Raphael JS : how to move/animate a path object? - javascript

Somehow this doesn't work...
var paper = Raphael("test", 500, 500);
var testpath = paper.path('M100 100L190 190');
var a = paper.rect(0,0,10,10);
a.attr('fill', 'silver');
a.mousedown( function() {
testpath.animate({x: 400}, 1000);
I can move rects this way but not paths, why is that, and how do I move a path object then?!

With the latest version of Raphael, you can do this:
var _transformedPath = Raphael.transformPath('M100 100L190 190', 'T400,0');
testpath.animate({path: _transformedPath}, 1000);
This saves you from the trouble of having to clone a temp object.

It seems a path object doesn't get a x,y value - so your animation probably still runs, but does nothing. Try instead animating the path function:
testpath.animate({path:'M400 100L490 190'},1000);
It makes it a bit trickier to write the animation, but you have the benefit of getting rotation and scaling for free!
BTW: I'm sure this is just an example, but in your above code testpath gets put in the global scope because you don't initialize as var testpath

Solved, with thanx to Rudu!
You need to create a new path to animate to. You can do this with clone() and then apply the transformations to that clone. Seems very complex for a simple move like this, but it works...
var paper = Raphael("test", 500, 500);
var testpath = paper.path('M100 100L190 190');
var a = paper.rect(0,0,10,10);
a.attr('fill', 'silver');
a.mousedown( function() {
var temp = testpath.clone();
testpath.animate({path: temp.attr('path')}, 1000);

TimDog answer was best solution.
In addition, just remember, transform string in this case means, that it will add 400 points to every path point/line X coordinate, and 0 points to every Y coordinate.
That means, M100 100L190 190 will turn into M500 100L590 190.
So, if you need to move a path element to another position, the difference between current position and new position coordinates should be calculated. You can use first element to do that:
var newCoordinates = [300, 200],
curPos = testpath.path[0],
newPosX = newCoordinates[0] - curPos[1],
newPosY = newCoordinates[1] - curPos[2];
var _transformedPath = Raphael.transformPath(testpath.path, "T"+newPosX+","+newPosY);
testpath.animate({path: _transformedPath});
Hope this will help someone.

Here's some code that generalises the best of the above answers and gives Raphael paths a simple .attr({pathXY: [newXPos, newYPos]}) attribute similar to .attr({x: newXPosition}) and .animate({x: newXPosition}) for shapes.
This lets you move your path to a fixed, absolute position or move it by a relative amount in a standard way without hardcoding path strings or custom calculations.
Edit: Code below works in IE7 and IE8. An earlier version of this failed in IE8 / VML mode due to a Raphael bug that returns arrays to .attr('path') in SVG mode but strings to .attr('path') in VML mode.
Add this code (Raphael customAttribute, and helper function) after defining paper, use as below.
paper.customAttributes.pathXY = function( x,y ) {
// use with .attr({pathXY: [x,y]});
// call element.pathXY() before animating with .animate({pathXY: [x,y]})
var pathArray = Raphael.parsePathString(this.attr('path'));
var transformArray = ['T', x - this.pathXY('x'), y - this.pathXY('y') ];
return {
path: Raphael.transformPath( pathArray, transformArray)
Raphael.st.pathXY = function(xy) {
// pass 'x' or 'y' to get average x or y pos of set
// pass nothing to initiate set for pathXY animation
// recursive to work for sets, sets of sets, etc
var sum = 0, counter = 0;
this.forEach( function( element ){
var position = ( element.pathXY(xy) );
sum += parseFloat(position);
return (sum / counter);
Raphael.el.pathXY = function(xy) {
// pass 'x' or 'y' to get x or y pos of element
// pass nothing to initiate element for pathXY animation
// can use in same way for elements and sets alike
if(xy == 'x' || xy == 'y'){ // to get x or y of path
xy = (xy == 'x') ? 1 : 2;
var pathPos = Raphael.parsePathString(this.attr('path'))[0][xy];
return pathPos;
} else { // to initialise a path's pathXY, for animation
this.attr({pathXY: [this.pathXY('x'),this.pathXY('y')]});
For absolute translation (move to fixed X,Y position) - Live JSBIN demo
Works with any path or set of paths including sets of sets (demo). Note that since Raphael sets are arrays not groups, it moves each item in the set to the defined position - not the centre of the set.
// moves to x=200, y=300 regardless of previous transformations
path.attr({pathXY: [200,300]});
// moves x only, keeps current y position
path.attr({pathXY: [200,path.pathXY('y')]});
// moves y only, keeps current x position
path.attr({pathXY: [path.pathXY('x'),300]});
Raphael needs to handle both x and y co-ordinates together in the same customAttribute so they can animate together and so they stay in sync with each other.
For relative translation (move by +/- X,Y) - Live JSBIN demo
// moves down, right by 10
path.attr({pathXY: [ path.pathXY('x')+10, path.pathXY('y')+10 ]},500);
This also works with sets, but again don't forget that Raphael's sets aren't like groups - each object moves to one position relative to the average position of the set, so results may not be what are expected (example demo).
For animation (move a path to relative or absolute positions)
Before animating the first time, you need to set the pathXY values, due to a bug/missing feature up to Raphael 2.1.0 where all customAttributes need to be given a numeric value before they are animated (otherwise, they will turn every number into NaN and do nothing, failing silently with no errors, or not animating and jumping straight to the final position).
Before using .animate({pathXY: [newX,newY]});, run this helper function:

Yet another way is to use "transform" attribute:
testpath.animate({transform: "t400,0"}, 1000);
to move the path to the right by 400px, relative to the original position.
This should work for all shapes, including paths and rectangles.
Note that:
"transform" attribute is independent of x, y, cx, cy, etc. So these attributes are not updated by the animation above.
The value of "transform" attribute is always based on the original position, not the current position. If you apply the animation below after the animation above, it will move it 800px to the left relatively, instead of moving it back to its original position.
testpath.animate({transform: "t-400,0"}, 1000);


Scaling Raster with Paper.js using Tween.js

I'm think I'm having a similar issue as this in that I can not work out (or know if it exists) whereby I can get access to the scaling applied to a given object (in my instance, a raster).
I need to know this so I can animate the scaling via Tween.js.
Anyone have any ideas or know if indeed it is possible to find out the current scaling applied to a raster (or any) object?
I thought it was an issue with Rasters so I tried tweening the scale property of a Path and then a Group and I couldn't get access to the values in order to animate it.
Because I am using Tween.js I can not simply use the object.scale(value) function.
I even tried applying an arbitrary (animated) number to the scale function and it failed to work... i.e.:
object.scale( 0 );
object.arbitraryNumber = 0;
createjs.Tween.get( object )
.to( { arbitraryNumber:1 } , 1000, createjs.Ease.getPowInOut(2) )
.addEventListener( "change", function( event ) {
event.target.target.scale( event.target.target.arbitraryNumber);
} );
Although this did not work, when the same approach was applied to the x position of the object, it animated fine.
Is there anything that needs to be flagged in order to update scaling of an object?
When calling Item.scale() method on each frame with values from 0 to 1, you are actually scaling down item exponentially because each call scales the item relatively to the previous value.
What you want to do is animate the Item.scaling property instead.
You also have to know that by default, PaperJS use global coordinates system and apply every transformations directly to points.
You can change this behavior by setting Item.applyMatrix property to false.
Doing this, scale change will affect item matrix instead of affecting points coordinates and you will be able to animate it as you expect.
Here is simple Sketch of a scale animation:
var circle = new Path.Circle(view.center, 50);
circle.fillColor = 'orange';
circle.applyMatrix = false;
function onFrame(event)
circle.scaling = Math.sin(1 + event.count * 0.05);
You should be able to transpose this example to your Tween.js context easily.

Draw a line from .Point depending on attribute & without re-sizing with zoom

I am adding points to the map and then giving them a speed attribute
I want to be able to have a line that represents the speed from position 0 of the point e.g. 200 knots = 200 pixels (then some math to keep it at a reasonable length).
I also need it not to be longer/shorter depending on the zoom
What i have so far:
var vlPoint = OpenLayers.Point;
var vlPixel = OpenLayers.Pixel;
var vlSpeed = itemData.mIntendedMovement.mSpeedOverGround;
vlPixel.add(point, vlSpeed);
vlPoint.move(0, vlPixel);
I am very new to OpenLayers and cannot find anything on the OpenLayers dev pages or on SO
Turns out, all it needed was:
var vlPoint = OpenLayers.Point;
var length = (itemData.mIntendedMovement.mSpeedOverGround * this.map.resolution)/10;
vlPoint.move(0, length);
Sometimes its the simple things

How to drag rotated shapes using Raphael js library

I have done lots of examples on dragging an object created by Raphael's library. Now I am working with sets and was also able to write a code to drag them.
Now my problem appeared when I rotate an object and then drag it.
Check out this code example: demo
var paper = Raphael('stage', 300, 300);
var r = paper.rect(50,100,30,50).attr({fill:"#FFF"}).rotate(45),
t = paper.text(30, 140, "Hello");
var p = paper.set(r, t);
r.set = p, t.set = p;
start = function () {
move = function (dx, dy) {
var a = this.set;
a.attr({transform: "t"+a.newTX+","+a.newTY});
up = function () {
p.drag(move, start, up);
By examining the DEMO you can see that the set is created with rotated rectangle, but as soon you drag it, it goes back to the 0 degree state. Why? Any solutions?
The problem is that whenever an element is transformed by applying a string containing instructions to move, rotate, scale etc, it resets the transformation object, and hence previous transformations get lost. To avoid this, add "..." at the beginning of the transformation string. Like,
var el = paper.rect(10, 20, 300, 200);
// translate 100, 100, rotate 45°, translate -100, 0
// NOW, to move the element further by 50 px in both directions
If "t50,50" is used instead of "...t50,50", then transformation effect for "t100,100r45t-100,0" is lost and transformation effect for "t50,50" rules.
Raphael reference for further study: http://raphaeljs.com/reference.html#Element.transform
Hope this helps.
I found an easy solution to this problem. Since I need to have a diamond instead of rectangle, I have created a path that represents that diamond. Then this path becomes just like a square 45 degree rotated.
This turned out to be easy because dragging functionality I had for my program works perfectly with paths.

JQuery - Callback for offset()/position()

I have a div containing a list elements, which have static positioning and for each element I want to
Record its absolute positioning using the offset() method
Change its positioning to absolute, move it somewhere else, and later move it back to its original position using the recorded coordinates
First I tried this:
var positions = {};
var child = $(this);
var id = child.attr('id');
var offset = child.offset();
positions[id] = [offset.left, offset.top];
child .css('position', 'absolute');
var x = ...;
var y = ...;
child.css('left', x);
child.css('top', y);
In this case, every entry of the 'positions' object have the same coordinates (value for the first element). However, if I comment out the bit that moves the element, the positions objects has the correct coordinates for each child.
So I'm guessing it's a synchronisation issue, because the css function is called before the offset function has terminated.
So what I need really, is to make sure that the block child.css('left', x); child.css('top', y); is only executed when the 'offset' function is done.
I tried things like
$.queue(child, 'foo', function() {
var offset = $(this).offset();
positions[id] = [offset.left, offset.top];
$.dequeue(child, 'foo');
child.promise().done(function() {
child.css('position', 'absolute');
but with no luck: when I log the positions objects it still has the wrong coordinates.
I am quite new to JS and JQuery so I'm sure how to do the right thing here.
How can I make sure the block child.css('left', x); child.css('top', y); will only be executed after the 'positions' object has been populated with the correct offset coordinates?
I just realised that in my case I need to use 'position()' rather than 'offset()' but that doesn't really change the problem that I have described
In .each() changing sibling elements' position could be cause of getting wrong coordinates after the first one.
Why don't you get and store all positions before changing?
I mean you should iterate childrens double times.
Iterate childrens and store position, don't change any css,
Iterate childrens again and change css.

How can you keep rotated draggable objects inside the Raphael paper?

I have an application with many draggable objects that can also be rotated in 90 degree increments. I'm trying to figure out how to stop the user from dragging the objects outside the Raphael paper (canvas).
This is fairly simple for unrotated objects. I can simply see if the current x and y coordinates are less than 0 and set them to 0 instead. I can adjust similarly by checking if they are outside the canvas width and height.
However, a problem arises when the object is rotated because for some odd reason the coordinate plane rotates as well. Is there an easy way to keep objects inside the canvas? Or is there an example of some this somewhere?
I have spent many hours fiddling with this and I can't seem to make sense of the rotated coordinate plane in order to adjust my calculations. Even when debugging the current coordinates, they seem to shift oddly if I drag an object, release it, and then drag the object again.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I had a similar problem, I needed to move a shape within the boundaries of another shape, so what I did was:
element.drag(onstart, onmove, onend);
onStart: function(x,y,e){
// Initialize values so it doesn't recalculate per iteration
// this allows to resume dragging from the point it were left
App.oldX = 0;
App.oldY = 0;
App.currentCircleX = App.fingerPath.attr('cx');
App.currentCircleY = App.fingerPath.attr('cy');
onMove: function(dx,dy,x,y,e){
onEnd: function(e){
// nothing to do here for now
// this function tells the element to move only if it's within the bound area
setDirection: function(dx, dy){
var isXYinside;
this.newX = this.currentCircleX - (this.oldX - dx);
this.newY = this.currentCircleY - (this.oldY - dy);
// HERE is the key, this method receives your bounding path and evaluates the positions given and then returns true or false
isXYinside = Raphael.isPointInsidePath(this.viewportPath, this.newX, this.newY);
this.oldX = dx;
this.oldY = dy;
// so if it is within the bound area, will move, otherwise will just stay there
if (isXYinside) {
"cx": this.newX,
"cy": this.newY
this.currentCircleX = this.newX;
this.currentCircleY = this.newY;
I know this is an old one, but I stumbled upon this question when trying to figure out a way to do it. So here's my 2 cents in case someone has this problem.
Have you tried Element.getBBox()
There Are 2 flavones which give the result before rotation and after rotation
You should toggle the Boolean argument and test it

