jQuery sort causing iOS Safari to freeze - javascript

I have a page that is using jQuery to load an XML file, which I'm then outputting the contents of to the page.
Recently I added a sorting function to the output which is causing a 1+ or 2+ minute hang on Safari on an iPod Touch (depending upon how many fields I sort by) and a less than 1 minute hang on an iPad. The same sort returns within a few seconds on Firefox 4.0.1.
I'm afraid it's just a limitation of the iOS, but before I removed the sort, perhaps there's an optimization that could be made.
Before the filter there's 357 items in the XML. After the filter there's 199 items that are sorted through.
var videoGames = $($.parseXML(videoGameXml)).find("game");
videoGames = videoGames.filter(function (a) {
return ($(this).attr('addOn') != "true" && $(this).find('own').text() == "yes");
videoGames.sort(function (a, b) {
var firstTitle = $(a).find('title').text().toLowerCase();
var secondTitle = $(b).find('title').text().toLowerCase();
var firstSystem = ($(a).find("console").text() + " " + $(a).find("version").text()).toLowerCase();
var secondSystem = ($(b).find("console").text() + " " + $(b).find("version").text()).toLowerCase();
if (firstSystem != secondSystem) {
if (firstSystem > secondSystem) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
} else {
if (firstTitle > secondTitle) {
return 1;
} else if (secondTitle < firstTitle) {
return -1;
return 0;
videoGames.each(function () {
// runs quickly, so removed
Note that if I remove the system check as an initial 'optimization' that cuts the time about in half on the iPod Touch, but still results in the 1+ minute hang mentioned above.
So, is it an iOS device limitation, or can I optimize my sort?

Every time you do $(a) it will perform a very complex set of operations, so you better cache it. Also, you don't need the Title if System is different. This version should speed it up a bit:
videoGames.sort(function (a, b) {
var first = $(a);
var second = $(b);
var firstSystem = (first.find("console").text() + " " + first.find("version").text()).toLowerCase();
var secondSystem = (second.find("console").text() + " " + second.find("version").text()).toLowerCase();
if (firstSystem != secondSystem) {
if (firstSystem > secondSystem) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
} else {
var firstTitle = first.find('title').text().toLowerCase();
var secondTitle = second.find('title').text().toLowerCase();
if (firstTitle > secondTitle) {
return 1;
} else if (secondTitle < firstTitle) {
return -1;
return 0;
You could also cache the values in the object
Then, instead of:
var firstSystem = (first.find("console").text() + " " + first.find("version").text()).toLowerCase();
var firstSystem = first.data('system');
if (!firstSystem) {
firstSystem = (first.find("console").text() + " " + first.find("version").text()).toLowerCase();
first.data('system') = firstSystem;

You should move any selectors calls like this:
var firstTitle = $(a).find('title').text().toLowerCase();
out from the comparator function. The comparator function is supposed to be lightweight.
Either use children(), next() and the like or
scan you set once and create an array of keys upfront and then sort it using those keys.
The comparator function will be called 2n * ln(n) times (depends on algorithm used) where n is a number of elements in a set. So your code does the same expensive calculations twice at least.


The output from SetTimeout function is inconsistent

I am trying to create something like a Grid-Image-Box-Slider. Now what I am trying to achieve is that after a period of time (e.g 5 seconds) one of the images will be changed randomly. So, my script follows:
var currentImages = [1, 2];
(function imgCarousel() {
var min = 1;
var max = 6;
currentImgSlot = pickImageSlot();
var pickedImage = pickImage();
setTimeout(function () {
console.log("Image Slot: " + currentImgSlot + "<br> Image: " + pickedImage);
//var bgImgElem = document.getElementsByClassName('bg1');
var sheet = new CSSStyleSheet();
sheet.replaceSync('.bg' + currentImgSlot + ' {background-image: url("assets/img/' + pickedImage + '.jpg") !important}');
document.adoptedStyleSheets = [sheet];
return imgCarousel();
}, 5000)
function pickImageSlot() {
var min = 1;
var max = 2;
var generatedImgSlot = generateRandomNumber(max, min);
if (generatedImgSlot == currentImgSlot) {
return pickImageSlot();
return generatedImgSlot;
function pickImage() {
var min = 1;
var max = 6;
var generatedImg = generateRandomNumber(max, min);
if (currentImages[currentImgSlot] == generatedImg) {
return pickImage();
currentImages[currentImgSlot] = generatedImg;
return generatedImg;
function generateRandomNumber(max, min) {
return Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min) + min)
So, here you can see that inside the imgCarousel() function I am using the setTimeout to change the background-image randomly after 5 seconds and then calling the same function again recursively. So, according to this code after each five seconds only one image should be changed. But, in reality, sometimes both of the images get changed at the same time. I don't know what is causing this issue.
Any help would be much appreciated. For your convenience I am sharing my code repo here:
Git Repo
Live Demo
It's a bit difficult to notice, but if you pay attention, in your live demo you'll actually see that each time they both change, one returns to the default. This is because you're actually just overriding the adoptedStyleSheets property with a new array consisting only of the latest override, so your other image will simultaneously return to the primary style sheet's image (the default).
There is no problem with the setTimeout, the issue is just that you need to be able to support both images being different from the default, instead of exactly one. You already keep both images in currentImages, so each time the timeout runs you can iterate over them and set each one's image in the new adopted style sheet.
Naively, something like this might work:
setTimeout(function () {
console.log("Image Slot: " + currentImgSlot + "<br> Image: " + pickedImage);
//var bgImgElem = document.getElementsByClassName('bg1');
var sheet = new CSSStyleSheet();
for(var i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
sheet.replaceSync('.bg' + i + ' {background-image: url("assets/img/' + currentImages[i]+ '.jpg") !important}');
document.adoptedStyleSheets = [sheet];
return imgCarousel();
}, 5000)
Your currentImages seems to be used with a random number between 1 and 2, but arrays are 0-based, so I'm not sure what your intended usage is there, but this should get you on the right track.

Sorting a list based on user input on a webpage

I'm attempting to write a webpage that presents the user with two options from a list and asks them which is better. I repeat this until the list is sorted. I am having trouble understanding how I can do this in javascript. I've tried a few things, but none of them have worked yet.
If this was in, say, C++, I would just write a class and then overload the < operator to ask for user input via cin or whatever, but that doesn't really work in a webpage. I'm attempting something similar with:
class Character {
constructor(initName, initPicture, initColor) {
this.name = initName;
this.picture = initPicture;
this.color = initColor;
async set1() {
console.log("should display " + this.name);
document.getElementById("pic1").src = this.picture;
document.getElementById("name1").innerHTML = this.name;
document.getElementById("character1").style.background = this.color;
console.log("displayed " + this.name);
async set2() {
console.log("should display " + this.name);
document.getElementById("pic2").src = this.picture;
document.getElementById("name2").innerHTML = this.name;
document.getElementById("character2").style.background = this.color;
console.log("displayed " + this.name);
var decision = false;
async function compare(a, b) {
console.log("comparing " + a.name + " to " + b.name);
console.log("after display");
const nameA = a.name;
const nameB = b.name;
/*while (!decision) {
// var result = prompt("Who is better, " + a.name + " or " + b.name
+ "?");
let comparison = 0;
if (result === nameA) {
comparison = 1;
else if (result === nameB) {
comparison = 0;
return comparison;
Essentially, the two commented lines were two ways of trying to see what would happen if the function was stalled. When this happens, nothing is rendered to the screen via set1 or set2 (which I know are called because of the console.log).
Eventually, I plan to store the result of the comparison in a database and check to see if the comparison has already been made first. The user will choose through clicking on one of the divs (not implemented yet).
I'm not really looking to 'debug' my code per-se since it technically works; I'm just not sure how to approach this problem. I don't think that the way I am doing it now is the best.
By the way, I'm not using the library sort function since it doesn't like async functions.
What kind of algorithm/srtucture would you use to write a webpage that sorts a list based on the user choosing which is greater?
Everything you do in javascript is somehow async (except promt), so you just have to make it possible to await the user clicking one of the divs. For that we just build a Promise that resolves when the click event occurs on a certain element:
function wasClicked(el) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
el.addEventListener("click", function handler() {
el.removeEventListener("click", handler);
Then you can change your comparison to:
static async function compare(a, b) { // <- should be static
console.log("comparing " + a.name + " to " + b.name);
console.log("after display");
const pic1 = document.getElementById("pic1");
const pic2 = document.getElementById("pic2");
const choice = await Promise.race(wasClicked(pick), wasClicked(pic2));
return choice === pic1 ? 1 : -1;
Now we only need a way to sort an array asynchronoulsy, but thats quite easy:
async function asyncSort(array, comparator) {
for(let i = 0; i < array.length - 1; i++) {
if(await comparator(array[i], array[i + 1]) < 0) {
([array[i], array[i + 1]] = [[array[i + 1], array[i]]);
i -= 2;
So you can now do:
asyncSort(someArray, Character.compare);
PS: classes should by convention just contain methods that are "traits" of the class, e.g. Character.speak(), neither set1 nor set2 do that so they should not be methods of Character

depth first traversal of a graph - javascript

I am trying to learn graphs well and implemented the following depth-first search in javascript. The DFS function is working ok, but the checkRoutes function is the source of my troubles. The checkRoutes function accepts two inputs and returns true if there is a possible path between two nodes/vertices, and false if not. it does this by starting at a node, checking the adjacency list, and then checking the adjacency lists of every item in the adjacency list via recursion.
My solution works for only one case - when you check two vertices once, but due to the way I'm storing the possibleVertices array globally, "possibleVertices" doesn't get cleared out each time. how could I push and store to the "possibleToVisit" array inside "checkRoute" instead of globally in this class? Would it be better to have this array stored on the constructor?
var possibleToVisit = [];
function dfs(v) {
this.marked[v] = true;
if (this.adj[v] !== undefined) {
console.log("visited vertex " + v);
for (var i = 0; i < this.adj[v].length; i++) {
var w = this.adj[v][i];
if (!this.marked[w]) {
function checkRoute(v, v2) {
if (possibleToVisit.indexOf(v2) === -1) {
return false;
return true;
g = new Graph(5);
g.addEdge(0, 1);
g.addEdge(0, 2);
g.addEdge(1, 3);
g.addEdge(2, 4);
// g.showGraph();
// g.dfs(0);
console.log(g.checkRoute(0, 4));//true
console.log(g.checkRoute(0, 5));//false
You can write a DFS "starter" function, which will reset all variables, and return something if necessary:
function Graph(v) {
this.startDfs = startDfs;
this.possibleToVisit = [];
// ...
function startDfs(v) {
this.possibleToVisit = []; // here, you can reset any values
return true; // here, you can return a custom object containing 'possibleToVisit'
And call it only using startDfs:
function checkRoute(v, v2) {
if (this.possibleToVisit.indexOf(v2) === -1) {
return false;
return true;
Here is the updated JSFiddle.
Arrays in Javascript get passed as reference, so something like
function fill(a,l){
for(var i = 0;i<l;i++)
a.push(i + 10);
function check(idx, max){
var arr = [];
console.log(arr[idx]); // 14
would work and everytime check gets called arr is fresh and clean.
You can use a marked[] array (which is filled up during the dfs() call) to determine whether a particular vertex can be reached from a known vertex s.
Please take a look at the depth first search implementation in the following library:
It provides an object oriented approach to the graph creation as well as the depth first search algorithm.
The sample code for its depth first search algorithm is given here:
var jsgraphs = require('js-graph-algorithms');
var g = new jsgraphs.Graph(6);
g.addEdge(0, 5);
g.addEdge(2, 4);
g.addEdge(2, 3);
g.addEdge(1, 2);
g.addEdge(0, 1);
g.addEdge(3, 4);
g.addEdge(3, 5);
g.addEdge(0, 2);
var starting_vertex = 0;
var dfs = new jsgraphs.DepthFirstSearch(g, starting_vertex);
for(var v=1; v < g.V; ++v) {
if(dfs.hasPathTo(v)) {
console.log(s + " is connected to " + v);
console.log("path: " + dfs.pathTo(v));
} else {
console.log('No path from ' + s + ' to ' + v);

Random Number with javascript or jquery

I am trying to make a script to pick random number between two numbers . but it picks same number sometimes. i donot want to repeat same number until array is finished .
Here is my code
$(document).ready(function () {
test = array();
function abc() {
res = randomXToY(1, 10, 0);
$('#img' + res).fadeTo(1200, 1);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000);
function removeClassImg(res) {
$('#img' + res).fadeTo(1200, 0.1);
//$('#img' + res).removeClass('activeImg');
function randomXToY(minVal, maxVal, floatVal) {
var randVal = minVal + (Math.random() * (maxVal - minVal));
return typeof floatVal == 'undefined' ? Math.round(randVal) : randVal.toFixed(floatVal);
Does Anybody have idea about this ...
You'll have to maintain a list of numbers that have already been generated, and check against this list. Re-generate a new number if you find a dupe.
If you do not want the random numbers repeating themselves you have to keep track of the some way.
If you have the range you are dealing with is relatively small, you can create an array with all possible results and simply randomly pick out of it.
function Randomizer(minVal, maxVal, floatVal){
var possible_results = []; // for larger arrays you can build this using a loop of course
var randomization_array = [];
var count = minVal;
var incrementor = floatVal || 1; // set the distance between possible values (if floatVal equals 0 we round to 1)
while (count <= maxVal) {
count += incrementor;
this.run = function(){
// if randomization_array is empty set posssible results into it
randomization_array = randomization_array.length ? randomization_array : $.merge(randomization_array, possible_results);
// pick a random element within the array
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*randomization_array.length);
// return the relevant element
return randomization_array.splice(rand,1)[0];
and in order to use it (it creates a specialized object for each possible range):
rand = new Randomizer(1,10,0);
note that this approach does not work well for very large ranges

Animate counter using Javascript

I have a couple of fairly simple javascript functions which animate the transition of a number, going up and down based on user actions. There are a number of sliders on the page which within their callback they call recalculateDiscount() which animates the number up or down based on their selection.
var animationTimeout;
// Recalculate discount
function recalculateDiscount() {
// Get the previous total from global variable
var previousDiscount = totalDiscount;
// Calculate new total
totalDiscount = calculateDiscount().toFixed(0);
// Calculate difference
var difference = previousDiscount - totalDiscount;
// If difference is negative, count up to new total
if (difference < 0) {
updateDiscount(true, totalDiscount);
// If difference is positive, count down to new total
else if (difference > 0) {
updateDiscount(false, totalDiscount);
function updateDiscount(countUp, newValue) {
// Clear previous timeouts
// Get value of current count
var currentValue = parseInt($(".totalSavingsHeader").html().replace("$", ""));
// If we've reached desired value, end
if (currentValue === newValue) { return; }
// If counting up, increase value by one and recursively call with slight delay
if (countUp) {
$(".totalSavingsHeader").html("$" + (currentValue + 1));
animationTimeout = setTimeout("updateDiscount(" + countUp + "," + totalDiscount + ")", 1);
// Otherwise assume we're counting down, decrease value by one and recursively call with slight delay
else {
$(".totalSavingsHeader").html("$" + (currentValue - 1));
animationTimeout = setTimeout("updateDiscount(" + countUp + "," + totalDiscount + ")", 1);
The script works really well for the most part however there are a couple of problems. Firstly, older browsers animate more slowly (IE6 & 7) and get confused if the user moves the slider again whilst it is still within the animation.
Newer browsers work great EXCEPT for on some occasions, if the user moves the slider mid-animation, it seems that it starts progressing in the wrong direction. So for updateDiscount() gets called with a new value and a directive to count up instead of down. As a result the animation goes the wrong direction on an infinite loop as it will never reach the correct value when it's counting in the wrong direction.
I'm stumped as to why this happens, my setTimeout() experience is quite low which may be the problem. If I haven't provided enough info, just let me know.
Thank you :)
Here is how you use setTimeout efficiently
animationTimeout = setTimeout(function {
passing an anonymous function help you avoid using eval.
Also: using 1 millisecond, which is too fast and will freeze older browsers sometimes. So using a higher which will not even be noticed by the user can work better.
Let me know if this works out for you
OK think it's fixed...
Refactored code a little bit, here's final product which looks to have resolved bug:
var animationTimeout;
function recalculateDiscount() {
var previousDiscount = parseInt(totalDiscount);
totalDiscount = parseInt(calculateDiscount());
if (($.browser.msie && parseFloat($.browser.version) < 9) || $.browser.opera) {
$(".totalSavingsHeader").html("$" + totalDiscount);
else {
if (previousDiscount != totalDiscount) {
function updateDiscount(newValue) {
var currentValue = parseInt($(".totalSavingsHeader").html().replace("$", ""));
if (parseInt(currentValue) === parseInt(newValue)) {
var direction = (currentValue < newValue) ? "up" : "down";
var htmlValue = direction === "up" ? (currentValue + 1) : (currentValue - 1);
$(".totalSavingsHeader").html("$" + htmlValue);
animationTimeout = setTimeout(function () { updateDiscount(newValue); }, 5);
Will give points to both Ibu & prodigitalson, thank you for your help :)

