How to convert a string equation to a numeric value with Javascript - javascript

Basically, I have a user input field where a user can enter a number. They would like to also be able to enter equations in the input field as well.
Something like "874.45 * 0.825 + 4000" and have that converted to its real numeric value.
All the solutions I found point to the dreaded eval() method. Especially with this being a user entered field, I'm concerned about just running eval("874.45 * 0.825 + 4000") and hoping to get a number out the back end.
I suppose I could do a web service call back to the server (ASP.NET), but I'm afraid a slight delay will create some frustration from the user.
Does anyone know of either a good technique or existing libraries?

What you really need here is an "expression parser", because you're trying to allow users to express their values using a small domain-specific language.
The basic mechanics work like this:
Tokenize their expression into operators and operands.
Based on the order of operations (e.g, where multiplication is evaluated with higher priority than addition), push the operators and operands onto a stack.
Pop the operands from the stack and push intermediate results back onto the stack. Repeat until the stack is empty.
I've done this a gazillion times for different "little languages" throughout my projects. But never in javascript. So I can't directly recommend a suitable parsing library.
But a quick googling reveals "PEG.js". Check it out here:
All of the examples in their documentation are for exactly the kind of "expression parser" you're trying to build.

Simply multiply it by 1 and it will force javascript to treat it as an integer from then on.
int = '2343.34' * 1;
int = input * 1;

And what is so wrong about the eval in this case?
As for me it perfectly fits in your task. If you want to shield its execution context then you can define function like:
function calc(str) {
var window = null, self = null, document = null;
// other globals like: $ = null, jQuery = null, etc.
try { return eval(str); } catch(e) {...}
and use it where you need to interpret the string. Simple and effective.

I think eval can pose a lesser security risk if you parse the resulting string and validate its content to be only digits and operators and execute the evaluation by faking the outer scope variables like document etc as 'var document = null'.


Whats up with eval()?

I've seen a lot about how the eval() function is evil; not a wise choice for HTML/JavaScript programming. I would like to use a function where I can pass in a string to have it read as a variable name, and eval() seems to do just that, but I don't want to use a destructive function.
From what I understand, the issue with eval() is that it can read third-party input as actual code, which opens a door for malicious activity. I have a map element that keeps track of location using strings for the location names. I also have large blocks of text assigned to variables so I can pull up a description of the current location easily. This seems like an acceptable time to use eval, as the strings that I would be passing in would be provided by other parts of the code. Is this a fair judgement, or is there some other function that I should be using?
(Moving my comment as an answer)
An easy way to get around that is to save whatever variable you're interested in accessing in a javascript Object (i.e. key-value pairs), and access them via indexing. This simple use case doesn't need eval.
From what I understand, the issue with eval() is that it can read third-party input as actual code, which opens a door for malicious activity.
This is not the only reason. One could argue that by today's standards the performance of JavaScript code is negligible.
However, one has to take into account that eval() actually invokes the JavaScript interpreter which is significantly slower than writing the code upfront. ¹
I would like to use a function where I can pass in a string to have it read as a variable name, and eval() seems to do just that, but I don't want to use a destructive function.
This does not warrant the use of eval(). As mentioned in the comments, you can achieve this with keeping track of variables in an object:
let vars = {}
vars["some_variable_name"] = "test"
const var_name = "some_variable_name"
console.log(vars[var_name]) // "test"
as the strings that I would be passing in would be provided by other parts of the code
Might be, but what if in the future some piece of that code actually does process some user input?
Not worth the performance penality and obvious security risk in my opinion.
For a simple way to use a variable name as a string is to use an Object (called a dictionary or map in some languages)
const stringToGrade = {
"freshman": 9,
"sophomore": 10,
"junior": 11,
"senior": 12,
document.querySelector("#btn").addEventListener("click", () => {
const asString = document.querySelector("#inp").value.toLowerCase();
const grade = stringToGrade[asString];
console.log(`Your grade number is ${grade}`);
<input id="inp" placeholder="Enter your grade level (freshman, sophomore, etc.)" />
<button id="btn">Submit</button>

ES2015 template strings security issue

Here's a quote from MDN:
Template strings MUST NOT be constructed by untrusted users, because they have access to variables and functions.
And an example:
`${console.warn("this is",this)}`; // "this is" Window
let a = 10;
console.warn(`${a+=20}`); // "30"
console.warn(a); // 30
The example here doesn't show any vulnerabilities I can see.
Can anyone give an example of an exploit that takes advantage of this?
This makes no sense. A template string doesn't have access to anything, it is not executed either. A template string is a syntactical element of the language.
Dynamically constructing a template string is no problem therefore - it's like building an expression (in whatever format, be it a code string or an AST). The problem MDN hints at is with evaluating such an expression (e.g. using eval, serialising it into a script that is served to the user, etc.) - it may contain arbitrary code, in contrast to a string literal! But of course you wouldn't do that anyway, would you?
This warning is like saying "Concatenations using the + operator must not be constructed by untrusted users, because they have access to variables and functions." and giving the example "" + console.warn("this is",this) + "" for it. Well, this is true for any expression of the language, so it's not particularly interesting.
While we are talking about crappy coding, there is of course a scenario where using template strings (hey, they're multiline and whatnot) instead of string literals can lead to problems:
function escapeString(str) {
return JSON.stringify(str).slice(1, -1)
.replace(/\u2028/g, "\\u2028").replace(/\u2029/g, "\\u2029");
// This is (kinda) fine!
var statement = 'var x = "Hello,\\n'+escapeString(userInput)+'";';
eval(statement); // some kind of evaluation
// But this is not:
var statement = 'var x = `Hello,\n'+escapeString(userInput)+'`;';
// ^ ^
Now imagine userInput contains a ${…} - which we did not escape…
I think #Bergi is correct - the danger here involves using eval or similar methods to allow a user to construct the actual template string, not the substitutions.
Example exploit: A lazy developer wants to allow users to perform some string substitutions in their comments, e.g. to reference other users or questions, on a site like SO. Instead of developing tokens for this and then doing appropriate parsing and substitution, he decides he'll accept syntax like this:
"I think ${firstPoster} is an idiot! See ${question(1234)} for details!"
and run it through a function like this:
var firstPoster = {...};
function question() {...}
processInput(input) {
return eval('`' + input + '`');
If this code is eval'd on the client and shown to other users, a malicious user could inject an XSS attack. If it's eval'd on the server, the attacker could take control of the machine.
The example no longer seems to be in the MDN docs. As Bergi's answer points out, the given example doesn't seem to highlight anything special about template strings.
However, when it comes to building strings from objects, there is a particular security concern you should definitely be aware of:
The toString() method will be called implicitly on a non-string object if it is passed to a string interpolation / concatenation expression.
There are probably also other cases where toString() is called implicitly. But string interpolation seems to me to be one of the most common ones; indeed, it's one I experience regularly. For example, suppose you somehow receive an object from somewhere external e.g. via an iframe through postMessage. In that case, you might want to do something like log the message received to the console - and you might be tempted to just pass the object right into an interpolated string.
But the sender (possibly an attacker) has full control over the definition of toString() and can insert whatever code they like in there. So as soon as you pass that object to the interpolated or concatenated string, you are vulnerable as long as someone else controls the definition of said object.
Here is a simple example (added to codesandbox), showing that even if objects return seemingly harmless strings in toString(), they can indeed do dangerous stuff like read you local storage:
import "./styles.css";
localStorage.setItem("secret1", "sssh! One");
localStorage.setItem("secret2", "sssh! Two");
const evilObject1 = {
toString() {
alert("I stole a secret: " + localStorage.getItem("secret1"))
return "I'm innocent";
const evilObject2 = {
toString() {
alert("I stole a secret: " + localStorage.getItem("secret2"))
return "I'm innocent";
const strInter = `Seemingly innocent object, interpolated: ${evilObject1}`;
const strConcat = "Seemingly innocent object, concatenated: " + evilObject2;
let p = document.createElement("p");
p.innerHTML = strInter
let p2 = document.createElement("p");
p2.innerHTML = strConcat
With Javascript, being duck-typed, this is quite a real vulnerability, because you might think that the object you receive (e.g. via postMessage) is a string, and indeed, it may behave like a string (because it has a cleverly designed toString() method), but unless you dynamically check the types you don't know if you actually got a string.
If you're expecting a string, you can fix the above vulnerability as follows:
const sanitized1 = typeof evilObject1 === 'string' ? evilObject1 : "BAD OBJECT1"
const sanitized2 = typeof evilObject2 === 'string' ? evilObject2 : "BAD OBJECT2"
const strInter = `Seemingly innocent object, interpolated: ${sanitized1}`;
const strConcat = "Seemingly innocent object, concatenated: " + sanitized2;
With this fix, you avoid implicitly calling toString() on an unsafe object. Either the objects you got were strings, and those will be used, or else they weren't, and you'll get the "BAD OBJECT" text instead.

Enforcing type on a Razor generated hidden field, recieving variable in JavaScript with no cast

I had this passage, working and happy. Note that I'm numberizing (does it count as casting in JS?) the value being added.
var total = 0;
$.each($("input[blopp]:checked"), function(index, value) {
$("#Service")[0].value += +value.attributes["blopp"].value;
total += +value.attributes["blopp"].value;
$("#Service")[0].value = total;
The Service control is a hidden field generated by Razor, which based on the model provided to the ASP.NET view is of type int. (I suspect it's of no relevance because once on the page, we only have HTML, JS and CSS but I've been mistaken before.)
Then I started to do that thing called thinking and it wasn't very successful. The number of line got smaller, which increased readability. However, the result now isn't a sum but a concatenation of the values, because the holding variable is a string.
$.each($("input[blopp]:checked"), function(index, value) {
$("#Service")[0].value += +value.attributes["blopp"].value;
My question is a simple way to type (not to type as in punch on the keys but as in to enforce a certain type to) the receiving variable so it knows that it's a number?
The question isn't about:
how the conversion to string occurs (it's already perfectly obvious),
how to numberize the receiver before the operation, i.e. a = (+a) + (+b) (a += b syntax preferred),
how to add a prototype to strings (it's simpler to go back to the original version),
how much gain there's to readability nor premature optimization (academic curiosity only),
how to avoid polluting the global scope (there's already IIFE around it).
To answer the one question you do want:
JavaScript does not let you enforce the target type in an operation, as anything can be any type in a weakly-typed (and not weakly as in "lightly hitting the keys" :)) language.

Translating conditional statements in string format to actual logic

I have a good knowledge of real time graphics programming and web development, and I've started a project that requires me to take a user-created conditional string and actually use those conditions in code. This is an entirely new kind of programming problem for me.
I've tried a few experiments using loops and slicing up the conditional string...but I feel like I am missing some kind of technique that would make this more efficient and straightforward. I have a feeling regular expressions may be useful here, but perhaps not.
Here is an example string:
The values for those actual variables will come from an array of objects. Also, the different marker symbols around the variables denote different object arrays where the actual value can be found (variable name is an index).
I have complete control over how the conditional string is formatted (adding symbols around IF/ELSE/ELSEIF AND/OR
well as special symbols around the different operands) so my options are fairly open. How would you approach such a programming problem?
The problem you're facing is called parsing and there are numerous solutions to it. First, you can write your own "interpreter" for your mini-language, including lexer (which splits the string into tokens), parser (which builds a tree structure from a stream of tokens) and executor, which walks the tree and computes the final value. Or you can use a parser generator like PEG and have the whole thing built for you automatically - you just provide the rules of your language. Finally, you can utilize javascript built-in parser/evaluator eval. This is by far the simplest option, but eval only understands javascript syntax - so you'll have to translate your language to javascript before eval'ing it. And since eval can run arbitrary code, it's not for use in untrusted environments.
Here's an example on how to use eval with your sample input:
expr = "#VAR#>=2AND$VAR2$==1OR#VAR3#<=3"
vars = {
"#": {"VAR":5},
"$": {"VAR2":1},
"#": {"VAR3":7}
expr = expr.replace(/([##$])(\w+)(\1)/g, function($0, $1, $2) {
return "vars['" + $1 + "']." + $2;
}).replace(/OR/g, "||").replace(/AND/g, "&&")
result = eval(expr) // returns true

I need a Javascript literal syntax converter/deobfuscation tools

I have searched Google for a converter but I did not find anything. Is there any tools available or I must make one to decode my obfuscated JavaScript code ?
I presume there is such a tool but I'm not searching Google with the right keywords.
The code is 3 pages long, this is why I need a tools.
Here is an exemple of the code :
Thank you
This code is fascinating because it seems to use only nine characters ("[]()!+,;" and empty space U+0020) yet has some sophisticated functionality. It appears to use JavaScript's implicit type conversion to coerce arrays into various primitive types and their string representations and then use the characters from those strings to compose other strings which type out the names of functions which are then called.
Consider the following snippet which evaluates to the array filter function:
(![]+[])[+[]] // => "f"
+ ([![]]+[][[]])[+!+[]+[+[]]] // => "i"
+ (![]+[])[!+[]+!+[]] // => "l"
+ (!![]+[])[+[]] // => "t"
+ (!![]+[])[!+[]+!+[]+!+[]] // => "e"
+ (!![]+[])[+!+[]] // => "r"
]) // => function filter() { /* native code */ }
Reconstructing the code as such is time consuming and error prone, so an automated solution is obviously desirable. However, the behavior of this code is so tightly bound to the JavaScript runtime that de-obsfucating it seems to require a JS interpreter to evaluate the code.
I haven't been able to find any tools that will work generally with this sort of encoding. It seems as though you'll have to study the code further and determine any patterns of usage (e.g. reliance on array methods) and figure out how to capture their usage (e.g. by wrapping high-level functions [such as]) to trace the code execution for you.
This question has already an accepted answer, but I will still post to clear some things up.
When this idea come up, some guy made a generator to encode JavaScript in this way. It is based on doing []["sort"]["call"]()["eval"](/* big blob of code here */). Therefore, you can decode the results of this encoder easily by removing the sort-call-eval part (i.e. the first 1628 bytes). In this case it produces:
if (document.cookie=="6ffe613e2919f074e477a0a80f95d6a1"){ alert("bravo"); }
else{ document.location=""; }
(Funny enough the creator of this code was not even able to compress it properly and save a kilobyte)
There is also an explanation of why this code doesn't work in newer browser anymore: They changed Array.prototype.sort so it does not return a reference to window. As far as I remember, this was the only way to get a reference to window, so this code is kind of broken now.

