Stop holding 'this' in a temp variable - javascript

I am continually having to hold this in a temp variable in order to access it in other functions. For example in the two methods below, I am holding this in a that variable:
startTimer: function () {
var that = this;
if ($('#defaultCountdown:hidden'))
shortly = new Date();
shortly.setSeconds(shortly.getSeconds() + 5);
$('#defaultCountdown').countdown('change', { until: shortly,
layout: '<ul id="errorList"><li>Next update in <b>{snn}</b> {desc}</li></ul>',
description: 'seconds',
onExpiry: function () {
performUpdate: function () {
var that = this;
success: function () {
error: function (request, settings) {
Is there anyway around this or could I possibly use apply?

ECMAScript 5 introduced Function.bind()[docs], so it is only supported by newer browsers. An alternative implementation can be found in the documentation I linked to. If you include it in your code, you can use bind() in the other (older) browsers too.
It lets you set the object this should refer to in the function. So you could write:
performUpdate: function () {
success: function () {
error: function (request, settings) {

I think that's the simplest way to do it. This is what I do (although I'm writing GWT code), to reference the this of the wrapping function in an inner anonymous function.
Even if something like this.wrappingMethod.this were/are possible, storing the the this in a variable named according to your taste is a lot more readable (you could use a more descriptive name, ofcourse), and (still assuming you cold somehow reference the wrapping scope) it will be more robust since you could introduce another level without having to rewrite all the references.

No, there isn't. The value of this will be different in the closure than it is in the scope that the closure is defined so the only way to make it cleaner is to define it on an object level so at least you only have to do it once per object, which it looks like you are already doing anyway.
Strike out the "No there isn't" because bind is a valid alternative and there are comparability implementation (see other answer). Although I personally think var self = this; is cleaner and you only need to define it once per object but it is a matter of preference at this point.

I guess it's no comfort, but not really if the original this is the only context in which you can execute functions like startTimer and killCountdown. What I'd recommend is giving it a more meaningful name, like timer or something. Really, this is just a convenient keyword for referring to the owner of whatever we're executing, and it should change as the owner changes. If "this/that" is becoming hard to read, the solution is to change the name from that to something more semantically meaningful.

What you're doing is a standard pattern in JavaScript, except that it's traditional to use self instead of that. But you can use the bind() method like this:
onExpiry: performUpdate.bind(this);
if you're working with a framework that extends the prototype of Function to include it, or your Javascript interpreter is recent enough. (bind creates the same sort of anonymous function behind the scenes, but is arguably less efficient since it has to deal with all sorts of special cases).


jQuery on change refer to this.value and this

Let's say I have a bit of code like this that runs on change of a select:
$('select[name="nights"]').on('change', function() {
Is there any way I can have a reference to my global this object(if it's called that) without using something like:
var self = this;
Using something like a bind destroys the reference to the jQuery select element:
$('select[name="nights"]').on('change', function() {
I wan't to be more concise and understanding of scope though so I prefer binding rather than saving reference to this. If I look at code standards from airbnb for example they rather not use self = this reference as well.
I am wondering how they get around this like stuff though where you both need a local scope reference to this and a this reference to your global object.
Am I simply forced to still make a reference or is there any way around this? I might simply be overthinking and nitpicking here but I am hoping for an elegant solution, else I might as well stick with saving references in the first place.
I'm not sure weather I understand your question.
With #bind (ES5 way)
$('select[name="nights"]').on('change', function(){
The bind() method creates a new function that, when called, has its
this keyword set to the provided value, with a given sequence of
arguments preceding any provided when the new function is called.
ES6 way
Lexical this
Until arrow functions, every new function defined its own this value (a new object in case of a constructor, undefined in strict mode function calls, the context object if the function is called as an "object method", etc.). This proved to be annoying with an object-oriented style of programming.
An arrow function does not create its own this context; rather, it captures the this value of the enclosing context, so the following code works as expected.(I didn't copy the code)
so, you can to it with arrow function
$('select[name="nights"]').on('change', () => {
In your case i think you want to access the value of the select element, if so you
can use :
instead of
If you want to access the global this value, which is Window in the browser platform, you have two options:
Option 1:
If you want the ES5 way you can use an IIFE function, for example :
var that = (function(){return this;}());
option 2:
If you want the ES6 way, which is better with less code to write, for example:
const that = (()=>this)(); // .... (*)
Where (*) is the equivalent of the previous ES5 code.

On Execution context of anonymous functions and call/apply/bind

I'm trying to get under the covers a little bit and get to understanding and not regurgitating code. I'm aware that bind, call and apply change the execution context by modifying what this points to. What I do not understand, is are arenas in which these methods are indispensable and/or lead to much shorter code. Consider the following:
var person = {
firstName: 'john',
lastName: 'doe',
fullName: function () {
console.log(this.firstName + " " + this.lastName);
//#1, binder is an html button
$('#binder').click(person.fullName.bind(person)); //john doe
//#2, anonymous is an html button
$('#anonymous').click(function () {
person.fullName(); //john doe
//seems strange I see this application a lot 'borrowing' a method
var o = { firstName: 'obj', lastName: 'ect' };; //obj ect to console
I would like to know some general paradigms about when it's good practice and/or a huge time saver to use call and apply (and bind outside of the not using anonymous functions a la function #1)
To focus on where each of these features are indispensable, I would say
apply is most useful when dealing with variadic functions. It lets you convert an array of values into an argument list.
function logwrapper(f){
return function(){
return f.apply(this, arguments);
var bar = function(){ ... }
var foo = logwrapper(bar);
bind is most useful when you want to pass a method into some code that expects just a function. A common example is settimeout and other functions that expect callbacks:
setTimeout(function(){ obj.meth(); }, 100); //handwritten callback
setTimeout(obj.meth.bind(obj), 100); //Function.prototype.bind
setTimeout(bind(obj, "meth"), 100); //Some JS libraries have functions that
//let you write the object only once.
Just keep in mind that IE <=8 does not support the native Function.prototype.bind. You might need to use a polyfill or helper library in that case.
call is mostly useful for borrowing methods, as you already noticed. If this is going to be useful or not is going to depend a lot on your particular use case but an important use that is very common is using array methods on the arguments. For historical reasons, arguments doesn't have any of the usual array methods (slice, map, etc) so you need to borrow them:
function myvariadic(x){
var rest = [], 1);
Another example you might see is the hasOwnProerty method:
for(k in obj){
if(, k)){
This lets you call the real hasOwnProperty method even if the object shadows it with a hasOwnProperty key of its own.
Frankly I don't give a twopenny toss about good or bad practices.
If your aim is to understand anything at all, you'd better forget about them.
This being said, to understand when it is appropriate to use call/apply or bind, what you have to understand is closures, and the specific closure of this.
I use a broad definition of closure here. Not the one you will usually get in JavaScript technical chats, where we usually talk about lexical closures.
For the purpose of this little post, let's say a closure will be anything that provides a value for any variable (this included) that lives outside the current scope of the function you're focusing on.
bind, call and apply are basically there to supply a value for this (and some other arguments as an option).
It is only useful for two things:
invoke functions or methods of a given class to an object of a different class (or no class at all).
more on that later
supply a value for this in case the current closure does not suit your needs.
For instance, passing a reference to a method loses the connection to the underlying object instance. Or using a class prototype function. Or being called in the context of an event handler where JS has set this to the DOM element that caught the event.
call & apply
call will simply set this to the value of its first argument for this particular execution of the function.
Since creating objects is so easy in JS, you might want to do something like:
Worker = function ()
this.things_done = 0;
Worker.prototype = {
do_something: function (count)
this.things_done += count;
var worker= new Worker(); // Worker object
var wanabee_worker = { things_done: 100 }; // classless object
Et voilĂ ! You've just created something that has no class relation with Worker but still can use Worker methods, since it has all the required properties defined. (wanabee_worker, 10);
allows wanabee_worker to borrow unrelated object Worker's methods.
The opposite can also be used:
function reset_work_count ()
this.things_done = 0;
} (worker);
Here we have a plain function that does not have anything to do with Worker, except it uses the same properties. call allows to apply it to a Worker object.
apply does exactly the same as far as this is concerned. The only difference is the way other arguments are passed.
bind will create an internal closure and return a new wrapper function that will use the parameter passed to bind as a value for this.
Typical example: bind an event handler to a specific object.
Beneath the JQuery goo, what the code does eventually is
binder.addEventListener ('click', person.fullName.bind(person), false);
If the handler was simply defined as person.fullName, it would be called with this set to the DOM element that caught the event.
In that particular case, the closure of this provided by the JS engine does not suit our needs, so we provide an alternative one using bind.
Instead of person.fullName.bind(person), you could have used:
function() { person.FullName(); }
except that
the lambda function is cumbersome and obfucates the code,
bind is an internal construct that does the closure a bit more efficiently.
You could also imagine that the object used to handle the event will be dynamically allocated/computed by some proxy function. In that case, using bind would be useless since what we want is access to the methods that will allow us to use a lambda object as one of a working class.
function event_handler (param)
var obj = compute_lambda_obj (); (ojb, param);

Javascript, preserving this reference when passing function argument

I'm inside a function of an object and I need to call an external function and pass a reference to a function as argument. This last function argument uses the keyword this several times so I need to be scoped into my object. I solved this by doing:
MyObj.prototype.internalFunc= function(data){
MyObj.prototype.doSomething= function(){
var $this = this;
externalFunction(this.someVar, function(data){ $this.internalFunc(data); });
var objInst = new MyObj();
I want to know if there is away to avoid this messy var $this = this thing.
I also thoung of:
//... (same as before)
MyObj.prototype.doSomething= function(){
var $this = this;
externalFunction(this.someVar, this.internalFunc, this);
//... (same as before)
function externalFunction(arg1, cbfunc, thisref){
//bla bla things, blablaData);
but I also find it messy.
I think there is a better way of doing it and I'm not seeing it! Thanks in advance!
There is one other option available to you, if you're on a recent enough browser and that is to use Function.bind.
This allows you to create a function that has been bound to a specific scope. Put another way, it allows you to define what this will be, inside that function. Thus, you could do it this way.
MyObj.prototype.doSomething= function(){
externalFunction(this.someVar, this.internalFunc.bind(this, data));
Follow the link above and scroll to the bottom to see information about browser support.
Actually, there's one other option, which is to use one of the many libraries and frameworks that are out there. Any one worth its salt will have a bind, hitch, proxy or otherwise available to you. However, all these are doing are wrapping up the native JS approaches, but they often provide useful additions that make this technique even more valuable.
Assigning this to a local variable is fine and common.
Many libraries make your second approach easier by providing a method that returns a wrapper function and sets the execution context, e.g. $.proxy in jQuery (or _.bind in underscore.js).

Naming: createFunctionDelegate() vs createDelegateFunction()?

It appears that I am not able to choose between two names for a function:
createFunctionDelegate() and createDelegateFunction().
If it matters, the purpose of the function is that it creates a new function that calls the supplied callback function in the context of the second argument. For example:
var foo = {
init: function() {
setTimeout(App.createFunctionDelegate(this.method, this));
method: function() {}
When foo.init() is run, it sets a timeout that calls a function which delegates the execution to another function (this.method) called in the context of this (foo).
Anyway, I am not sure which way I should name this function. This is important to me, because I am going to use it in hundreds of places and sometimes I type the one and occasionally the other one. This has to change, I have to choose.
I would use neither of these. What you want to do will be offered by bind() in ES5. I would define Function.prototype.bind if it does not exist already, as described here (but read the description and the possible drawbacks carfully).
This way you make sure you use native functionality if it is supported.
What about just createDelegate(this.method, this)?
As a side note, other places where I've seen this kind of method (and written them), the param ordering is context, function, so createDelegate(this, this.method)

Declaring functions in JavaScript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {}
(41 answers)
Closed last year.
What's the difference between these two ways of declaring a function?
function someFunc() { ... }
var someFunc = function() { ... }
I'm not asking in the technical sense. I'm not asking which is better for readability, or which style is preferred.
I am on different opinion with most of the people here. Technically this syntax may mean the same for declaring functions both ways
(I stand incorrect on my last statement. I read up on a diff post why they are technically diff and I'll add in the end, why)
; but the way they play a role in evolving patterns is massive. I would highly recommend "Javascript: The Good Parts" by Doughlas Crockford.
But to prove my point in a subtle and a simple manner; here is a small example.
//Global function existing to serve everyone
function swearOutLoud(swearWord) {
alert("You "+ swearWord);
//global functions' territory ends here
//here is mr. spongebob. He is very passionate about his objects; but he's a bit rude.
var spongeBob = {
name : "squarePants",
swear : function(swearWord) {
name = "spongy";
alert("You "+ swearWord);
return this;
//finally spongebob learns good manners too. EVOLUTION!
spongeBob.apologize = function() {
alert("Hey " + + ", I'm sorry man!");
return this;
//Ask spongebob to swear and then apologize in one go (CASCADING EFFECT!!)
if you look at the code above I declared a function with a name swearOutLoud. Which would take a swear word from any object or a call and will give you the output. It can do operations on any object using the "this" parameter that is passed to it and the arguments.
However second declaration is declared as an attribute of object called "spongeBob". This is important to note; as here I am moving towards an object driven behavior. While I am also maintaining "cascading effect" as I return "this" if i have nothing else to return.
Somthing similar is done in jquery; and this cascading pattern is important if you are trying to write a framework or something. You'll link it to Builder design pattern also.
But with functions declared as an attributes of an object I am able to achieve an object centric behavior which leads to a better programming paradigm. Unless designed well; individual functions declared outside with global access lead to a non-object oriented way of coding. I somehow prefer the latter.
To see cascading in effect, look at the last statement where you can ask spongebob to swear and apologize at once; even though apologize was added as an attribute later on.
I hope I make my point clear. The difference from a technical perspective may be small; but from design and code evolution perspective it's huge and makes a world of a difference.
But thats just me! Take it or leave it. :)
So both the calls are technically different; because a named declaration is tied to global namespace and is defined at parse time. So can be called even before the function is declared.
function swearOutLoud(swearWord) {
alert("You " + swearWord)
Above code will work properly. But code below will not.
var swear = function(swearWord) {
One advantage of using function someFunc() { ... } is that the function name appears in Firebug debugger. Functions that are declared the other way (var someFunc = function() { ... }) come up as anonymous.
Actually, the difference is that the second declaration gives us the ability to declare functions like this making it possible to have a function as a property for an object :
var myObject=new Object();
myObject.someFunc=function() { ... };
Style wise the second example is more consistent with other common ways to declare functions and therefore it could be argued that it is more readable
this.someFunc = function() { ... }
someFunc: function() { ... },
However, as also mentioned it's anonymous and therefore the name does not appear when profiling.
Another way to declare the function is as follows which gets you the best of both worlds
var someFunc = function someFunc() { ... }
Another difference is that, on most browsers, the latter allows you to define different implementations depending on circumstances, while the former won't. Say you wanted cross-browser event subscription. If you tried to define a addEventListenerTo function thusly:
if (document.addEventListener) {
function addEventListenerTo(target, event, listener) {
} else if (document.attachEvent) {
function addEventListenerTo(target, event, listener) {
} else {
function addEventListenerTo(target, event, listener) {
on some browsers, all the functions end up being parsed, with the last one taking precedence. Result: the above just doesn't work. Assigning anonymous functions to variables, however, will work. You can also apply functional and basic aspect oriented programming techniques using anonymous functions assigned to variables.
var fib = memoize(function (n) {
if (n < 0) return 0;
if (n < 2) return 1;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
// patch the $ library function
if (...) {
$ = around($, fixArg, fixResult);
It is both true that the first form:
function test() { }
is a more recognized syntax and that the second form:
var test = function() { ... }
allows you to control the scope of the function (through the use of var; without it, it would be global anyway).
And you can even do both:
var test = function test() { ... test(); ... }
This allows you to define a recursive function in the second form.
For readability, I'd say the first is clearly better. A future maintenance programmer, even assuming they're familiar enough with javascript to know many of the finer points coming up in this thread, are going to assume the first format.
For example, if they should some day want to ctrl-f to search for the definition of your function to see what's happening in there, are they going to first search for someFunc = function() or function someFunc()?
Also, to get downright typographical about it (since we're talking readablity) readers are often scanning the text quickly, and would be more inclined to skip over a line that starts with "var" if they're looking for a function definition.
I know this is a non-technical answer, but it's harder for humans to read code than computers.
When you write
function Test() {
JavaScript is really creating a property to which it assigns the function object that once called will execute the code reported in the function definition. The property is attached to the object window, or to the object that contains the function definition.

