ExtJS AJAX TabPanel tab load event? - javascript

Is there any way to add an event listener to the load/update event of a ajax based tabpanel in ExtJS v3.3.1? I need an event that fires after the tab content is retrieved and fully rendered, not right after the tab is selected/activated and the loading spinner is displayed.
I thought I would be able to add this event on the Ext.Updater object returned by the tabpanel's getUpdater() method, i.e.:
myTabs.getUpdater().on('update', function()
console.log('tab loaded');
But that does not seem to work. Any ideas?
Edit: Here's my full implementation to make it easier to see what I'm trying to do:
var myTabs = new Ext.TabPanel(
id : 'rec_tabs',
activeTab : 0,
enableTabScroll : true,
padding : 5,
autoWidth : false,
autoHeight : true,
border : false,
plain : true,
defaults : { autoHeight: true },
items :
{ title : 'Tab #1', autoLoad : { url : 'tab1_content.php', scripts : true } },
myTabs.getUpdater().on('update', function()
console.log('tab loaded');

Finally figured it out. I hadn't realized that the properties of the "autoLoad" config object for each item of the TabPanel are actually just used as parameters for the Ext.Updater.update() method. So all I had to do was is along with the "url" and "scripts" parameters, is define the "callback" property as a function to be executed when the tab content is finished loading into its body, and its good to go.

Have you tried this?
myTabs.on("afterrender", function() {
console.log('tab loaded');


Re-bind calendar to get new data

I am using the "events" elements of fullcalendar to get data dynamically. This works fine and I'm happy with it, however, I need to be able to pass a GET / POST parameter to the PHP page, and I'm unsure how to refresh the call to include the changed variable... My code is like this:
function redrawMe() {
var resource_array = get_resources();
"cache" : true,
"editable" : true,
"events" : {
"url" : "/ajax/get_calendar_entries.php",
"data" : function() {
return { "resources" : resource_array }
function get_resources() {
let view_id = $("#view_id").val();
let promise = $.ajax({
"url" : "/ajax/get_resources.php",
"data" : { "view_id" : view_id },
"dataType" : "json"
promise.done(function(data) {
return data;
I have a dropdown ("view_id") that just needs to fire redrawMe() and redraw the calendar dynamically.
Currently, I can see in the network tab of the developer tools, that the "events" url isn't being fired, and I think its probably because the #calendar div is "already" a calendar?
Make sense?
As recommended by #ADyson - I pass the view_id in the ajax call and use that, rather than multiple calls.
function redrawMe() {
"cache" : true,
"editable" : true,
"eventClick" : function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {
"data" : function() {
return {
"view_id" : $("#view_id").val(),
The above works fine
When I want to force a refresh I use this:

Dynamically changing url in sharrre Jquery

My question is the following:
I have multiple filters on my page, that filter events schedule dynamically, so when I click on any of the filters, my url changes without reloading the page.
For example:
Then, I have share buttons with Sharrre:
a.icon.icon-twitter.js-twitter-filters(href="#", target="_blank")
a.icon.icon-linkedin2.js-linkedin-filters(href="#", target="_blank")
a.icon.icon-facebook.js-facebook-filters(href="#", target="_blank")
share: {
facebook: true,
url: window.location.href,
enableTracking: false,
enableHover: false,
click: function(api, options) {
Inspite of that fact that inside sharrre I have url variable that equals to current link, it shares only that link which is derived when page is loaded for the first time.
I tried to put it inside click event on the icons - that does not work.
I tried to put sharrre inside a function (eg. initialiseShare) and do window.initialiseShare = initialiseShare; - that also does not work.
And I tried to remove and append the button, changing data-url attribute, and it also does not work.
function initialiseShare(link) {
share: {
twitter: true,
enableTracking: false,
enableHover: false,
click: function(api, options) {
} }); }
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.js-twitter-filters').on('click', function(){
var clone = $('.js-twitter-filters').clone();
$('.js-twitter-filters').data('url', window.location.href);
return false;
jade for the icon
a.icon.icon-twitter.js-twitter-filters(href="#", target="_blank" data-url="#")
Please, help!
Thank you in advance!
P.S. I can use any other solution except those which could lead to buttons which cannot be customised in design.
Try this:
$('body').on('DOMNodeInserted', '.js-twitter-filters', function(e) {
share: {
twitter: true,
enableTracking: false,
enableHover: false,
click: function(api, options) {
You're trying to bind to dynamically loaded elements. When your script executes on page load, the elements are not available for jQuery to perform the binding with "sharrre" - so you can use the .on() live binding delegate to bind to elements after insertion.

show/hide panel in ExtJS

I have a panel in user-interface called Code, I dont want to display that panel to specific users when they log in based on their roles. I am new to ExtJS. I have the algorithm/condition to block user's , but I am unsure where to apply it in this code. The .js file is:
analysisCodePanel = new Ext.Panel( {
id : 'analysisCodePanel',
title : 'Code',
region : 'center',
split : true,
height : 90,
layout : 'fit',
listeners :
activate : function( p ) {
GLOBAL.IDs[1] = null;
GLOBAL.IDs[2] = null;
p.body.mask("Loading...", 'mask-loading');
runAll(Data, p);}
deactivate: function(){
collapsible : true
My condition is check whether user is Admin so I can do GLOBAL.IsCodeAdmin() then show the above panel else hide it from the user logged in.
if this panel is a child of viewport then you have to use your controller to show and hide the panel.
In your controller put listener for viewport rendering like below. Make sure your read docs and getting started carefully. Then I'll understand how to control elements using different events. This link is a good start http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.1/#!/guide/getting_started
// ExtJs controller
Ext.define('app.controller.ViewPortController', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
refs: [
ref: 'myPanel', // this elemenet can be referred as getMyPanel()
selector: 'panel[id=analysisCodePanel]' // selector to get panel reference
init: function () {
'viewport': {
'render': this.viewPortRender // on viewport render this function will be called
viewPortRender: function () {
if (GLOBAL.IsCodeAdmin()) {
this.getMyPanel().show(); // show panel
} else {
this.getMyPanel().hide(); // hide panel
I solved the problem by using an attribute for panel called disabled and setting it to true.

Smart file component(html5smartfile) not working

I have been working on developing a custom extjs console to enable author drop an asset using html5smartfile component. But somehow, the html5smartfile component is not working the way it should. The Area where an author can drop an asset is not displaying. The same is working fine if I am creating a CQ5 dialog. But in my case where i have created a window it's not working.
I have declared my smartfile component like this:
var assetLinkDropField = {
xtype: 'html5smartfile',
fieldLabel: 'Asset Link',
ddAccept: 'video/.*',
ddGroups: 'media',
fileReferenceParameter: './linkUrl',
name: './linkUrl',
allowUpload: false,
allowFileNameEditing: false,
allowFileReference: true,
transferFileName: false
But this is rendering like this:
After a lot of work, I found out that the CQ5 dialog updates the view for the component but in case of my window, I have to update it myself. Thus, with a slight manipulation, i just succeeded in displaying the drag area by tweaking the declaration like this:
var assetLinkDropField = {
xtype: 'html5smartfile',
fieldLabel: 'Asset Link',
ddAccept: 'video/.*',
ddGroups: 'media',
fileReferenceParameter: './linkUrl',
name: './linkUrl',
allowUpload: false,
allowFileNameEditing: false,
allowFileReference: true,
transferFileName: false,
listeners: {
afterlayout: function () {
So now the panel looks like:
But still the Drag and Drop is not working. My Window declaration is like this:
win = new CQ.Ext.Window({
height : 750,
width : 700,
layout : 'anchor',
// animateTarget : btn.el,
closeAction : 'close', // Prevent destruction on Close
id : 'manageLinkWindow',
title : '<b>Multi Link Widget Dialog</b>',
frame : true,
draggable : false,
modal : false, //Mask entire page
constrain : true,
buttonAlign : 'center',
items : [assetLinkDropField]
I think you should not use
ddAccept: 'video/.*',
This allows only videos from the content finder to be dragged and dropped. It should be "image/".
Verify your other extjs properties / configs for html5smartfile if the above doesn't resolves your problem.

How to remove checkall option in extjs checkboxmodel?

How to remove check all option is extjs 4 checkboxmodel?
When defining a grid (in 4.2.1), set this config option to:
selModel: Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', { showHeaderCheckbox: false }),
(The relevant part is showHeaderCheckbox :false)
I have managed to hide it using pure CSS:
.x-column-header-checkbox {display:none;}
When you're creating your checkboxmodel, try specifying injectCheckbox: false into its configuration. From the API:
Instructs the SelectionModel whether or not to inject the checkbox header automatically or not. (Note: By not placing the checkbox in manually, the grid view will need to be rendered 2x on initial render.) Supported values are a Number index, false and the strings 'first' and 'last'.
Inside grid panel afterrender event using jquery
listeners: {
afterrender: function (grid) {
According to API, the type of "header" property is String. Said that, the correct value is ''. It has worked for me on ExtJS 3.4
this.queueSelModel = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel({
singleSelect : true, // or false, how you like
header : ''
heder:false in config or injectCheckBoxHeader = false hide the entire column. CSS solution is class based so any other widget using the same selection model would also hide the entire check.
In ExtJS 4 a header config can be provided as below to display a blank or custom text in the header.
getHeaderConfig: function() {
var me = this;
showCheck = false;
return {
isCheckerHd: showCheck,
text : ' ',
width: me.headerWidth,
sortable: false,
draggable: false,
resizable: false,
hideable: false,
menuDisabled: true,
dataIndex: '',
cls: showCheck ? Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-header-checkbox ' : '',
renderer: Ext.Function.bind(me.renderer, me),
//me.renderEmpty : renders a blank header over a check box column
editRenderer: me.editRenderer || me.renderEmpty,
locked: me.hasLockedHeader()
I encountered this issue in ExtJS 4.0.7 version.
First I removed checkbox layout:
.rn-grid-without-selectall .x-column-header-checkbox .x-column-header-text
display: none !important;
Then I used the following code in afterrender listener of the grid:
afterrender: function (grid) {
this.columns[0].isCheckerHd = false;
It is not a good solution but it can be used as a starting point.
Thanks for all the good hints here.
For Sencha 3.4, this is the extremely simple pure CSS I ended up using,
My_Panel_With_a_Grid_Without_Header_CheckBox = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {....
cls: 'innerpanel hiddeGridCheckBoxOnSingleSelect',
in my CCS file:
.hiddeGridCheckBoxOnSingleSelect .x-grid3-hd-checker {
Define {Header: false} in checkboxselectionModel
this.queueSelModel = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel({
singleSelect : false,
header : false

