jQuery display html in textarea exclude an element - javascript

I have 4 divs in a container. I want to display the html of the container which contains the divs in the textarea. I'm able to do this. The issue is, i don't want to get all the html of the container. I don't want to get #iv #three. I want to copy all the html of the container except div #three. I could use $('#three').remove() but i don't want to remove the div, I just don't want to copy it's html value to textarea. Check jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/rzfPP/
<div id="container">
<div id="one">test 1 </div>
<div id="two">test 2 </div>
<div id="three">test 3 </div>
<div id="four">test 4 </div>
<textarea id="save"></textarea>
var x = $('#container').html();

Try this

var x = $('#container').html();
var lol = $('#container').clone()

Technically this is illegal since you are duplicating IDs, but it works fine.
Edit: Someone beat me to it :( Oh well.

var text = "";
$('#container div').each( function() {
if ( this.id != "three" ) {
text += $(this).html();
$('#save').val( text );
Basically you check the divs inside #container one by one, and check their id. If it's one you want, add their html to a string. Then at the end give that string as your textarea value.


How can I use javascript to create a div with elements inside of it?

I would like to create the following structure:
<p>This text should be right beside the label</p>
So the results would look something like:
Label: Here is the text
I have tried doing using the following:
label_element = document.createElement('label')
p_element = document.createElement('p')
label_node = document.createTextNode('text')
p_node = document.createTextNode('text2')
The above returns:
Here is the text
How can I make them together? An alternative for me would be to concate strings into one, but what if I want to have an input field right beside the label field?
A p element is a paragraph element and will render with space above and below.
To get inline text, within the Label element, use a span element instead.
There are a few things to note:
Your HTML does not have a 'anchor' defined
You are creating a p element (paragraph)- it will render on a separate line unless you specify the style/css otherwise. You can use a span to achive what you stated. See below:
label_element = document.createElement('label'); // Create a label element
label_node = document.createTextNode('Label:'); // Add a text node to the label
span_element = document.createElement('span'); // Create a span element
span_node = document.createTextNode('This text should be next to label'); // Add a text node to span
<div id="anchor">
try the following code
<div id="main">
<span>This text should be right beside the label</span>

dynamically insert div after row containing floating divs jquery [duplicate]

I have a number of divs floating in several rows. The divs contain text-previews and a link to slide down the full content (see http://jsfiddle.net/yDcKu/ for an example).
What happens now: When you slide down the content-div it opens right after the connected preview.
What I want to happen: Open the content-div after the last div in the row.
I assume the could be done by:
1. find out which div is the last one in the row of the activated preview,
2. add an id to this div and
3. append the content-div to this div.
I have a solution for steps 2 und 3 using jQuery but no guess how to do the first step.
I can manage to get the document width and the x- and y-value of each div but I have no idea how to find out which div has the highest x- as well the highest y-value and as well is in the row of the activated preview-div.
Any idea anyone? Thanks
Here is an example that does what you want. I simplified your code, so you don't have to manually ID every entry and preview.
It's a little complicated. Let me know if you have questions.
Basically, when the window is resized, the script goes through and finds the first preview in each row by finding the preview with the same left offset as the very first one. It then adds a class last to the entry before (previous row) and class first to this preview. I do css clear: left on both of these so that everything wraps normally when the entries open.
I made your code generic, without IDs:
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text <a class="trigger" href="#">…</a></p>
<div class="entry">
<div class="close_button">
<a class="close" href="#">×</a>
<p>Some content text.</p>
This makes you not have to write the same code over and over.
The open/close script:
$('.trigger').click(function() {
$('.openEntry').slideUp(800); // Close the open entry
var preview = $(this).closest('.preview'); // Grab the parent of the link
// Now, clone the entry and stick it after the "last" item on this row:
// Use "on()" here, because the "openEntry" is dynamically added
// (and it's good practice anyway)
$('body').on('click', '.close', function() {
// Close and remove the cloned entry
This could be simplified a bit I'm sure, especially if you were willing to reformat your html a little more, by putting the entry inside of the preview element (but still hidden). Here is a slightly simpler version, with the html rearranged:
(I also color the first and last element on the line so you can see what is going on)
You could just get the last div in the array after calling getElementsByTagName.
var divArray = wrapperDiv.getElementsByTagName("div");
if(divArray.length > 0)
var lastDiv = divArray[divArray.length-1];
i am not able to correctly understand your question, but if you want to find out last div element in the document then you can do something like this
so this will give you last div of the document
$([1,2]).each(function(idx,el) {
$("#entry" + el).hide().insertAfter("div.entry:last");
$("#trigger" + el).click(function() {
$("#entry" + el).slideDown('800');
$("#close" + el).click(function() {
$("#entry" + el).slideUp('800');
I got same problem as yours, and I have been redirected to this question. But I think the answer is too complicated to my need. So I made my own way. Supposedly, you get your div list from a JSON, you can do this:
product[0] = {id: "name1", text: "text1"}
product[1] = {id: "name2", text: "text2"}
product[2] = {id: "name3", text: "text3"}
private getLastElement(id, products) {
const getTop = (id) => $("#" + id).position().top;
let itemPos = getTop(id);
let itemIndex = products.map(x => x.id).indexOf(id);
let lastID = itemIndex;
while (lastID < products.length - 1) {
if (getTop(products[lastID + 1].id) > itemPos) break;
return products[lastID].id;
But you can also find out by gathering all id inside your wrapper.
It works by scanning next id's row position, and return the last id of the same row.
I was looking for the same but on a single element to add style on first and last elements. #Jeff B answer helped me so alter and use it for me on one element. So the search phrase 'Get the last div in a row of floating divs' and someone looking for the same, this code may helpful:
Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/kunjsharma/qze8n97x/2/
$(function() {
$(window).on('resize', function() {
var startPosX = $('.preview:first').position().left;
$('.preview').removeClass("first last");
$('.preview').each(function() {
if ($(this).position().left == startPosX) {
.preview {
float: left;
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>

Collapse HTML if no content found

I want to be able to remove HTML elements if they contain no content.
Let's say we have some markup and are targeting all 'collapse' classes:
<div class='collapse'>[CONTENT?]</div>
If there is some content then don't do anything.
But if there is no content - no string characters or whitespace - then remove the div element completely.
This is easy to implement in the simple cases but with nested content it's slightly more more tricky.
Here is a demo, if you try removing the [CONTENTX?] strings and then seeing what the HTML structure is you'll notice that it doesn't work completely.
If a div only has other divs with no content then that should be treated as no characters or whitespace.
If we remove all [CONTENTX?] strings then we should see no HTML structure.
What ways are there to handle this?
jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/97udq/
<div id='container'>
<div class='collapse'>
<div class='collapse'>
<div class='collapse'>
<div class='collapse'>[CONTENT4?]</div>
<div class='collapse'>[CONTENT5?]</div>
// function
// Show HTML structure
function collapse(){
// Loop thru all collapse elements
// Check for pure whitespace
if($(this).html().replace(/\s+/g, '').length==0){
// Nothing to see, so remove.
border:1px solid red;
I think this does the job;
It just uses text() instead of html();
Here's the documentation.
This one adds the trim(), but I thik that's not what you want.
function collapse(){
Here's another way of accomplishing what you want. It recurses down the DOM pruning nodes from the bottom up. Hope this helps.
function prune(root) {
$.each($(root).children(), function(){
if($(root).html().replace(/\s+/g, '').length==0 && $(root).hasClass("collapse")){
Code integrated into your JSFiddle
You need to recreate the .each() loop, but reversed. Just like that :
function collapse(){
var el = $('.collapse');
for(var i = el.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
if(el[i].innerHTML.replace(/\s+/g, '').length==0){
It will remove the childrens first, then check for parent.
Here a fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/97udq/5/
I missunderstood your question, here's the right solution :
function collapse(){
var $this = $(this)
var clone = $this.clone();
if(clone.html().replace(/\s+/g, '').length==0){
Basicly, you clone the current div, remove its children and then check if there is some text. If there's none, you append his children to his parent
Fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/97udq/9/

Cloning div with unique ID doesn't work

I'm pretty sure I'm close but I don't know what I'm missing:
var newId = 1;
$("#new-div").attr('id', 'new-div' +newId++).clone().appendTo("#myDiv");
I set breakpoints: I can see the counter auto-incrementing, but the cloned div does not appear where it should. I get no errors. HTML for this:
<div id="secret-div" style="display: none;">
<div>This is new div number </div>
<p><a id="trigger" href="javascript:void(0);">Please, add an element</a></p>
<div id="myDiv"></div>
The issue is that you're changing the ID of your element before cloning and appending, resulting in 2 elements with the same ID, breaking your selector and code.
Fixed Live Demo
<div id="secret-div" style="display:none;">
<div>This is new div number <span class="spnNewDivNumber"></span></div>
<p><a id="trigger" href="javascript:void(0);">Please, add an element</a></p>
<div id="myDiv"></div>​
var newId = 1;
$("#trigger").click(function() {
var $newSecretDiv = $("#secret-div").clone().attr('id', 'new-div' + newId++);
$newSecretDiv.find('.spnNewDivNumber').text(newId - 1);
Your current code is applying the new id before the clone, which means it's changing the id of the existing div. This in turn means that the next time the click handler is called, there won't be a div matching the selector '#new-div'.
Try applying the id after either the clone, or after inserting it into the DOM:
var newId = 1;
$("#new-div").clone().attr('id', 'new-div' +newId++).appendTo("#myDiv");
var newId = 1;
$("#new-div").clone().appendTo("#myDiv").attr('id', 'new-div' +newId++);
You are attempting to clone the #new-div unless your current div is named 'new-div'. Also you are changing the id of the original div rather than creating a new one with the generated id.

Get the last div in a row of floating divs

I have a number of divs floating in several rows. The divs contain text-previews and a link to slide down the full content (see http://jsfiddle.net/yDcKu/ for an example).
What happens now: When you slide down the content-div it opens right after the connected preview.
What I want to happen: Open the content-div after the last div in the row.
I assume the could be done by:
1. find out which div is the last one in the row of the activated preview,
2. add an id to this div and
3. append the content-div to this div.
I have a solution for steps 2 und 3 using jQuery but no guess how to do the first step.
I can manage to get the document width and the x- and y-value of each div but I have no idea how to find out which div has the highest x- as well the highest y-value and as well is in the row of the activated preview-div.
Any idea anyone? Thanks
Here is an example that does what you want. I simplified your code, so you don't have to manually ID every entry and preview.
It's a little complicated. Let me know if you have questions.
Basically, when the window is resized, the script goes through and finds the first preview in each row by finding the preview with the same left offset as the very first one. It then adds a class last to the entry before (previous row) and class first to this preview. I do css clear: left on both of these so that everything wraps normally when the entries open.
I made your code generic, without IDs:
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text <a class="trigger" href="#">…</a></p>
<div class="entry">
<div class="close_button">
<a class="close" href="#">×</a>
<p>Some content text.</p>
This makes you not have to write the same code over and over.
The open/close script:
$('.trigger').click(function() {
$('.openEntry').slideUp(800); // Close the open entry
var preview = $(this).closest('.preview'); // Grab the parent of the link
// Now, clone the entry and stick it after the "last" item on this row:
// Use "on()" here, because the "openEntry" is dynamically added
// (and it's good practice anyway)
$('body').on('click', '.close', function() {
// Close and remove the cloned entry
This could be simplified a bit I'm sure, especially if you were willing to reformat your html a little more, by putting the entry inside of the preview element (but still hidden). Here is a slightly simpler version, with the html rearranged:
(I also color the first and last element on the line so you can see what is going on)
You could just get the last div in the array after calling getElementsByTagName.
var divArray = wrapperDiv.getElementsByTagName("div");
if(divArray.length > 0)
var lastDiv = divArray[divArray.length-1];
i am not able to correctly understand your question, but if you want to find out last div element in the document then you can do something like this
so this will give you last div of the document
$([1,2]).each(function(idx,el) {
$("#entry" + el).hide().insertAfter("div.entry:last");
$("#trigger" + el).click(function() {
$("#entry" + el).slideDown('800');
$("#close" + el).click(function() {
$("#entry" + el).slideUp('800');
I got same problem as yours, and I have been redirected to this question. But I think the answer is too complicated to my need. So I made my own way. Supposedly, you get your div list from a JSON, you can do this:
product[0] = {id: "name1", text: "text1"}
product[1] = {id: "name2", text: "text2"}
product[2] = {id: "name3", text: "text3"}
private getLastElement(id, products) {
const getTop = (id) => $("#" + id).position().top;
let itemPos = getTop(id);
let itemIndex = products.map(x => x.id).indexOf(id);
let lastID = itemIndex;
while (lastID < products.length - 1) {
if (getTop(products[lastID + 1].id) > itemPos) break;
return products[lastID].id;
But you can also find out by gathering all id inside your wrapper.
It works by scanning next id's row position, and return the last id of the same row.
I was looking for the same but on a single element to add style on first and last elements. #Jeff B answer helped me so alter and use it for me on one element. So the search phrase 'Get the last div in a row of floating divs' and someone looking for the same, this code may helpful:
Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/kunjsharma/qze8n97x/2/
$(function() {
$(window).on('resize', function() {
var startPosX = $('.preview:first').position().left;
$('.preview').removeClass("first last");
$('.preview').each(function() {
if ($(this).position().left == startPosX) {
.preview {
float: left;
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>

