Why is caching values in objects taking more time? - javascript

As I have learnt, its better to cache the values in objects which we need repeatedly. For example, doing
var currentObj = myobject.myinnerobj.innermostobj[i]
and using 'currentObj' for further operations is better for performance than just
everywhere, like say in loops.. I am told it saves the script from looking-up inside the objects every time..
I have around 1000 lines of code, the only change I did to it with the intention of improving performance is this (at many locations) and the total time taken to execute it increased from 190ms to 230ms. Both times were checked using firebug 1.7 on Firefox 4.
Is what I learnt true (meaning either I am overusing it or mis-implemented it)? Or are there any other aspects to it that I am unaware of..?

There is an initial cost for creating the variable, so you have to use the variable a few times (depending on the complexity of the lookup, and many other things) before you see any performance gain.
Also, how Javascript is executed has changed quite a bit in only a few years. Nowadays most browsers compile the code in some form, which changes what's performant and what's not. It's likely that the perforance gain from caching reference is less now than when the advice was written.

The example you have given appears to simply be Javascript, not jQuery. Since you are using direct object property references and array indices to existing Javascript objects, there is no lookup involved. So in your case, adding var currentObj... could potentially increase overhead by the small amount needed to instantiate currentObj. Though this is likely very minor, and not uncommon for convenience and readability in code, in a long loop, you could possibly see the difference when timing it.
The caching you are probably thinking of has to do with jQuery objects, e.g.
var currentObj = $('some_selector');
Running a jQuery selector involves a significant amount of processing because it must look through the entire DOM (or some subset of it) to resolve the selector. So doing this, versus running the selector each time you refer to something, can indeed save a lot of overhead. But that's not what you're doing in your example.
See this fiddle:
In firefox and chrome (didn't test IE) -- the time is identical in pretty much any scenario.

Is what I learnt true (meaning either
I am overusing it or mis-implemented
it)? Or are there any other aspects to
it that I am unaware of..?
It's not obvious if either is the case because you didn't post a link to your code.
I think most of your confusion comes from the fact that JavaScript developers are mainly concerned with caching DOM objects. DOM object lookups are substantially more expensive than looking up something like myobj.something.something2. I'd hazard a guess that most of what you've been reading about the importance of caching are examples like this (since you mentioned jQuery):
var myButton = $('#my_button');
In such cases, caching the DOM references can pay dividends in speed on pages with a complex DOM. With your example, it'd probably just reduce the readability of the code by making you have to remember that currentObj is just an alias to another object. In a loop, that'd make sense, but elsewhere, it wouldn't be worth having another variable to remember.


Why is getting from Map slower than getting from object?

I'm considering migrating my state management layer to using Map versus using a standard object.
From what I've read, Map is effectively a hash table whereas Objects use hidden classes under the hood. Generally it's advised, where the properties are likely to be dynamically added or removed it's more efficient to use Map.
I set up a little test and to my surprise accessing values in the Object version was faster.
The article also mentions fast and slow properties. Perhaps the reason my code sample in test1 is so fast is because it is using fast properties? This seems unlikely as the object has 100,000 keys. How can I tell if the object is using fast properties or dictionary lookup? Why would the Map version be slower?
And yes, in practice, looks like a premature optimization, root of all evil ... etc etc. However, I'm interested in the internals and curious to know of best practices of choosing Map over Object.
(V8 developer here.)
Beware of microbenchmarks, they are often misleading.
V8's object system is implemented the way it is because in many cases it turns out to be very fast -- as you can see here.
The primary reason why we recommend using Map for map-like use cases is because of non-local performance effects that the object system can exhibit when certain parts of the machinery get "overloaded". In a small test like the one you have created, you won't see this effect, because nothing else is going on. In a large app (using many objects with many properties in many different usage patterns), it's still not guaranteed (because it depends on what the rest of the app is doing) but there's a good chance that using Maps where appropriate will improve overall performance -- if the overall system previously happened to run into one of the unfortunate situations.
Another reason is that Maps handle deletion of entries much better than Objects do, because that's a use case their implementation explicitly anticipates as common.
That said, as you already noted, worrying about such details in the abstract is a case of premature optimization. If you have a performance problem, then profile your app to figure out where most time is being spent, and then focus on improving those areas. If you do end up suspecting that the use of objects-as-maps is causing issues, then I recommend to change the implementation in the app itself, and measure (with the real app!) whether it makes a difference.
(See here for a related, similarly misleading microbenchmark, where even the microbenchmark itself started producing opposite results after minor modifications: Why "Map" manipulation is much slower than "Object" in JavaScript (v8) for integer keys?. That's why we recommend benchmarking with real apps, not with simplistic miniature scenarios.)

JavaScript: performance constraints of `delete` keyword

I'm trying to better learn how JS works under the hood and I've heard in the past that the delete keyword (specifically node.js or browsers using V8) results in poor performance, so I want to see if I can figure out what the benefits/detriments are for using that keyword.
I believe the reasoning for not using delete is that removing a property leads to a rebuilding of hidden class transitions and thus a recompiling of the inline cache. However, I believe it is also true that the object prototype will no longer enumerate that property, so if the object is used heavily the upfront cost may eventually pay off.
Are my assumptions about the tradeoffs correct?
If they are correct, is one factor more important than the other (e.g. is rebuilding the IC much more expensive than many prototype enumerations)?
V8 developer here. Short answer: "it depends".
Having an unused property doesn't hurt; there is no general "enumeration cost" unless you actually perform explicit enumerations. In other words, an "enumeration cost" only exists if you find yourself doing something like this:
for (var p in object) {
if (p === old_property_that_I_could_have_deleted) continue;
/* process other properties... */
The key reason why it's hard to give a concrete answer (or to provide a canonical example where an effect would be measurable) is because the effects are non-local: they depend both on what exactly you're doing with the object in question, and on what the rest of your app is doing. Deleting a property from one object may well cause operations on other objects to become slower. Or faster. It depends.
To take a step back and look at the high-level situation: JavaScript as a language sort of assumes that objects are represented as dictionaries. Deleting an entry in a dictionary should be perfectly fine, which is why it makes sense that the delete operator exists. In practice, it turns out that an engine can achieve huge performance improvements for read-heavy apps, which is by far the most common case, if it does not store objects as dictionaries, but instead more like something that resembles C/C++ structs. However, such an object representation is (1) generally hard/inefficient to do when properties get deleted, and (2) the engine may well interpret even the first deletion of a property as a hint that the programmer wants this particular object to behave like a dictionary, so it might switch the internal representation over. If a fast-to-modify dictionary is what you wanted, then that's fine (it will provide a benefit even); however if you wanted the object to remain in slow-to-modify/fast-to-read mode, you would perceive the transition to fast-to-modify/slow-to-read dictionary mode as a performance problem.
Thankfully there is a great solution nowadays: when you want a dictionary, use a Map or Set. Engines can (and usually will) assume that you'll want to delete entries from these, so the implementations are optimized for making that possible without negative side effects; in particular no hidden classes are involved.
A few remarks on your assumptions: deleting a property makes an object (mostly) leave the system of hidden class transitions, no transitions will be rebuilt. There is no single global "inline cache", there are many inline caches sprinkled all over your functions. They don't get rebuilt, they just transition to slower and slower modes the more different cases they have to handle. (That's generally how caching works: caching a single case provides huge speedups; on the other end of the scale if you have as many different cases as executions, then a cache just wastes time and memory without providing any benefit.) Again the effect of dictionary-mode objects depends on the overall situation: an inline cache dealing with (mostly) dictionary-mode objects typically exhibits performance somewhere in between (1) an inline cache that only has to deal with objects sharing the single same hidden class, and (2) an inline cache that has to deal with hundreds or thousands of different hidden classes.

Is there any performance benefit from caching the document object?

I tend to cache DOM objects used in a given script but recently found myself having to call the document object within a jQuery wrapper. I was wondering if caching $(document) was even worth it considering that there's only one document object per page, which would essentially limit the lookup to one.
Although you're caching it, I'm curious as far as the overall gain if it's called multiple times. I know I'm getting a bit technical but wonder if its more effort on the browser's part to create the variable reference than explicitly writing it out to begin with.
Is there any performance benefit from caching the document object?
Technically yes, but not enough of one to "mandate" caching it for performance reasons. I say "technically" because there is an object allocation and a little bit of logic involved with wrapping the document object as a jQuery object, but it's very cheap. As long as you aren't wrapping it hundreds or thousands of times, just go with whatever makes the code cleaner.

repeat $() all over the place or declare once and reuse?

Using jQuery, if I am writing code like this
//bunch of code
//bunch of code
Is a new jQuery object being created each time I say $('blah') ?
If so, would it reduce object creation overhead to do something like this instead:
var blah = $('blah');
//bunch of code
//bunch of code
Make sense?
Absolutely correct!
Why Cache
Another benefit of caching is code maintainability. If the selector is only in one place, changing it only needs to be done in one place. Trust me that makes life easier when maintaining code.
Although you can go one step further (where relevant), and chain your calls:
This is slightly better for 2 reasons. Firstly, you're not using the extra variable, so you save a tiny amount of memory. Secondly, the language doesn't perform lookups for each identifier use, so it's quicker.
So, why do people still [over]use $()
One reason people use lots of $() is because they don't know any better.
Another reason is because element selection used to be slower. But as with most things in the browser, querying objects with selectors is fast being optimised (document.querySelectorAll), which means it's not such a big deal to cache or not to cache, so maybe with that in mind they allow themselves not to cache.
Finally, there are benchmarks hanging around (one two from a quick google) that try to claim that it doesn't matter or is maybe even faster not to cache. The problem with most of these benchmarks and why I suggest you be very wary about drawing conclusions from them, is that the DOM in the example is not real-world; it's overly simplistic. Secondly, the selectors are simplistic as well. So of course querying will be lightning fast and caching won't make a big difference, but I don't find them at all conclusive.
That said, if your example is similar to those of the benchmarks, then maybe you can draw your own circumstantial conclusions, and caching might just be a nuisance.

javascript constructs to avoid?

I have been writing a JS algorithm. Its blazing fast in chrome and dog slow in FF. In the chrome profiler, I spend <10% in a method, in FF the same method is 30% of the execution time. Are there javascript constructs to avoid because they are really slow in one browser or another?
One thing I have noticed is that things like simple variable declaration can be expensive if you do it enough. I sped up my algorithm noticable by not doing things like
var x = y.x;
and just doing
for example.
As you've found, different things are issues in different implementations. In my experience, barring doing really stupid things, there's not much point worrying about optimizing your JavaScript code to be fast until/unless you run into a specific performance problem when testing on your target browsers. Such simple things as the usual "count down to zero" optimization (for (i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) instead of for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)) aren't even reliable across implementations. So I tend to stick to writing code that's fairly clear (because I want to be nice to whoever has to maintain it, which is frequently me), and then worry about optimization if and when.
That said, looking through the Google article that tszming linked to in his/her answer reminded me that there are some performance things that I tend to keep in mind when writing code originally. Here's a list (some from that article, some not):
When you're building up a long string out of lots of fragments, surprisingly you usually get better performance if you build up an array of the fragments and then use the Array#join method to create the final string. I do this a lot if I'm building a large HTML snippet that I'll be adding to a page.
The Crockford private instance variable pattern, though cool and powerful, is expensive. I tend to avoid it.
with is expensive and easily misunderstood. Avoid it.
Memory leaks are, of course, expensive eventually. It's fairly easy to create them on browsers when you're interacting with DOM elements. See the article for more detail, but basically, hook up event handlers using a good library like jQuery, Prototype, Closure, etc. (because that's a particularly prone area and the libraries help out), and avoid storing DOM element references on other DOM elements (directly or indirectly) via expando properties.
If you're building up a significant dynamic display of content in a browser, innerHTML is a LOT faster in most cases than using DOM methods (createElement and appendChild). This is because parsing HTML into their internal structures efficiently is what browsers do, and they do it really fast, using optimized, compiled code writing directly to their internal data structures. In contrast, if you're building a significant tree using the DOM methods, you're using an interpreted (usually) language talking to an abstraction that the browser than has to translate to match its internal structures. I did a few experiments a while back, and the difference was about an order of magnitude (in favor of innerHTML). And of course, if you're building up a big string to assign to innerHTML, see the tip above — best to build up fragments in an array and then use join.
Cache the results of known-slow operations, but don't overdo it, and only keep things as long as you need them. Keep in mind the cost of retaining a reference vs. the cost of looking it up again.
I've repeatedly heard people say that accessing vars from a containing scope (globals would be the ultimate example of this, of course, but you can do it with closures in other scopes) is slower than accessing local ones, and certainly that would make sense in a purely interpreted, non-optimized implementation because of the way the scope chain is defined. But I've never actually seen it proved to be a sigificant difference in practice. (Link to simple quick-and-dirty test) Actual globals are special because they're properties of the window object, which is a host object and so a bit different than the anonymous objects used for other levels of scope. But I expect you already avoid globals anyway.
Here's an example of #6. I actually saw this in a question related to Prototype a few weeks back:
for (i = 0; i < $$('.foo').length; ++i) {
if ($$('.foo')[i].hasClass("bar")) { // I forget what this actually was
$$('.foo')[i].setStyle({/* ... */});
In Prototype, $$ does an expensive thing: It searches through the DOM tree looking for matching elements (in this case, elements with the class "foo"). The code above is searching the DOM three times on each loop: First to check whether the index is in bounds, then when checking whether the element has the class "bar", and then when setting the style.
That's just crazy, and it'll be crazy regardless of what browser it's running on. You clearly want to cache that lookup briefly:
list = $$('.foo');
for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
if (list[i].hasClass("bar")) { // I forget what this actually was
list[i].setStyle({/* ... */});
...but taking it further (such as working backward to zero) is pointless, it may be faster on one browser and slower on another.
Here you go:
I don't think this is really a performance thing, but something to avoid for sure unless you really know what's happening is:
var a = something.getArrayOfWhatever();
for (var element in a) {
// aaaa! no!! please don't do this!!!
In other words, using the for ... in construct on arrays should be avoided. Even when iterating through object properties it's tricky.
Also, my favorite thing to avoid is to avoid omission of var when declaring local variables!

