Lazy loading of HTML markup - javascript

My organisation are an ecommerce company and have a numberv of pages displaying a long list of products, some pages can have 20 products while others may have up to 100! - Don't ask me why!
I have been tasked with improving the load times of these pages, profiling shows that the majority of the load time is from the markup - there is too much of it!! Due to the amount of info the business must show the markup cannot really be reduced.
This leads me to looking at alternatives and one would be lazy loading of the product markup as the user scrolls down the screen (we currently use this technique for product images).
Does anyone have any experience with doing such a thing that they could share? - the worry is that this could impact performance within the page
Any alternate methods would be listened to as well
Look forward to any opinions

You can dynamically load content while scrolling.
You can load all key data in your barebones HTML and then add necessary markup flourish with Javascript.
Alternatively, you could send a compact XML document and apply an XSLT transform on client side if client accepts it (see 'Accept:' header).

One thing to look at is adding in compression to what the browser is sending. This will substantially reduce the page payload.
As others have mentioned, loading page content can cause a number of problems, especially for users with accessibility needs (which is a much larger percentage than most people think)

I used the following aproach to hide the makeup time to render/create the content (android, jq and jq-mobile)
a) The content is generated in the background. Always small pieces are created (duration 20-30ms) and insert into the dom. After around 50ms (setTimeout) the next piece is created and inserted into the dom
b) Android specific: I noticed that the first selection of an DOM element (e.g. $(‘#xyz’) )takes relatively long (approx 10ms) . If the element is accessed the second time, it takes only 1ms (Samsung S3).
Hope this helps


How many images can be loading at the same time without sacrificing speed

I'm making a webcomic reader that loads 5 to 10 images whenever the user navigates to an episode. Each image is 2 to 3 megabytes. The project is in angular.
The problem is that each episode takes a while to load because all the images of an episode are loading at the same time. You can't even begin reading the episode until the entire episode is done loading.
I tried using the (load) function to stop an image from loading until the previous image is done loading. That way, the user can begin reading the episode while the rest of the episode loads. And while this did load the first image much quicker, it took an eternity to load the entire episode. My guess is because javascript can load a certain number of images at the same time through separate channels, and bottlenecking it to one image at a time takes much longer.
So is there an ideal number of images that javascript can load at the same time without sacrificing speed? Or do I just have a flawed understanding of the system.
One of the rule I know from optimizing frontend app is the less the better.
You see, the page with text only will load faster than with full of images, and page with 1 image loads faster than page with 10 images.
Assuming we have a reliable connection, good backend. Let's focus on what we can do on frontend.
So first thing first: we want users to see the first image immediately, so we load it immediately, similar to what you did, it's just that we don't touch other images, we only explicitly load the first image. For others, we lazy load them (more on that on point 2)
What I wanted to add more is there're also other resources such as JS/CSS/Fonts... We want our images to load first, so we need to hint to browsers that this is a high priority resource. You can find more about this by searching for "preload" keyword
Next, while users scroll down the page as they're reading/viewing the first image/episode, we will start loading the rest, one by one.
This is what called "lay-loading", with this keyword you can find pretty much any kind of examples. You can take advantages of modern browsers's lazy attribute, or use IntersectionObserver to have more control over when to load
Small note: This is more of a performance question than any framework. So you could find some books about performance, they provide the background such as what is blocking and non-blocking resources, what is TTFB, LCP.
Angular recently updated with NgOptimizedImage, it looks promising, we don't have to do those manual works anymore (at least for the images)

Limitation of Angular and browsers with regards to data loaded

I would like to know what is the maximum data that angular framework can handle. Say, I am displaying a chart using angular and some charting framework like chartjs. I'd like to know up to how many data can the browser display properly, with slowness, or up to when it crashes.
Your question has no simple answer, but I will try to flatten it and give a simple answer, or at least simple things to consider...
Angular (at runtime), like many other frameworks is simply JavaScript,
So let us reduce the question to "Limitation of JavaScript and browsers with regards to data loaded",
JavaScript has no upper limit of memory or storage it can handle,
I've seen JavaScript applications that require more than 15GB of RAM,
and they performed well too.
So assume data size itself is not an issue (unless your application is poorly implemented, leaking memory or just not very efficient, of course).
The main challenge as I see it, is displaying and manipulating the information
without causing unnecessary delay or unresponsiveness.
Displaying the information - let's say you have a list (or a table) containing 1,000,000 possible gifts which you then want to display for the user to select.
Adding the list items to the document one by one is tempting, but will require the browser to repaint after each addition (causing a delay or full unresponsiveness until finished), another way is adding the elements to some DOM element (denoted by N) still being kept in memory, then adding all elements corresponding the list items to the element N (still, just an in memory operation), finally adding N to the document containing the entire list - the will be a much better solution for displaying the large amount of data.
Manipulating the information - displaying is indeed not enough. you would like to move, drag, sort and filter the data being displayed. And as mentioned before, it is a bad idea removing many elements directly from DOM. You should instead remove container from the document's DOM to memory, manipulate the data in it, and then add the container right back to the document. Angular does this kind of magic for you.
(Toggling the 'display:none\block' css attribute of many elements has a similar blocking effect as I recall).
A good practice is implementing an application/page showing only the amount of data that can be processed by a human at a single glance. The rest of it should be considered in the application data-layer, in memory, and should be loaded to display given the appropriate need or request.
To conclude, you can deal with huge amounts of data as long as you provide a mechanism that efficiently filter the displayed information.
I hope it helps...
for further reading:
Slow and fast ways of adding elements to DOM
A question emphasizes the lack of memory limit used by JS
CSS display attribute performance
A good discussion about the reasons for slow DOM
About using HTML5 correctly - old but still true
Once the DOM creation procedure is understood - it much easier to display data without affecting performance / user experience

Caching of HTML Output

I am pretty sure that I know the answer to this already, but I am interested to see if anyone has other ideas. We are working on a website to include a major redesign with mega menus. One of my top things in a redesign is to reduce the page download time as much as is possible. All my images, css and javascript are cached and that's good. However, the part that I am trying to work through is the html coding for the menu, and if there is a way to locally cache that within reason.
As a side note, I like to do things as pure CSS as possible (for SEO), and so that would include outputting the mega menus directly onto the HTML page. But at the same time, I know that if it takes a number of seconds for the page to download the html content at the top, well, then, we are probably going to be running some customers off there too. Maybe the best then would be to have JavaScript output the menus, but then you run into the couple of customers that don't have Javascript enabled.
Right now the pages are about 30K for the menus, and I anticipate that doubling and maybe more when we do the redesign.
Do you have some thoughts for this issue? What would you see as the best way to tackle this?
Thank you!!
Honestly, 30K for an element is nothing in this day and age, with high-speed connections common and browsers effectively caching as necessary. People don't leave because of a second or two. It's when you have Flash movies that preload or crazy auto-starting videos that people get annoyed in a hurry.
I've got a similar application with a menu that's likely double that right now...let me add, it's not by choice, it's something I inherited and have to maintain for the time being. The menu is output simply in an unordered list and then I use Superfish and CSS to do the styling as necessary. There's an initial hit, but after that, caching kicks in and we're good to go. Even as crazy as it is, the load isn't prohibitive. Navigating it, however, is a mess. I'd strongly recommend against confusing the heck out of your user with so many choices, especially on a mega menu that can be a UI hurdle for disabled and older users. When you boil it down, the whole basis behind the "Web 2.0 movement" (I hate that term) is to minimize or cloak complexity.
If you're REALLY concerned about performance, start off with what you're loading. Limit your Javascript by combining files, especially those small Jquery files that tend to stack up. HTTP requests can severely impact a site, especially since they monopolize the loads initially. Similarly, combine small CSS files and optimize the rest via an online tool To reduce image loads, create sprites for your graphics so you're loading one file instead of many. Here's a tut on Sprites and a simple google search will give you dozens of sites that will build the sprite and css automatically. Load anything you can from CDN, such as Jquery, Prototype, etc (hopefully only one framework per site, because two or more is unnecessary)
If you're still out of hand, look at your graphics one more time. Could you take advantage of pure CSS or image repeating via CSS to reduce loads further? Have you optimized all the graphics? Could you tweak the design to take advantage of those tricks?
After all that, if you simply can't change the menu to be more friendly, start investigating options. However, I suspect you'll find better gains in the first couple of steps than you would from taking extreme measures on the menu.
You could either set HTTP caching for a javascript code file that generates the menu, or use ajax to insert a pre-generated HTML menu from another file (again with a long expiry date set on cache).
Both those solutions require javascript through. I can't think of another way to remove the menus from the HTTP traffic apart from an IFRAME (yuck).
30k is massive for plain HTML though - do you REALLY need such a huge navigation structure?

Better to load javascript navigation hierarchy all at once or level by level?

I am working on some custom jQuery/javascript navigation for a site and I am curious about the performance implications of a design decision.
The way it works is for every option there are up to 8 child options, this hierarchy can go 4 levels deep. I believe this makes for 8^4 or 4096 possible navigation items (probably less but this is the max). These relationships are defined on the server side.
Currently I am working with test data, so there are only about 50 navigation items. When the page loads, I create every navigation item and then only display what is needed for the current selection.
Should I consider rewriting this to only load the items that are needed when a selection is made via an AJAX call or something? I am concerned that my current approach may not scale well if it goes up to 4096 navigation items.
If having 4096 navigation items is a real possibility then you'll have to do something like what you're describing. Simply loading the items into the DOM will take considerable time and further processing will cause greater delays and a poor experience.
For a small number of items, it probably isn't worth your while to over-engineer the solution. However, the performance gains on a large number of items would be expected to be significant.
Here is an example of on-demand loading in a Telerik Treeview. I'm not advocating purchasing the controls (great controls but expensive) however it is an excellent example of what is possible. Coding this on your own wouldn't be difficult to do and, as you can see, makes for a great user experience.
My two cents: if you have the time, do it now before things get even more complicated/difficult to do later.
Downloading them all at the same time is definitely an option, though loading them into the DOM is another story. If you really reach the 4096 possibility limit, you can be looking at pushing down 1-2 megabytes a page load (not to much considering image sizes). Unless you are looking at more data (maybe 16 nodes, 8 levels deep 16^8), then it would be a valid concern.
you could always load 2 deep (8^2 = 64), then when they open a panel, load everything for that panel. The second layer they need to click through should give you enough time to load the rest of the values.

I have a couple thousand javascript objects which I need to display and scroll through. What are my options?

I'm working off of designs which show a scrollable box containing a list of a user's "contacts".
Users may have up to 10,000 contacts.
For now assume that all contacts are already in memory, and I'm simply trying to draw them. If you want to comment on the question of how wise it is to load 10k items of data in a browser, please do it here.
There are two techniques I've seen for managing a huge list like this inside a scrollable box.
Just Load Them All
This seems to be how gmail approaches displaying contacts. I currently have 2k contacts in gmail. If I click "all contacts", I get a short delay, then the scrollable box at the right begins to fill with contacts. It looks like they're breaking the task into chunks, probably separating the DOM additions into smaller steps and putting those steps into timeouts in order to not freeze the entire interface while the process completes.
Simple to implement
Uses native UI elements the way they were designed to be used
Google does it, it must be ok
Not totally snappy -- there is some delay involved, even on my development machine running Firefox. There will probably be quite a lot of delay for a user running a slower machine running IE6
I don't know what sort of limits there are in how large I can allow the DOM to grow, but it seems to me there must be some limit to how many nodes I can add to it. How will an older browser on an older machine react if I ask it to hold 10k nodes in the DOM?
Draw As Needed
This seems to be how Yahoo deals with displaying contact lists. The create a scrollable box, put a super-tall, empty placeholder inside it, and draw contacts only when the user scrolls to reveal them.
DOM nodes are drawn only as needed, so there's very little delay while loading, and much less risk of overloading the browser with too many DOM nodes
Trickier to implement, and more opportunity for bugs. For example, if I scroll quickly in the yahoo mail contact manager as soon as the page loads, I'm able to get contacts to load on top of one another. Of course, bugs can be worked out, but obviously this approach will introduce more bugs.
There's still the potential to add a huge number of DOM nodes. If the user scrolls slowly through the entire list, every item will get drawn, and we'll still end up with an enormous DOM
Are there other approaches in common use for displaying a huge list? Any more pros or cons with each approach to add? Any experience/problems/success using either of these approaches?
I would chunk up the DOM-writing into handle-able amounts (say, 25 or 50), then draw the chunks on demand. I wouldn't worry about removing the old DOM elements until the amount drawn gets quite large.
I would divide the contacts into chunks, and keep a sort of view buffer alive that changes which chunks are written to the DOM as the user scrolls through the list. That way the total number of dom elements never rises above a certain threshold. Could be fairly tricky to implement, however.
Using this method you can also dynamically modify the size of chunks and the size of the buffer, depending on the browser's performance (dynamic performance optimization), which could help out quite a bit.
It's definitely non-trivial to implement, however.
The bug you see in Yahoo may be due to absolutely positioned elements: if you keep your CSS simple and avoid absolutely/relatively positioning your contact entries, it shouldn't happen.

