How to achieve String Manipulation in JavaScript - javascript

The problem statement is like this: I have a contract. On renewal on every month the contract name should append with renewal identifier. For example at beginning the name is myContract then on first renewal name should be myContract-R1, next renewal name should be myContract-R2 and so on.. On each renewal, the name should automatically change. So in Jquery how can I do this?

This is a JavaScript question, not a jQuery question. jQuery adds little to JavaScript's built-in string manipulation.
It sounds like you want to take a string in the form "myContract" or "myContract-Rx" and have a function that appends "-R1" (if there's no "-Rx" already) or increments the number that's there.
There's no shortcut for that, you have to do it. Here's a sketch that works, I expect it could be optimized:
function incrementContract(name) {
var match = /^(.*)-R([0-9]+)$/.exec(name);
if (match) {
// Increment previous revision number
name = match[1] + "-R" + (parseInt(match[2], 10) + 1);
else {
// No previous revision number
name += "-R1";
return name;
Live copy

You can use a regular expression for this:
s = s.replace(/(-R\d+)?$/, function(m) {
return '-R' + (m.length === 0 ? 1 : parseInt(m.substr(2), 10) + 1);
The pattern (-R\d+)?$ will match the revision number (-R\d+) if there is one (?), and the end of the string ($).
The replacement will return -R1 if there was no revision number before, otherwise it will parse the revision number and increment it.

how you get renewal number? Calculating from date, or getting from database?
var renewal = 1,
name = 'myContract',
newname = name+'R'+renewal;
or maybe like
function renew(contract){
var num_re = /\d+/,
num = contract.match(num_re);
if (num==null) {
return contract+'-R1';
} else {
return contract.replace(num_re,++num[0]);
var str = 'myContract';
new_contract = renew(str); // myContract-1
new_contract = renew(new_contract); // myContract-2
new_contract = renew(new_contract); // myContract-3
Here jQuery can't help you. It's pure JavaScript working with strings
P.S. I have here simple reg exp, that's not concrete for your example (but it works). Better use reg-exp from example of T.J. Crowder


Searching keywords in JavaScript

Here's an example of the customer codes:
If I input C123 in the search box, "C000000123" will automatically display.
9 numbers are fixed.
Please help me, a short sample was shown to me but I don't get it.
function test(key, num, digit) {
let retStr;
xxxx (condition)
retun retStr;
here's an elaboration:
here's the detailed demand:
Since it takes time and effort to enter the management number “alphabet + numeric value 9 digits” on the search screen, when the alphabetic number and the number excluding the leading 0 are entered, it is automatically complemented so that it becomes 9 padded with zeros.
sorry i'm very very new to programming in javascript
Try this:
May be what you want...
Please test it and tell if its what you want.
function getOutput(input){
var str=input.substring(1,input.length);
var padd0=9-str.length;
var zr="000000000";
var zrsub=zr.substring(0,padd0);
var output=input[0]+zrsub+""+str;
return output;
//Example: Call it like (NB any letter can be used):
getOutput("C123"); //or
You can use .endsWith in js which takes a string and a search string and returns true if the specified string ends with the search string.
This function takes an array of customer ids and a search string and returns the matching customer id
function searchCustomer(customers, searchString) {
return customers.find(customer => customer.endsWith(searchString));
searchCustomer(['C000000123', 'C000000456'], 123); // "C000000123"
searchCustomer(['C000000123', 'C000000456'], 456); // "C000000456"
searchCustomer(['C000000123', 'C000000456', 'A00000001'], 1); //"A00000001"

Javascript splitting string using only last splitting parameter

An example of what im trying to get:
String1 - '' - would return 'string' and ''
String2 - '' - would return 'string` and ''
I currently have this:
var split= [];
var tld_part = domain_name.split(".");
var sld_parts = domain_name.split(".")[0];
tld_part = tld_part.slice(1, tld_part.length);
With my current code, it takes the split parameter from the beginning, i want to reverse it if possible. With my current code it does this:
String1 - '' - returns 'string' and ''
String2 - '' - would return 'random` and ''
Any suggestions?
To expand upon elclanrs comment:
function getParts(str) {
var temp = str.split('.').slice(-3) // grabs the last 3 elements
return {
tld_parts : [temp[1],temp[2]].join("."),
sld_parts : temp[0]
getParts("") would return { tld_parts : "", sld_parts : "baz" }
getParts("") would return { tld_parts : "", sld_parts : "one" }
try this
var str=''//or ''
var part = str.split('.');
var result = part[part.length - 1].toString() + '.' + part[part.length - 1].toString();
One way that comes to mind is the following
var tld_part = domain_name.split(".");
var name = tld_part[tld_part.length - 2];
var tld = tld_part[tld_part.length - 1] +"."+ tld_part[tld_part.length];
Depending on your use case, peforming direct splits might not be a good idea — for example, how would the above code handle .com or even just localhost? In this respect I would go down the RegExp route:
function stripSubdomains( str ){
var regs; return (regs = /([^.]+)(\.co)?(\.[^.]+)$/i.exec( str ))
? regs[1] + (regs[2]||'') + regs[3]
: str
Before the Regular Expression Police attack reprimand me for not being specific enough, a disclaimer:
The above can be tightened as a check against domain names by rather than checking for ^., to check for the specific characters allowed in a domain at that point. However, my own personal perspective on matters like these is to be more open at the point of capture, and be tougher from a filtering point at a later date... This allows you to keep an eye on what people might be trying, because you can never be 100% certain your validation isn't blocking valid requests — unless you have an army of user testers at your disposal. At the end of the day, it all depends on where this code is being used, so the above is an illustrated example only.

Javascript REGEX: need to retrieve the ID as well as start and end time from embed URL

Here is an example of url structure I'll be working with (ignore the age of electric video :) )
Basically I want to be able to grab the video id, the chosen start time (20) and end chosen time (50) and save them as variables from any URL that follows the pattern above.
So a simple setup is this:
var url = ''
// get youtube id
function youtubeid(url) {
var ytid = url.match(dont know);
ytid = ytid[1];
return ytid;
// get youtube start time
function youtubeStart(url) {
var ytStart = url.match(dont know);
return ytStart;
// get youtube end time
function youtubeEnd(url) {
var ytEnd = url.match(dont know);
return ytEnd;
If you could help me fill in the blanks that would be most amazing. I've been staring at regex documentation for a while now and just getting more and more confused.
This other Stack Overflow answer may help you. I used Peter Mortensen's answer below.
Get query string values in JavaScript
To obtain the actual YouTube Id, you can use this regular expression:
That regex will return the value in parenthesis. You can test it here:
Sample code:
var url = ''
// get youtube id
function youtubeid(url) {
var ytid = url.match(/http:\/\/\/embed\/(.{11})/);
ytid = ytid[1];
return ytid;
function getParameterByName(name, url) {
var match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)')
return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
alert(getParameterByName('start', url));
alert(getParameterByName('end', url));
This'll only work if you know your URLs will look exactly like the one you gave (no extra query parameters; start and end always in that order; no HTTPS; etc.). But you can get them all at once:
js> str = ''
js> rxp = /http:\/\/\/embed\/(.*)\?&start=(\d+)?&end=(\d+)?/
js> result = rxp.exec(str),ABCumLrphFA,20,50
js> result[0]
js> result[1]
js> result[2]
js> result[3]
I believe it's possible to write a regex that can cope with all the quirks I mentioned above, but it's way uglier and makes it harder to understand. Anyway - hope this helps!
See also: JavaScript Regex Escape Sequences and JavaScript Regex Methods
var url = "";
// get youtube id
function youtubeid(url) {
q = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
var ytid = q.substring(q.lastIndexOf("?"), -1);
return ytid;
// get youtube start time
function youtubeStart(url) {
q = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
var ytStart = q.substring(q.indexOf("&start")+7,q.indexOf("&end"));
return ytStart;
// get youtube end time
function youtubeEnd(url) {
q = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
var ytEnd = q.substring(q.indexOf("&end")+5);
return ytEnd;
To retrieve the id
The best way to retrieve URL params (start and end) is to do something like Get Querystring with Dojo Then you could use the following to retrieve start and end
var qs = getUrlParams();
console.log("start is " + qs.start + " and end is " + qs.end )

javascript parseFloat '500,000' returns 500 when I need 500000

How would it be a nice way of handling this?
I already thought on removing the comma and then parsing to float.
Do you know a better/cleaner way?
parseFloat( theString.replace(/,/g,'') );
I don't know why no one has suggested this expression-
parseFloat( theString.replace(/[^\d\.]/g,'') );
Removes any non-numeric characters except for periods. You don't need custom functions/loops for this either, that's just overkill.
Nope. Remove the comma.
You can use the string replace method, but not in a one liner as a regexp allows.
while(str.indexOf(',')!=-1)str= str.replace(',','');
Or to make a single expression without a regexp=
return parseFloat(str.split(',').join(''));
I'd use the regexp.
I don't have enough reputation to add a comment, but for anyone wondering on the performance for regex vs split/join, here's a quick fiddle:
var test = "1,123,214.19";
var t0 =;
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
var a = parseFloat(test.replace(/,/g,''));
var t1 =;
document.write('Regex took: ' + (t1 - t0) + ' ms');
var t0 =;
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
var b = parseFloat(test.split(',').join(''));
var t1 =;
document.write('Split/join took: ' + (t1 - t0) + ' ms');
The results I get are (for 1 million loops each):
Regex: 263.335 ms
Split/join: 1035.875 ms
So I think its safe to say that regex is the way to go in this scenario
Building on the idea from #kennebec, if you want to make sure that the commas are correct, and you don't want to replace commas, you could try something like this:
function myParse(num) {
var n2 = num.split(",")
out = 0
for(var i = 0; i < n2.length; i++) {
out *= 1000;
out += parseFloat(n2[i])
return out
// Returns 1432085, as the comma is misplaced.
It may not be as fast, but you wanted alternatives :)
What about a simple function to solve most of the common problems?
function getValue(obj) {
Value = parseFloat( $(obj).val().replace(/,/g,'') ).toFixed(2);
return +Value;
The above function gets values from fields (using jQuery) assuming the entered values are numeric (I rather validate fields while user is entering data, so I know for sure field content is numeric).
In case of floating point values, if well formatted in the field, the function will return a float point value correctly.
This function is far from complete, but it quickly fix the "," (comma) issue for values entered as 1,234.56 or 1,234,567. It will return valid number as far the content is numeric.
The + (plus) sign in front of the variable Value in the return command is a "dirty trick" used in JavaScript to assure the variable content returned will be numeric.
it is easy to modify the function to other purposes, such as (for instance), convert strings to numeric values taking care of the "," (comma) issue:
function parseValue(str) {
Value = parseFloat( str.replace(/,/g,'') ).toFixed(2);
return +Value;
Both operations can even be combined in one function. I.e.:
function parseNumber(item,isField=false) {
Value = (isField) ? parseFloat( $(item).val().replace(/,/g,'') ).toFixed(2) : parseFloat( item.replace(/,/g,'') ).toFixed(2)
return +Value;
In such case, if function is called result = parseNumber('12,092.98'); it will parse the value as it is a String. But if called as result = parseNumber('#MyField', true); it will try to obtain the value from '#MyField'.
As I said before, such functions are far from complete, and can be expanded in many ways. One idea is to check the first character of the given parameter (string) and decide based on the string format where to obtain the value to be parsed (if 1st character is = '#' then it is an ID from a DOM object, otherwise, if it begins with a number, it must be a string to be parsed).
Try it... Happy coding.

Convert JavaScript String to be all lowercase

How can I convert a JavaScript string value to be in all lowercase letters?
Example: "Your Name" to "your name"
var lowerCaseName = "Your Name".toLowerCase();
Use either toLowerCase or toLocaleLowerCase methods of the String object. The difference is that toLocaleLowerCase will take current locale of the user/host into account. As per § of the ECMAScript Language Specification (ECMA-262), toLocaleLowerCase…
…works exactly the same as toLowerCase
except that its result is intended to
yield the correct result for the host
environment’s current locale, rather
than a locale-independent result.
There will only be a difference in the
few cases (such as Turkish) where the
rules for that language conflict with
the regular Unicode case mappings.
var lower = 'Your Name'.toLowerCase();
Also note that the toLowerCase and toLocaleLowerCase functions are implemented to work generically on any value type. Therefore you can invoke these functions even on non-String objects. Doing so will imply automatic conversion to a string value prior to changing the case of each character in the resulting string value. For example, you can apply toLowerCase directly on a date like this:
var lower = String.prototype.toLowerCase.apply(new Date());
and which is effectively equivalent to:
var lower = new Date().toString().toLowerCase();
The second form is generally preferred for its simplicity and readability. On earlier versions of IE, the first had the benefit that it could work with a null value. The result of applying toLowerCase or toLocaleLowerCase on null would yield null (and not an error condition).
Yes, any string in JavaScript has a toLowerCase() method that will return a new string that is the old string in all lowercase. The old string will remain unchanged.
So, you can do something like:
toLocaleUpperCase() or lower case functions don't behave like they should do. For example, on my system, with Safari 4, Chrome 4 Beta, and Firefox 3.5.x, it converts strings with Turkish characters incorrectly. The browsers respond to navigator.language as "en-US", "tr", "en-US" respectively.
But there isn't any way to get user's Accept-Lang setting in the browser as far as I could find.
Only Chrome gives me trouble although I have configured every browser as tr-TR locale preferred. I think these settings only affect the HTTP header, but we can't access to these settings via JavaScript.
In the Mozilla documentation it says "The characters within a string are converted to ... while respecting the current locale. For most languages, this will return the same as ...". I think it's valid for Turkish, and it doesn't differ if it's configured as en or tr.
In Turkish it should convert "DİNÇ" to "dinç" and "DINÇ" to "dınç" or vice-versa.
Just an example for toLowerCase(), toUpperCase() and a prototype for the not yet available toTitleCase() or toProperCase():
String.prototype.toTitleCase = function() {
return this.split(' ').map(i => i[0].toUpperCase() + i.substring(1).toLowerCase()).join(' ');
String.prototype.toPropperCase = function() {
return this.toTitleCase();
var OriginalCase = 'Your Name';
var lowercase = OriginalCase.toLowerCase();
var upperCase = lowercase.toUpperCase();
var titleCase = upperCase.toTitleCase();
console.log('Original: ' + OriginalCase);
console.log('toLowerCase(): ' + lowercase);
console.log('toUpperCase(): ' + upperCase);
console.log('toTitleCase(): ' + titleCase);
I paid attention that lots of people are looking for strtolower() in JavaScript. They are expecting the same function name as in other languages, and that's why this post is here.
I would recommend using a native JavaScript function:
"SomE StriNg".toLowerCase()
Here's the function that behaves exactly the same as PHP's one (for those who are porting PHP code into JavaScript)
function strToLower (str) {
return String(str).toLowerCase();
Methods or functions: toLowerCase() and toUpperCase()
Description: These methods are used to cover a string or alphabet from lowercase to uppercase or vice versa. E.g., "and" to "AND".
Converting to uppercase:
Example code:
<script language=javascript>
var ss = " testing case conversion method ";
var result = ss.toUpperCase();
Converting to lowercase:
Example Code:
<script language=javascript>
var result = ss.toLowerCase();
Result: testing lowercase convert function
Explanation: In the above examples,
toUpperCase() method converts any string to "UPPER" case letters.
toLowerCase() method converts any string to "lower" case letters.
Note that the function will only work on string objects.
For instance, I was consuming a plugin, and was confused why I was getting a "extension.tolowercase is not a function" JavaScript error.
onChange: function(file, extension)
alert("extension.toLowerCase()=>" + extension.toLowerCase() + "<=");
Which produced the error "extension.toLowerCase is not a function". So I tried this piece of code, which revealed the problem!
alert("(typeof extension)=>" + (typeof extension) + "<=");;
The output was "(typeof extension)=>object<=" - so aha, I was not getting a string var for my input. The fix is straightforward though - just force the darn thing into a String!:
var extension = String(extension);
After the cast, the extension.toLowerCase() function worked fine.
Option 1: Using toLowerCase()
var x = 'ABC';
x = x.toLowerCase();
Option 2: Using your own function
function convertToLowerCase(str) {
var result = '';
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var code = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (code > 64 && code < 91) {
result += String.fromCharCode(code + 32);
} else {
result += str.charAt(i);
return result;
Call it as:
x = convertToLowerCase(x);
Simply use JS toLowerCase()
let v = "Your Name"
let u = v.toLowerCase(); or
let u = "Your Name".toLowerCase();
const str = 'Your Name';
// convert string to lowercase
const lowerStr = str.toLowerCase();
// print the new string
In case you want to build it yourself:
function toLowerCase(string) {
let lowerCaseString = "";
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
// Find ASCII charcode
let charcode = string.charCodeAt(i);
// If uppercase
if (charcode > 64 && charcode < 97) {
// Convert to lowercase
charcode = charcode + 32
// Back to char
let lowercase = String.fromCharCode(charcode);
// Append
lowerCaseString = lowerCaseString.concat(lowercase);
return lowerCaseString
You can use the in built .toLowerCase() method on JavaScript strings. Example:
var x = "Hello";
Try this short way:
var lower = (str+"").toLowerCase();
<input type="text" style="text-transform: uppercase"> <!-- uppercase -->
<input type="text" style="text-transform: lowercase"> <!-- lowercase -->
Demo - JSFiddle

