Passing a textfield value from one html page to another - javascript

My question may sound naive, but really struggling to do a very simple thing. Suppose I have to html page - send.html and receive.html.
In send.html page -
I have text field and a button in like following -
<form onsubmit="recieve.html">
<input type="text" id="mytextfield">
<input type="submit" id="submitbutton" value="Go">
Here I want to put something on the textfield and I want to see that value in the receive page some thing like - Hello 'value of textfield'. That's it.
Do I need to use JS cookie for that? If not, how can I do it in the most simple way?
Need help :(

The most simple way is PHP. Bottom line is you need something handling the data on the server side.

With javascript you can write a function to store the value in a cookie and read it on the next page. By the way, your page goes in the action attribute. onsubmit expects a javascript function, not a page.


Sending data to php script without ajax

I am required to send data from an html page, via input elements to a php script and I cannot use ajax for some reason. How to accomplish this?
My code is something like this:
First Name : <input type"text" name="first_name">
Last Name : <input type"text" name="last_name">
<button id="submit_btn">Submit</button>
Now, I want the javascript to be something like :
function redirect_from_here() {
close(); //close the current window
window.location='./phpfile.php'; //load the new page which will process the data sent to it.
My question is how do I send the value in the input elements in the HTML portion, as data to be processed, to the php script (phpfile.php in this case).
Please note that I prefer not to use html form for doing the job.
You are using HTML form as there are input fields in you code.
Inputs are part of a form and should be wrapped by a form element
Why using JS for submitting the form when you can use <form action='script.php'.. for that?
I suggest that you revise your requirements instead of trying to come up with a hackish way of how to send the data..
Just submit a form with action="phpfile.php"
if not interested with html,
then in the window location bind the values as a GET form method do

Change the form fields to url

I need to change the form to a single link instead of post as below:
Instead of
I want the form to lead user only to
I have fixed the rewrite and everything. Only I need the help with the form in the homepage. Thanks for your help.
You need to change the form up a little. Instead of using the action parameter on <form> to send the user along, instead you'll need to drop the form tag and do some javascript trickery to make the url like you want. Here's an example that uses jquery, but it could also easily be done in vanilla JS.
The answer to my question was this:
Just go to this form action + name using javascript when submit is pressed, like this:
<div><input type="text" placeholder="Search for a something..." name="q">
<button type="submit" onclick="window.location.href = this.form.action + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementsByName('q')[0].value); return false; ">Search</button></div>
The form will send user to a URL like

getting value of input box on another page

I have two pages; page1 and page2. page1 holds a form while page2 has some images. I want to enter a sentence into the form on page1 and get the value of that text box on page2.
the form on page1
<form name="input" action="page2.html" method="get">
<input type="text" name="textbox" id="textbox">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
what would be the proper way to go about this?
Would I use the get method along with the action method to send the value through the url and then extract it using window.location.href then splitting the text after the ? or is there a simpler way of achieving this?
Just send it in the query string and read it in page2, as you said.
See this to have an idea of how to read the query string parameter:
How can I get query string values in JavaScript?
Your way of doing this would work, although it's certainly not a good long term solution. If your site is going to get more complicated, it would be better to use a server-side language like .NET, PHP, Ruby, etc.
If you have to get thed data using only JS, then you need to use URL. Otherwise you can use server side script like jsp.
When you use URL, make sure the text is URL-encoded before appending to the URL.

Can i use JS to replace a GET-parameter with a Post in a link?

I'm working with an old ASP WebForms page in which there is a link which opens in a new windo using javascript. This link includes a GET-parameter, like this:
Search for object
What I would like to do is replace this GET-parameter with a Post-variable in order to avoid the value of MyId being stored in the browser-history. Possibly something like:
<input type="hidden" id="MyId" name="MyId" value="123">
<a href="submitSearchCriteria()">
Search for object
Note: Since this is a webforms page, the whole contents of the page is within a pair of <form>...</form> tags which post back to the page itself, and I don`t want to mess with these. The page I would like to link to is another page.
My question: Is there some fairly simple, clean and safe way to pass along a Post-variable from within a link like this? I would prefer to do this without including any third-party java script libraries if possible (I want to minimize the necessary changes to an aging system).
Any ideas?
Add your MyId in your form:
<input type="hidden" id="MyId" name="MyId" value="123">
Then your hyperlink:
Search for object
Then use javascript to change your form action:
function submit(){
[Your Form].action = "[Your Action]";
[Your Form].submit();
The form submits but as the page refreshes, the form action goes back to what it was before. But this could depend to where you point back your new action. You could add something to handle the response. This is the easiest solution if you ask me. But for the cleanest, you should try reading about AJAX.

javascript code to prevent bots from submitting form

I need a javascript code to prevents bots from submitting forms.
But i need a client side code in javascript that work like CAPTCHA but don't call the server
thank you
Most straight forward and simple way will be to add or edit form data on the fly when the button is actually clicked:
<input type="hidden" name="SubmittedByHuman" value="NO" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit me" onclick="this.form.elements['SubmittedByHuman'] = 'YES';" />
Having this, on the server side check the value of form element called "SubmittedByHuman" - if it will be "NO" it means something bypassed the submit button - or as people mentioned correctly in comments, user did click but has disabled JavaScript.
do something like
<h1>Type the result in the input box : 1+1</h1>
<input id="sum" type="text"/>
and before submitting you check if the value in the input is 2 and then submit it.
To improve this type of code you could randomly create these 2 values in the h1 and save them into a var and before submiting check if input and sum are the same.
I doubt this is possible, as bots are sophisticated enough to bypass most things.
Remember, the bot isn't going to open the webpage in a browser and press submit. It'll probably scan the page for a <form>, make a list of all the <input> fields, and perform a POST request containing all the data for each one.
It won't run any javascript, or press any buttons. You'll have to make the check server-side.

