jQuery - reset form after submit w/ form plugin - javascript

let me start by saying it may look simple but im finding it extremely difficult.
ive made a search script that uses PHP and to fetch a result would look like this
Standard stuff.. problem is, i use an SPI with AJAX and PHP so my results would have to load dynamically into a div, whilst still keeping the hash value, as not to lose the page the user had visited previous to searching.
jQuery.history.js is the plugin i use for back button support, which requires links to be like such:
Home Page
this would load 'home.html' into a div named pageContent. as far as i know theres no way to call php files unless you develop a little hack, which i have,
here is my JavaScript/jQuery for my search form:
<script language="JavaScript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// bind form using ajaxForm
// target identifies the element(s) to update with the server response
target: '#pageContent',
// success identifies the function to invoke when the server response
success: function() {
var hash = '#search.php?term='+($('#query').val()+'&submit=Submit').replace(/ /g, '+');
var stripped = hash.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");
update(window.location.hash = stripped);
Heres the form:
<form id="search1" action="search.php" method="post">
<input id="query" type="text" name="term" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
My problem is this:
ive tried this.form.reset(); this: Resetting a multi-stage form with jQuery , yet none of this works. please help me if you know a way of doing this..

with this u can set your value to whatever you want, like blank: '';


Add hidden form variable to the end of the URL

I have searched Unbounce and Google for documentation, but can't find a way to make this work. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Use case:
I have a test page setup in Unbounce and it would be great when a user lands on the page and submits the form that the value being generated through the script below in the hidden field is added to the current URL upon submission.
It's important that if the user lands on the page from an advertising campaign that the value is added to URL and does not replace it.
User lands on testpage.com or testpage.com?qs=3134728&pcd=THANKS20&dclid=CNi4wvCv39cCFZdFNwodE_wALA
Unique ID is created with the following JavaScript and added to a hidden field:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var id = new Date().toISOString().replace(/[-tTzZ:.]/g, '');
User clicks submit and and is redirected to a thankyou page with the value of the hidden field passed in the URL:
I should also mention that I can not edit the html of the form so this would need to happen with JavaScript as Unbounce provides a space to add custom code.
Is the form method get? If it is post it wont append that to the URL for the hidden field.
Your approach seems right however if this is the HTML on page:
<form action="http://example.com" method="get" id="theForm">
<input type="hidden" value="xyz" />
<button type="submit">Send</button>
You can use some JS code like one of the following to modify this...however you'll want to verify that everything still works as expected:
document.getElementById('theForm').action = "http://another.example.com";
document.getElementById('theForm').method = "get";

Retrieving data from a form loaded with jQuery and passing it to a parent page

I have a 'parent' page that is using the following bit of code to pull in a form from a different page on the same domain. There are reasons why I can't just place the form directly on the 'parent'.
<script type="text/javascript">
"https://example.com/form/ #profile-edit-form",
function() {}
The form that is pulled in looks like this:
<form action="https://example.com/form/" method="post" id="profile-edit-form" class="standard-form base" target="hiddenFrame">
<label for="field_1">Name</label>
<input id="field_1" name="field_1" type="text" value="Joey-Jojo Jr. Shabadoo">
<input type="submit" name="profile-group-edit-submit" id="profile-group-edit-submit" value="Save Changes " />
<input type="hidden" name="field_ids" id="field_ids" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" id="_wpnonce" name="_wpnonce" value="a62f8d5fec" />
<input type="hidden" name="_wp_http_referer" value="/form/" />
When 'submit' is clicked, https://example.com/form/ is opened in a hidden iframe and the user name gets properly saved. This all works well.
I would like the user name on the currently loaded 'parent' page to update via jquery, so that the user has some immediate visual feedback that the name change has taken place.
My approach has been to try and take the value out of the 'field_1' input when 'submit' has been clicked, and pass that variable onto a div in the parent page with an id of 'display_name'.
function nameUpdate(){
$("#profile-group-edit-submit").click(function () {
var updateName = $("#field_1").val();
I've also tried adding window.parent.
before the the #display_name selector section and it didn't change anything.
I've used this approach on another button/div combo on the same page and it works, the difference is that that particular button is in an iframe, not loaded by jquery. So I'm guessing my problem is related to that fact.
I've googled around, but have run out of ideas of how to phrase my question, what to look for, etc...
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Edit: For clarity, the div w/ id #display_name won't update.
Use jquery to handle the form submission.
var updateName = $("#field_1").val();
Due to your loading the form dynamically you need to bind the submit function after the load. So...
$(document).ready(function () {
var formLoaded = function () {
$('#profile-edit-form').submit(function () {
var updateName = $("#field_1").val();
"https://example.com/form/ #profile-edit-form",
If I am understanding it correctly, your problem is "display_name" field is not getting updated with the latest value.
If this is the problem then can you try below thing?
Instead of
try using-
As per the documentation on jQuery site Val() works well with form Elements whereas text won't.
More on Val() method- https://api.jquery.com/val/#val2

Updating DOM elements using jQuery

I'm looking for a way to update the webpage I'm working on to act as a report for several different people to pass back and forth. I'm using forms to take in several pieces of data and am wondering how I can make it so that it just immediately adds the content to the divs under the right heading. I'm currently using jquery and append and it looks like it adds the desired input and then immediately removes it. I tried using .live as well and it did not show up at all. Is there a way to make form inputs post to the page without submitting to another page?
Here is my code so far, testing just the element that will be the heading for the issue:
<div class="IssueDiv">
<form id="newIssue">
<legend>Add a new important issue:</legend>
<input type="text" id="issue" placeholder="Issue Summary...">
<input type="text" id="issue-client" placeholder="Client...">
<input class="ticket" type="text" id="issueParent" placeholder="Parent ticket..."><br>
<textarea placeholder="Issue details..."></textarea><br>
<button id="addIssue">Add Issue</button>
And the jquery:
$("#addIssue").click(function() {
var $issue = $("#issue").val();
var $issueSum = $("<h3></h3>").text($issue);
edit: I'm looking into using AJAX but I'm not sure how to make it so that all of the input data will persist. I am basically looking to make a webpage-style-report that will allow myself and my team to update the entries on the report and they will stay on the report until we are able to take them off by removing a div that encapsulates the individual issue.
I would also like to be able to format the individual pieces here separately, so, for instance, I could add a check-box that says the issue is urgent and format the heading of those to be red. What is the easiest way to have data that persists, can be added into new (div/h/p) elements, and is shown on the main webpage, while also allowing me to update formatting?
Your code appears to add the text and then immediately remove it because your form gets posted and the page reloads, effectively resetting the page to its initial state.
If you just want to add the text to the page without posting the form or executing any server-side processing, you can prevent the form from posting using jQuery's preventDefault(). Note that I have created a submit listener on the form itself, rather than a click listener on the submit button.
$("#newIssue").on('submit', function(e) {
$(function () {
$("#newIssue").on('submit',function (e) {
var $issue = $("#issue").val();
var $issueSum = $("<h3></h3>").text($issue);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="IssueDiv"></div>
<form id="newIssue">
<legend>Add a new important issue:</legend>
<input type="text" id="issue" placeholder="Issue Summary...">
<input type="text" id="issue-client" placeholder="Client...">
<input class="ticket" type="text" id="issueParent" placeholder="Parent ticket...">
<textarea placeholder="Issue details..."></textarea>
<button id="addIssue">Add Issue</button>
However, keep in mind that if you're using this to share reports between computers, this will not work. This is only updating the DOM in the current browser and is not doing any data storage or retrieval. If you need the reports to update online, consider using AJAX to post your data to a server-side script without refreshing the page. Then include some sort of timer that refreshes the content (also using AJAX) on a schedule (e.g. every 10 seconds).

Can i use JS to replace a GET-parameter with a Post in a link?

I'm working with an old ASP WebForms page in which there is a link which opens in a new windo using javascript. This link includes a GET-parameter, like this:
Search for object
What I would like to do is replace this GET-parameter with a Post-variable in order to avoid the value of MyId being stored in the browser-history. Possibly something like:
<input type="hidden" id="MyId" name="MyId" value="123">
<a href="submitSearchCriteria()">
Search for object
Note: Since this is a webforms page, the whole contents of the page is within a pair of <form>...</form> tags which post back to the page itself, and I don`t want to mess with these. The page I would like to link to is another page.
My question: Is there some fairly simple, clean and safe way to pass along a Post-variable from within a link like this? I would prefer to do this without including any third-party java script libraries if possible (I want to minimize the necessary changes to an aging system).
Any ideas?
Add your MyId in your form:
<input type="hidden" id="MyId" name="MyId" value="123">
Then your hyperlink:
Search for object
Then use javascript to change your form action:
function submit(){
[Your Form].action = "[Your Action]";
[Your Form].submit();
The form submits but as the page refreshes, the form action goes back to what it was before. But this could depend to where you point back your new action. You could add something to handle the response. This is the easiest solution if you ask me. But for the cleanest, you should try reading about AJAX.

Jquery .load and POST data

This is really frustrating I would appreciate some help with this. I have a div, called comments and a form inside of that div. What I want to do is post a form to the current page and have it load inside of the div without reloading the entire thing. Here is my current code:
<div id="comments">
<form action="#" method="post" onsubmit="return false;" >
<input type="hidden" name="txtname" value="test">
<textarea id="wysiwyg" name="wysiwyg" rows="5" cols="50"></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="post" id="post" value="Submit">
<script type="text/javascript">
EDIT: Read edit below for current code
When I submit, the alert fires, but the page does not load. It works fine if I make the event as follows:
It's not liking the posting of data. I have used .load before but never to post data. I got the above code from these very same forums.
I'm honestly not sure of the purpose of 'name' and 'tel' - do I refer to those variables or the form variable names when processing the code? This is in ASP classic.
What's wrong with the above code, how can I get it to send data from the forum via POST? Thanks!
I am now using the following code:
var $form = $(this),
$inputs = $form.find("input, select, button, textarea"),
serializedData = $form.serialize();
$inputs.attr("disabled", "disabled");
url: "/comments.asp",
type: "post",
data: serializedData,
success: function(response, textStatus, jqXHR){
console.log("comment posted");
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
textStatus, errorThrown
complete: function(){
// enable the inputs
And now it's using properly getting the form handled...however it goes to comments.asp. How can I make all the action happen in a certain div (comments div?)
It seems to me you are blending a bunch of different techniques in a way that is not entirely coherent.
$.post is a shortened version of $.ajax (see here).
$.load takes a url and sticks it into a <div> or other DOM Element (see here).
If I understand it correctly (and I may not!), you're not really wanting to load the form, but put values into the form fields. $.load is an odd way to do this. (It may work, but I do it another way.)
If you're using $(#...).submit, you can also leave out a whole bunch of stuff in your form. The following should work fine.
<form id="form_id">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
My method is: (1) have a hardcoded HTML form (or build it by AJAX), (2) get the values from the DB (or wherever) using $.post (or $.ajax), (3) stick the values into the form using .val() (or equivalent - whatever is right for the input type) and the DOM id of that input, and then (4) use .submit (in a manner similar to yours). You will need to add preventDefault as the others have suggested.
You're also muddying the waters using #post as the DOM id. You really want to give the form itself the ID, and then use $(#form_id).submit(... I can't test it now, but having the submit on the input field may cause some grief. The official example attaches the .submit to the form id.
I'm also not sure the <div> with id 'comments' really does much. I have a container id like your 'comments', but that's because I build forms by AJAX and stick them into the container. If you don't need to do that, the id 'comments' is unnecessary to the whole procedure.
Your text box element dont have an id with value txtname. But in your script you are trying to access using # (which is supposed be with an id context). So add an id element to your input box.
<input type="hidden" name="txtname" id="txtname" value="test">
And as expascarello said, You need to stop the default behaviour of the submit button . Other wise it will do the normal form posting so you wont be able to feel the ajax effect.
Use preventDefault
$("#post").click(function(e) {
$("#comments").load("comments.asp", {
'name': $("#wysiwyg").val(),
'tel': $("#txtname").val()
You are not cancelling the clicking of the button so the form is submitting and resetting the page.
$("#post").click(function(evt) {
jQuery event.preventDefault()
The load() method does a get and not a post.

