javascript - function with dot notation using concatenation and array value - javascript

<script src="modernizr-1.7.min.js"></script>
var modernizr_fields = new Array("canvas","video","webgl");
for (i=0; i < modernizr_fields.length; i++) {
document.writeln(modernizr_fields[i] + " ");
if (Modernizr + "." + modernizr_fields[i])
I know the problem is with this line: "if (Modernizr + "." + modernizr_fields[i])" as it is always evaluating to "true"
Please help with my syntax.

You need:
if (Modernizr[modernizr_fields[i]]) {
The format obj.field only works with literal field names, if field is instead a variable you have you use obj[field]


Shorthand for "console.log("var: " + var)"?

It would be nice to have a super quick way to do this:
"console.log("var: " + var)"?
Tried this, but not sure if there's a way to get a variable name as a string once it's been passed in, or convert the name string to a reference to the variable...
var mLog = function(varNameStr){
console.log(varNameStr + ": " + _____);
EDIT: Judging by the results of googling "get name string of a variable js", it looks like there's no easy way to grab the name string of a variable from the reference (You have to create hash tables or other structures that make it not worthwhile.)
So, the only possible solution would be to convert a string into a reference to the variable. Is that possible in JS?
The following will do the trick. Pass it a variable name in string form.
var mLog = function(varStr){
console.log(varStr + ": " + eval(varStr));
> var strVar = 'A string variable';
> mLog('strVar');
< strVar: A string variable
> var arrVar = [1,2,3];
> mLog('arrVar');
< arrVar: 1,2,3
There is no way to "extract" the variable name, since variables aren't actually data. The closest thing you could do is use it for objects. Something like:
var obj= {
prop: 'value'
function mLog(object, prop) {
console.log(prop + ': ' + object[prop];
mLog(obj, 'prop');

Javascript - Incrementing specific numbers of a string

I have a string that looks like this
id = 'CourseContent1_activityContent34169_question1_answer0_ac';
Is there an easier way to increment the numbers at the end of "question1" and "answer0" inside of the string? I have tried to separate the contents of the string using the following method:
id = 'CourseContent1_activityContent34169_question1_answer0_ac';
idArray = id.split('_');
originalArray = idArray.slice();
if (idArray) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
The above results in:
idArray = ["question1","answer0"];
but the final result needs to be a string, I know I'll probably need to concatenate it later, so I can pass it into another argument. I just need to isolate those two numbers and increment only those two. I was searching for an easier way to finish that task but I haven't come across anything like that. Also jQuery isn't an option for me since I'm trying to accomplish this using just javascript and the console. Thank you for your help in advance.
You can try this :
var id = 'CourseContent1_activityContent34169_question1_answer0_ac';
var incrementQuestion = function (id) {
return id.replace(/question([0-9]+)/, function (val1, val2) {
return "question" + (parseInt(val2) + 1)
}) }
var incrementAnswer = function (id) {
return id.replace(/answer([0-9]+)/, function (val1, val2) {
return "answer" + (parseInt(val2) + 1)
}) }
then increment using:
id = incrementAnswer(id);
id = incrementQuestion(id);
You can use regular expressions to find the string "question1" and replace it with "question2" - or more accurately "question{any number here}" and replace with "question{any other number}"
var id = 'CourseContent1_activityContent34169_question1_answer0_ac'
var re = /question\d+/
var id2 = id.replace(re,"question2")
You can do the same for answer\d+
You should use replace function of RegExp:
Please run the example below:
var id = 'CourseContent1_activityContent34169_question1_answer0_ac';
alert('before:\r' + id)
id = id.replace(/question([0-9]+).*answer([0-9]+)/, function(a, b, c) {
return 'question' + (parseInt(b) + 1) + '_answer' + (parseInt(c) + 1)
// Using parseInt to convert string to number
alert('after:\r' + id)
function updateQA(question, answer) {
return 'CourseContent1_activityContent34169_question1_answer0_ac'.replace(/^(.*question)(\d*)(_answer)(\d*)(.*)/gi, '$1' + question + '$3' + answer + '$5');
Here's a bit of a less verbose way of doing it:
var increment = function(_, prefix, n) { return prefix + (+n + 1) };
id.replace(/(question)(\d+)/, increment).replace(/(answer)(\d+)/, increment);
The parenthesized matches (i.e. the capturing groups) are passed as separate args to the replacement functions, and there you can just increment them and return with the corresponding prefix.

JS var inside query does not work when stringed together

I have the following code which is really bloated
$(".field-name-field-parts-status .field-item:contains('Submitted'), .field-name-field-parts-status .field-item:contains('Saved'), .field-name-field-parts-status .field-item:contains('HMNZ Approved')").addClass('btn-primary');
I tried to neaten it up by adding a var
var fieldItemStatus = $(".field-name-field-parts-status .field-item");
So it looked like this
$(fieldItemStatus + ":contains('Submitted'), " + fieldItemStatus + ":contains('Saved'), " + fieldItemStatus + ":contains('HMNZ Approved')").addClass('btn-primary');
But it stopped working, can anyone tell me what I did wrong? Thanks
Because you are trying to add a jQuery object and a string together. It does not work like that.
var fieldItemStatus = $(".field-name-field-parts-status .field-item");
should be a string
var fieldItemStatus = ".field-name-field-parts-status .field-item";
other option is to use filter.
You need to use .filter()
fieldItemStatus.filter(":contains('Submitted'), :contains('Saved'), :contains('HMNZ Approved')").addClass('btn-primary');
fieldItemStatus is an object so
fieldItemStatus + ":contains('Submitted'), " + fieldItemStatus + ":contains('Saved'), " + fieldItemStatus + ":contains('HMNZ Approved') will create a string like [Object object]:contains('Submitted'), [Object object]:contains('Saved'), [Object object]:contains('HMNZ Approved')
remove $ in front for fieldItemStatus
var fieldItemStatus = ".field-name-field-parts-status .field-item";
Because you want to use a jQuery Object to concat string. The right way to do this is using string all the time.
var fieldItemStatus = ".field-name-field-parts-status .field-item";
$(fieldItemStatus + ":contains('Submitted'), " + fieldItemStatus + ":contains('Saved'), " + fieldItemStatus + ":contains('HMNZ Approved')").addClass('btn-primary');
You could use the filter method:
fieldItemStatus.filter(":contains('Submitted'), :contains('Saved'), :contains('HMNZ Approved')").addClass('btn-primary');
Another option is using the filter callback function:
var items = ['Submitted', 'Saved', 'HMNZ Approved'];
fieldItemStatus.filter(function(_, el) {
return items.some(function(item) {
return el.textContent.indexOf(item) > -1;
A more procedural approach. This way if you want to easily change the selectors, just change the contains array. You could turn this into a function to easily retrieve your selector on demand elsewhere in the script.
var contains = ['Submitted','Saved','HMNZ Approved'];
var selector = '';
for(var i = 0; i < contains.length; i++) {
selector += '.field-name-field-parts-status .field-item:contains("' + contains[i] + ')';
if(i < contains.length - 1) selector += ', ';

Getting NaN Error and undefined Error

I have a Problem with my push function in JavaScript.
<script type="text/javascript">
var myArr = []
var len = myArr.length
$.getJSON('daten.json', function(data) {
$.each(data,function(key,value) {
for(var i = 0; i <= len; i++){
myArr.push("<p>" + value.Name+i ," ", value.Nachname+i + "</p>")
I need to convert value.Name+i like this = value.Name0, value.Name1 and so on. I got a JSON File and the Keys are Dynamic, so the first entry got Name0 the second Name1 and so on. Now I must print the JSON file on my html page, but how I can write this line:
myArr.push("<p>" + value.Name+i ," ", value.Nachname+i + "</p>")
with my var i which increment in the loop, to call the Keys in my JSON file?
Like value.Name0. Doing value.Name+i and value.Name.i does not work.
It seems to me what you're looking for is something like this:
myArr.push("<p>" + value['Name'+i] ," ", value['Nachname'+i] + "</p>")
This portion of javascript is covered pretty nicely here:
Take the object property in a variable, use condition to check if it has value or not then concat it
var nameval =;
then use in your javascript variable
You need to convert your i (integer value) to string prior to adding it.
value.Name + i.toString()
here's the jfiddle link:

Removing quotes from a string / an alternative to string

I have dropDown element which takes the options in the format
in addition to simple data types i have user defined data types hence i want to populate this dynamicaly . so i used a loop and concatenation
var dropDown = "{"
for(var i=0;i<dataTypesList.length;i++){
if(i == dataTypesList.length-1){
dropDown = dropDown + i + ":" + "'" + dataTypesList[i].Name + "'}";
dropDown = dropDown + i + ":" + "'" + dataTypesList[i].Name+ "'" + ",";
This yields be the options in required format but along with quotes around it like
i want to remove the double quotes i tried with replace it diesnt seem to help. how can i achieve this can i use any other way.
What you want to create is an object & not a string.
So wildly guessing from your code, that the input dataTypesList looks something like this:
dataTypesList = [{Name:'String'}, {Name:'int'}]
You should use :
var dropDown = {};
for(var i=0;i<dataTypesList.length;i++)
dropDown[i] = dataTypesList[i].Name;
And then Output is an object :
{0: "String", 1: "int"}
you can use JSON.parse to convert the options string from string json to object json:
Using your code (slightly modified):
var dropDown = "{"
for(var i = 0; i < dataTypesList.length; i++)
if(i === dataTypesList.length - 1)
dropDown += i + ":'" + dataTypesList[i].Name + "'}";
dropDown += i + ":'" + dataTypesList[i].Name + "',";
// later...
ctrlOptions: JSON.parse(dropDown);
Verify your target browsers are compatible:
If not, there are some libraries compatible with older browsers that do the same thing. JSON2 is recommended by the author for out-of-date browsers:

