Add excel-like element list in HTML table header - javascript

I would like to realise a table with a specific functionnality on header, in fact I would like to do like in Excel spreadsheet, a header capable of displaying a list of any elements in the column...
I looked over datatable for Jquery and others plugin, but no one could realize what I want. Does anyone know if such functionnality already exists ? And if not, what would be the easiest to implement it..?

Not sure if I understand what you are looking for but doesnt this example of data tables achieve what you need ?


Sort HTML Table by Column on Load

My page has a table (a telerik grid?) that, upon loading, I would like to sort by column, as if the one in question had been clicked by the user. I'm presuming the best way to do something like this is with telerik, javascript, or jquery, all of which I have a woeful lack of experience with, and I find myself not knowing just where to begin.
My thoughts are that the column in question will be selected by its text contents, as the only other identifier - class - is identical among them all. Then either trigger or replicate the column's onclick event. Am I going in the right direction with this? Would anyone have a suggested route to progress forward with this? I'm trying to treat this as more of a learning experience than just "give me answers!" sort of thing, which I hope is an acceptable thing to post around here.
EDIT: Besides the suggestion from #josh, below, I'm also experimenting with something like this.
or this

Sencha Grid - How to add/remove columns based on a condition dynamically without knowing order

I have a Sencha grid where I want to be able to add or remove a column based on some criteria but don't want to rely on knowing the order. I would like to preferably do this using name, or dataIndex, etc so that the solution is not tied to the column ordering. I tried looking at things like columnManager, which is the closest thing to what I am looking for but it is private and not recommended in production code. Please advise. Thanks.
For my understand, you want to dynamically create the columns based on the data you can get, right?
You can use grid.reconfigure([store], [columns]) method which [columns] is the config object. You can modify the object as your requirement.

Query regarding jQuery datagrids

I have been looking at this question
I am looking for a datagrid jQuery plugin that will allow for the ability to edit a table of data by column.
For example each row in the table might need to contain the same specific string of data in one column. Instead of activley going one by one down the rows adding it in. Do any of the datagrid that you have used to allow this to happen in one go, such as a "Copy to all rows" function?
The answer for me was JQGris like Pawan, said

Fix jQuery table sorter header row in place

So, I have a table I want to sort with the jQuery tablesorter plugin.
If I put everything -- column headers and data into a single table, everything sorts super easy. However, if I have lots of rows in my table, I want the data rows to be in a scolling div. Any ideas on how to fix the header row in place?
Many thanks!
So, I figured this one out. (Sorry, didn't have code I could actually paste, and spent the time fixing my code rather than coming up with something I could post.)
What I ended up doing was something like this:
The problem I had was not having a in the table I was trying to sort, because I had a different table containing the column headers.

Row rendering in Qooxdoo

I am trying to display rows of my tables in different colors .
Please help me to achieve this. Please provide sample code to do same.
you probably saw the answers on the qooxdoo mailing list.
To sum it up here: You either create your own RowRenderer and set it via qx.ui.table.Table.setDataRowRenderer(). Or you set up a conditional CellRenderer and set it via qx.ui.table.Table.getTableColumnModel().setDataCellRenderer(). (There might be a unified way to do either through the Table or the TableModel, but I'm not aware of it).

