Regex Javascript - javascript

I am using the below regex in JavaScript for password policy check:
I tried the above regex using online regex checker
Test cases passed as expected, negative test cases failed. But same regex when deployed in application does not validate properly.
For eg:
Tracker#123 does not work, where tRacker#123 works
Asd56544#12 also works fine.
Can you please point out what's wrong in regex above?

My advice is to separate this regex into several simple regex'es.
You may assign rules for your password, and for every rule you can assign a regex.
For example
Rule №1. Minimal length of password = 8 characters (can be done without regex)
Rule №2. At least one digit is required. ( /[0-9]/ )
Rule №3. At least one letter is required ( /[a-z]/i)
Rule №4. Illegal characters for password ( regex for some characters you don't want users to use in passwords)
Rule №n - some little regex
(and so on)
With this approach, it will be more easier to manage your validation in sooner time. For example after a year, you'll have to change your password policy. You'll forget what your big regex is meaning (and will spend a lot of time changing that big regex, or doing a new one). But with little separates regexes (meaning rules) you easily configure your password policy

Are you sure you syntax is correct?
Have a look at this JSfiddle, in it all the test cases pass


JavaScript Regex - custom characters and numbers

I am building a RegEx that is almost complete, but I can not get it to check for digits (0 - 9):
So for example: Jones-Parry is valid but Jones-Parry1 is not. The regex at present looks like this:
I have tried using \d and [0-9] but to no avail. All else is working with the regex aside from the numbers. It validates special characters etc.
Any pointers greatly appreciated!
The problem is \w expands to A-Za-z0-9_, which includes digits 0-9. This explains why strings with digit pass your test.
You may want to specify A-Za-z_ directly instead of \w in your regex. It will fix your problem.
As georg has pointed out in the comment, your regex is very weak, since aside from the length requirement, it only checks whether it does not contain any character outside your allowed character set. A string with only spaces, or a string with only punctuation would pass the test.
Anyway, I doubt validating name is a good idea in general. Many assumptions programmers make about name are wrong. Depending on your requirement, you can give user a field for display name, where user can type anything in, and another field for username, where you only allow a strict set of characters.

Requiring Letters and Numbers in form field with JavaScript

I have a form and I need to require letters and numbers. All the solutions I have seen, simply allow only letters and numbers but do not require both.
I have this Regex: /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/ which allows one or the other. How can I make this a requirement, meaning the text must contain at least a number.
Thanks my friends.
To break this down, we're requiring at least 2 characters, a letter and a number. In the code we start with the possibility of an alpha-numeric character. I'm not using \w because it also allows _ characters. In the group we have an or that looks for either a letter before a number, or a number before a letter. Then after the group we're requiring if anything exists that it also be alpha-numeric.
As a recommendation, it's always best to use a server-side language as your front-line defense when validating a form instead of a Javascript-only approach. The reasons:
Someone can disable Javascript
The server needs to be protected from malicious attack (SQL or XSS injection)
Someone can bypass your form altogether by directly linking to the handler (if you're not requiring a valid referrer)
Some browsers like Lynx do not use Javascript, so it's not user friendly for people who need to use screen reading devices

Regex error in Netbeans not present in other editors

I have the following regular expression that works fine in my application code and other code editors have not reported a problem with it. It is used to validate a password.
So in other words:
Must have one letter
Must have one digit
Must have one non-letter, non-digit
Now it seems netbeans has a fairly decent regex parser and it has reported that this is an erroneous statement. But as i am new to regex I cannot spot the error. Is it due to using the positive lookahead ?= with the one or more + at the end?
When I take out the + the error goes away, but the regex stops performing in my application.
If anyone can tell me what is wrong with my expression that would be great.
The statement is used in a jQuery validation plugin that i use, if that helps. Also due to the fact I am using a plugin, I would prefer not splitting this into several smaller (clearly simpler and cleaner) expressions. That would require a great deal of work.
It never makes sense to apply a quantifier to a zero-width assertion such as a lookahead. The whole point of such assertions is that they allow you to assert that some condition is true, without consuming any of the text--that is, advancing the current match position. Some regex flavors treat that as a syntax error, while others effectively ignore the quantifier. Getting rid of those plus signs makes your regex correct:
If it doesn't work as expected, you may be running into the infamous IE lookahead bug. The usual workaround is to reorder things so the first lookahead is anchored at the end, like so:
The (?=.{8,15}$) is just an example; I have no idea what your real requirements are. If you do want to impose minimum and maximum length limits, this is the ideal place to do it.

Regex Comma Separated Emails

I am trying to get this Regex statement to work
for a string of comma separated emails in a textbox using jQuery('#textbox').val(); which passes the values into the Regex statement to find errors for a string like:
But for some reason it is returning an error. I tried running it through but i'm unsure ?
NB: This is just a basic client-side test. I validate emails via the MailClass on the server-side using .NET4.0 - so don't jump down my throat re-this. The aim here is to eliminate simple errors.
Escaped Version:
You can greatly simplify things by first splitting on commas, as Pablo said, then repeatedly applying the regex to validate each individual email. You can also then point out the one that's bad -- but there's a big caveat to that.
Take a look at the regex in the article Comparing E-mail Address Validating Regular Expressions. There's another even better regex that I couldn't find just now, but the point is a correct regex for checking email is incredibly complicated, because the rules for a valid email address as specified in the RFC are incredibly complicated.
In yours, this part (\.[a-z]{2,3})+ jumped out at me; the two-or-three-letters group {2,3} I often see as an attempt to validate the top-level domain, but (1) your regex allows one or more of these groups and (2) you will exclude valid email addresses from domains such as .info or .museum (Many sites reject my .us address because they thought only 3 letter domains were legal.)
My advice to reject seriously invalid addresses, while leaving the final validation to the server, is to allow basically (anything)#(anything).(anything) -- check only for an "at" and a "dot", and of course allow multiple dots.
EDIT: Example for "simple" regex
This matches
And doesn't match foo#this....that
Note: Even this will reject some valid email addresses, because anything is allowed on the left of the # - even another # - if it's all escaped properly. But I've never seen that in 25 years of using email in Real Life.

help making a "universal" regex Javascript compatible

I found a very nice URL regex matcher on this site: . It states that it's free to use and that it's cross language compatible (including Javascript). First of all, I have to escape some of the slashes to get it to compile at all. When I do that, it works fine on (where I generally test regexes), with the strange side effect that each match has 5 fields: 1 is the url, and the extra 4 are empty. When I put this in JS, I get the error "Invalid Group". I am using Node.js if that makes any difference, but I wish I could understand that error. I'd like to cut back on the unnecessary empty match fields, but I don't even know where to begin diagnosing this beast. This is what I had after escaping:
(?xi)\b((?:[a-z][\w-]+:(?:\/{1,3}|[a-z0-9%])|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}\/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’] ))
Actually, you don't need the first capturing group either; it's the same as the whole match in this case, and that can always be accessed via $&. You can change all the capturing groups to non-capturing by adding ?: after the opening parens:
That "invalid group" error is due to the inline modifiers (i.e., (?xi)) which, as #kirilloid observed, are not supported in JavaScript. Jon Gruber (the regex's author) was mistaken about that, as he was about JS supporting free-spacing mode.
Just FYI, the reason you had to escape the slashes is because you were using regex-literal notation, the most common form of which uses the forward-slash as the regex delimiter. In other words, it's the language (Ruby or JavaScript) that requires you to escape that particular character, not the regex. Some languages let you choose different regex delimiters, while others don't support regex literals at all.
But these are all language issues, not regex issues; the regex itself appears to work as advertised.
Seemes, that you copied it wrong.
No mode modifiers to set matching options within the regular expression.
No regular expression comments
I.e. (?xi) at the beginning is useless.
x is useless at all for compacted RegExp
i can be replaced with flag
All these result in:
Tested and working in Google Chrome => should work in Node.js

