How do I build an 'embeddable widget'? - javascript

My webapp uses both Rails and JS and I would like users to be able to embed the images they upload to any blog/site.
What do I need to know, from a development point-of-view to allow me to create the functionality that generates an 'embed' link. It can be either a link like YouTube does, or a JS snippet or anything.
Just want to get a high-level overview of what I need to be able to do and how to proceed.

I would try using iframe. I created a widget which used javascript and I put it all into a single html file hosted on my website. Then I gave away an iframe snippet like this for example...
<iframe src=""></iframe>
The user can simply place the iframe snippet into their website and that's it!

I'm a little bit late to the party here, but I just wanted to add to Jacob's answer.
You can easily allow the user to customize the embedded content (perhaps choose light on dark vs. dark on light text to more closely match the page's environment/design) by using query params within the iframe src:
<iframe src=""></iframe>
of course you'd probably want to build a UI to allow the user to make these distinct changes... you can't expect average user's to do that by hand:)
Vimeo's UI for customizing embedded videos is pretty nice if you want a best case scenario.


How can I edit html inside an iframe using javascript

I am working on automating a process within my business, part of which is sending an email through SalesForce. We don't have access to the SF API and the email has to be sent through salesforce in order to keep the communication searchable for the coworkers.
I need to use a template which can be selected in SalesForce, however this function does not work in IE (which our RPA solution uses) so I need to build this email from scratch.
I see two options for this:
Use the HTML to recreate the format with the right variables. This entails inserting/injecting/manipulating HTML.
Copy the format into memory/the clipboard, edit it programatically and paste it into the SF interface
This question will be about option 1. I will post an additional question with regards to the second option separately and edit this question to include that link. EDIT: Here is the link to the other question!
Now on to the question:
We use the Blue Prism RPA software suite. It has a possibility to insert javascript fragments into a website and subsequently invoke them. I was hoping that I could create a javascript fragment that recreates the template, insert it and then invoke it. I have been working on this for the past week and have hardly gotten any further.
I now am able to add basic text into the required field, but have found that to be able to use the template structure I need to use a different, HTML based, field. This field I find lives inside an iframe.
I have had zero experience with javascript prior to this week (luckily it seems similar to c# in which I do have experience) and now this iframe has me stumped. Apparently when you use Selenium or similar you can switch the driver to the new iframe but I don't have that option, it needs to be done through surface automation. Within javascript as well as the console I can not get it to target the separate document within the iframe. Apparently the iframe contents are not incorporated in that way in the bigger webpage.
So my question is this: How can I "switch focus" to the iframe using javascript? How can I then edit the iframe contents through javascript? Any help, tips etc. would be highly appreciated!
If you go to developer tools in the browser (F12 or right-click inspect) you can use the inpsect tool to get the path you are looking for. an iframe is just another window inside the window and once you have the 'base path' you can then extend further into the window from the iframe base path.
You can access frames one of two ways I know of;
document.getElementById('the frame you are looking for goes here').contentWindow.targetFunction();
where 0 is the Nth order of frame on the window in case there are others.
once you find that path you can interact with sub-elements on that iframe by getting the path to it from within the iframe.
some things to watch out for. frames not loading yet so make sure the frame you want is loaded and no other frame is moving it around the screen at run time. Also make sure the child frame is in the same domain, I think calling javascript has issues when going cross-domain i.e. it doesn't work (stand to be corrected there though maybe it depends on group settings)
Supply some code or the layout of the page and could give you a code example but top of my head the format will look like this
var doc = window.frames[0]
var thing = getElementById(doc.getElementByPath('maybePath')
'perform some set operations like set innerhtml to thing you desire

how to scrape a page with javascript effects

I am new to web scraping and so far I only know how to scrape basic html page using python beautiful soup. What I want is to extract the information on this page. Specifically, I would like to get the following data from all the fellows (around 700 of them)
insight project
current employer
However, that page is rendered by javascript and the desired information only show up as a separate box when mouseover event is triggered on each fellows picture.
How to extract text in this case? Any information (books, web resources) is appreciated. Python solutions are preferred if possible. Many thanks.
Check the page source of the website.
The information is already present in the in the DOM, just hidden using CSS. On a first glance, it seems like the JavaScript logic is only doing CSS manipulations.
The fact that the information is hidden by CSS will not prevent you from scraping it from the source using a web scraping tool.

jQuery Multipage/One-page system

I'd like to know how can I create a system using HTML, CSS and jQuery that simulates a multipage website using a single HTML page. One example of this feature is used in this website.
Is there a plugin to create this effect and transition?
the website link you have given here is actually a single page. There are many plugins to achieve what is happening there. one of them is
reveal.js it also has an online presentation creator present here
other one is impress.js but IE isnt supported

Adding Uploading/Scanning screen to website

i am currently trying to add a uploading/scanning screen to my file upload site, (just to be clear i need the 'design' part of it, like actually displaying the box not anything to do with the scanners, or implementing the scanners, just a box that says scanning with a scanning gif next to it). Pretty much my site allows people to upload files which scans them and then displays the result. All the scanners are up and working but i am trying to add this scanning page. I want it to look a bit like this when you upload a file -
How would I be able to do this? You don't have to be very specific just like what programming languages, or any examples of code, to help me, i don't really know where to start.
Sounds like you are looking for a modal overlay or dialog.
There are tons of libraries out there that can do this, including YUI and JQuery UI/Plugins.
See my question.

Implement javascript in drupal node

In my drupal config I have created a video page, which I'm using to create video titles.
I also created a course page, which will be displaying all the video titles available in that course using views and node reference combination. It only displays video title list.
Take a look here
You see the video titles are arranged in a chapter - wise manner, using javascript to hide/show chapter title.
I want to implement a similar functionality in my drupal site. If it is not possible with views thats ok, but I need a way to implement the javascript and chapter title in the course page. I want to keep the layout same as much as possible.
Even if I have to manually enter/edit the code in the body, I don't care as long as I have the functionality.
If you don't want to write the jQuery and are satisfied with the "accordion" effect see
A demo of views accordion can be found on (See "latest thoughts" in the main content area). This is integrated with views so all you need do is to make the correct video title the accordion title.
You can probably theme the accordion too to get the desired user interface.
If you have implemented the markup, the javascript effect will be pretty easy to make.
You just need to apply a click handler on the chapters and hide/show the content. jQuery that is included in Drupal makes this quite simple and easy.
For the markup, it will probably be easier to do in a custom module, since you need a very specific ordering, and need some specific info on the chapter as well as the pages.
You should consider using node relationships, and use two content types. Especially if you want more info for each chapter like a image, teaser text etc.

