Qooxdoo - celleditor problem with selectbox - javascript

I've made table with celleditor similar to this:
-row 'Status' with selectbox (I need to remember in this selectbox for items - name and ID).
But problem is like in this example - when I select an option and deactivate this editor (edit other row, or click somewhere else), and then return to edit it again, then it is selected other option than it was before - always first element on list.
I think it's a bug in qooxdoo (version 1.4.1), but do you have any solution for this (too keep correct element selected when I edit this cell again?

I believe the standard solution to this problem is to keep a 'presentation model' of the user interface state. When the widget is shown again, you reconfigure it with the selection box showing the last used item or whatever you consider appropriate.


How to clear all selected items in a dropdpwn?

My question is related to Angular and Typescript. My problem is quite tricky. I've created a dropdown menu with 3 items. But I'm not creating it using select tag of HTML. I'm using my company's toolkit. Which is just a wrapper around primeng components with our font and our color scheme. They call it PLK toolkit. Their code have a bug. It is not clearing the previously selected item. Here is their sample dropdown code (i feel it is ok to share the code because it is few lines of plain html only and that too written by me):
Note: In below code, plk-dropdown is like select tag, while plk-option is like option tag. There's nothing special about it.
<plk-dropdown [(ngModel)]="fruit" name="fruit">
<plk-option [value]="'apple'">Apple</plk-option>
<plk-option [value]="'pear'">Pear</plk-option>
<plk-option [value]="'melon'">Melon</plk-option>
So, when I click it first time it is good.But after first click it keeps on selecting the other options along with previous. I looked into their code:
DropDownComponent.prototype.writeValue = function (value) {
if (this.options) {
and I fixed this bug by adding 1 line of code:
DropDownComponent.prototype.writeValue = function (value) {
if (this.options) {
this.clearSelectedOptions(); // THIS I ADDED
Now the compoenent is working but the problem is that I can't make changes to their js file. Firstly, I'm not supposed to do so. Secondly, if in future we update our repositories, that bug will come back.
Is there any way I can fix this with my typescript code. I cant implement jquery in between. I tried this:
How to clear all selected items in a SELECT input using jQuery?
Please help me. I'm blocked because of this. I really need help.
I use a null option so when the dropdown has no values unselected option is selected , I thing it 's related to primeng the set the first option as selected even the value don't match with ngModel property I have create a demo to show this but so far that how we solve abd this will give to the use an option to undo the selection in case this was not required.
<plk-dropdown [(ngModel)]="fruit" name="fruit">
<plk-option [value]="null">Unselected</plk-option>
<plk-option [value]="'apple'">Apple</plk-option>
<plk-option [value]="'pear'">Pear</plk-option>
<plk-option [value]="'melon'">Melon</plk-option>
demo 🚀

Testing combobox developed using ExtJS with CasperJS

I have developed my application using ExtJs 4.1. I have a combobox which gets populated using Ajax call. Once the comobox is populated, I need to find an item by name and then first the select event for that item.
The problem is the way combo-box is rendered by ExtJS. I am not sure how to select an item in the right manner. CombBox is not really a <select> element but a text input with a detached drop-down list that's somewhere at the bottom of the document tree.
I do not want to hard code the id's as ExtJS randomly generate the id.
This is how the generated HTML looks
You can check the example of ExtJs combobox here
Without testing, I would suggest,
var x = require("casper").selectXPath;
.thenClick(x("//li[contains(#class,'x-boundlist-item') and contains(text(),'Alaska')]"))
.wait(100, function(){
You might also need to move the mouse into position before clicking. Use
Since you have the ComboBox in a form, you could use the "name" property in the ComboBox definition and select it with:
Another option, use the "reference" property. In this case I'm not sure which is the correct way to select the ComoBox:

Chosen + Dependent Dropdown (JQuery)

I'm using Chosen ( http://harvesthq.github.io/chosen/ ) and Dependent Dropdown ( http://plugins.krajee.com/dependent-dropdown) plugins for HTML select forms on my page.
Everything works great except one issue - if 1st (parent) select contains an option which is selected by default when page loads, 2nd (dependent) select is empty, and I need to manually re-select option from 1st select to get options in the dependent select.
According to http://plugins.krajee.com/dependent-dropdown#options I added "initialize:true" to options list, so it looks like:
// Child # 1
url: 'membership_new_ajax.php',
depends: ['client_id'],
initialize: true
However, it didn't help. In case it matters, I use chosen for 1st (parent) select only.
Even though it is an old question, I encountered the same problem recently.
My solution was to destroy the chosen selector with $("#form_field_id").chosen("destroy"); to revert to the native select
The issue is in the CSS of Chosen plugin, try using another plugin(select2) for the other drop down.

Combobox Items unselectable

In ExtJS I have something rather weird with my combobox.
The combobox is populated but in some cases, all but the 2 first entries are removed.
If I stay on the same page and process a new item on this screen (thus the all fields and thus the combobox would be reloaded), the combobox is now completely populated however the remove function is runned.
The weird thing is that all items are in the combobox, but the only the items that didn't get removed are in fact selectable and clickable. If I would click any other item that is visible in the list, it just wouldn't do anything (even the combobox wouldn't collapse).
What could be the cause of this?
I know you guys want code but it's simple impossible to post code because the code at the company I work at is so huge and complex that there would be too much to paste in here. I'm just wondering if any of you guys have had something similar.
Also, a textbox is above the combobox. If you would fill in the textbox with a value from the combobox, the combobox would jump to the correct value. With the 2nd run (which I described above), if I would type a value that is visible in the combobox but unselectable, it would not jump to that value in the combobox. It seems that these values are only visible but that's it.
Some other weird behavior: if I click in the combobox (so you can actually type text) and press any button, the combobox will be magically transformed to the correct form. By this I mean that only the 2 first items are now visible. I do not have any listener that would do this on my combobox...
Perhaps a "refresh" of that combobox would be enough? However, this doesn't explain then why the combobox behaved that way in the first place. Got it in FF and IE.
Without the code, you say you cannot provide, I can only guess: See if you have idProperty defined for the model and if the idProperty matches one of the fields, if valueField of the combo is same as the value of idProperty and last if you receive records with unique ids from the server. The combo config should look similar to this:
{name:'custId', type:'int'}
,{name:'custName', type:'string'}
Of course you would most likely need additional config options for the above classes. And custId must be unique for all combo store records.
In the end I got it solved by binding the store again to it's combobox. While debugging with Firebug, I saw that there were only 2 items in the store, and not all those that were visible.
A short example below:
var ddl = Ext.getCmp('DDL');
var ddlStore = ddl.store;
//some manipulation of the data here
The bindStore() function is not documented in the official docs...

jQuery Selectbox Append Options OnChange

I'm working with jQuery and a plugin called jQuery.SelectBox
I have 3 selectboxes, selecting an option in the first selectbox will change the options in the second one.
My problem comes when I try to insert values in the second selectbox via append function in jQuery. Everything works fine but the new options are not clickable.
You can see the problem right here: http://incubadora.gelattina.com/impac/galeria.html (scroll down and to the right), there are the three selectboxes.
From what I understand, you put in a normal select, and this does a dynamic creation of a stylized 'select box' via jQuery.
The problem, I would guess, is that, since you're adding items after the select box's initialization, the new items don't have any sort of action listeners on them.
I can't seem to find any documentation on this SelectBox plugin, but you need to find a way to Bind the click and hover actions provided by SelectBox onto you're newly added items.
You can try calling the .selectbox(); function on the select elements after you've added the new options to see if that works.
Hey I wrote a select box plugin called Selectzor, just for this reason.
It should accomplish everything you need.

