JavaScript SlideShow that will work in Ebay listings? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am after jscript SlideShow, not based on JQuery etc. as I am pretty sure you can't reference external
javascript library in Ebay listings?
Ideally not just switching images, but one for layers. That will slide a bunch of divs or html data, where I can put images and text etc. Also having it work in IE6 and failing gracefully for anyone with js off would be a plus.
This one here is what I am after, does not use any library
but unfortunately still does not work in Ebay.Tiny SlideShow

If javascript is allowed on the page, you could include the slide-show images on the page, something like this:
<img src="slide1" onclick="showslide(2)">
<img src="slide2" onclick="showslide(3)">
<img src="slide3" onclick="showslide(1)">
Then include a simple script to change the picture, for example:
function showslide(number) {

JavaScript is not allowed in eBay item description. But you can use an official eBay application such as Flash Gallery. It will create a Flash gallery and insert it into your listing. You can also use other Flash galleries that do not require JavaScript.


"progressive" web site loading [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking for a way to generate a kind of a "progressive" page loading effect that you can see when reloading for example Linkedin :
It loads instantly, and is replaced by real content when it loads.
I've seen it already on a lot of web sites, so I'm guessing there's a name for it and a right approach / js framework that does that :)
The problem in here it's the transition between your "Not loaded content" and your "real content".
For your "Not loaded content" you can simply put some empty divs, thumnails, or even just images. Even more easy but risk, an entire image of your website "not loaded at all".
But then you have to find the way to disapear that stuff and fade in your "real content".
You can practice, with the jquery animate functions "fadein" and "fadeout" or use some libraries like, but the difficult thing is put the 2 contents in the same place (index-z css property).
Instead of all this search for a library that do this.

JavaScript - Create a loading bar [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm trying to create a loading bar, that I'll use when I'll open links or images. I mean, while the page/image isn't loaded yet, a would like to show a loading bar like the one I shown you.
I know how to create the bar in fact, but I don't know how to get the status of the load of the page/image. I imagine that I need to use JavaScript or jQuery, but if you know any way to do this in PHP it would help me.
Loading bar like the above will only work if you are running a php script using ajax. You should understand that php is a server side language, so only when the the server runs the script and shows the output to browser it has already done 100%.
However you can use various libraries,
Play with the above two libraries. Ideally pace would be used to show page and lazy load for images

HTML Generated image link? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm a web designer and i'm currently designing a website that includes images. I was wonder if anyone can tell me what it is called or if you can guide me the right way so i can do some research on my own and learn it.
Basically what i need to know is how can you lets say if the user click on the image it will bring them to another html with that image plus that image information
A current example... if you go there and if you click a wall paper.. every wallpaper has a specific link. is that generated or does that mean that literally EVERY image on that website has a web page of its own?
Yes it is possible to do it both ways you can use what is called dynamically generated web pages or you can create each page manually.
So if you were to go with the dynamically generated web pages you would probably want to consider looking around a JavaScript Template Engine. I currently am using this one while I build my own. That is the best JavaScript Template Engine you can get. Plus it is free and Open-Source. But if you go with creating each page manually you will have a lot of work on you hand! So personally I would choose using the JavaScript Template Engine!
Have a great day.
Joseph Shenton
There is one page for image details, the number at the end of the link is the image id, which tells the server which data to output.

how can I fetch a website and overwrite some ot its html and css [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to create a website, which would fetch someone's website and display it with my CSS. It would also delete few html tags, how can I do this?? Any tips, what to search internet for??
I would go about it using <iframes>. They let you do a lot in terms of changing existing things on websites.
You would use something like this:
<iframe src="" width="200" height="200"></iframe>
to display the site, then you can inspect element to get their .class and .id names to change out colors with normal CSS
Some websites use protection so they cannot be viewed in an iframe, Google is one of them, for future reference, if you run into this issue, this explains why.

What slideshow script is '' using? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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The url is like below.
On the main page, you can see 3 images keep rotating, which I first thought was a swf, actually is not. They are the images each in <li> tag.
Is there any script out there that can do this? If then, what is it?
Not sure about the Tumblr but you can use jQuery Cycle plugin to create a lot of effects if you want.
In the source they import the file prototype_and_effects.js so they are most likely using the Prototype Framework (a popular alternative to jQuery) and for the rotating banner effect, which is also included in that file.
Check out their effects demo page for examples and documentation.

