setinterval and load - javascript

This is a basic jquery problem I think, but it is very annoying. This is what I am doing:
load a href class="tab" lists file (external) from jquery
click on href and load from external file again
setinterval 1000 refresh the results (2) with load() method AGAIN
Question is: At refresh period, the value for name selector changes every 1 second (because of refresh), that I recently clicked the hrefs from #1.
$('').live('click',function() {
var value = $(this).attr('name');
$("div#timed").load('retriever.php', {"update":value} );
} ,1000);//set interval

I think that you want to cancel the other interval timers when you start a new one.
edit — oops hold on I'm fixing it ... ok thanks #kingjiv!!
$('').live('click',function() {
var value = $(this).attr('name');
var timers = $('body').data('timers') || {};
for (var n in timers) clearInterval(timers[n]);
timers[value] = setInterval(function(){
$("div#timed").load('retriever.php', {"update":value} );
} ,1000);//set interval
$('body').data('timers', timers);
As others have said, that "undelegate()" call is probably not doing what you think/want.
edit again — this could be done more intelligently; there really only needs to be one timer id stored on the body, of course. I'm kind-of slow sometimes.


onkeyup activates many ajax requests

In an entry I use the onkeyup function so that every time I type it, I activate a javascript function, which makes requests to the server using ajax, the problem arises when the user types quickly, so with each key that he / she touches, activates an ajax request which causes me many requests, and also brings me bad results.
I do not know if it is understood, I hope someone can give me an idea of ​​how to change this.
Thank you
This kind of ajax call is not good idea.
You should do ajax call when user has typed at least 3-4 letters.
You can also add some a check to see if user has typed something and stopped writing then do the ajax.
If you still want to do ajax on each character then try to do very light ajax means get very small data from server.
Check if input length is > 3:
var userInput = $('#inputFiled').val(); // get user input and save into js variable
if(userInput.length > 3){ //if user input is at least 3 characters
//do ajax here
To check if user has stopped writing
To do so you will have to use underscore.js
$('#userInout').keyup(_.debounce(yourAjaxCallFunctionHere , 500));
You can also achieve this using jQuery
var delayInAjaxCall = (function(){
var timer = 0;
return function(callback, milliseconds){
clearTimeout (timer);
timer = setTimeout(callback, milliseconds);
Usage Of Above Function
$('input').keyup(function() {
alert('Hi, func called');
}, 1000 );
You can utilize the below JS code and achieve with few lines of codes,
let timer = null;
//if input length < 3 return it
timer = null;
timer = window.setTimeout( ()=>{
}, 1000);

How to automatically reload a web page

I want my website page to reload once when it has already opened for the first time. I wrote this function in my javascript file for that...
var i;
for ( i=0;i<1;i++){
But the page keeps reloading again and again as if the above function was a recursive one.
How do I do this?
P.S I'm doing it because of this issue.
<script type='text/javascript'>
(function() {
if( window.localStorage ) {
if( !localStorage.getItem('firstLoad') ) {
localStorage['firstLoad'] = true;
} else
Here is what's happening:
The page loads for the first time, jQuery calls any handlers on the document.ready event
The page reloads
The document.ready call is made again
Out of curiosity, why would you want to do that? And why do you have a for loop that will run for one iteration?
Also, to answer your question as far as I know the only way to make sure the page doesn't reload is use a cookie that lasts for about 5 seconds. Then, on document.ready check for that cookie and if it exists then don't reload.
You must either set a cookie (or use javascript's localStorage), or use xhr to retrieve a value held on a remote server.
If you want to use cookies, it's as simple as
document.cookie = "username=John Doe";
where the document.cookie is a query string of the form (x=y;a=b;n=z)
If you want the page to reload every time the user vists, be sure to unset the cookie once you've done any necessary processing when a page reload has been set.
$( window ).load(function() {
if (window.location.href.indexOf('reload')==-1) {
Code is ok. But if the page is opened from another page with a link to an id (.../page.html#aa) the code only works with firefox. With other browsers reload the page without going to id. (Sorry for my english).
I found the solution with this code. It is assumed that the page is refreshed no earlier than one hour. Otherwise, add minutes to the oggindex variable.
var pagina = window.location.href;
var d = new Date();
var oggiindex = d.getMonth().toString()+'-'+d.getDate().toString()+'-'+d.getHours().toString();
if (localStorage.ieriindex != oggiindex)
localStorage.setItem("ieriindex", oggiindex);
Yours code executed each time $(document).ready(), so it's not surprise that your loop is infinity - each load finished as ready state.
If you give more detailed requirements we can solve it with no using window object as data holder. It's bad way but you can set it for test.
Window object stores variables not depend on reload because it's higher then document.
Let's try:
if( window.firstLoad == undefined ){
// yours code without any loop
// plus:
window.firstLoad = false;
You can make it with localStorage API.
Check this link also, it's giving more information about window object variables:
Storing a variable in the JavaScript 'window' object is a proper way to use that object?

How to reload page when jquery.counter trigger finish.countdown event for multiple instance?

I am using multiple instance for jQuery countdown and implement page reload when counter get finished
$('.countdown').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
finalDate = $(this).data('countdown');
$this.countdown((finalDate), function(event) {
var days = event.strftime('%D');
$(this).on('finish.countdown', function(event){
/*if(!window.location.hash && !(window.location.hash.indexOf('_loaded') > -1)) {
window.location = window.location + '#_loaded'; window.location.reload();
//If I put window location reload here it will goes into infinite loop. Also above commented code will reload page twice initially which is also not valid solution.
Issue: If countdown is already finished (E.g. 00:00:00:00 ) then page reload occur twice when script loaded at first time,
I have used localStorage concept but unable to find exact solution. Please help
I had almost this issue with page constantly reloading instantly.
Try and check if your local time and server time are the same. In my case, the difference was two hours, which was the issue that put the page into constant loop.
Countdown plugin has some notes on timezone awareness:

How to check the status each 10 seconds with JavaScript?

I have a server (, which returns number of active tasks (just a single integer).
How can I check number of active tasks each 10 seconds with JavaScript and show user something like:
Number of remaining tasks: XXX
And, if number of tasks is 0, then I should load another page.
Make a function set a new timeout calling itself.
function checkTasks(){
// Make AJAX request
setTimeout(checkTasks, 10000);
checkTasks(); // Start task checking
with jQuery for AJAX functions... (untested code)
// where there is html element with id 'status' to contain message
$('#status').text('Number of remaining tasks: '+d)
if(d == 0){
window.location = '/another/page'
I have thought of different approach, without any AJAX. As you just need to show simple plain data, just use <iframe> to show that dynamic data then with simple JS "reload" the frame every 10 seconds.
HTML would be:
Number of remaining tasks: <iframe id="myFrame" src=""></iframe>
And the JavaScript:
window.onload = function() {
window.setTimeout(ReloadTime, 10000);
function ReloadTime() {
var oFrame = document.getElementById("myFrame");
oFrame.src = oFrame.src;
window.setTimeout(ReloadTime, 10000);
Live test case, using time for the same of example.
With some CSS you can make the frame look like part of the text, just set fixed width and height and remove the borders.
setInterval(function(elem){ // here elem is the element node where you want to display the message
var status=checkStatus(); // supposing that the function which returns status is called checkStatus
if(status == 0){
window.location = '/another/page'
else {
elem.innerHTML="Number of remaining tasks:"+status;
Using the javascript library jquery, you can set a repeating infinite loop.
That gets the data from a page and then sets the inner html of an element.
This code is untested
edit: demonstration updated
Also I did not use the jquery selector for setting the value in case you do not want to use jquery.

jQuery event only every time interval

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#domain').change(function() {
The code inside the change function will basically send ajax request to run a PHP script. The #domain is a text input field. So basically what I want to do is to send ajax requests as user types in some text inside the text field (for example search suggestions).
However, I would like to set a time interval in order to lessen the load of PHP server. Because if jQuery sends AJAX request every time user adds another letter to the text field it would consume lots of bandwidth.
So I would like to set let's say 2 seconds as an interval. The AJAX request will be fired every time the user types a letter but with maximum frequency of 2 seconds.
How can I do that?
$(function() {
var timer = 0;
$("#domain").change(function() {
timer = setTimeout(function(){
// Do stuff here
}, 2000);
$(document).ready(function() {
var ajaxQueue;
$('#domain').change(function() {
if(!ajaxQueue) {
ajaxQueue = setTimeout(function() {
/* your stuff */
ajaxQueue = null;
}, 2000);
What you really want to do is check how long since the last change event so you keep track of the number of milliseconds between events rather than make a call every 2 seconds.
$(document).ready(function() {
var lastreq = 0; //0 means there were never any requests sent
$('#domain').change(function() {
var d = new Date();
var currenttime = d.getTime(); //get the time of this change event
var interval = currenttime - lastreq; //how many milliseconds since the last request
if(interval >= 2000){ //more than 2 seconds
lastreq = currenttime; //set lastreq for next change event
//perform AJAX call
Off the top of my head without trying this in a browser. Something like this:
$('#domain').change(function() {
if (!this.sendToServer) { // some expando property I made up
var that = this;
this.sendToServer = setTimeout(function(that) {
// use "that" as a reference to your element that fired the onchange.
// Do your AJAX call here
that.sendToServer = undefined;
}, yourTimeoutTimeInMillis)
else {
two variables, charBuffer, sendFlag
Use a setTimeout to have a function be called every two seconds.
This function checks if the buffer has stuff in it.
If it does, it sends/empties the stuff and clears the sent flag (to false).
and It should also clear the timeout, and set it again
else it sets the flag (to true).
Everytime the user hits a key, store it in the buffer.
if the sent flag is clear (it's false), do nothing.
else (it's true) send/empty the stuff currently in the buffer and clear the flag (to false),
and It should also clear the timeout, and set it again
This will make it so that the first time you press a key, it is sent, and a minimum of 2 seconds must pass before it can send again.
Could use some tweaking, but i use this setup to do something similar.
I am coming across this problem more and more (the more i do UI ajax stuff) so i packaged this up into a plugin available here

