Follow all users on a twitter page [closed] - javascript

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Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm on!/username/followers ; is there any greasemonkey script to follow all the twitter users on that page?

Here's a new one which also employs a delay to prevent spam issues.
var FOLLOW_PAUSE = 1250;
var FOLLOW_RAND = 250;
var PAGE_WAIT = 2000;
__cnt__ = 0;
var f;
f = function() {
var eles;
var __lcnt__ = 0;
eles = jQuery('.Grid-cell .not-following .follow-text').each(function(i, ele) {
ele = jQuery(ele);
if (ele.css('display') != 'block') {
console.trace('Already following: ' + i);
setTimeout(function() {
console.trace("Following " + i + " of " + eles.length);;
if ((eles.length - 1) == i) {
window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
setTimeout(function() {
}, __lcnt__++ * FOLLOW_PAUSE + Math.random()*(FOLLOW_RAND) - FOLLOW_RAND/2);
What it does:
Looks for follow buttons
Checks that you aren't already following or pending (display: block check)
Sets a timer to click the FOLLOW buttons every 500ms to prevent spam issues.
NEW! When it's done them all, scrolls the page and waits a couple seconds for the next loads to appear, then repeats the whole process!
Notes for hackers:
Works on Chrome latest version and Twitter as of the 30th of Sep 2016.
You seem to need to "click" the DIV inside the A tag, not the A tag itself.
HOMEWORK: Maybe try jQuery's live() function to auto-click any new buttons which show up after the initial page load :)
Disclaimer: This is not a hack...just a technique to save some wrist and finger RSI :) Regardless, use cautiously and respectfully.
UPDATE: Improved for latest twitter. Now employs randomness in the timing to make you look less like a bot

Twitter uses JQuery, so a way to do this, assuming that you aren't doing this so much as to trigger the rate limits (the rate limits will apply more aggressively to web client users as compared to API users) is to do the equivalent of:
You can accomplish this in GreaseMonkey if you'd like, or setting it as a JavaScript bookmarklet, or by copy-pasting this into your address bar and hitting enter:

I modified the code that Hari Karam Singh posted earlier to work to the to-date Twitter.
__cnt__=0; jQuery('.stream button.follow-button > span.follow-text').each(function (i, ele) { ele = jQuery(ele); if (ele.css('display')!='block') {console.log('already following:', i); return;} setTimeout(function () {;}, __cnt__++*500); });

It doesn´t work anymore, but if you use the object instead of the alias i´ll do javascript:jQuery('.button.follow-button').click();.
You can also use the in-built debugger in chrome or firebug to add a button that cam do this for you, and add a settimeout to avoid interference with the api's restrictions.
<input type="button" onclick="javascript:jQuery('.button.follow-button').click();" value="follow!


JS conditions on images [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to develop a sort of calculator which show a set of images and the client can select and depending on the choice he moves to next step of choices. At the end of all the choices he will be given a package depending on the choices of all steps chosen.
A working example of something similar can be found in this link: and then clicking on the 'help me choose' popup on the left hand side.
Can anyone suggest any methods or libraries I can start from in achieving something like this ?
Okay. So this is pretty basic, but I created a JSFiddle just to get you started. I is not pretty, but it should give you some indication of what is required.
Here is the code, if there is something about it that is unclear, google it:
var selections = {
"opt1": false,
"opt2": false,
"opt3": false,
"opt4": false,
"opt5": false,
"opt6": false
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.option').click(function(event) {
var id =;
if (selections[id]) {
$('#' + id).removeClass('checked-option');
selections[id] = false;
} else {
$('#' + id).addClass('checked-option');
selections[id] = true;
$('#btn1').click(function() {
$('#btn2').click(function() {
$('#btn3').click(function() {
var content = 'Selected:<ul>';
for (var i in selections) {
if (selections[i]) {
content += '<li>' + i + '</li>';
content += '</ul>';
$('#btn4').click(function() {

showModalDialog deprecated and is out...suffering TMI of what to replace it with

I have been using showModalDialog quite blissfully until the other day when IE 10 started acting up with it. A little Googling revealed that showModalDialog is deprecated.
So my search began for a replacement and that is when I started getting overwhelmed at all the different options.
Since I am working a large existing app I can't just go plugging in whatever library and call it a happy day. Further I need to block execution (or exec a call back function) when the user is done interacting with my popup.
Since we are using jquery 1.4 I thought to use it but the examples I saw popped a div content and that is not my scenario.
Going back to Google I was again overwhelmed with all the modal libraries etc. out there so I was hoping someone could cut through the noise for me.
Here is a typical code snippet:
function LaunchDialog(dialogID, typeName, SubGridName)
var left = Number((screen.width / 2) - (700 / 2));
var top = Number((screen.height / 2) - (500 / 2));
var recordId = window.parent......getId();
var serverUri = window......create('/.../rundialog.aspx');
window.showModalDialog(serverUri + '?DialogId=%7b' ..... 'top='+top+', left='+left);
//reload refresh grid only--this is the line for callback
Switching to I lose my modal dialog effect....which is to say the user could change focus and not complete the dialog questions. Further the code no longer blocks.
So am I just naive to think that it should be as easy as changing window.showmodaldialog to newcrossbrowsermodaldialog(parm1, parm2) etc?

Opening another window in Javascript when user presses X on browser

I understand this question has been asked and either answered or rejected before, but i promise i have a reasonably legit reason for asking. I am doing a Uni course and one of the requirements for the web app we are making is to have a certain page (daily sales report) open once the user presses X on the browser, this is a local file only ans aside from using window.onbeforeunload ="dailyreport.html"); , which opens the page every time I do anything (click links etc) I have hit a brick wall.
Also i forgot to mention we are not allowd to use JSON or jquery at all... sucks but thats what the bosses want
Thanks guys
You are looking for the windown.onclose event.
As from here
However, note that this is not supported by all browsers. If it is for a uni project you might be able to get away with it though if your requirements don't specify across-the-board browser compatibility.
window.onload = function(){
var as = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
var linkClicked = false;
for(i=0;i<as.length; i++){
as[i].onclick = function(){
linkClicked= true;
window.onbeforeunload = function(){!linkClicked &&"dailyreport.html");}

IE stop script warning

Only in IE I get a warning when loading my site containing javascript saying that its causing the page to run slowly (and asking if I want to stop it).
I've seen other posts about this and I've looked for any long running code or infinite loops etc. The weird thing is, when I select 'No' (to not terminate the script) the page immediately loads properly. Its almost like this warning comes up right before the page is done loading. Has anybody experienced this, or know why this might be happening?
IE has its own way of making your life impossible.
Just deactivate the warning, you can further research in the future if that's necessary.
This article might help you determine why IE is giving such a warning.
Adapted from
// Magic IE<9 workaround for irritating "Stop running this script?" dialog.
RepeatOperation = function(anonymousOperation, whenToYield){
var count = 0
return function(){
if (++count >= whenToYield){
count = 0
setTimeout(function(){anonymousOperation()}, 100)
else anonymousOperation()
// How to implement the workaround:
//for (var i in retailers){ // Too big for IE<9! Use magic workaround:
var i = 0; var noInArray = retailers.length
var ro = new RepeatOperation(function(){
// <<Your loop body here, using return instead of continue.>>
if (++i < noInArray) ro()
else alert("Loop finished.")
}, 200) // Run this in batches of n. 500 is too much for IE<9.

Making DiveIntoPython3 work in IE8 (fixing a Javascript performance issue)

I am trying to fix the performance problem with Dive Into Python 3 on IE8. Visit this page in IE8 and, after a few moments, you will see the following popup:
alt text
I traced down the culprit down to this line in j/dip3.js
... find("tr:nth-child(" + (i+1) + ") td:nth-child(2)");
If I disable it (and return from the function immediately), the "Stop executing this script?" dialog does not appear as the page now loads fairly fast.
I am no Javascript/jquery expert, so I ask you fellow developers as to why this query is making IE slow. Is there a fix for it?
Edit: you can download the entire webpage (980K) for local viewing/editing.
This seems to need a bit of rewriting.
nth-child is a slow operation. You should implement the current functionality by generating classes or ids that would be common for the TDs in table and elements from the refs collection (dip3.js line 183). and then:
refs.each(function(i) {
var a = $(this);
var li = a.parents("pre").next("table").find("td."+a.attr('class'));
li.add(a).hover(function() { a.css(hip); li.css(hip); },
function() { a.css(unhip); li.css(unhip); });
This popup message is misleading - it doesn't actually mean that IE is running slowly, but that the number of executed script statements has exceeded a certain threshold. Even if the script executes very quickly, you'll still see this message if you go over the limit. The only way to get rid of it is to reduce the number of statements executed or edit the registry.
I find Microsoft's implementation of this very annoying. It makes assumptions about the speed of your computer.

