valueBinding to content of array - javascript

I have this controller with a value.
App.xcontroller = SC.ArrayController.create({
...some code...
array_values = [],
..more code...
Now i have somewhere in a view this valueBinding
valueBinding: 'App.xController.array_values',
When I change values in the array the view does not get updated. but when i do
the following in the controller:
var array_values = this.get('array_values');
... adding / removing values to the array....
if (x_values.contains(x)){
} else {
this.set('array_values', array_values.copy());
the binding works, the view gets updated. But ONLY with the copy().
I don't want to make a copy of the array, IMHO this is not efficient. I just want to
let the valueBinding know content has changed..
the x values are just a bunch of integers.
The reason i want this: I want to change the value key of a SegmentedItemView. I want to change the active buttons. But I do not know on forehand how many segmentedviews I have
so I thought i bind the value of every generated segemented view to some common array and change that common array to be able to change the active buttons on all of the segmented views. Since each button represents an item with an unique key it works fine. except that i have to copy the array each time.

set the content property of the xcontroller
Bind to the arrangedObjects property of the xcontroller
You need to use KVO compliant methods on the array to get the bindings to fire. The ArrayController itself has an addObject and removeObject methods. Arrays in SC have been augmented with a pushObject method (among others), which is also KVO compliant. So if you use the KVO methods the view should update.
The reason your view does not update is because you are bound to the array, but the array itself did not change. When you do a copy, the array itself changes, so the bindings fire.
You might also want to try
in the controller after you make the changes, but that is less preferable to using the built in KVO functionality.


binding updates in knockout.js

This may well be a very basic problem for anyone familiar with knockout.js, however it is causing me a problem.
I have a situation where I have a model containing an array of items that is dynamically added to and displayed in the view.
So far no problem, I can add entries into the model and the view is updated appropriately.
However. each item in the array itself has an array as a property, this is an array of object, and when I update the properties on these objects the view is not updated.
It is difficult to demonstrate this is a short code snippet so I have created a JsFiddle to show the problem:
I have tries making the properties generated by calling
rather than initializing them directly, but to no avail.
clicking the add button adds items to the array on the model itself.
either of the change... buttons alters the properties of the objects in the inner array.
As Ko2r stated your properties are not declared as observables and therefore updates will not be noticed by knockout.
To fix your changecolors() function you just need to change your linePusher function to create the color as an observable:
var linePusher = function (color, name) {
self.lines.push({ color: ko.observable(color), name: name, current:0 });
and then update usages of the color property to box/unbox the observable instead of replacing its value with the standard assignment operator, "="
for (i=0;i<counters.length;i++){
var lines = counters[i].lines();
for (j=0;j<lines.length;j++){
//lines[j].color = color;
lines[j].color(color); //sets the existing observable to the new value
Unfortunately I can't seem to make sense of your code enough to figure out what the increment() function is supposed to be doing so I can't tell you how to fix it, but hopefully the fixes to changecolors() put you on the right track.
You might want to read up on working with observables

KnockoutJS - UI not updating with built-in observableArray methods except push and pop

When I do a push or pop operation on my observable array, it is reflected in the ui. However other operations on the array won't change anything in the UI. Here's an example of my case:
<ul data-bind="foreach: addresses">
<!-- ko template: {name: 'AddressItemTemplate', data: {address: $data, page: 'update-page'} }-->
<!-- /ko -->
I use my template in two different pages and thats the reason I am using the template data like that.
<script type="text/html" id="AddressItemTemplate">
<p data-bind="text: (page == 'update-page') ? 'updating' : 'declined'"</p>
<p data-bind="text: address.title"></p>
Now on js side, ofc I declared the addresses as an observable array
this.addresses = ko.observableArray([addresObject1, addressObject2, ...])
Somewhere on the page, I edit the address values. To have UI reflecting the changes, I do the following:
//suppose we know that the first address is being edited
var tmp_addresses = addresses();
tmp_addresses[0].title = 'blabla';
And there it is, in the viewModel, I can see that the content of the addresses has been updated, but not in the UI??
works (updates the UI with the new/removed element). But addresses.splice(0, 1, newAddressObject) does not do anything in the UI again.
What am I missing here? How can push pop work and not the others??
Am I experiencing a bug in knockout framework?
I found out a way to do it, but there's something wrong. I'll come to that but first:
I am well aware that if I use observable objects in the observable array, the changes would be reflected in UI. However that is exactly the thing I want to avoid. It is an overkill.
Observable properties should be required in cases where properties are really exposed to user interaction. For example, if you have a UI for setting each of the fields of an object, then yes, observable property would be the right call.
However in my case, I dont even have a UI for updating the address field. Moreover, I dont need tinkering and constantly watching all the properties of all the addresses. In my case, every now and then an update occurs from the server and that changes only a single field in a single address field.
On another perspective the way I suggest should work. I simply update the whole array at once, not every element individually. It's the exactly the same logic with:
someObservableObject({newObject: withNewFields, ...});
Thats why I dont need my objects as observables. I simply want to re-declare the array and be done with the change. For example, it is advised that if you are going to make lots of pushes into the observable array, dont use array.push(...) multiple times, instead re-declare the larger array on to the observable array variable in a similar way I do it in my question. Otherwise, I am telling knockout to track every single object and every single field in them, which is hardly what I want.
Now, I finally got it working but the way I do suggests that there is a cleaner way to do it.
I found out that, the items in the observable array are somehow tracked and not updated when you re-declare the array with them. For example the code I gave in the question would not work. However the code below works:
var tmp_addresses = addresses();
var tmp_addr = tmp_addresses[0];
var new_addr = {};
new_addr[key] = tmp_addr[key];
new_addr.title = 'Hey this is something new!'
addresses.splice(0, 1, new_addr);
Not satisfied? The code below is going to work as well, because we are re-defining the array:
var newAddressObject1 = {...}, newAddressObject2 = {...};
addresses([newAddressObject1, newAddressObject2]);
But the following would not work!
var tmp_addresses = addresses();
var tmp_addr = tmp_addresses[0];
tmp_addr.title = 'Hey this address wont update';
addresses.splice(0, 1, tmp_addr);
How come? I think knockout adds an internal property to his items in observableArrays and when I try to reinsert one, it will not update.
My problem has now morphed into creating a new object with the same properties of the desired item in the observable array. The way I coded above is simply very dirty-looking. There's gotta be a better way to do that
You are wrongly assigning value to observable title that is the reason why UI not reflecting its changes (2 way binding broken).
Thumb rule is always use () notation while assigning a value to observable (keeps two way binding intact)
var ViewModel = function () {
var self = this;
self.addresses = ko.observableArray([{
'title': ko.observable('one')
}, {
'title': ko.observable('two')
setTimeout(function () {
var tmp_addresses = self.addresses();
tmp_addresses[0].title('blabla'); //assigning data to observable
}, 2000)
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
working sample here
PS: Don't get deceived by seeing the value change in viewModel the moment you done assigning using = two binding is broken UI wont reflect VM'S changes .
when you splice up your observableArray UI takes it changes check here
The problem was exactly as #jason9187 pointed out in the comments: The references of the objects in the observable array does not change when I edit a field of them. Therefore, KO would not interpret my array as changed. If the observableArray had contained simple data types, then the way I suggested could work without a problem. However, I have an Object in the array, therefore although I edit the Object, it's reference (pointer) remains the same, and KO thinks that all Objects are the same as before.
In order to achieve what I wanted, we have to solve the deep cloning problem in javascript like in this post.
Now there's a trade-off there, deep cloning is very simple in vanilla if you don't have a circular architecture or functions in your objects. In my case, there's nothing like that. The data comes from a restful API. If anybody in the future gets hold of this problem, they need to deep-clone their 'hard-to-clone' objects.
Here's my solution:
var tmp_addresses = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(addresses())); //Creates a new array with new references and data
tmp_addresses[0].title = 'my new title';
Or, if you can create address objects, following will work as well:
var tmp_addresses = addresses();
tmp_addresses[0] = new randomAddressObject();
Here is a fiddle that I demonstrate both of the methods in a single example

Struggling for Backbone syntax in collection events

I have a collection, I can do this successfully ('this' is the collection instance):
this.on('change:username', function(model,property,something){
// model is backbone model that changed
// property is the property that changed (username in this case)
// something is some empty mystery object that I can't identify
however what I want to do is this:
this.on('change', function(model,property,something){
// model is backbone model that changed
// ***how can I read the properties that changed here?***
// something is some empty mystery object that I can't identify
the problem is that in the second case, I can't get the property that changed...maybe that's because it's potentially multiple property changes all at once.
How can I capture that properties that changed in the second case? is this possible?
The only way I know how to do this would be
this.on('change', function(model, something){
// something object is unidentifiable
var changed = model.changed; //hash of changed attributes
so my other question is: what is that mystery object "something"? It is just an empty object...?
You have a couple of options you can use in general change events:
Backbone.Model#hasChanged: This will allow you to see if a model attribute has changed in the context of this change event. If so, you can get its new value and apply it to the view (or whatever other context) as needed.
Backbone.Model#changedAttributes: This will allow you to get all changed attributes since the last set() call. When called with no parameters, it is a defensively cloned copy of the changed hash; you can also pass in a hash of parameters and get only what is different about the model relative to that set of key/value pairs.
Backbone.Model#previous: This will allow you to get the previous value of a model attribute during a change event.
Backbone.Model#previousAttributes: This will allow you to get all the previous values of a model during a change event. You could use this to completely undo a change (by calling set with the result of this function) if you wanted to.
By the way, the third parameter of the change:attr event (and the second of change) is an options object, which can be useful if you want to specify custom values that can be read by your event handlers. There are also a number of standard options Backbone will handle specially. See the documentation for Backbone.Model#set for more information on the specific options, and take a look at the Backbone event list to see the callback signatures expected when those events are triggered.

Editing a delimited string using multiple input fields in AngularJS

I am trying to do the following quite unsuccessfully so far.
I have an string that is semicolon separated. Say a list of emails, so
What I am trying to accomplish is split this string (using split(';')) into an array of strings or array of objects (to aid binding). Each of the items I would like to bind to different input elements. After editing I want to read the concatenated value again to send to my backend.
Problem is that when editing one of the split inputs, the original item value is not update (which makes sense as I am guessing the individual items are copies of parts of the original), but I am wondering if there is a way to do something like that.
Note that I want this to go both ways, so watching the individual inputs and updating the original one manually, would just fire an infinite loop of updates.
I have tried a few different ways, including creating an items property get/set using Object.defineProperty to read and right to the string (set was never fired).
take a look at this plnker
You can construct a temporary array on each field update in order to do the string replacement of the old segment with the new value. In order to tackle the lost focus problem you will have to use the ngReapeat's track by $index. The internal array will not be recreated unless you add the separator to your original string.
Here is the complete solution on Plunker
Your main issue is your ng-model attribute on your repeated input element. I would start with making use of ng-repeat's $index variable to properly bind in ng-model. In your original Plunker 'name' is NOT a scope property you can bind to, so this should be changed to ng-model="names[$index]"
Here is a Plunker to reflect this. I made quite a few changes for clarity and to have a working example.
NOTE: You will find that when editing fields directly bound to a repeater, every change will fire a $digest and your repeated <input> elements will refresh. So the next issue to solve is regaining focus to the element you are editing after this happens. There are many solutions to this, however, this should be answered in a different question.
Although binding to a string primitive is discouraged, you could try ng-list.
<form name="graddiv" ng-controller="Ctrl">
List: <input name="namesInput" ng-list ng-model="vm.names"/>
<input ng-repeat="name in vm.names track by $index" ng-model="name" ng-change="updateMe($index, name)"/>
You'll need both track by $index and an ng-change handler because of the primitive string binding.
function Ctrl($scope) {
$scope.vm = {}; // objref so we can retain names ref binding
$scope.vm.names = ['Christian', 'Jason Miller', 'Judy Dobry', 'Bijal Shah', 'Duyun Chen', 'Marvin Plettner', 'Sio Cheang', 'Patrick McMahon', 'Chuen Wing Chan'];
$scope.updateMe = function($index, value){
// ng quirk - unfortunately we need to create a new array instance to get the formatters to run
// see
$scope.vm.names[$index] = value; // unfortunately, this will regenerate the input
$scope.vm.names = angular.copy($scope.vm.names); // create a new array instance to run the ng-list formatters
Here's your updated plunkr

KnockoutJs beta 3.0 - How do you destroy child elements?

Currently i have a setup that looks like this:
$(".removeButton").live("click", function() {
$(".renameButton").live("click", function() {
ko.dataFor(this).Name("Renamed Successfully!");
This is working fine for me until i introduce the concept of child elements. At that point the remove event no longer works for those items.
Is there a more generic way of "destroying" an element?
KO obviously knows the element i am clicking (as i am able to rename).
[{"Id":1,"Name":"Bikes","Parent":null,"Children":[{"Id":5,"Name":"Mountain Bikes","Parent":1,"Children":null},{"Id":6,"Name":"Road Bikes","Parent":1,"Children":null},{"Id":7,"Name":"Touring Bikes","Parent":1,"Children":null}]},{"Id":2,"Name":"Components","Parent":null,"Children":[{"Id":8,"Name":"Handlebars","Parent":2,"Children":null},{"Id":9,"Name":"Bottom Brackets","Parent":2,"Children":null},{"Id":10,"Name":"Brakes","Parent":2,"Children":null},{"Id":11,"Name":"Chains","Parent":2,"Children":null]}]
The events above will all work on any element (child or otherwise) except for remove which only works on root elements.
Can i call remove on an element itself or will I have to add some way of working out where it lives inside the array and destroying it like that?
for example; this is preferable:
$(".removeButton").live("click", function() {
to this:
$(".removeButton").live("click", function() {
The main issue is determining who the parent array is when trying to destroy an item.
Several options:
Rather than ko.dataFor, you can use ko.contextFor which will return an object that includes properties like $data, $parent, $parents and $root.
If your arrays have the same name, then you could do something like:
If your arrays have different names, then you could add a hint on the button element to understand the name of the parent like:
Otherwise, if you really wanted it to be generic, then you could use the with binding to force a scope block, which would allow you to access the parent array through $parent. However, this will be the unwrapped array and we really would want the observableArray. With some extra work, you could loop through the properties of the parent's parent and compare the underlying array with your unwrapped array to locate the actual observableArray that you would want to call destroy with your item. Like this:
Finally, if you take care in the way that your objects are created you can push the destroy functionality to the item itself rather than needing access directly to the parent. Here is a sample that shows adding a destroyMe method to an object that uses the parent that was passed to the constructor function:

