JSON encoded formatter function name - javascript

I'm using jqgrid for which I create column definitions on server as dynamic objects and serialize them using Json.Encode:
I have problem with applying custom formatter, as my serialized column definition is:
Problem is in quotes which are added to all keys and values to respect JSON specification, and those around iconFormatter are problem in my case as I want that to be my function.
Is there a simple solution for this?

It seems to me that you have the same or close problem as described here. You will have to replace the string values of the formatter properties to the function reference. Pragmatic way is to search for the strings like "iconFormatter" (search for all custom formatters which you use) and replace there to the corresponding function refernce.
UPDATED: If you would be use template property inside of column definition (see here) you would be solve the problem in another way. Additionally you code will be shorter, more clear and better readable.


How to retrieve the value of the first field in an object without its name?

I am using the REST Countries API to retrieve data from different countries, the point is to generate a HTML code to insert, depending on the country data.
But as I'm trying to point the language data in my HTML code, it of course returns me an object.
Here are two examples of the data from the API:
languages: {cat: 'Catalan'}
languages: {fra: 'French'}
The line of code in my HTML:
<p class="country__row"><span>🗣️</span>${data.languages}</p>
I would like to retrieve the values of the first field in those objects (Catalan or French) without having to, of course, write ${data.languages.fra} in my HTML code.
Thank you for your help.
I tried ${data.languages[0]} and ${data.languages[0].value}, doesn't work.
You can use the Object.keys() function to get the list of keys from an object.
There are other similar functions as well that you can use such as Object.values() or Object.entries().
As far as your use case is concerned try any one of the solutions mentioned below:
// The `0` index can be replaced with i if using a loop.
You can write as Object.values(data.languages) which would give you values of object.

Strange sort jqGrid

I have issue with sort in my jqGrid.
This is my jqGrid.
All columns sort normal. But only title column sort some strange. How i can resolve this issue?
Get data from sharepoint online 2013
It's not good to place HTML fragments like var taskTitle = '<a href="'... in the grid. Instead of that one should use custom formatter for the "taskTitle" column. The difference is very easy to explain. The current code interpret 'taskTitle' as string during sorting. So the URL from src attribute is more important as the text of <a> which see the user.
By usage of custom formatter you provides formatter and unformat callbacks which will be called by jqGrid to display the data in the cell and to get the data from the cell. So You can choose which data you use for sorting . If the custom formatters still not solve your problem you can define sorttype as function. It's helpful to replace the cell data to another data which should be used for sorting only.

Using jQuery's data() with Mustache.js templates

I am building a web-application where I want to display a complex model (named Answer). I am using a Mustache template to format the data, but now I have the problem that I cannot attach any complex data to the resulting html, which is normally possible using jQuery's .data() method.
My current (incorrect) implementation should demonstrate what I am trying to accomplish:
// (part of) the template
<input type="checkbox" data-answer="{{.}}">{{text}}
// js on the page
$(document).on('change', 'input[type="checkbox"]', function (event) {
Now I was hoping for a reference to the original Answer-object in the console, instead I got the rather useless string "[object Object]". Is there some way for me to retrieve the original object when the user checks the checkbox?
Edit: See also http://jsfiddle.net/sebastianv89/jQBpN/
I think the problem may be that HTML data- attributes are used to store textual data, not actual Javascript objects, so using a Mustache template to attempt to set data-answer will only result in the text representation of your answer objects being stored
Another approach you could try is to cache your answer objects in a map (as a JS object) and use your data-answer attribute to store keys into that map.

Javascript stringed array into an actual array

Ok. So the title sounds confusing but that's probably the best way to describe it.
I'm using the TextExt jQuery plugin to create a tag list in a form. However the plugin creates an array in a string when submitted. eg. "["this","that","other"]".
How can I convert this to an actual array? ["this","that","other"]
Cue really simple answer I completely overlooked.
Since you are using jQuery you can just pass it through jQuery.parseJSON like this:
var array = jQuery.parseJSON('["this","that","other"]')
Looks like JSON. So then use JSON.parse(), or better jQuery.parseJSON() when you already have jQuery inlcuded.

regular expression to filter out part of key value in a json string

I have the following JSON string as part of a log line.
cells : {"Lac":"7824","CntryISO":"us","NetTyp":"GSM","NetOp":"310260","Cid":"11983"}
I want to filter out to the following format: {"Lac":"7824","Cid":"11983"}.
How can do this using regular expression ? in Javascript or Python ?
the keys are constant strings(Lac, CntryISO, ...), but the value strings are varying.
Why don't you just delete them in JavaScript?
var myJson = {"Lac":"7824","CntryISO":"us","NetTyp":"GSM","NetOp":"310260","Cid":"11983"};
delete myJson.Lac;
delete myJson.cId;
To expand and explain #alex answer:
JSON is a nested multi dimensional structure. Simply filtering the "string-ifiyed form of a Javascript object" (aka JSON) will work in very simple cases, but will rapidly fail when the structure is no longer flat or it starts to get complex with escaped fields, etc.
At that point you will need proper parsing logic. This is nicely supplied by Javascript itself, to quote #alexes code:
var myJson = {"Lac":"7824","CntryISO":"us","NetTyp":"GSM","NetOp":"310260","Cid":"11983"};
delete myJson.Lac;
delete myJson.cId;
Or, if you want to use python, the json module will work just fine:
Good luck! :)
Why would you want to use regex for this when you can just use a JSON parser/serializer? Try cjson in Python if you are concerned about speed, it is faster than 'json' module in the Python standard library.

