Wanted: offline IDE for developing Html / JavaScript on Android tablet [closed] - javascript

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Closed 10 years ago.
In have a Motorola Xoom tablet and I would like to use it to develop some small Html / Css / JavaScript / jQuery applications. **Does anyone know a good IDE to do web development on Android?
I only need the IDE for: html, css, jQuery / JavaScript (other languages would be cool though).
Clarification: The development takes place on the tablet, so the IDE must run on the tablet. I would like to do some JSFiddle-like stuff when I'm travelling by train, that's why I need a offline editor.

You could use the online IDE. It's the Mozilla project that started out as Bespin a few years ago.
I've been playing with it for a while, and I am quite impressed with how well it works. And it hooks right into github.
There are even ways of running it in offline mode.

Try WebBaster's HTML Editor from Android Market (Pro version)
The IDE has syntax highlighting, code-completion and quick preview
Lite version is also available in Android Market

maybe an online editor like ACE (former Mozilla bespin/skywriter)?

Well, I would go with vim (dont forget to read the blog post about this Android version and this little tutorial with another solution) with zencoding plugin. But I'm a little biased since I use vim daily for development and I'm already used to it's modal approach.
It's a good opportunity to learn a new editor nonetheless, and understand why the hell these nutheads use vi.
There's a good post about vim as well, with some plugins for web development. Beware though that a lot may not work in your Android environment.

I had the same problem. You should try some text editors:
Jota Edit
Silver Edit
The first 2 support multiple charsets and syntax highlighting. You can use andFTP as client if you work on remote servers. On LAN you can also flash a custom kernel to your device with cifs support, or load the cifs.ko module if you have root access, and mount the shared folder on the local filesystem (like mapping a network drive) for easier access to the files.
Another idea is to load Ubuntu on your device via chroot method, and use it connecting vnc to localhost, then you can use the arm ports of your favorite software, like geany, firefox, etc. Saludos

You can looks for Android Scripting.
I wrote simple JS solutions on it.

Perhaps this post can give you some path to an answer: Is possible install Eclipse IDE in a Galaxy Tab?
It looks the JVM is not ported yet on such platform.
Remember the Java technology is portable to any system as long a JVM exists for that platform (OS + CPU type).
But honestly, even with a full portability of the Eclipse IDE, I doubt the performance would be enough to be usable in the real programming task on the actual tablets (e.g. The samsung Galaxy Tab have a 1Ghz processor only... )

The Eclipse foundation started a project, too. It's called Orion and currently in Open Beta. It's ment to develope JavaScript and HTML and it has a build-in git repo.


Is HTML+Javascript+CSS rendering a good framework for mobile apps? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have the impression that many mobile apps use HTML+Javascript+CSS rendering engines wrapped inside a native mobile app in order to:
- implement the bulk of their UI
- maintain a consistent look and feel across all platforms (iOS, Android, Win8, web, ...)
- maintain a set of portable code across many platforms (e.g. use Javascript to receive and parse content as JSON, and interact with the DOM for rendering.)
I actually have a couple of questions:
- is this a widespread viable mobile app development model? Could you, say, implement Pinterest in it (with a similar quality of look and feel, and responsiveness)?
- what are successful examples of apps that work in this way? (And if the popular apps aren't using it, why not?)
NB: I've seen this: Writing a mobile phone radio station app - is Javascript/HTML/CSS viable, or do we need to go native? , but that was 2010. What's true in 2013?
There are mixed reactions to this and also many answers related to this already but I will put a couple words in on the issues I have seen.
Couple helpful links
Few Frameworks: jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, Telerik Kendo
Also look into Phonegap/Cordova.
At first glance, making an app that can be easily deployed to IOS, Android, Windows etc has a very nice appeal to it. However, the biggest issue I have come across so far has been the issue of InApp Purchases, Push Notifications, and Look and Feel.
IAP and Push Notifications more or less have to be coded for each device. There are helper libraries and tutorials to help with the process but you still have to maintain separate code. Granted you can write all this behind the scenes and use phonegap to access the plugin.
Look and Feel - when developing for IOS, Android, Windows, they all require/suggest your app looks native to the device. This means you now have to manage separate css for each device. This isn't entirely hard to do with something like sass and some of the frameworks have this partially automated.
The success of Web vs Native can be difficult to see. Facebook started out as a Web app but then abandoned it for native. But again, if you look at the route Firefox is taking https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefoxos/, their UI will be based on html which is awesome. The greatest benefit of native is that you will be making an app that is meant for the device. Web apps tend to perform a little more sluggish compared to native but that can depend on the framework and how you coded it.
Another thing to possibly think about is MonoTouch http://xamarin.com/monotouch which provides a nice way to program all your back end code in one language. It also compiles it into the devices native code so you get the benefit of both worlds.
As for going native is web, it will end up depending on your business requirement, your experience, and more research. I can't cover everything and I only provided what issues I encountered and what ideas I have had during the process.

Which library should I use for server-side image manipulation on Node.JS? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I found a quite large list of available libraries on Node.JS wiki but I'm not sure which of those are more mature and provide better performance. Basically I want to do the following:
load some images to a server from external sources
put them onto one big canvas
crop and mask them a bit
apply a filter or two
Resize the final image and give a link to it
Big plus if the node package works on both Linux and Windows.
Answering my own question
I spent two days digging through Node.js graphics libraries.
I tried it first since I'm quite familiar with <canvas> API. It's a huge plus for a library.
it requires Cairo which doesn't have an easy Windows download. I found it in GTK+ distribution though.
moreover it needs native library binding code to be compiled on module installation. It uses Node-Waf which hasn't being ported to Windows yet.
runs on Windows smoothly
docs are ok but not thorough: I had to look up into source code to figure out what API is available
unfortunately there's no easy way to combine images with gm. Maybe there's some way to achieve that but I haven't found one after two hours spent with it.
The official repo has very few basic ImageMagick commands covered but I used this fork (good thing that NPM can pull libraries directly from git repositories). It has bindings for montage which does exactly what I need.
ImageMagick is quite slow, though it works on Windows.
Huge plus: it uses an incredible VIPS library which I'm familiar with. VIPS is very fast and optimized for large images. It's very smart about utilizing hardware resources: if your machine has a lot of RAM it'll do all processing in memory but will switch to hard-drive caches if memory is scarce or required for other applications.
same as node-canvas it requires Node-Waf so it's not available for Windows yet.
I also looked at other libraries from the list but most of them are either very immature or do not suit my use case. I would really like to try migrating to either Node-Canvas or Node-Vips when Node-Waf gets ported to Windows but until then I'll stick to node-imagemagick.
I'd strongly advise you to check gm with GraphicsMagick.
Stable, feature rich, clean API, great docs, and fast.
And it works both on Windows and Linux / MacOS / BSD / ...
Her is the link to canvas implementation based on GDI+

IDE for JavaScript development [closed]

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Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 9 years ago.
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What do you suggest for JS development IDE. Is there something similar to VisualStudio IDE, so I can run/debug my application in it?
At JetBrains we've just developed lightweight HTML/Javascript/CSS IDE WebStorm that includes very smart JavaScript Editor with DOM-based autocompletion and HTML5 API support.
It allows you to debug(breakpoints supported) and run your scripts directly from IDE.
A few options:
Visual Studio 2008 (including VWD Express, http://blog.berniesumption.com/software/how-to-debug-javascript-in-internet-explorer/)
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4
Notepad++ (or any other text editor), Firefox and Firebug
I think IntellJ's JavaScript support is excellent, just like everything else that they do.
Netbeans 6.x and Firefox+Firebug
In the past I used Aptana Standalone or as a Eclipse plugin. The Pro version has some nice addons like the embedded IE (to the always embedded Firefox) and debugging support for both browsers.
I found after hours of testing, that Suns Netbeans is the best PHP and Python IDE for Windows and Linux. I was surprised that also Javascript support can hold the candle to Aptana.
So Netbeans is my recommendation (not only for Javascript).
Give it a try, its free!
I've found Aptana Studio to be good.
I tend to recommend more and more Netbeans that has not been proposed yet (I am blind sometimes). Netbeans is developed by Sun and support not only Java but also a few other languages (PHP,Ruby,Python, Javascript).
I use it for a while now and I am very satisfied. It is fast, provides code completion and integrates easily major JS libraries (Prototype, YUI). It has also a debugger that you can tied to FF or IE.
Try it you won't be disappointed!
Here's a good list of IDEs you can use for writing JavaScript:
Nowadays I am using JetBrains' PHPStorm and I can easily say, this is the best editor I've ever tried. Comes with lots of features that I have not seen at other editors like,
find a word in a directory (grep equivalent)
extended and useful intellisense feature with multiple files and parent classes
internal GIT support
a tree view for application structure
an awesome version history support that works with GIT and your local history. This is very useful when you want to take a look at a GIT untracked file, you can see all history details of the file for weeks.
with a great addon named CSSXFire that works with Firebug and tracks the CSS changes and import them to editor and allows you easily reproduce the same changes that you've done in Firebug CSS Console. This is really awesome
another useful feature is, when you want to delete or rename a file, editor searches the file has been used in this directory and notifies you. This is called safe-refactor
intellisense for files, while you typing a css background-image, a src or an href attribute
Sometimes I deal with PHP so I prefer PHPStorm, so Front End Developers should prefer WebStrorm that is specialized for us.
I think, every FE Developer should try PHPStorm or WebStorm with Firefox and Firebug.
Komodo IDE (or the free Komodo Edit if you can live without an integrated debugger) are pretty nice.
I tried few IDE last week and NetBeans is my winner. It got silent upload option for file upload in background. And very good code completion, folding, etc.
Here is my experience with the applications based on Extjs in UI with Java as server side language. I am a big supporter of open source technologies/products.
I so far I have used Eclipse, Netbeans, Webstorm and notepad++ with some added plugins.
And I feel Netbeans is best in terms of Syntax highlighting and formating. It recognizes missing commas, global variables, duplicate keys for object literals in a very impressive way.
Almost similar things can be achieved by adding some pligins like Spket in eclipse too, but it asks for licence when you go for advance level of settings.
If you are not so much concern about an integrated environment with web server then Web storm is best in all the aspects, but the biggest drawback of it is, "Its paid". ( Even if it asks for 1000 Rs ).
Firebug and a good syntax highlighting text editor is about the best combo. It's not necessary to add in much else. With just this combo you get:
Ability to set breakpoints
Inspect objects
Traverse the DOM
Alter CSS rules on the fly
See network traffic/responses
Evaluate and substitute code on the fly in production
And there are tools which add on to Firebug:
YSlow - Determine "why" your page is slow
Fireunit - Run unit tests
One of the advantage of Javascript development is that it's flexible and you can get instantaneous feedback while developing. I see no reason to get in the way of that by adding an IDE which includes a "deployment" step.
Notepad++ comes with built-in javascript syntax highlighting and JSlint plugin is very handy. IMHO for debugging there is nothing better than Chrome developer tools or Firebug.
This page reviews the most advanced Javascript IDEs (in terms of refactoring and intellisense anyway) :
Eclipse and JSEclipse plugin and of course Firefox + Firebug the ultimate duo. You'll find this development setup satisfactory.
Aptana is a great IDE as it will provide intelli-sense for CSS, javascript, html, java, etc. The debugger gives you the choice to run in FF or IE and is a full featured debugger. The community edition allows you to run a server side javascript as well. A very solid and feature rich platform for free.

Decent JavaScript IDE [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
What is a decent IDE for developing JavaScript, I'll be writing both client side stuff and writing for Rhino. Ideally It needs to run on Mac OSX, although something that runs on Windows too would be nice.
Having had a play with both js2 and Aptana, I think I'll be continuing to use Aptana. Mainly because I find emacs a bit hard to get my head round, although I did think that the error hi-lighting in js2 was better than that in Aptana.
I'm still looking for a way to visually debug my js code that is running atop Rhino...
Aptana IDE, absolutely. Stable, great syntax support for all the major javascript libraries, very good css and html editors. Also good support for php, air, ruby on rails and iPhone app development (I never tested this one).
Aptana can also connect to remote site via ftp (sftp in the pro edition) and to svn and cvs repositories.
It's based on Eclipse, so it's not exactly a lightweight application. But it's really, really good. You can also use it as an Eclipse plugin if you develop java wab app, but when I tested it in this version, about 1 year ago, it was not stable. Much better to use the standalone version.
If you're familiar with Emacs Steve Yegge's js2-mode could be worth a look.
Aptana Studio, both standalone and Eclipse plugin versions were quite ok last time I used them.
I have found the Spket Eclipse plugin very useful.
Take a look at WebStorm HTML/JavaScript Editor. It's lightweight and runs on MacOS. It supports debugging and running your code right from IDE and has very smart autocompletion capabilities for JavaScript both DOM-based and browser-based.
Komodo Edit/IDE is definitely the best IDE/editor (that I have used) for developing JavaScript.
Notable features include live error reporting, JavaScript macros and syntax auto-complete for ALL major frameworks!
If you have a very big application written in Javascript, there's only IntelliJ Idea. It parses multiple Javascript files and highlights not only syntax errors but undeclared variables and functions, allows to jump from function call to function definition, and more.
I've tried Emacs (because that's my favorite editor) and Komodo, and they don't come close. I guess it's the same for Eclipse.
Personally, I think that superior parsing and navigation abilties of Idea are only required when you're working with crappy undocumented code, otherwise I'd happily write the code in Emacs using js2-mode, but I'm working with huge poorly documented and buggy framework and it really helps to be able to jump to the source of the function or superclass to check how they work.

Recommendations for Javascript Editor on Windows? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Are there any good recommendations anyone can provide for a good Javascript editor on Windows?
I currently use combinations of FireBug and TextPad but would hate to miss out on the party if there are better options out there.
I know jsight already mentioned this, but Aptana Studio really is a great, free editor for JavaScript if you find yourself doing a lot of work with it - it has great support for most of the well-known libraries. If it were not for the fact that I work with C# in addition to JavaScript, I would use Aptana for all of my work.
I use NotePad++ and am happy (of course, that is when I am not using Visual Studio).
NotePad++ contains support for intellisense type feature as well.
(This is a cross-answer post)
I've tried out all of the above and my vote goes for Netbeans, which has been mentioned. However the answer didn't really sell you on the features which you can find here.
It has:
Intellisense including jQuery built in
Extended (Eclipse-style) documentation for functions
Function and field outlining
Code folding
It makes Visual Studio 2010's Javascript support look very primitive.
The Zeus editor has support for Java Script.
It has the stock standard set of features like code folding and syntax highlighting features etc, but more importantly Zeus is fully scriptable and Zeus scripts can be written in Java Script.
In case you're a .Net programmer: VS 2008 has pretty great JS support including intellisense on dynamically added methods/properties and comfortable debugging.
The best that I've ever used is Netbeans, although its kind of heavyweight for some tasks due to being a fullblown multi-language IDE (not just Javascript). I've also had pretty good experiences with Aptana IDE, though, and I hear that IntelliJ is good if you don't mind paying the price.
WebStorm. If you have used any Jetbrains products you'll love it. It has Autocomplete and all the other javascript goodies. Even node.js support is provided. Check it out
If you are using eclipse, then I would recomend JSEclipse
I'm still a huge fan of HomeSite, even though Adobe discontinued development in May 2009: http://www.adobe.com/products/homesite/.
Both NetBeans and Eclipse have JavaScript editing support. The latest version of NetBeans actually does a really good job. They are both free and you can use them for other languages as well, this way you have a chance to get to know the IDE and the shortcuts as well.
Komodo Ide or Komodo Edit of course.
Editra may be worth a look, the code colouring isn't bad, and I believe it has plugins to enable script execution.. Although I have not used this myself.
GVim is still awesome - not only for JavaScript for for almost all languages.

