function called "isBar()" in the closure from where "$.tmpl()" was called really doesn't matter; jQuery can't access them because you just can't do that in JavaScript.
You can, however, pass in an "options" third parameter to "$.tmpl()" and provide extra stuff there. I'm not 100% sure how to do it as I've only played with the template plugin a little bit, but I'll try a jsfiddle when I have a chance. I think that you'd basically do something like this:
funny: function(){
$.tmpl("test", [{"name":"Fo", "attribute":[{"name":"bar", "value":"how"}]},
{"name":"Foo", "attribute":[{"name":"fnord","value":"can"}]},
{"name":"Fooo", "attribute":[{"name":"bar","value":"this"}]},
{"name":"Foooo", "attribute":[{"name":"Bar", "value":"be"}]}
], { isBar: isBar });
What I'm not sure of is whether you refer to that as "${isBar()}" or "${item.isBar()}" inside the template text.


When in the Chrome Debugger, is there anyway to reference data or functions inside an anonymous function block?

I'm trying to debug something live on a customer website and my code is all inside an anonymous function block. I don't know if there's anyway to reach that code to execute functions or look at variables in there. I can't put a breakpoint either because this code is dynamically generated each time the page is refreshed and the breakpoint doesn't stick.
(function() {
var Date = "14 September 2022 14:44:55"; // different every refresh for example
var Holder = {
var Items = {
item1: "Value1",
item2: "Value2"
function getItem(name) {
return Items[name];
function setItem(name, value) {
Items[name] = value;
setTimeout(DoSomething(), 2000);
That's not the actual code, just a bare minimum example to illustrate the problem.
Is there anyway to get reach getItem() or Items?
Without a breakpoint that code probably runs to completion then POOF it's all gone anyway.
Redefine setTimeout
If it really is the case that the code inside the anonymous function calls other browser methods, you might be able to insert a detour at runtime that you can then put a breakpoint on.
For this to work, you will need to be able to inject new code into the page before the anonymous code, because there's no other way to invoke the IIFE.
Your example code uses setTimeout, so here's what I would try to insert:
let realSetTimeout = window.setTimeout
window.setTimeout = (...args) => {
return realSetTimeout(...args)
Lots of unrelated code might be calling setTimeout, in which case this could break the page or just make debugging really tedious. In that case, you might make it only debug if one of the setTimeout args has a value that's used in your example, e.g.:
// only break for our timeout
if(args[1] === 2000) debugger
Something like that might not trigger for only your code, but it would hugely reduce the number of other codepaths that get interrupted on their journey through the commonly-used browser capability.
Alternatively, use Charles Proxy to rewrite the body of the HTML page before it enters your browser. You could manually insert a debugger call directly into the anonymous function. Charles is not free, but I think they have a demo that might let you do this. If you do this professionally, it's probably a good purchase anyway. Your employer might even pay for the license.
If you can't use Charles (or a similar tool), you could instead set up a local proxy server using Node which does the rewrite for you. Something like that might only take an hour to throw together. But that is a bigger task, and deserves its own question if you need help with that.
No unfortunately.
The variables inside of the anonymous object are created in a scope which is inaccessible from the outside.
One of the main benefits of using a closure!
You’ll have to find a way to insert your own code inside of it by modifying the function that is generating those objects. If you can’t do that, then you’ll have to take the fork in the road and find another way.

JavaScript - how to use Setters and Getters in to create a listener

Before this gets marked as a duplicate: I have read posts all day about this so I know there are tons of similar questions on SO but none that I've seen so far go into the details that I need to understand.
Having said that, there are no good commented examples of how the process works. Could someone answer the following question with well a well-commented example so I could finally understand this ability?
I have a function that I want to call in one file but I need to make sure that another event in another file has already happened before I call it. These files have no connection (one is an angular 2 TypeScript file that starts the app and the other is a JS file that manages a hopscotch tour). I understand that I will need to use a global variable and I believe that the best solution I've read is going to involve using setters and getters. All examples I've seen of this seem to assume that it's just intuitive and leave out the part where I get to understand how it's working. Maybe it is intuitive but I'm not making the leap yet.
Global variable in TypeScript file:
global_variable = false;
Function I want to call in JavaScript file based on the listener:
function call_if_other_function_finishes() {
if (global_variable === true) { // I have the global already created
// run hopscotch tour
} // how do I turn this into a listener?
The function I need to have finished first in TypeScript file:
function someFunction() {
// run its code
GlobalFile.global_variable = true; // Should trigger the listener.
Thanks in advance!!
One solution is to just define the function as you do in your example and then run it when you need it:
function someFunction() {
// run its code
call_if_other_function_finishes() // it's globally defined anyway

"Error calling method on NPObject!" in Uploadify

I'm using Uploadify to upload file in my CMS. Everything works fine until recently. I got an error
Error calling method on NPObject
on this line
document.getElementById(jQuery(this).attr('id') + 'Uploader').startFileUpload(ID, checkComplete);
on this part
uploadifyUpload:function(ID,checkComplete) {
jQuery(this).each(function() {
if (!checkComplete) checkComplete = false;
document.getElementById(jQuery(this).attr('id') + 'Uploader').startFileUpload(ID, checkComplete);
I don't know why and after a day debugging and testing I found that if I remove replace(/\&/g, '\\&') from
String.prototype.escAll = function(){
var s = this;
return s.replace(/\./g, '\\.').replace(/\?/g, '\\?').replace(/\&/g, '\\&');
It then works again. I really don't know why.
Any helps would be appreciated!
I think the reason is in additional Javascript libraries you use.
Some libraries (for example Prototype.js or jQuery.js) change behaviour of your code. For example, you can't overload prototype in some cases. The result may be undefined in clear (obvious) places (like you use an array variable with wrong index). You should view the source code of additional libraries, probably they do with prototype something that breaks your code in the function you mentioned.
In my practice I had the situation when overloading of prototype worked incorrectly (it was String prototype like in your case).
So just don't use prototype.

JSObject-like stuff in ActionScript 3?

I would like to ask if there is a liveconnect equivalent for ActionScript 3. I understand that there is the ExternalInterface class inside AS3 but it only supports calling a method by name. The really cool thing about Java and LiveConnect is that you can do something like
function jsFunc(name) = {
this.name = name;
this.talk = function(){
alert('hello world my name is ' + this.name);
javaapplet.function(new jsFunc("bob"));
The above approaches pseudo code since I never tested it but I've seen it in action. In AS3, while I am able to pass in an instance of JavaScript "object" into AS, it is often converted into an ActionScript Object instance which does away with all the functions as far as I'm aware.
I saw an implementation of JSInterface but I don't think it does specifically that. Is there any way to make OO like javascript work with ActionScript 3?
Try this library on Google code:
ExternalInterface.call("f = function() { alert('Is this like live connect?'); }");
Actually the main usage scenario is to have JS "objects" interacting with the Flex SWF application. Therefore when the JS "object" wants to say wait for something happening in the SWF object, it will put in a "this" with a callback.
After researching, the way I used to accomplish this is via the Flex Ajax bridge. It may not be a direct answer to the way I phrased the question but it was sufficient for my needs.
Basically what I do is via FABridge, after initializing, I'll attach event listeners to the object.
// JS
FlexApp.addEventListeners('flexDidSomething', this.doSomething().bind(this)); //using mootools;
and in Flex, the main application itself
// AS
dispatchEvent(new CustomCreatedEvent(param1, param2));
And inside the JS function I'll access the get methods of the event object to retrieve the params.
There's tight coupling in that sense but it works at least for what I need.
Hope this is helpful!
JSInterface designed exactly for such things.

Why is my JavaScript function sometimes "not defined"?

I call my JavaScript function. Why do I sometimes get the error 'myFunction is not defined' when it is defined?
For example. I'll occasionally get 'copyArray is not defined' even in this example:
function copyArray( pa ) {
var la = [];
for (var i=0; i < pa.length; i++)
la.push( pa[i] );
return la;
Function.prototype.bind = function( po ) {
var __method = this;
var __args = [];
// Sometimes errors -- in practice I inline the function as a workaround.
__args = copyArray( arguments );
return function() {
/* bind logic omitted for brevity */
As you can see, copyArray is defined right there, so this can't be about the order in which script files load.
I've been getting this in situations that are harder to work around, where the calling function is located in another file that should be loaded after the called function. But this was the simplest case I could present, and appears to be the same problem.
It doesn't happen 100% of the time, so I do suspect some kind of load-timing-related problem. But I have no idea what.
#Hojou: That's part of the problem. The function in which I'm now getting this error is itself my addLoadEvent, which is basically a standard version of the common library function.
#James: I understand that, and there is no syntax error in the function. When that is the case, the syntax error is reported as well. In this case, I am getting only the 'not defined' error.
#David: The script in this case resides in an external file that is referenced using the normal <script src="file.js"></script> method in the page's head section.
#Douglas: Interesting idea, but if this were the case, how could we ever call a user-defined function with confidence? In any event, I tried this and it didn't work.
#sk: This technique has been tested across browsers and is basically copied from the Prototype library.
I had this function not being recognized as defined in latest Firefox for Linux, though Chromium was dealing fine with it.
What happened in my case was that I had a former SCRIPT block, before the block that defined the function with problem, stated in the following way:
<SCRIPT src="mycode.js"/>
(That is, without the closing tag.)
I had to redeclare this block in the following way.
<SCRIPT src="mycode.js"></SCRIPT>
And then what followed worked fine... weird huh?
It shouldn't be possible for this to happen if you're just including the scripts on the page.
The "copyArray" function should always be available when the JavaScript code starts executing no matter if it is declared before or after it -- unless you're loading the JavaScript files in dynamically with a dependency library. There are all sorts of problems with timing if that's the case.
My guess is, somehow the document is not fully loaded by the time the method is called. Have your code executing after the document is ready event.
Verify your code with JSLint. It will usually find a ton of small errors, so the warning "JSLint may hurt your feelings" is pretty spot on. =)
A syntax error in the function -- or in the code above it -- may cause it to be undefined.
This doesn't solve your original problem, but you could always replace the call to copyArray() with:
__args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
More information available from Google.
I've tested the above in the following browsers: IE6, 7 & 8B2, Firefox & 3.0.3, Opera 9.52, Safari for Windows 3.1.2 and Google Chrome (whatever the latest version was at the time of this post) and it works across all browsers.
If you're changing the prototype of the built-in 'function' object it's possible you're running into a browser bug or race condition by modifying a fundamental built-in object.
Test it in multiple browsers to find out.
This has probably been corrected, but... apparently firefox has a caching problem which is the cause of javascript functions not being recognized.. I really don't know the specifics, but if you clear your cache that will fix the problem (until your cache is full again... not a good solution).. I've been looking around to see if firefox has a real solution to this, but so far nothing... oh not all versions, I think it may be only in some 3.6.x versions, not sure...
Solved by removing a "async" load:
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'js/my_js_file.js' %}" async></script>
changed for:
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'js/my_js_file.js' %}"></script>
Use an anonymous function to protect your local symbol table. Something like:
(function() {
function copyArray(pa) {
// Details
Function.prototype.bind = function ( po ) {
__args = copyArray( arguments );
This will create a closure that includes your function in the local symbol table, and you won't have to depend on it being available in the global namespace when you call the function.
This can happen when using framesets. In one frame, my variables and methods were defined. In another, they were not. It was especially confusing when using the debugger and seeing my variable defined, then undefined at a breakpoint inside a frame.
I'm afraid, when you add a new method to a Function class (by prtotyping), you are actually adding it to all declared functions, AS WELL AS to your copyArray(). In result your copyArray() function gets recursivelly self-referenced. I.e. there should exist copyArray().bind() method, which is calling itself.
In this case some browsers might prevent you from creating such reference loops and fire "function not defined" error.
Inline code would be better solution in such case.
I think your javascript code should be placed between tag,there is need of document load

