Strophe Javascript Pubsub Help needed - javascript

I need to use the publish subscribe service of Strophe to access nodes my colleague has set up.
Im trying to access a node /Communities/ on the server already set up
Does anyone know of anywhere to get started with Strophe, I have downloaded the test and looked through the api, not having used it before it is a tad confusing. Does anyone know of a tutorial or example I could use?
Any help would be greatly appreciated

I suggest checking out the book Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery. You can also visit the author's Github account to see some example code and go from there.
Best of luck!

For anyone that is interested I found a lot of good tutorials and examples in the following book:
Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery
Nice book with a lot of examples and source code, the tutorials are easy to follow as well.


iOS: What kind of tool did this guy use to prototype this demo?
I'm trying to figure out what kind of tool did this guy use for creating this demo.
Did he create this using xCode and pure objective-c? I searched around but I didn't find anything that gave me a hint.
My first instinct tell me that everything is written natively but I'm not familiar with iOS Development so I'm not sure if there is some kind of tool to create this kind of interactions/animations and then port them to the iPad/iPhone.
Any hint?
Edit: I wrote to the guy. But since the video went viral, probably he has too many emails and too little time.
I tweeted to the creator and I finally have an answer. As someone suggested, he indeed created everything in HTML/CSS and Javascript, but I'm impressed how smooth is the final result. I didn't expected that performance for an HTML, JS implementation.
Anyways, if anyone was interested in this, the answer is HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Tutorials for a blogging application in node.js

I am learning node.js, and would like to try building a blog on the platform. Do you know of any good tutorials that show you, step-by-step, how to build a blogging app on node? I have seen one by Nettuts, but it doesn't explain a full solution, with databases an the like. So are there any good tutorials? I do not mind if it is text or video, as long as it is descriptive and helpful.
Thanks for any recommendations!
My blog is written in node.js and express.js. I uses just a simple git repo on the filesystem for the post content. It is open source at Feel free to look around if you find it helpful and shoot me follow-up questions. It is no-frills but does have a basic post editor with preview and allows me to add custom markup processing logic.
There is a fully automated deployment solution in there coded in Ansible and bash that I use to deploy it to both a Vagrant-based staging VM and a production digital ocean droplet.
You can try ExpressJS
As an ExpressJS intermediate, I can understand the question coz even I coudnt find an expressjs tutorial that "just" works and is minimal.
You can try this tutorial or the hack sparrow express tut mentioned by Wyatt
If you are completely new to MVC web frameworks, its gonna take a lot of patience. Since I worked on Django befor, I was able to stand up n run pretty quickly with ExpressJS
So even if the tutorial doesnt make sense there's plenty of other resources likes docs, google and StackOverFlow :D
Node is all about using what is available in the ecosystem. npm is great and sets node apart from other environments. You could use, for example, Wheat.
That said, you could check out this article which is pretty old, but good.
Alternatively, I think the Hack Sparrow Express Tutorial would have a lot of valuable concepts for you, especially when coupled with his posts on Mongo.

Any SproutCore tutorials available?

I've read this question: SproutCore javascript, but as it's four years old, it is outdated. both the frameworks and the linked pages have changed. Apart from that, in four years one could write a lot tutorials. I googled around but couldn't find anything. I've seen the guides on, but they are far from complete. I can hack together a simple one page interface, but with my current knowledge of the framework, using it would be something more like a handicap than a benefit.
At the moment, the guides and showcase are definitely the best sources of static information. We do realize that the guides are a bit outdated and incomplete and actually have a thread going right now about what needs to be added.
However, the mailing list and IRC are now both very active and picking up steam as we all try to help out and answer questions.
Additionally, we are in the process of getting Sproutcore added to TodoMVC which should give you a good starting point.
If you're interested, we would love to hear your thoughts on what material we can add to the guides to improve! Just visit the guides' GitHub issues page and add an issue for what you'd like to see!
Edit: Also, we are making a push to add some questions to SO so that users can easily find proper examples of how to solve common problems, so definitely check back regularly and view the recent ones.
I apologize for the shameless self-promotion, but some time ago I have assembled a little blog post tracking the most useful learning resources on Sproutcore:
Hope you find it useful.

How to run javascript app by creating android project?

Hi I have app which is written in javascript. Now i want to create a android project by using this javascript code.
Can any one please guide me how can i do this. I mean how to call javascript userintereface, javascript functions in my android code.
If possible please provide me a good tutorial guide where i can read in detail and understand the actual things. I have searched it on google but didnt find any thing so posting here.
Any help is appricated.
check this link:
Can't Find variable in Phonegap using javascript
and also I have prefer this link for more details for initial developer.
I have explained how to use phone gap and java script in android project in first link.
Hope it will help you.

Javascript wrappers for Twitter

I am planning to build a JS based twitter client. Information about libraries/clients is pretty old on other SO Questions. I was wondering if anyone has come across wrappers other than Spaz and TwitterHelper.
Addition : Please note this will be client app which I also plan to run on mobiles using phonegap.
Thanks :-)
I recently wrote an OAuth library for JavaScript that might help you. You can find it here:
There's also some example documentation on how to extend it for use with Twitter:
See Anywhere, an official Twitter Javascript library. Full documentation here.

