Whats wrong with my JavaScript architecture (YUI3)? - javascript

I am writing a web application which uses YUI3 for all it's JS needs. I need functionality such as Tooltips, Tooltips whose content is determined by AJAX queries, Toggle Buttons and so on.
I was not sure who to build an architecture to achieve all this. I have taken the following approach
var Myapp = function(){
//code to convert NODE into a toggle button;
return this;
In my application I then just convert all the buttons into toggle buttons by calling
var app = Myapp();
All this works. But I wanted to know from more experienced developers if there is anything fundamentally wrong with this approach.
Is this a good way to use JavaScript ?

return this;
This is unneccesary since function constructors return this by default.
var app = Myapp();
You forgot to call new Myapp() without the new keyword this will be the window object and you are effectively writing to global scope.

There's a fundamental problem in your code:
var MyApp = function(){
You're not defining a function for MyApp. Instead, you try to invoke toggleButton each time you instantiate it. It should fail because the function is undefined
In your case, Class definition and instantiation is not needed because MyApp is being used as a utility.
You can define MyApp as a static Object:
var MyApp = {
toggleButton: function toggleButton() {
// your code
And you can use it anywhere by:


Use javascript module inside an object

I'm asking a question:
Imagine I have a javascript module (using revealing module pattern) and I want to use it inside some prototype methods of an object. What will be the best way on your opinion to do it?
I have currently two ideas in mind:
- Pass the global module to the constructor of the object and keep it in an object property (this.myModule...)
- Use the module from the prototype method directly as global variable
Let me explain you the situation with a small example:
I have file1.js containing the module :
var myModule = (function(){
function doSomething(){...}
return {doSomething: doSomething};
To use this module, which of the two options is the best for you? Or maybe you have a better option to propose?
I can't use requirejs nor any libraries to ease the modularity and dependency management of my application. Also, I can't change the existing architecture.
// Option 1
function myObject(myModule){
this._myModule = myModule;
myObject.prototype.doAnotherThing = function(){
var test = new myObject(myModule);
// Option 2
function myObject(){
myObject.prototype.doAnotherThing = function(){
var test = new myObject();
I'm really interested by having your point of view.
Thanks a lot in advance,

Javascript Jasmine Testing: Prevent tested function to call function from object that was created within tested function

I want to test a Javascript function with Jasmine that has a structure like this:
showEditUser: function (...) {
// more code here...
var editUserView = new EditUserView();
// more code here...
editUserView.generate() causes an error. That does not matter because I don't want to test it. But how can I prevent it from being called?
EditUserView is a RequireJS Module that extends another Module called BaseView. The function generate() is defined in BaseView. There are other Modules that extend BaseView and I want all of them not to call generate while testing. How can I do that with Jasmine? It seems not to be possible with spyOn(...).and.callFake() because I don't have the editUserView Object when calling the function. Is there kind of a static way to tell Jasmine to callFake() the function generate in BaseView?
There is no "nice" way to solve this with jasmine. I think, to take a BaseView viewObj as parameter is a nicer coding style. It will reduce the dependencies of the method. So it don't have to know the specific BaseView-class, he will simply need a viewObj that has a generate-method.
showEditUser: function(..., viewObj) {
// ...
Then you could create a ViewMock and put it into that function like this:
var viewMock = {};
viewMock.generate = jasmine.createSpy('generate() spy');
Then you will call it this way:
showEditUser(..., viewMock);
EDIT: Here is a similar question

Javascript Module pattern - how to reveal all methods?

I have module pattern done like this:
var A = (function(x) {
var methodA = function() { ... }
var methodB = function() { ... }
var methodC = function() { ... }
return {
methA: methodA,
methB: methodB
This code let's me call only methA and methB() on A which is what I want and what I like. Now the problem I have - I want to unit test it with no pain ot at least with minimal efforts.
First I though I can simply return this but I was wrong. It returns window object.(can someone explain why?).
Second - I found solution somewhere online - to include this method inside my return block:
__exec: function() {
var re = /(\(\))$/,
args = [].slice.call(arguments),
name = args.shift(),
is_method = re.test(name),
name = name.replace(re, ''),
target = eval(name);
return is_method ? target.apply(this, args) : target;
This method let's me call the methods like this: A.__exec('methA', arguments);
It is almost what I want, but quite ugly. I would prefer A.test.methA() where test would never be used in production code - just for revealing private methods.
I see people telling me to test the big thing instead of the small parts. Let me explain. In my opinion API should reveal only the needed methods not a bunch of internal functions. The internals because of their small size and limited functionality are much easier to test then test the whole thing and guess which part gone wrong.
While I may be wrong, I would still like to see how I could return references to all the methods from the object itself :).
Answer to your first question(you return this, but it returns window, not the object you wanted): in javascript this inside the function returns global object unless this function is a method of the object.
Consider next examples:
1) this points to the global object ():
return this;
2) this points to the object:
var obj = {
value: "foo",
getThisObject: function(){
return this;
Your case is example #1, because you have a function, that returns an object. This function is not a method of any object.
The best answer to your second question is to test only public methods, but if
that is so important for you, I can propose next:
create your modules dynamically on server side.
How it works:
create separate scripts for functionality you want;
create tests for these separate scripts;
create method that will combine scripts into one however you want;
to load script, reference to the combining scripts method.
Hopefully, it can solve your problem. Good luck!
Why not use namespaces to add your modules and public methods to js engine. Like this:
window['MyApp']['MODULE1'] = { "METHOD1" : {}, "METHOD2" : {}};
I write modules like this Sample module in JavaScript.
And test it like this: Simple unit testing in JavaScript
The use of eval() is generally not good idea.

Ember JS how to set up Application

I am an Ember noob and am trying to get it to work; however I am confused about the App.initialize() method.
It throws errors (it can't find the object App) if I use the following code:
App = Ember.Application.extend()
However if I use the following code; it says initialize is being called twice.
App = Ember.Application.create()
What is the best way to do this?
The Application no longer provides the initialize method. Instead you should use Application#deferReadiness and Application#advanceReadiness combined.
Example extracted from Ember's source code:
App = Em.Application.create();
jQuery.getJSON("/auth-token", function(token) {
App.token = token;
Additionally, check the sample in jsfiddle:
window.App = Em.Application.create();
window.setTimeout(function() {
Em.TEMPLATES["application"] = Em.Handlebars.compile('<h1>App</h1> this is a template');
}, 1500);
First, You have to understand the difference between create() and extend(). Easy way to understand is extend() method just extends the class of Ember.Application but create() method creates the instance of Ember.Application(). While creating the instance it runs the constructor. There are 3 ways to create the Ember.App and run it.
var App= Ember.Application.extend()
var App = Ember.Application.create()
This initialises as soon as u create object.
var App= Ember.Application.extend()
To understand Ember Objects more go through this link. Understanding Ember.Object
Just create your application and let Ember initialize it.
All you need to do is:
App = Ember.Application.create()
The App will not be initialized immediately. It waits, at least, for DOM readiness and for the rest of your classes to be defined (by waiting until control is returned to the browser from the currently executed JavaScript).
If you want to defer it for other reasons, do something like this:
$.getJSON("/boot", function() { App.advanceReadiness(); });
This will wait to boot the app until the /boot Ajax call returns.
Just have a look here how to do this stuff:
How to bootstrap:
window.App = Ember.Application.create();
Without ever using ember.js, I would suggest that create and initialize both do initialization, that's why you get the latter error telling you it's inited twice.
And your first version is trying to extend the Application object, that is you create new functionality.
Ember "create" method accepts either no arguments, or an object containing values to initialize the newly instantiated object with, so you might also go like this below:
var appConfig = {
Token: token;
App = Ember.Application.create(appConfig);

How to use a JavaScript method/object that has been defined in another file?

I have a some JavaScript with a complex structure. Because I'm new comer to JavaScript (only understanding some basic concepts) I don't know how to use it properly.
I have two files : Circle.js and Line.js. In Circle.js, I want to use a class object defined in Line.js:
In file Circle.js :
Helper.using('py.Figures', function (ns) {
ns.Circle = function (params) {
// some additional methods and code here
And in Line.js is :
Helper.using('py.Figures', function (ns) {
ns.Line2Point = function (params) {
// some addition methods and code here
In Figures.Circle, in ns.Circle I want to use Line2Point but I don't know how.
I think it should be :
line = new ns.Line2Point(params);
But It seem doesn't work.
According to Helper Class, ns will point to helper.using, in this case py.Figures. Does it mean, ns is the same object/reference in both the files?
I don't think this is doable in Javascript directly across files. If they are part of the same namespace you could share some 'global' objects to achieve this have the line2points and circles attach themselves to that global object:
var myShapesNameSpace = {};
var circle = {};
circle.method1 = function(){...}
circle.method2 = function(){...}
myShapesNameSpace.Circles = circle;
})(window.myShapesNameSpace = window.myShapesNameSpace || {}); //check if namespace object exists. Else create a new blank one.
var line= {};
line.method1 = function(){...}
line.method2 = function(){...}
myShapesNameSpace.Lines= line;
})(window.myShapesNameSpace = window.myShapesNameSpace || {});
Now you can check for the existence of myShapesNameSpace.Circles or .Lines and call the corresponding methods accordingly.
You can include files in javascript and reference objects across files unless they are exported in some global form either via window or your define global
Welcome to Javascript, the shit parts. Require.js was designed precisely for this because the creators of JS, well, I guess thought that everyone would write every program in one file.
It was designed for web use but can be used elsewhere too (locally, with Node, etc.)

