knockout subscribe to observables needed? - javascript

I have a form with four input fields. I need to update the res (3) when one is updated from the UI. Meaning the one that is updated could be any of the four.
myViewModel.four.subscribe(function(newValue) {
//update one here
//update two here
//update three here
and so on..... {
//update two here
//update three here
//update four here
but how should I update the ones inside the method? To me it would look like a Stack Overflow situation...

In Knockout 1.2.1, if an observable is updated with exactly the same value, then updates will not be sent out. So, in that case you should be okay, if each of the values is updated with the same value.
Previously though, the best way to avoid a recursive loop of updates is to check in your subscribe if the observable really needs to be updated. This will cut the chain of updates.
So: {
if (two() !== "the right value") {
two("the right value");
Otherwise, if there is more to your scenario, then there may be other options with writable dependentObservables that could be explored. When you get more than a two-way relationship though, manual subscriptions are usually the best bet.


Redux best practice to filter data

in the process of developing an application, I'm facing a question about whether I'm using Redux correctly.
I have a fav:[] in which I add product objects and render their list. However, in order for the data not to be lost, I have to copy this fav:[] to favCopy:[] and only after that execute .filter
Example code:
case "fav":
state.fav = action.payload.filter === 'all'
? state.favCopy
: state.favCopy.filter((item: any) => item[type] === action.payload.filter)
I would like to understand how right I am by keeping the original array intact? Maybe there is a way not to multiply arrays and use only one state?
We would recommend not doing filtering directly in the reducer most of the time. Instead, keep the original array in state as-is, and then also store a description of how you want the filtering to be done. From there, use selector functions to derive the filtered value as needed:

How to avoid reflection of data entered in popup to the table before it is saved using Angular2

I have an edit popup, when the popup opens and i edit, it is reflecting on the table. I must avoid the reflection, once i click on save button then only the edited part must be displayed on the table. I am able to do this only for one input, i am not getting how to carry out the same way for other 2 inputs.
editTutorial(tutorial) {;
this.edit_tut = tutorial;
You are assigning tutorial value which you sent from table into edit_tut varable, which is working as two-way binding.
so, the data in the table is getting changed along with your input.
The solution can be changing the variable reference, you can do something like,
editTutorial(tutorial) {;
let tut = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tutorial))
this.edit_tut = tut;
This will change the value reference and will work for you.
You have to have two different properties on your component, referencing to two different object instances. Few things to do:
Step 1: on clicking "edit", make a copy of the table row (all props) and put them inot the modal. Keep the reference to, e.g. table row you're editing, or _id or something.
In your case, add a property to TutorialComponent called currentlyEditing: any. Then, modify your editTutorial method:
editTutorial(tutorial) {;
this.currentlyEditting = tutorial;
Step 2: editing those should not reflect on the table. Go on and edit your thing.
Step 3: upon saving, sync your changes back to the table, or rather, to the original data set that's being displayed in the table. That's why you needed the reference from step 1.
Now, it's not clear to me if your edit_tut component is the one that saves changes. But if it is, I think everything will work as is. If not, you'd have to, after saving and response of "success", go and find the original tutorial in the tutorials array, and replace it with the edited component.

(React.js )Initial state generated randomly. How to prevent it from regenerate each time I handle an event?

I am building a game that players can attack each other by turn. So first I set the name, jobmanually and generate life,damage,magic randomly in componentWillMount().
I hope that every time I submit the attack form, certain amount of life with be reduced from the attacked person. But now every time I submit, the whole state is regenerated(with all kinds of bugs).
Can I do something to solve it?
I noticed that you do a lot of:
let players = this.state.players
which you are not supposed to do. Array is an object in js so here you are passing by reference. This means that every modification to the var players actually has side effects and modifies the state which you should never do. I generally recommend to never use in-place operations like splice, and to always use a copy of the state. In this case you can do:
let players = this.state.players.slice()
and from then on any modification to the players var does NOT affect the state. Double check you are not doing this anywhere else in your code. On top of that you should use the constructor only to set up and initiate your state. Otherwise every time the componentWillMount method is called your state is regenerated which is probably not the behavior you are expecting.
I figured I could give you more pointers for what you are trying to do with arrays, as a general rule of thumb I follow this approach. If my new state has an array field which is a subset of the previous one then I use the .filter method, if the array of my new state needs to update some of its entries then I use the .map method. To give you an example on player deletion, I would have done it this way:
handleDeletePlayer(id) {
this.setState(prevState => ({
players: prevState.players.filter(player => !== id)
Your initial state should be generated in the constructor. This is done only once and will not be repeated when components props are updated.

AngularJS/ng-grid - Updating array with splice doesn't updates UI

I am trying to update ng-grid with array splice.
I have a plunk here.
Add button adds new row. Update button updates last item in the array.
Select a row & press update button. Nothing happens.
Press add button. Now UI gets updated with new element & as well as the previously updated element.
Same behavior gets repeated again & again.
I tried $scope.$apply. I get:
“Error: $apply already in progress”
I even tried by placing $scope.$apply block inside a setTimeout call. Again the same error!
Any pointers!
That's because data $watcher in ng-grid (incorrectly) compares the data object for reference, instead on object equality. You might remedy this by setting the third parameter to true in data $watch function (line 3128):
$scope.$parent.$watch(, dataWatcher, true);
UPDATE (2015-04-10)
Angular has improved their code base (1.4.0), try the $scope.$watchCollection method first, and see if it works for you. (Link)
If you don't feel like hacking into a 3rd party library, you could add the hack in your code using:
$scope.updateData = function() {
var data = angular.copy($scope.myData);
data.splice(data.length - 1, 1, {name: 'UPDATED', age: '4'})
$scope.myData = data;
As #Stewie mentions, the problem is that for performance reasons ngGrid compares the data object superficially, and in the case of arrays, this is by reference. ngGrid also compares by the array length, so if the array doesn't change it's length the grid wont' get updated.
This solution creates a copy of the array (different place in memory) so that when angularjs $watcher checks for changes it will find a different object and run the ngGrid update callback.
NOTE: Because this solution creates a copy of the data array on every call to updateData, it could lead to performance problems if your data is too big, also Javascript doesn't have a great garbage collection.
Old Incorrect Answer:
$timeout(angular.noop, 0);
This simply sets a timeout to trigger a $scope.$apply() after the current one is done. A way of forcing a dirty check.
I am using ui-grid v3.0.0 (from an April 2015 unstable build). I found this post and wanted to show others how I refreshed my grid after I removed a row from the grid data object using splice:
// Remove the row and refresh the grid.
$scope.myData.splice(rowIndex, 1);
where my gridApi scope variable was set with this function:
$scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi){
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;

large arrays in dependent observables - cascading

I am using Knockout JS, as business requirements dictate that most, if not all logic is processed in the browser due to low bandwidth users. It's working out awesome so far except for one issue.
I am using a number of multiselect dropdown lists that all contain cascading logic. I have, say 8 lists that process hierarchical data and alter selectable options in child lists.
This is all good until I get to the bottom 2 lists which could potentially contain 3000 items depending on parent list selections (especially when 'select all' is clicked).
the problem is, in IE, I'm getting long running script warning messages, which I need to get rid of. Here's some code:
viewModel.BottomLevelList= ko.dependentObservable(function () {
if (this.ParentList().length === 0) { //nothing selected
return [];
var result = [];
var i = self.longMasterList.length;
var currentId = 0;
while (i--) {
//psuodo code:
//this.ParentList().Contains(loop-item) then
//put in return list based on some further logic
//else continue
return result;
}, viewModel);
I have tried using various setTimeout techniques from SO to break the large array up and return control momentarily to the browser, but with no success. The result is never returned and / or the observable seems to detach itself leaving an empty list in the UI.
If I need to use AJAX I will, but this is a very last resort and would prefer to keep it in the client.
So my question boils down to:
How can I stop long running script warnings as a result of processing large data sets (in the context of Knockout JS dependant observables and cascading lists)
Is there some idiomatic JavaScript technique I could / should be using in this scenario
Am I not seeing the wood for the trees here?!
Thanks muchly for any help
I would first suggest that you optimize your dependentObservable.
When you read any observable, Knockout registers a dependency to it in Dependency Manager. It contains pretty simple code like this:
function registerDependency(observable) {
if (ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(dependencies, observable)) {
I can see in your pseudo-code that you are accessing this.ParentList() in the while loop. It means registerDependency will be called 3000 times and the dependencies array will be scanned 3000 times, which is bad for IE (since it has no built-in Array.indexOf method).
So my number one suggestion would be: Read all observables before loops.
If it doesn't help, I suggest that you proceed with setTimeout(). It is a bit tricky. Please check out this example:
I have defined asyncObservable. You should pass an array with all dependencies of your dependentObservable. When ko.toJS is called, all observables are unwrapped. Then we call the passed callback function with arguments enumerated in the dependencies array. This function will be evaluated async.
I have wrapped this code into ko.dependentObservable to re-evaluate loader callback on any change of passed elements passed in dependencies
My code was overcomplicated for this issue. throttle extender will do the trick. Please checkout this sample:

