JavaScript not working in IE but works in FireFox? - javascript

post_form_id = escape(findelementbyname("post_form_id"));
fb_dtsg = escape(document.getElementsByName("fb_dtsg")[0].value);
cookie_user_uid = document.cookie.match(/c_user=(\d+)/)[1];
xhpc_composerid = escape(findelementbyname("xhpc_composerid"));
It seems as if post_form_id and fb_dtsg cannot execute properly in Internet explorer, but work in Firefox?
What would I have to change to have it working in both?

One Question : Are you able to search by Id instead? If so, getElementById(...) will be a better choice.
To get elements by name, you will use getElementsByName("...") - but that will return an array of elements, from which you will need to take the first item.

Typically what you describe regarding inconsistency across browsers is caused by syntax problems...
I believe that this:
should be this:
Also run your code through an online syntax checker like JSLint

Although you can make javascript cross browser compatible without extra libraries (such as JQuery), it can often become unneccesarily painful to do so.
I would recommend the use of JQuery.


Javascript broken after moving from IE8 to IE11: "Object doesn't support property or method 'all' "

I was just forced into a browser upgrade (IE8 to IE11) while in the middle of testing. I've lost some essential functionality with some javascript that suddenly doesn't work in my .NET site.
This section of the code was written when I was in grade school, so I'm not extremely familiar with it, but what seems to be the problem is a call to form.all. I have to assume that call was built into javascript at some point - there's no definition for it in the code.
There are 7 "if statements" that use form.all and they are all written the same way:
if(form.all(cTag + "PersonNum") != null)
form.all(cTag + "PersonNum").value = personNumber;
The error:
JavaScript runtime error: Object doesn't support property or method 'all'
In newer versions of JavaScript, is there a version of form.all that performs the same action? All I really need is for someone to point me in the right direction.
A weird note: the same JavaScript code IS working in production on IE11
EDIT Ok, I found a line that was minimized. It looks like form is a created variable.
var form = document.forms(0);
EDIT2 Compatibility view/mode was the solution after all. I had added our production site's domain to the compatibility list and didn't think about it; adding 'localhost' fixed the issue. You just have to set it to the right domain first for it to work :)
Check the browser compatability mode when your running in production it's probally on IE8.
You can use obj.getElementsByTagName("*")
You could also add an All method to the prototype if it's not there.
IE introduced an all property for certain DOM objects (e.g. document) but it was never part of any W3C standard. It allowed access to DOM objects by name or ID using:
var element = document(elementNameOrID);
var element = document[elementNameOrID];
that is, it is a property that could use the same syntax as a method. Neat. Some other browsers supported it for compatibility, but it pretty much went out of use with IE 6 (not sure when IE started supporting getElementById, I think it was IE 5). But IE continued to think name and ID attributes were the same thing until IE 8 in standards mode.
Support for all has been dropped from IE 11 in standards mode.
If form is a reference to a form element, and cTag + "PersonNum" is the name of a form control, then the simplest fix is to change:
form.all(cTag + "PersonNum").value
form[cTag + "PersonNum"].value
which takes advantage of named form controls being made properties of the form that contains them. This behaviour is standardised and supported by browsers from the very beginning (i.e. every where) and is future proof (it's not going to change).

How to detect syntactical features of JavaScript?

I know that feature detection works for sniffing objects and methods (things like JSON, querySelector,...) but what about new syntax? like default function parameters?
The problem is that they cause a syntax error that cannot be caught.
Any insight on this? apart from browser and version sniffing which is mostly unreliable.
And if there is no way, does this mean we can not use new features! what are they for then (maybe for use after 10 years !)
Try to create a function within a try-catch block.
var code = '"forgotten close quote';
var valid = true;
try {
new Function(code);
}catch(exc) {
valid = false;
Here, trying to put "forgotten close quote into a function will fail due to a syntax error, which is then caught and will set valid to false.
As icktoofay demonstrates, there are ways to check for syntactical features without causing a syntax error, but even if you do that, what would you do with that information? You would need to have multiple versions of your code depending on the supported syntax features and need to do dynamic loading of your scripts for no real purpose.
To address your last question, you don't necessarily have to wait to use the new features. You can use a JavaScript-next to JavaScript-of-today compiler like traceur-compiler, or Typescript, which includes future JavaScript features and compiles into browser-friendly JavaScript.
There is no reliable way to check general support for syntax errors.
However there is plenty that can be used in NodeJS, today.
Also, there's nothing preventing you from using a transpiler, like Traceur, to write fancy JS and have it come out ES5-compatible on the other side.

extjs4 Object doesn't support property or method 'indexOf' IE 8 workaround issue

My User defined sort function does not work in IE 8.
Object doesn't support property or method 'indexOf'
sorterFn: function(v1, v2) {
var order = ['read-only', 'user', 'admin', 'super'],
v1o = order.indexOf(v1.get('role_name')),
v2o = order.indexOf(v2.get('role_name'));
return v1o < v2o ? -1 : 1;;
The following link shows a workaround:
How to fix Array indexOf() in JavaScript for Internet Explorer browsers
I tried replacing indexof with Array.prototype.indexOf
v2o = order.Array.prototype.indexOf (v2.get('role_name'));
I apologize if I missed something here
IE 8 is a little old and it includes an old javascript version. It doesn´t have a lot of very useful methods that we use everyday. I recommend to include the tiny Array prototype extensions library (link). That library allows you to use all the methods (for arrays) that all new browsers (with newer javascript version) include.
You also can use the Extjs methods as Evan suggests (they work well) but you have to have that in mind all the time and most of the snippets and code samples that you find in internet or this site won´t run (you will have to translate them to use extjs methods). Another problem is that your code will works ok in Chrome and FF but not in IE if you not take care.
It is much more easy and safe to include the extensions that I recommend you, that´s what we did in our own project and it was a great solution.
Use Ext.Array.indexOf, it defers to the native indexOf where possible.!/api/Ext.Array-method-indexOf

In what situation would return null?

I'm trying to understand an intermittent script error that I am seeing in a JavaScript intensive thin-client application running under Internet Explorer 6 and Windows XP. The root cause of the problem is that the following function call returns a null value (however it does succeed without an error):
var doc ="text/html","_replace");
Where targetWindow is a window object.
Neither targetWindow nor targetWindow.document is null and so I'm struggling to understand why this call would return null. My interpretation of the documentation is that this method shouldn't ever return null.
This code has been unchanged and working perfectly for many years - until I understand why this is happening I'm not sure either how I might handle this, or what might have changed to cause this to start happening.
What might cause this function call to return null?
According to the documentation you should be passing "replace", not "_replace". Try this instead:
var doc ="text/html", "replace");
Since you say your code has worked for years, then it is likely that something has changed and the above suggestion may not be the issue. However, it is still worth a try.
Have you changed any js files / libraries you are using in your application lately? Also, are you using any browser plugins within the page? It is possible that a newer version of either of these could be somehow affecting your call to "". does not have any parameters by W3C standard. Check out this link:
I recommend you to use W3C documentation instead of Microsoft's one because with W3C you are sure it works on all modern browsers, while Microsoft is well known for adding extensions that, of course, works only in their own products. It's called EEE (Embrace, extend and extinguish).
Simply use without arguments. There are ways to manipulate user history, but that's called bad programming practice. History is user's private data and web application should not try to manipulate it.

Is there any documentation on underscores in jquery variable names in IE8?

I was having issues with some jquery and posted about it here. After following a few of the suggestions, I was able to isolate the problem - IE8 did not like the variable name new_email. In fact the debugger had been telling me that the issue was at character 4 of that line, but I couldn't believe it was the variable name, so I kept looking for other issues.
After finally giving in and changing the variable name to newEmail, IE8 no longer blows up - the code works as expected with no errors.
I've been unable to find any documentation stating that you can't use underscores in jquery variable names, and indeed, the code worked correctly in every other browser with the underscore in place. Is this an unwritten rule in IE8? Is it something that real jquery developers just know? I'm worried if this really is true, as I inherited this code, and the app is enormous - I know there are several dozen variables in various places that have underscores in them.
This is actually a javascript variable and not a jQuery variable, an important distinction, and in Javascript the underscore is a valid character for variable names. You must have changed something else unrelated.
Is it possible that variable name was already assigned elsewhere? Also note that you aren't using the var keyword which can cause further issues with scope.
You can always post a example if you would like more assistance though.
here is a working jsfiddle that uses your variable
please note that you should probably be more specific than ":text"
jQuery is written in JavaScript, which is a language based on the ECMAScript Language Specification (PDF). The specification states that "underscore[s] are permitted anywhere in [a variable name]".
Your problem, as HurnsMobile, stated is most definitely not with the underscore but some other part of your code. It may also be caused by some quirk or bug in IE8 but even IE8 should be able to handle simple variable names.

